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<br /> : If Lender required mortgaae insurance as a condition of making the Iwn�ecured by this Security Instrument, ; '
<br /> BorroMe�sh�ll p�y the premiums taqui�d to maint�in the in�urance in e9fect until such tima u the requirement Por the �
<br /> in�u�ce termin�ta la sxo�na with Barrorver's u�d Lender'�wmittm�{�eement or�pplicable law. ': , ,, .
<br /> S. 1a�patfon. Lmder or its asent m�y m�ke rea�on�ble emnes upan and inspecuons of the Propeny.Lender �
<br /> �h�11{ive Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying ra�on�ble cawie fot tbe intpcctian.
<br /> 9, Go�dp�Wloa, The procads oP any awud or claim for d�mages,direct or consequentid,in connxtian with
<br /> �ny condann�tion a dher ukin�of any put of�he Property,or for convey�nce m lieu of condemn�tion,s�re heteby �•
<br /> i
<br /> _.. acii�ned and shdl be paid to Lrnder. .
<br /> In the eveat d a taal takiat of the Property,the procads shdl be applied to 1he sums secu�ed by this Security
<br /> Irtttrument,whetber or not�hrn due,with any excas psid to Horrower. !n the evrnt oi'#puti�l taking of the Property,
<br /> unless gorrowe�and I.¢nder ahem�e a�a in writing.the sums secured by th�s SecuritX loserunieent sludl be reduced by
<br /> the amount of the pmcaeds multipiied by the i'ollowing fi�action:(a)the taal aowum oi'the sums sxwed immodi�tely
<br /> bd'on the Wang,diYid�d by @)t4e!�r market value of the Property immed�ately beforc the ukia�-AmY b�a4nce sh�ll be ,
<br /> ., pid w Borrowu. ,
<br /> [P the propehy is abandoned by Horroaer.or if.after aotice by Lender�o Borro•xer�Mt the caodemaor oA'ers to
<br /> ' mt{cean awud or seitle a claim for d�mages.Horrower Pails to respond to l.ender within 30 days aiter thedau the�wtice u �
<br /> ' pven,I.ender is autho�-ized tocotlxt md apply the proceeds,at its op�ion.n�her to restoration or�ep��r of the Property or ,,�., �
<br /> �othesunusecurcdlnJnhisSec+u'i�Yinstrummt,whetherorootthendua . ,
<br /> Unless Lrnder:�tnd BoROwer dherwise agra in writing,any applicatian of proceeds to principaU sha�10 nc+�t e�tend or , .�' - .
<br /> poe�pone the due date of the mor�R�1y payments ref'ened to in pangraphs 1 and 2 or change the amouna of such payeenemts. �
<br /> !O. Horrower Not Re1�a�r.rd;Forbe�rance By Leader Not � H+�ioe�. Exteaseon oi the�i�e for pw}��emu or . �
<br /> � modi&cadon of amort5zatian of t'hz wau securod by this Security Instrument gn+nted by Lender t�o an}�succes.sor in .
<br /> intenst of Borrowes staall not op�emte to rdaise the liability of the original Borrower or Barr�wer's surcesson in interesl. •,,.
<br /> Lender shdl not be�equired to commence procadings against any surcrssar in interat ur refuse ta�xatend time for . ;,,•�_,�
<br /> • � payment or otbertivise rnodify Ara+ortir�tion of the sums socured by this Secunty Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> ' ' by the origind Borrower or Borrawer'e successots in interest.Any forbearance by Lender m exercising any right or reme�y
<br /> thal!not be a waiver of or preclude tlu eaerci�e of any rigbt or remed y. •
<br /> . il. Succes�ors�ad Md�s Bou�d+Joint�nd Se�eral ILbiUty;Casi�ers. The covenan�s and agreemmts oi • •
<br /> • this Security Inst�ument:hall bind and beneflt the successors and essigras M�.ender and Borrower.subjec�to the provisions . ,
<br /> 1 ����raph 17.�lonoaer's covenanu and sgraments shall be joint md se��aral•AnY Borrower wha co-signs this Security
<br /> � � � Instruaraent but daes not cxaute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grani uod�b^r��ey ,• ,
<br /> i
<br /> � � that Bflaroaer's intercst in the Propeny under the terms of this Secunty instrument;(t+l is not personally obligatecD no�ay
<br /> �• i the sums securai by this Secun ty�I nstrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,
<br /> . . modify. fotbear Q�enake nny occommodations with regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrumen�or the Note witbout
<br /> that Borrower's ronsent. .
<br /> . 12, Lo�n C�es. If the la�n secured by this Secunty Instrument is subject ta a law which se�s maximum loan •�
<br /> �n � .
<br /> . . . charges. �nd that law is finally interpreted so that the �nterest or other loan charges coUected or to be collected in •
<br /> connection with the loan cxceed the pertmtted limits, then: la)any such laan charge shull he reduced by the pm�nunt
<br /> necasary to reduce the charge to the permittod limit;and(b)any sums already collceted from Borrower which en:eraed
<br /> `r peemittod limits will be refunded to Borrower. I.ender may chaose tc.make this refund by reducing the principal owed
<br /> � �' under the Note o�by m�lcinga direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reducuon will be trw�ed as a
<br /> partW prepayment without any prep�yment charge under the Note.
