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<br /> +�j,�' ', . ' • is. �.;.� •`.x'C �= ;';,.`�` ' �i
<br /> •���! . .," -.:rYa' ��Tltfi�5l�l�lY►:r�. r n J.v�-a.�NnisM�`�-Y+y.r-.. . ,... . . . . �,r�w.. ._..,. �
<br /> r9 :^.� � �Mry;l�t s N�e►�+•-� y.t W�'M ��'
<br /> , . ' r�*_.tx'.�1�,�[i�•.. . � " _
<br /> �.. �.'1.•�".FF'�YKf:r• . ..1.
<br /> , . . .lv±flE.ifi.
<br /> � ' , '.,�.{, �' .y. ._._. --.n.� '� _
<br /> � _ - - . 90---i�'�40 2 -_._
<br /> � har'' . NONdJNIPO�M COVBNANTS Bt1fM��11A I.e11dlt lY�tixr wYtRallt��!!'"�4 fnlln�rs: -��- "�-�'�""-' :-
<br />-- ,�,����,.`,�" - i�. Aepl�nMai a��tw�i��duill dN �otky ta HorrowK �Nar to �eceler�tlow fdbwiq �eo3� —�
<br /> �� . �,;,a �of ar oo.�e or a�r�t I�tMb S�a�lq��t IMie�oe K1or to a�ci-�laad�uaiu o� _
<br /> .i��'.���',.• . � wlMr��*M���atMrwiNl.7'v 11ot10e tIN114�dq'i (N t1t d�t�Wti Ibl tM�ctlon rMM�to crn tM Y
<br /> �. � �a�e►•ra.�at 1�tlu��0�s Iro�eM d�te�M wMie�1�d�a to eorro�r.rr�►�a�.at.�e.we r.aw� ---
<br /> . i . ;.�`-. "� .:�.=� Mi c�l N�e hll�er to tw�Nw�thMle o�ar M�i�n tY�A�t�t�elR�d I�tM������B�'o a�t�ii��t W
<br /> ___� ' P • � �n�h NM S�neitY I�wwt�stM of tY�P+o�etY. 'M� :L.._ G
<br /> . eN�afbr�a�d the�t�t co 6sia�. eoart�etio�to�ert tM wa�existnct ot�defsule or a�r� ����--__-_ ._______�-
<br /> ! �, dKia�ot DorrowK to�oo�Nrado�wi taM.lttiwfall ot all wc�rel0 tYlt Secn��i�w�t witbort IMrt�er
<br /> • at ib o�tio��ay nqoira iawedbte al�t itted by�pplitab�e law.l�e�ier t�sU M s�dtled W �.r.
<br /> . � d�ur a�i�aq'i��ok�tM��ot�a!qM�d My�*ee�dier P�*� �9. i�cl�Ai�R.bnt �ot IWUd to� "..�`����M,�
<br />-°���� eollect all e�cpNUe� lacaned i� �nrariq tM re�dla Oro�i�tYL p�� --- -
<br /> �?".;; n -W- _...
<br /> rwo�aWe Rttor�f�'faa�ad cab ot dtk alde�ce. - -
<br /> ' l�th�powa ot we u ta�oked.T�ustee sbdl�ee�rd� �ottce ot de�t br����wpt Borrower��wd t�t� "`�..w� „• m'
<br /> ru •- . ..
<br /> ' � prop�tr i�loc�tad u�d�lull auil copia ot socb aodce ia tM maaaer p�ri � � • „�' :.. '
<br /> oc •...J ...'' ;ra:iaeoP���.�. `
<br /> otba�P��P���'��law.Ahe�tY�tiwe rcqulnd bY RpVliable law.Tnute�s�ll�d�e W�sYdl ull tbe .'�,;`�:��,��":".
<br /> � wb to He�eet�ows u�i�tYe�P����Y���w.Trustee.�itbut deaaad on BoROwer. ,
<br /> .' pro�etr�t N►lic arctlo�to t�e�i�Mest�i8iet�t tYe ti�e�P�s�d wder t►e terws desiWted�e�tke Pro*ertX�►yf '• '� .
