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<br /> pnyments m�y nn lam�er b�rcquired.at thc up�ion uf Lender,if rtuirtgage insueance coverage(in the amuunt and for the pEriad _
<br /> that Lender requiresl prnvid�l by un intiurr uppra�ed by l.encler a�ain becomcs availnhle and is abtained. Borrower shall pay
<br /> the premiums requir�d ta rt�.zintain nu�rtsa;e iasururtce i�tfFect,or to pravide a toss reserve,until the requie�ment fer mortgage �
<br /> insuranre eads in�ruord�ttce vrith anY y+ntten�rescn^.nt bttween Barrower and L.ender ar applicable law.
<br /> 9,inspection. Lectder ar iK a�eat may make reatonable entdes upon artd inspections of the PrapErty. Lender shal!give �
<br /> Boao�ver notice at the tiine of or prior ta Bn impcctiva�perifY�n�reasonable cause for the insgection.
<br /> 10. Cand�mnatl�n. 7`he ptacccrSs of any n�vard ar cluim for damages. diroct ur cons�quenrirJ, en connection atith any �
<br /> condemnation�r athcr taking of;uiy pan af the Propgriy.or far conveyanse�n lieu of rnndemnarian,ar�hereby assigned aad �
<br /> shall be p�id to Leader. (nstrua�ent. � —
<br /> In t�e e•�ent of a tatal tnking of tftc Proger�y.qhe praoecds shall he appli�to ttm sums scxwed by this Security --
<br /> �������, w i t h an y excess paid to Botrotver. In the event qf a partial ta!:in8 of the�r°Fe�Y ►�`�'��_�fair �
<br /> m�rket�aLu�of the Pro�rty imm�iaYely bsfnre the t2.�ing is 2qeai to ot g�eater ti�n the�°������by� __
<br /> S�curitY Instiumen�imme�iatety hefare the ta�:ing.untess Bor�o�ver ar.d Lender oth.twis$u�in wriang.the sums secured by
<br /> ttis Security Irstruinent shall be reduved by the amoant of the proseeds multiplied by the follovring fradion: (a) the total
<br /> anno�nt of t?te sums secvred immedi�,teSy before the tukin�.dividsd by(b1 th�fair m�rlce�value of the Property �mmediate�Y
<br /> 6Wfore the ta.kin�• �►rry bal�se sh�1� be P�d�O��Ower. [n the ev�nt of a partial taking of the Praperty in which the fair
<br /> m3r�:et value of the Property immediztely before the taking is less than th�amount of the sums secured immediateiy before the
<br /> ta�ng.un2ess Bortower and 7�ertdet ot1►envise a�ree in writin�or unless applisable law othenvise pmvides,the procee�s shail
<br /> be apptied to ehe sums s�cured by ihis Security Instrument whether or noi the sums are then dae.
<br /> If the Ptagerty+is aa�ndoaea bY Borrower,or if.after notioe by Leader ta Borrower that the wndemnor offers to malce an
<br /> award or se�ttte a claim for damages. Bom�wer fi►ils to respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the natioe�s P&ven,
<br /> Lender is authorized to callect and apply the praoeeds.at its option.eitt�er to restotation or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> secured hy this Securiry Insuument.whether ar rtot tften due. lication of prare�s to pnac�pal shal� cmt extend or
<br /> IInless Lender and Borratver oiherwise agree in writiag, any app
<br /> postpone th.°,dne d3ce of the cnonthlY pay�rtenu referred to in parssgraphs 1 and 2 or cvange the amount of suct►paymcnts.
