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<br /> S. H:�.t�rd or Pro�tty Insurtince. Barroa�er shall keep the impro�•ements now existing or hereatter erected on the
<br /> property iasured�gains�loss by fire.hazards isclude��vithin the term "extended ooverage" and any other t:azards. including �
<br /> floods or flooding.for�vhich l.ender cequires insurance.This ir�sw�ance shall be msintained in thz am�unu and for the periods �
<br /> that Lender requires.'Phe insur�cc rsrrier providin�ttr�inswance shall be chosen by�orrower subjext to Lender s approvzi
<br /> Evhich shali ttnt be us�reasonably withhald. lF B+xruwer fails to tnai*�tain rnver.►ge describ�d above, Lender may. at I.etvder's �
<br /> option.obtain rnverage to pmtect Lendei s rig�►ts in the Propercy in accordance with para�sttph 7• �
<br /> All insurance policies nnd renewals shs11 be acceptabie to Lender and shall irtclude a standard mortgage clause. Leader
<br /> sh�ll have the right ta hol�the policies und re�tivals.If LeA�er requices.Botrower shall QrompBy give to Lender sill receipts of
<br /> paid pr�mi�ms and renewa! notic�es.In tha event of loss.Horro�•rer shall give prompt norice to the insuttutce carrier arid Ixnder. iP
<br /> Lender may make pmof of loss if not mzde prcmptly by Borrower.
<br /> U����g��,�����a�i�writin�,insuiance proceEds shall be stp�itied to nstoration or repair og ihe
<br /> �roperty dasna�ed.if th��storation or repair is economically feasible a�d i�nder's security is ant lesssned.If the restordnion or
<br /> rep�ir is aot econamica�ly feasible or Lender s security�rould be lessened,the insutance prooeecls shs1�i�e apPlied to the sums
<br /> secvre�by this S9curity Insuument,whether or cat then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandoas the
<br /> Progcrty.or does rtut anstiver wiitan 30 days a narice from Lender that ths insurance carsier has offered m set►�r a�L�im.the�
<br /> Lender may oollect the insuiarcce Qroo�cis• H�ender may use the proseeds to repair or iestore the ProperCr oz to pay sums
<br /> secured 6y this Security Iristrum�rnt,whether or aot t�en due.The 3D-day periad will tzegia when the natisr.�s�ir�.
<br /> Unless I.ender and �aaotiver otk�rwis� agree in writing, any application af pr�s w g�saci� sh�ll noi e��or
<br /> pastpone the due date of Rh:monthly payments�eferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the a�ount af the payme�ts.E�
<br /> nnder Paragraph 21 th.Pcoperty is acquired by Leader,Borrower's right to any inssuaace policies and proce+ad�r�sulting&om
<br /> damage to the Properiy prior w the acquisitian shall pass to Leader to the exEent of the sums secured by tl�is�Ly tnn.+�m.t
<br /> irtuuedi2iely prior to th�aoquisition.
<br /> 5.�nsY.Preservatton,Mafat�wace and Protectton ai tlre LProperty,biorrawer's I,u:�AgplIcatfan;L�sc�TdE,
<br /> Borrower shall axupy,establish.and use t{ie Pr+ngcrry as Barrower's gt�:,Clp31 IESL�IICC WItIllD�3JSC"j�}/S BREr 121C BIICCl1tIQ26E
<br /> tI�is Security Insnument and shall coniiaue Ea axupy the Properry as Borro�+ei s�riacigal residencc for at teast one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,aml�ss Lender othervriss agrc�s in writing, which consent s�.a71 aot he unreasonabty o.ri�ald,or wiless
<br /> exte�nraiing circumstarcces exist which an te}+ond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not des�soy. da1���r imPair t�e
<br /> Property. allow th�Property to de,terinrate, or oommit waste on the Property.Burrower shalt I�u�defavlt if any forfeiture
<br /> action or proa°eding,whether civil ar criiniaal.is begun that in Lcuder's goad faith judg[nent ai�d result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Praperty or oths�nvise materially impair Ehe licA cceated by tbis Security Insuumeni or Lender's sea�rity interesi.Borrower may
<br /> cuc�such a default artd reuutate.as providad'en paragiaph 18,by rausing the action or pro�ding to�e dismissed with a ruling
<br /> thut, in Ler.der's gaod faith determination, pr�ludes forfeiture of the Borrower s inierest in the Praperty ar other materia!