<br /> � . o.e or wore wcet�a.i�a.y arder Tr.s�e aeur.�a.Tr��e.�.y�av�s�ot dl or�.r�.rc - .-__: -,-----=
<br /> �. , pa�liC mou�cewcwt�t tM ti�asd N�d��rredaulY scM�led sde. Le�der w ilt�desiP�ee�*y P�� �` .Y���:;Y
<br /> P�i�7 u nly iak• � � *...s.�'
<br /> � . ` Upo�reeeil�of P�q�t of tha P+�ce bid.Trrstee�hall deNrer to due P��r Tnatee's�eed eaneyU� tM ��"'----�.��; T
<br /> - • �'�1 propertq.i�e reciW�is tYe Trostee•s d�ed t6s11 be pnau faeie e�idenee of the��hc sde�i�cladi��.bat iat I�iwit�
<br /> „ • W
<br /> � ;..'.���:�`"°.`• Tnstee�IuO s�ply t6e p�cad�ot tke sde in t6e tallowia4 ade���1 to dl e:peata � ��...
<br /> , � �. „ ev,Tnrtee•s tea u pen•ieeed br�PP���I.w sad reasa.bk aaorneys•tee�(bl�o d1 snm secured by�Yts S.e�ui� _�=Y�
<br /> l�ter■ai��d(cl�Y e:eas to t6e persoa or pe�kg�Uy e�tiUed to i� ' �.-_
<br /> ��
<br /> 1' .�_..!Y�•
<br /> �;:,,�,, _.'.....: .. 20.Lender ia Paeressio�. Upon s+cceleratan under pan►graph 19 or abandonment af the Propetty. L.ender(in . -�
<br /> pe�son.by agent or by judicially appointed receive�)shall be rnutled to enter upon,take possession of and mamge the _ ___
<br /> ,
<br /> _ .. ;,;,�,.^ propetty and to collect the rents of the Property including those p�sl due• Any rents collected bY Lender or the receiver
<br /> ;;,;;:', ah�l�be app�;ed fi�st to psymrnt of tlhe costs af managemene af the Property aiid collecnan of rents,mcluding.but not
<br /> • . , .. ,.•..,�.
<br /> , � " '��:;�", `• limitcd ta�+v�'s`�.p�iu�`°`O��ive�'s bonds and rasonable attorneys'fees.aad�hen to the sums socured by ' r l,�'�
<br /> „ : � thisSecurity Instrument. ,. . - ==--
<br /> """��+� . 21.R��ey�.UPo�PaYment oP all sums secured by this Security ln�trument.Lender shdl roquat Trustee w = �h_�
<br /> ��`�?',Y' [� rcconvey the Propercy and shaii surrender this Sha�+sy instrus�ttsss and a!!no�e.ev�denzinR debt sc�cured by this Secwrity �
<br /> ��,. " ''R j i;,i�;;, Instrument to Trusta.Trustee shaU reconvey tbe Proper'ty w�thout warranty and w�thout charge to the person ot persais �• '-�,,r�„
<br /> �;�; i'. :° ° legally enuiu3ed to it.Such person or persons shall pay any reco�danon casts. x,,.-
<br /> .�,,..••.. ���aq�pte T,rdstee.Lender,ac�ts optian,may from time to iime remove Trusta and appoint a succasor trustae � ''' ' �«••�
<br /> '' �� ' ' to any Trusta appoia�3�a�1 hereunder by an instrume�t recordai in the county in which th�s Security[nstrumeM�s recurded. .,
<br /> .�.. . •.�, .;�•.,
<br /> Without conreyana o�the Property.the successor trusta shall succeed to ali the t�tle,power and duues confe�red upon
<br /> • Tru:ta haein and by applicable law. } •�;+'�
<br /> 23,Reqppt tor Notita. Bor�rower requats�hat copies af the notices of'default and sale be sent to Botrower's f,
<br /> f
<br /> add�ess which is the Pcopercy Address. - °
<br /> � �i{,Rlde�s to Wis Seeurity lostruuKpt.lf or�e or more nders are eaecueed b�Borroa•er and reco�ded together with i. ,
<br /> ~ t6is Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each such rider sha�S hr�ncorporgted into and shall amend�nd : ;r .• • (? - ;�
<br /> '• ��`!�,.;' " supplea�eat the covenants and agreements of th�s Secunty Instrumen� s�s �t rne nderls)were a part of this Secunty . ;. ;`; ` _
<br /> Y • '�
<br /> .�,:. '�;;:�.;':. Iastrua�e�ot.(Check applicable boa(esl) � 2-4 Family R�der — � ���'� ,'� • .