<br /> tl.BorroRer Aloi Rgle�sed;Forbearance By Lender 1Ha4 a Nsifer.Extension of the tune for pay�ent or madificatioz+
<br /> of amorcirauon of the sums secured bY thls 5eruntY Inst�umen�P,ranted by Lender to any suxessor in interest o''�srtower shall
<br /> �ot operzte to release the liability of the original Bormwer or Borrower's sn�cessors in interesi.Lender shul!not'Se required to
<br /> commenoe proceedings against any successer in interest or rzfuss to erztend time for payment or otherwiss modi�y amortization
<br /> of the sums secu�+et1 bY this Security Instrument by reasan of any dEmand made by the originai Borrower or�r�awer's
<br /> surcessats in intetzst. Any farbear�ce by 1-ender in exercising any rigt►t or remedy shall not be a waiver af uc preclude the
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. �e �venants anrl �r�e�t�s�f��
<br /> 12. Sueoessois sutd Asdgus Bunnd; doint aad Sevetal �.ia631ity; Co-s�Snws•
<br /> Securiry Insuument shall bir.d urcd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender aud Borroaer, subja=t:�ci.t�.e pr�visions af
<br />_ puagraph 17. Boirower's oovenaius and agreements shall be joint and several• A[1jr �gP[�R�T n�V '�3'na�T'� �S �nty
<br /> Insirument but dfles not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing dtis SQCUrity Tnstrumz2nt Qn�Y t�'".�.'rtgage•�ra°t aad :aadey that
<br /> Borrower's intcrest in the Property under the terms of this Se�uzity Instnim�nt:(b)is noi��1y obligated Eo gay zhe sums
<br /> securad by this Security Instrument;aad(c)agrees thai 1-ender and any other Bomo�ver may agree to excend,ucodi�7,forbear or
<br /> make any acoommodations wi3h re8aa'd to the terms of this Security Insmim°nt or the Note withuut that Boraower's conseat.
<br /> �.Loan Charges.If the loan sacwred by this Security Instrutnent is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> and thar.taw is finally interpreted so that the interesi or ather loan charges collected or W b;,coll�in cannection with the
<br /> loan ex�zed the pemutted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shaU be redused by th;amount necessary co rad�.:�e the chsu8e
<br /> to the pemtitted limit;and(b)any sums alre¢dy coltected from Borro�ver w:�ich exceaded pemutted limits wil��e refunded to
<br /> Baaower. L.ender may choosc to make this cefund by reducing ths prinrip� owed uader the Nate �r. by msddn� a direct
<br /> pay�em ^n gorrower. 1f a refund redaces principal. the mdus7ion will ise treated as a partial gn��uy�ent �vit►aout any
<br /> prepaym�r_t charge undeT the Note.
<br /> 14.Nottces.Any norice to Borrower Proy�ded for in this 5ecurity Ir�strum°nt s}f.�.'.�br;�z�•�by��iy��-i.��it�r bt�muiling
<br /> it by fnst ciass mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.'1°s:n�tice�s�:,l 'I������=�i�a's`� �1F�r��u ciass�mail to
<br /> or any other add�ss Borrower designates by norice to Lender. My norioe¢� 'S.eL�=- -.�.�be ��`
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Ba:nr••s+�r.Any:wur.r:provided far in this
<br /> Security I�simment shall be deemed to have becn glve�to Borrower or Lender wtten giv:i�i:mvide�in this par.�grdph.
<br /> t�.Goveruing Law; Severabflity. This Secnrity Instrument sha.11 be gor•en-.�: �:•g� federel law and th� Faw of the
<br /> jur+sdicrion in which the Property is located. In the event that any pmvisio��r clausc al�s�is Security Insin:ment ar the Note
<br /> confl�cts with appiicable law.such canflict shall noi affect other p?ovisions o:¢his Security Insttumen*���r ttse Nota which can be
<br /> given effect witt2aut the conflicting provision.To tltis end the provisions of this Securiry Insttument;u�d tte Nato are declared
<br /> to be severablc.
<br /> 16,Borrower's Copy.l3orrower shall be given one confom�d copy of the Note a��nff��is Security irtsin:mcat,.
<br /> Form 3�Z8 9/90
<br /> Paps 4 018
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