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:rrr., �;��.., . i jr..•_, •.�r . � • ����..',:4�. �:P.Ciritt. . �:,_,I�. �Yi.:! ` .. ��tt.t��.�,. . ��:. :.r:��7���t���f��l <br /> .•i;.i:,il , ,. � ��. ..; ' � A .,F ,•-.r � ',ti'..r �!.,��+�-i%'Sii�'�'- ��'}�l�ti`. ' .': ,r;rt'tu,t+��.' !r..i. 1,�'�rY�:;.;��� 6 I <br /> 1l ,�fr . , �...,�:._�fF ryri� �� .fo��ttX ''V �t.: 1,��Q.:_, {7 • ,,I.,( `' �i.9 <br /> �� •l��N' 1 .f� I iV�'� �l='T�'-'�!►��J,.. rf,., 'y}��,J,�1.f' _��Y'.�WW�.7�� <br /> ' ��': - ,a�'� 'it�{b'.r � �': 4� .• .. ._.�.� . ,,a�IMiJ1iO4�'.l..�yr r..� <br /> � ..t,7�F• IMi.RP� r�O�$��,�'':'-�(�` .. .� _ <br /> �� . ,. _ <br /> • i ... , - W� . <br /> . .�..... -. w ... • . -��;:. <br /> � �. . ' <br /> �•r <br /> � _.,_...:• <br /> .......� ....._ , ...v" - -- - - � <br /> , _ -•- <br /> ...��..._...... _ -- - <br /> 5�.' . .. . ;i.` ''"",1�,�.. <br /> -.���i��.. '• - <br /> . - ��°--� AIDJLJ�TABL� RATE ItIDER • .� --, :'��"�� <br /> _:� ., ��Y�T�..���.�.�.G�� 90�07402 N°``�;*.�;:�: <br /> �{ ' . .---_��- <br /> . �. �. .� �� - <br /> . �:: �, Z�9t oe�ember ,�o� . �-:c��;. . � �.�..� %�� <br /> THIS AQIU9TA84@ RATB RIDBN i�m�de thit _.d�y of ....,�,.'��,i r <br /> � Rad b inoorparated into and th�U be doert�ed Io�mend and�upplement the Mon�a. Dood of Truc�, or 5ecuH�y Deed (�ho"Secudty �, " ' ., ' ., . <br /> laspument")ot the s�me date�iven by�he unda�i�ned(the•'Borrower`•)�o ucure Borrowcr's AdJucable R�te Nate I�he'•Nae")�0 10 � - ' <br /> �..�.. e.u�unn a�niu Aggp�lAT10N OF ONANO ISLAND.N60RASKA ltbe"I.endeY•)af Ihe s�me d�le�nd covetllls�he 4��,.P,._ -_--- •�.. . •. r <br /> - -s,�-.•.....,.,.... -- <br /> ' propercy dacribed in the 9au�iiy Imuumeni�nd lac,�ud ar. : ;+..•;�Yt�Ni'•.H <br /> � �.�':�`�.�!'"�.���- <br /> � � 312 E 16th Grand Island Nebraska 698Q1 <br /> '�z :.�n��� <br /> ^ .:v4a <br /> (PropenyAddreul ' 'T:;�`"'lh�.,"� .�� <br /> �:.ti:�;���?.t'„" <br /> _ • 711t �ote rnrul� pro�Bfo�u �qowi� ta cbn��a I� �y I�teewl nk t�M wY �w1Yly . <br /> . � . Myue�u.TMb�ote dw IIafU lMt�norrt iqy Uleral nle cM c1�e tl oY er Yurr W I - <br /> dw IM�W�M��d IM wxlww�na 1 wm1 pa7• <br /> ' , , S ADDI710NA1.COYENAM'S-in addiUon a the rnveaanu aad a�eementa made ia the Security insuuaKmt.Bortowa aud Leader ' . <br /> iLttAet c�areoaut and+�ta ns i'oliuws: , <br /> A„ lN7FRE3T pAT6 AND MONTHI.Y PAYMENT CHAhGFS <br /> 9.0 �.Section 4 of the lYote prov;da for ciw�a in the interat raae u�d the � �"''' � <br /> The Noce provides for an inidal intersst t�te oi E _�+�';tr'�.' <br /> �Y WY�ts,ufolWan: ! {:'�'r <br /> � . • <br /> 1, /NT�SREST RATE ANU MONTHL i'I°At'�ilf1YT CHANGES <br /> . (A) CY�eD�ta <br /> � The Intercsl rYle 1 will pny may chanQe on Ihr lira:day of 78nuaTY . 19 �`= ,and on tP�at dag t��er}r j '",,;. . <br /> .'. _ :��.``;.. . <br /> , � tW01V e months thertafur.Each date on wMcb my intercst rate could change is called A^Chanye Date." t^-::;�,� <br /> • 11t1 7'Ye Iw�ex 4 � : <br /> Be�inniaR w�ith the first Clwnae interat rate will be baud on an Index.The"Index"is the weekly average yicld on Unitcd States , <br /> � Trawry iecuritiea adyusted to a constant matutfty of 1 yeu.As made av�ilable by aP�e Fedastl Reurve Board.The most recent Inda fi4ure <br /> available ac of the due 43 days befors ach Chan�e[hte is callcd the"Current Indea." <br /> �` . If�he Indeu b no lon�u availabk,the Note Holder will choox a new index which is baxd upon comparable in(ormadon. The Note � <br /> Holder wUl Qive me nosice ot this choice. ' <br /> • , . --�� - --�r (� C�����'�� hron anrl nna half nta e - - <br /> ' Before uch Cliante Date,the Nde Holder.r:i:alculate my new interat rate b!.xdding P� B <br /> • poinu( -�-�+ �)lo the Cunmt Index and rounding to the nearest 1/8th ol 1�1i,subject to thc limits stated in Section I(D)below. <br /> 'It�is rounded unount will be my ntw interest rate umil the next Change Da�c. ` <br /> � � The Nae Hdde�will�hen dztcrminc the amount of the monthly paymcnt thet would tx yuf ficient to repay in full the principal 1 am <br /> expected w owe on that Change Date in substantially equ�l paymenu by the maturity date at rr�y new lnteres�rate.7'he rcsult of this caMulodon ' �_ <br /> � <br /> , . wiN pe the neW amount of my monthlY payment. , <br /> �, lQl IJmlts a I�kral R�te C6arRa <br /> TtK intttest rate l wn rcquired to pay at the first Chnnge Date wilf noi be greater than Eleven � or kss Ihan <br /> Sa��an �y,Thereaftet,my interat nte will never be increasecl or de�vras¢d on Cfiange Date by morc than ` � <br /> ' �ar�pn+__from the rate oi interest 1 have been paying for�he prceeding twcl•r•:months.The minimum interest ro�e on this lown will never be <br /> ��h� Se� n n�and�he maximum interest rate will ncvet bc greater tfian �W��*Pp^ %• , . <br /> (F') ElkcUveDeteolC6ROtes � <br /> My new interest rate wfll become effective on each l'hanqe Da�e.l will pay the amount of my new monthly paymmt beQiam�g on�he fi�e� ',: <br /> , ' monthly payment date after the Chacege Datc untfl the amount oP my mon�hly payment chan4a again. <br /> , (F) NollceotChmQa <br /> The Note F9�Ider will mait or dtlivcr to me a notice bef'orc caeh Change Data The notitt will odv�se me of: `�;'�` <br /> �'•�� p) t�x aew interaa rate on my loan as of the Change Date: ��'" <br /> '.�,',:?; ' (fi) �he amount oi m!•monthly payment following the Change Dme; ; ��' <br /> � (lii) any additional mrtten which the Note Holder is requfred to disclose;nnd � • <br /> . l`.• ; (Iv1 the address of the nssocivtion yau could contact regerdin�any questions about the adjustment notice. ' ' . • <br /> i <br /> • B. CHAHCE�i:i.IENS • <br /> Unitorm Covenant4 oF the Security Instrumen[is amended to read as followc: <br /> 1.Cb�r�est Lkm.Borrower shall pay all taxes,susessments,and oiher chorges,fines,and impe.+n;�r_c attribu�ablc to tht Property xhich may <br /> ' attafn a priorlty o�•cr thfs Security Instrument,and leasehold payments ot ground reotc,if uny,in�he manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br /> ' or,if not paid m yu.h manner,by Borrowcr maK:r.g FaYment,w hen due,dirath�c+!�e payee thereof.Borrower e;�<il�rrompt ly furnish Ltnder <br /> • �, all notices of acr•o.r.::due under this parag�apr,a�3 in Ihe event Borrower shafi cr.ake pay�nent direclly,Borruw¢:s:ull promptly furnish to <br /> 1 Lender receiptw e���crscinQ sach ;�yments. Bonow�er shall prompUy dischurge any lien which has priodty ahfs Securlty Instrument; <br /> �,� <br /> �. ' ' hrwever, Barrower��n31i r.o1 tc rec,uired to discharge uny suc!.litn w long as F3orrower. (al shall agree m writlng to the pawmmt of the <br /> ' ° " c+b",�gaaion securmd C� +::ch lua r.::�e manner acceplable�o Ler.::r•: ?�1�hall in goucl faith comes�wch lien by,or defend agua�.y!e;zsorcement of <br /> • ' such lien in,kg�i o'RCeadings which in�he upinion sf Lender npe-aa�o pre�enl thr enlorcement of�he lien or forfeilute of the Pro�xny or aoy • <br /> .� put thereof;or •�: sha1l secure(rom Ihe holdrr r- :�:h lien an ugrcement in n rorm�alisfac�ory to Lender�ut'Rc�*�inating such lirn to this <br /> Security Instrurrtcr.:. <br /> � If Lender dtlermines tha!'a�i rr any parl o(the Propett� �.,ubjRt to a lien wh�ch ma}�anam a pnon:� ��er m�s xeuri�y insirumcm. <br /> Lende�shall give Borrown a c�;c..�::;tentifymR w�h lien. Borrower.hall.autii>�uch licn ur ��:.:nr.e or mott of the acuons�rt forth above <br /> wi�hin un d�ys otthe g�nngot the notice. <br /> G tiOTICE <br /> i Umform Co�enant 1�of[he Security Instrument i�amended lu read��tnllua�.• <br /> ' �I, �{�ioe,E�ecept for any nd�ce reqwred und¢t applinble la�tu Ne gecert sn aa�7her m�na�r.�a�anv wnce ro 8orrowa pro.alal fot m th�ti <br /> Sccunry lasrrummt shall be�ven by deln•ering it or by ma�ling r.hy(�rti�da+ti Rcu�ra Burrower a�the Propert�ad.tretis or at iuch uther addre+. <br /> �s gone„►er may des�yiaee by aou�Y�o Lender ati pro�ided herem,and Ib�aa}nercce to Lender tihall br¢��rn by tvst�lati�mad to L ender'� <br /> address stated Aane dr to wch other address ac Lender may desiRnale by nouce to&+rrouer a�pre�ided herem.Any noua pro���JeJ(or in t hiti <br /> Security Inuruan�ait sha{f�e damed to ha�e bcen gnen�o Borcowrr or lender w hen gi�en m�he manner Jeti�gnated herero. <br /> {' <br /> ' _ <br />