<br /> 6
<br /> � t . � '��•�':'?��,� ,• [] Adjustsble Rate Rider [,1 Condominium Rider '
<br /> :�� ..•�,t,� _,__ �
<br /> , ' .. ,
<br /> '•.� !•:tt%" ' � Planned Uon Development Rider '' ,
<br /> :,ti'
<br /> . �Graduated Paymrnt Rider '
<br /> �� ��, . •
<br /> i t�r �
<br /> •- � ��'r ' ;� Other(s) [specify� Acknowledgment
<br /> , ��, .,�„ , •..
<br /> , �'��;,fa,�� BY SIdNINd B��ow, Borrower accepts and agrees to the �erms and covenaats contained in this Sexue+ty ; : ';;, }:
<br /> � . ° IosWment and in any rideKs)exceuted by Borrow�r and recorded with u. E. , . .:
<br /> .!r.''.i< . ^ ... .........,�:1.7�'f.??'?��:!F..�..r.••................ .r,SesU } • _..
<br /> , .
<br /> ,
<br /> ' . ,,�+�;�,�5: .............................................................. .. .... ...... ....... 'cir�inia R Smyd a --ao.�aw. , ,;� ,
<br /> . .
<br /> , , .
<br /> ' ' � i'; �� -s- ............ .��
<br /> ,.
<br /> . ,., ,��
<br /> • � �:• ......... .... . ........................
<br /> , � . .,, ... ........ ..... . .. ..........
<br /> .
<br /> ,�. ,,, ............. .....
<br /> �`�, ,i}`, .i � .................................................... Richard A Hanks
<br /> +��' ' "�t'' ` STATE OF NEBRASKA. H811 C�ullnly �5: ' '
<br /> i . �,'ti'..•mr• ,. _
<br /> � ���''�•�SV �ay of December .�y 90 • �torr me, �he underS�gne.i. .�: ti�tan� �'ubli�
<br /> :��,. . , On this 21 st
<br /> "• •`;�•••� duly commissioned and qu�hfied for.a�J.uunt�•,perwnall>��arnr '�i rginia R 5mydra ar_
<br /> ' ''�'•`�� �� Richard a Hanks, singler persons ,to mt knownto bethe
<br /> . .,'.`•�:��" � identical personl+l whose namel,l are �ub�cnbeJ to the toreg�•mg inctrument and acknowledged the rt�z�+e��n
<br /> r . _., .- � . _.::--- :_ rl�ereof to be thPi r ����luntar� a.i and Jeed.
<br /> . ... . . �--_.., .......... �..
<br /> Witness my hand and nutanul,ca!ai Grand Island, Nebraska "''°'°'"". , ..
<br /> d�te aforesaid. � .
<br /> : �',
<br /> i , 1 / �1'
<br /> � VIy Com �.Z �'9 9 2 / �/ �//j��,�„�,r. G .� �;��+��
<br /> � • ��� ,_.. \.l�- :.. .. .- •�, r. f��.r�, ...... .
<br /> . ����LEIUN aaf
<br /> Iyp�,,,�� �Z���ul'EST C��R REC'UV�EI a�c'E•
<br /> �o Ta�sree.
<br /> • The undersigned it the hoWer ��I�he natr or n��r�� •c�arrd h> �hi+ l)red ��t Tru,i. tiei.l note��r n�xe,, n�gether
<br /> withallother mdebtednes+secured b��h�.Ucrd ut Tru��, ha.n c�rn���d in�u��•1��`u arr hrreh�directed n��sn.:el�aid
<br /> note or notes and this Detd ut TruyL wh�ih sre delncred h�rrh�,end t��rr.rmr�. ���thrut ��•+r►am�, all th�estvte
<br /> now held by wu under th„ Deed ul Tru,� t�� thr{�rr.rn��r rr�•.�m Ir�all� rn�itlr.l thcrrt��
<br /> �
<br /> � � Date:
<br /> 1 �
<br />