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<br /> UNIPOItM Covet�t�ntis. Borro�rer�nd Lender covenant�nd ajroe w folbws: when due � � •
<br /> �. py��°�prf�d�l a�l�tuwa p�����V�����en�d luecha Qepsdue ande tIK Nate. � �
<br /> the prioeipd oi�nd interat an the debt esvidenad b the Nae and�nY P�WYm.
<br /> 2. }l�sb ta'I�tM nd I�+pua�a. SubJoct to�pplicable law or to a wntlen waiver b�l.eeder.Borrawe�shdl psY
<br /> to I.snder on the d�y manthly p�yment��ro due under the Note.untd the Note is paid in full,�cum("Funds")equd �o
<br /> one-tMeUlh of: (a}yarly taua and a�asmenta which may att�in pnonty ove�thi:Secunly Instrumeot:(b1 Yea��Y
<br /> kaehold paymenu or�ound rents on the Praperty. if Rny; (c) yearly hwrd insunnce promwms; and(d) yarly
<br /> mortp�e ituuana ptanium�,i�any.Thae items ua callod"escrow�uems."I.ende�m�y aumste the Funds due on the
<br /> ' 6a:i�of current data�nd rauomble atim�ta of iLturc escrow items.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in�n i�titutio�the deposiu or�ccount:of which�a insured or gwrnnteed by+�federal or
<br /> �tate aQa�cy(includin�Le�der if Lender is sucA a�n insiitution). Lender shdl�pply ihe Fundi ta p�y Ihe escraw items•
<br /> I.ender rtuiy nat eh�r�a for holdin{amid apQlyine tlk Funds.an�lyxmQ the account or vehfying the esc�ow i�ems.oo��ss
<br /> � �,enda pays Borrower intemt on the Funds and�pplicabk 1�r pe*mits I-inder to make such a charge. Hoaower and
<br /> E11
<br /> l,ender msy��e�e in�titing tuat interat shall be paid ot�the F'unds. Unk�ss an Agrament is m�de or applicable aw
<br /> requira iaunpt to be p�id,Lenda shaU not be roquirod to pay Horcower any interat or arnings on the Fundc. I.er+der ,
<br /> �hal1 pye to Horr+oMer.�►fithout chuQe.�n�nnual+�ccounting aP the Funds showin�credits and debita to the Funds and t6e
<br /> � pnrpoie fdr wbich ach debit to the Funds wu made.The Funds are pled�ed�s�dditional security for the sums sccurcd by ,
<br /> I this Secwuy laitrument. mea�s of Funds paY�ble prior to '
<br /> (f tl►e�unouat of the Funds held by Ixnder.to�ether with the future monthly pay
<br /> the due dates of the acrow items,shsll escad the amount required to pay the escrow items when due.the eacas slull be,
<br /> �t porroMa�s aption,eit6�er promptly repaid to BorrcAqver or credited to Horrower on monthly psymems os Fuods.If the
<br /> � an�ount ai tbe Fwids hel�i�y Lasder u not su�cimt tc+pay the escrow items when due,Bonower sFull pay to l.ender any ,
<br /> � � unount neas�ry to makt up tbe deflcirncy in one or more paymmas ss roquired by L�ender. �
<br /> j Lt�mru�A!rmaet in f�all of sll sums securad by thas 52cwriQy]�s3n►ment,Lender shall prvuaeptly refund to Borcower
<br /> ' � � any Fund��hxld by n.erdde�,lf unda p�rs�aph 19 tE�e�soperty is sold or uquired by I.ender,E.�rnder shall�pply.no later
<br /> ' thsa itnmed�stely prie�r�ta ths We of the Property ot i�ts acquisition by Lrnder,�ny Funds hcld by�l.en�er at the time of' �
<br /> ' ,� ' . � appllcation�s a credit s�ai�ut the�ums�ecured by this Security ln9trument. ' �
<br /> 3. Appikatlo�ot Pq�enb. Unless applicable I�w pmvlda otherwise,all paymmts received by Lender under , ,
<br /> • �.I� i pan�rspla 1�nd 2 sh�ll be�pplied:8nt�to ute chorga due under the Note;second,to prepayment chsr�es due under the
<br /> •'•• 1 Not�third�to unounu psyabb under paragraph 2;Pourth,to intercst due;and I�st.to principal due.
<br /> '`•'',`, 4. GLrp�i IJaa. Borrower shaU pay aii uxa.assasmeni.,ch�uges�liacs attd ssstposit'sons ntt�il+nmbk to the �
<br /> , ! property which tn�y stuun ptiority,over this Secu�a�ty lnstrummt,and lease'hold paymen2s ur ground rents. if any.
<br /> Hortp�ver�baU pay these v'blig�tions in the mannes prc��ided in paragraph 2,or i�not paid in that manner.�Flenower s6�11
<br /> •• ` •,+• p�y them on time direcily to the person owed payment.�orrower shall promp�3�?urnish to Lender all notices of amounts
<br /> : . to be p�id u�sler this pwasrapb. If Bonower make9 thae paymx�ts dircetly.Borrower s6a11 promptly furnish to Lende�
<br /> : ,' .`�� rocsipts evidencina ehe paYmente.