<br /> �• �3. I.e�l�doa Aftectlna i.ender's Rigbtr. If rnactmeni or e�p�r3t�on of applicoble laws h�s tfie rf�ec� oP
<br /> ` ;��. , I ren&�ing any provision of the No�e or this Secunty Instrumenz unenforceable acwrding t,��ts terms,Lender,at itw��Tt�on,
<br /> + 1 may require immedia�e payment in full of all sums secured by thia 5e�:unty Instrument and may invoke any remed�es
<br /> permitsed by paragtaQh 19.If Ltmdet eaerc�ses 1'his option,Lender shall take the steps xT+rc�fied m th�second paragraph of �'�
<br /> � paQ�graph 17. �
<br /> 14. NoNees. Any natice t oBorrower provided for in this Secunty Instrument�hall lx given by delivering it or by
<br /> ;' ��' mailing it by Brst class mail unlrss opplicable law reqwres use oF another method. Tfie nouce shal!be directed to the
<br /> �'• Proaerty Address or any other aJdress Borrower designates by notice�o Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be grven by
<br /> '�+�`�%��' , 8rst class mail to I.aider's address suted herein or any other address Lender des�gnates by notice to 8orrower.Any not�ce
<br /> �, � �, .
<br /> ' ;;;., provided�for in th�s Security Mstrurnent shall be deemed ro have been grv en to Borrower or Lender w•hen givrn as prov�d
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> ��•• 1S. Csg�terniag l.aw;Se�era6flity. This Security]nstrument shall t►e Roverned by Pederal law and the I�w of the
<br /> �� 1 �urisd�ction in whieh the Proper�y is located.In the e��nt�hat any prov�sion or clauyr af�his Secuncy Instrumeoa".c�r the
<br /> N�te confliets with applieabk law, such conflict shal➢ nat ailltet other pro�•i+wns of�his Secunry Instrumenl or t�:e ti•ote
<br /> � which can be g+ysn ef3'ect without t he conflictmg provis�on.To this end t he prov�sion+of th�c Secunty lnstrument aa�l the
<br /> �, Note are declarrc7 te be severable.
<br /> ]6. Borrowec':Copy. Bonower shell be grven one conformed capy of the Note and of this Securny Instiu�rsent.
<br /> 17. Tnnshr ot the Pr�apea�ty or a Bene8ciol Interest in Borrowe�. If all or any part of the Prope�ty nr any
<br /> ; interest in it is sold or transferrec:4 or if a benefic�al mtere�i rr.Bormw�er i�+old c�r tr.�r,��r-�d and Borrower�s not s�na tur�l
<br /> person)without Lender's pnor arinen consent, Lender ma},at u�nptinn.reqwre�r.ie�:dinte payment�n full of aaJ cums
<br /> seeurecf by this Secur�ty Ins�rument. How•ever, this opuon shall no� tr eaercised h� Lender if eaerciu�s prohibited by
<br /> iedenl I�w as of��he�iate of th�s 5ecunty Instrument.
<br /> ' If Lender tnersises+.h�4�epa�on. Lender shall gne Borrow•er n�t�.r cf a:celeranon.The not�ce shall pro��de a penod
<br /> o�net�,ess than 30 days frorr+efie:fate the not�ce�s del��tr��'or maded wu hm w•h�ch 8orrower must pay all cums setared by
<br /> � thusSESUrity Instrument.lf Boc:ower fails to pay thesr su.^-5;nor to the expirat�ore of th�s F►en�d,Lender may ar�W�oke any ,
<br /> '�'_'_'��.... ..L......u...�...,,.,�.�...r�I.mand nn Hnrrnwer.
<br /> � remco�espermiiied'oy inia�ui��j.����.��.......�.....,_.•..••••-..._.__.
<br /> i 18.Borrower's Rig6t ta Reiastate. If Borrov►•er meets cerlan�ond�UUn�, Borrow•er sh��t hs�de the nght to have
<br /> I rnioreemmt of nU��s Security IRStrumem dis�cr.nz�nued at any hme�nc�r rv the earher oC(a1 S d��t rcr such ather penod as
<br /> ' appl�cable law rtoa}•spxcif�fer Teinslatementl before salr of the Property pur�uant to nny Fxiwer af sale cont�med m this
<br /> � Secunty Instrumen4 ar(R�tent+n of a�udgment enforcmg th�s Secunty In�irument Th�ne condmons are�hae &►rrower.
<br /> la)pays Lender a!I su:as ahorh then would be dae ucKter this Sctiuntq Instrument and the 'Vote h�d no accekt�twn
<br /> � occuned:FbY cuoes any def�u6t of any aher coornacsts or agreements.Ic 1 pays all expense�incurred�n enfor�mg ehn
<br /> Secunty Ins[earroen4 mcluding,bui na leeee�ted to.reuonable attomeys'fees, and Id) takes wch acuon as LenGec 'RaY
<br /> reasonably reqwre to assure tlr�t t�e fae�e of t�rss Secunty Insirument. Lender's nghts m the Propeny and Borrowa's
<br /> obLgation to pay the suras secerad tsy rR►s 5auncy lnstroment shall conanue unchanged l'pon remuatemenc 6y
<br /> Borrower.this Secunty Instnimen r uud eBe c�bl�gauons secured he�eby shall rema�n fully eRecuve as if no accelrr�a,.u�had
<br /> axumed.However,t his nght to rnnunre shall not apply m the case of accelerauun under paragraphs 13 or 17
<br /> � �
<br /> � � 1
<br />