<br /> impairmerl:af t�e lien created by this Serarit}Instrument or LeIIdc-�,'s se�uriry interzst. Bflrcower sl�aU also h� in defzu!t i,`.
<br /> Borrower.�:.�,rs,�ahe ioan appliradon praoe�,gave materialty false��acauate information or s!ateruents to Lznaer(ar L�iLui:
<br /> w proyide 2�tt,jr with any material infaimztion)in wanection witt:aa toan evidenced by the C3'.r�t�:.iacluding,but noE liutifet�
<br /> c�.representations cancerning Borrower's accupaacy aff t�e Progerty as a principal residence.If`i:,S�CC1lritjt I��IIRCIIZ i5 OA 3
<br /> [easehold, Bormwer shal! compfy with zil the pm-�ri:z.ns of the lease. If Burrower acc�vims `� tide t��'ne�roperty, the
<br /> leasehold�:he fee tide shall not me�e+�ess Lender ag�ree.s w the�erger in writing. ,
<br /> 7.Pc���toa mf Lcttdcr's Righta[�.fi:e proper3y.If Bvrrower`ails to perForm the cove�z�ag�eerriems contaiz�ad in
<br /> this Security In,-uum.ent, ot there is a legul proa�eding tha't msy significantly affect Lendsr's ca;"!Y'�in ths Property(such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankrupicy, probate,for sondemnation or forfeiture or W enforce la�vs or re�st��s),then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whasever is necess:uy to protect thc value of the Property and Lender's ris a in tha Property. Lender's aarons may
<br /> include ��i�;�any sums secured by a lien which has priorinz over this Security'Instruxe.-s. appearing in court. paying
<br /> r�asonab_�:Qr;�neys'fees and entering on ths Property to make repair:t..Although Lender�}i:�;action under this para��a
<br /> 7,1 ende:{i;�s not have to do so.
<br /> � Any a:,lounts disb�psed by Lender under ttu� �7A1.^cn�Cdph 7 5`�yl becam� addi6onat C�.�c��f Bormucs�ured by this
<br /> 'Security Instmm��nt Unl�s Barrowzr and I.ender��-ae��other ce^ns of paymc�r:. these ame�.^.ts shall b�s�m:erest from the
<br /> dute of aisbvr£ement at the Note rate anrl..shall be�tp���te. w:tit ix�zresE, apo�r,�tice 6'0.��::sader to Rorrower requestiag
<br /> pa/ment.
<br /> S.1l�fo�t�,age In�urance.If Lender rra�uired mortgage insurar�,:as a condidon of m�;i,�r iifr:toan secured by this 8erurity
<br /> Instrument. 8orro�rea' shall pay the premiums required W maintain the mortgage insutznce in effect. If. for any ceason.the
<br /> martgage insu:^cnce coverage requirzd by l.snder la�ses or ceares to ba in effect,EorroweT sr�all pay the premiums requircd to
<br /> obtain oover3e suhstanti�lly equivalent to the mortgage insur�uice nr.s=viously in effect,at a o7st subsuentialiy equivalent to ths
<br /> cost to Buno��er of the mortgage insur�nce previously in effect, trl�r�an tiltemate mortg�z�.insurer approved by Lendr�. �f
<br /> substantia��y�eqaav:�lrat rtiortgage insuranrP cove�age is noi avaiLzblr:,'3arrower shall pay t�Lfidier each month a sum e�i 1¢�
<br /> one-twelfth of tli2 yearly mortgage insa�ranoe premium E.ing Rai�bY Borro�ver cvhen the ins��;.ce ooverage lapsed cr cr�ol t:�
<br /> �e in effect.l.ender will accept,use and retain th�e�i���:.ents as a loss reserve in lieai of mortgage insurance. I oss reserve
<br /> Form 3028 9:80
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