<br /> '" � � HorroMer shall prom�ptly discturge tny lien which hzs priority over this Security Instrument unless Borcoaer: (�)
<br /> � ��a in Mridna W the pwyment of the oblig�tion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good
<br /> P�ith the lien by.or dePrnds wg�inu enforament of Ihe lim m,lagal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to
<br /> prevent the enioreement of the lirn or forfeiture of any pxrt af the Propeny;or(c)secures from�the holder of the lien an .
<br /> '. Rgroemp�t�atisfutory to Lender aut>ordinating the lirn to th�a Security Instrument.lf Lender ci�e�ermina thet any part of
<br /> th�prnperty u wbject to� lien which may attain priority over this Secunty Instrument. �.endor may give Borrower a
<br /> notke identifyiag the lim.Bortower shdl s�tisfy t}►e lien ar take oae or more of the s�ctions srt forth above within 10 days ,
<br /> u}'the Qivin�of notice. '
<br /> S� H�sard Ip�tu�oee, Horrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting or hereaRer erected on the Propeny ,
<br />-� �` � ittturad ag�inat lws by flre,haurds included within the term"eatrndad coverage"and any other hazards far which Lender
<br /> � , .;` ��' requira insurance. This inaurance slull be m�intained in the amounts and for the periods that l.ender requires. The
<br /> . insurance curier providin� the insur�nce shall be chosen by Borroaer subject to Lender's approval which shall not be ,
<br /> '.�'.• unrpwnably withheicl.
<br /> All i�uur�nce policies�nd renewals shaU be acceptable to L.ender and shall include a stands►rd mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requira,Borrower shall prompdy give to L.ender
<br /> dl roeeipts of psid premiums�nd renewal notias.In the event af loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the inw�ance
<br /> •; � carrier and La�der.L�ender rmy maks proof of loss iPnot mnde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> �, � Unleas Lender�nd Bomower otherwise Agra in writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied to rcstotation or rep�ir
<br /> ;� of t6e Property dun�ge8,if the ratontion or re}�a+r is xonomicAlly feasible and Lender's security is reo�iessened. If the
<br /> „' rawration or repair is not economically Pasibk or Lender's security would be iessened,the insurance procoeds shall be
<br /> . • spplied to the sums secured by this Security Ins:trument,whether or not then dae.with any excas paid to Borrower.If _
<br /> " Horrowar abandons the Property,or doa not a�swer within 30 days a noticr from Lender thac the insurance camer has
<br /> ' '` oA'ered to�ettle�etam,thrn Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repa�r or rcstore
<br /> ,;�r�� the Property or to psy sums secured by this Secunay instrument,whether nr no�then due.The 30�day period wi��be8�n
<br /> ,;;.s, ahrn the notice is given.
<br /> �• Unlas Lender�nd Borrower othsrwis'agree in wnting,any applicauon o�l prceeeds 10 Principal shal�not extend o�
<br /> postpone the due date of the momhly payments referred to in parographs 1 and 2 or char�ge�he amount o!tha payments.lf
<br /> under psragr�ph 19 the Pra�peny is acqui�rd by Lmder,Borrower's nght to any insurance}�olicirs and proceeds resulting
<br /> � from dam�Qe to the Property pr�ot•t�!he atqy�s��ian shall pass to Lender to the extent of th�e su ms secured by this Secunty
<br /> ' Instrument immedi�te9y�:�ar ta the acqu+eition.
<br /> �11. 6, pre�en�tloo aid Malaten�nce of g'roper�y:Leasehold�• Borrower shall not datroy,damage or subsuntiilly
<br /> .1 _�____.�_ -� .tl..e. �b p.....�NV�n.��.n.,rA�.nr commit waste. lf this Secunty Instrument IS Ofl 1 �qSt�lO�d�
<br /> .. c�w�sa urc �.v�w...�........ . _...r-•'+ •' --•-- -�-�- -
<br /> Bortmver th�ll wmply with the pravis�ons of the lease,and if Borrower acquira fa title to the Property,the leasel��u�
<br /> fa titYe aHall not merge unless Lendxc agrea to the merger m v�ting.
<br /> 7. ProtecNoo of I.eader'� YQi�hb i�ti�t Property; :�fortg�ge lnfurana. If Borrower fads to perfoneG i•`x
<br /> caraiants�nd agrcemmts cwitained m tha Secuuroey[nstrument,or there�s a legal proceedmg that may s�gn�flcae��Y a6ec�
<br /> l.endler's rights in the Pmperty(such u a�oceed�ag in bankruptcy. probate, for coademnat�on or tes eniorce laws or
<br /> ! re�ac[auons),thrn Lender may doa►tid psY for whatever is necessary to protect the value oFthe Prapeny and l.rnder's nghts
<br /> Iin tive Property Le�der's acnoas�swy include paying any sums secured by a lien wh�ch hu pnorcry over thcs Secunty
<br /> i Instrument,�ppair�ng in caurt.pay�ng rasonable attnrneys'kes and entenng on the Propeny co make rep�rs. Although
<br /> I I,ender may take ution under this par+graph 7,Lender doa not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbu�sed by Lender under this par�graph 7 shall become add�nonal deb�of Borroaer secund by this
<br /> ' Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agra to other terms oi payment,these amounts shell bear interest from
<br /> � i the d�te of disbursement at tl�e Nate rate and sh�ll be payable, w�th mterest, upon nouce from Lender to Borrower
<br /> � � requestin�paymrnt.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />