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' n � - --- -- . : . _ _ - �- -_.. _.___ <br /> _,., . _ . <br /> .�,.�... <br /> � - . _ ., . __ _ <br /> --- ----- ._ -- <br /> I �9a <br /> ����� LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1&2�i <br /> � All Ins�trance pclfct�s and renewals shatl b�arxxepffib!e to Lender artd sha11 include a startdard mortgage claase. <br /> r LQnder shal!have the right to hotd tha po11cles aeEd renetirrals.If Lertder requIres.Bflrrower s9�al1 prompti}�gfire to Lender <br /> . � Inl��ce�c�Mer a�lender.Lentler maynmake proof of eoss tf noi made p omeptty by Borrawer.�noiice to the � <br /> suran <br /> ! � .. <br /> � .1 UNess Lender anrJ Borro�er othenNiss agree tn v�r[tirtg,insurance prace�ds shatl be applled to restoratton ar repair <br /> � � of the ProFsrry damaged,N tha restctatton or repa�r is econamica�ly feasEhls and Lender's security is not lessene�.If the . <br /> restoration at repair is noi economically feasIble or lende�s sscurity woutd ba lessened,ths tnsurance proceeds sh�Ii <br /> ba applied to Yt�e sums sacured by thIs Security Insi►umant,wh�thsr or noi then due,with any excess paid to Barrovrer. � <br /> � If Borror�er abartdans the Proparty,or doas not ans�er wdhin 30 days a notice from I.ender thai the insaarar►ae carrter <br /> � has offered 4o settte a ciatm.then Lender may coileat the insurartce p?QCeeds.Le�tar rriay u5a ihs prat�da t°rep�tr r _ <br /> ° . �—i or restore the�rope�y/or f�pay sur�s secur�33 bY t�s�t���+�;�r Ar noi then dua 7he 3D�day perlod _ <br /> wUl begin v1h$n ttte noitce[s givan. <br /> � � � � Unless lsnder artd eorro�uer athen�vTse agree In w�ttng,any application of procesds to prinaipa!sh�l1 not extend or :- <br /> ��� ��- � postpone the Hue date o#the marRfily paymet�ts�eferred to It�paragraphs 1 artd 2 or change the amouttt o!tha , ;�.__-� <br /> paymen2s. If urder paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,B�Trowes's rigM to any tnsurance pollG�and ,,.;j�, <br /> prot•eeds resulting ftom damage to the Property prlcr to the acquts�ton shall pass to Lander to the e�derd af the sums ___- <br /> secused by thts Securtiy InsirumeM immedtatefy prior to ths acqulsiUan. � <br /> � �� 8,pccarpat��y,Preaervation,MaiMenance ertd Proteetion of the Property:8orror+rer's�an Application; ��^'�"'= <br /> .. . L.easeholda. Hccrawer shail occupy.�stablish.and uss the Properry as Borrotive�'s principai res�dence vuithin sbcty days �_�y�. <br /> � � after the eocecuti��of this Secur�tSt Instrumerrt and sha11 cantinue to occupy the Proparty as 8orrowe�s prtncipal �;J;�-;4' <br /> ! uyhlch c�nsant <br /> r�stdence for at lEast ane y�r after the date of occupancy,unless Lettder othenivise agrees In v�riUng, �,� <br /> � shal!noi ba un:e=sor�b,y vni3''n�ld,or unless e�Qenuating circumstartces exist u�1'dch are beyond Borrowefs ca�l. <br /> � � : �.�. <br /> y�r����,�r,�aga oP trrr�Ir the Property.allow the Property to deterio�ate,or commit waste on the ��?`.�r <br /> >;. Prop$Tty.Ba����1 shall ba in defaut tf�torteiture action or proceeding,whether civlt or cdminal,is began Yhat in - Y:- <br /> ° #��� L�nder's go�,t s:=.:1h jitdgment coWd r�s�it m farfefture of th�Pruperty or aiherwise matertaify tc-�pair the iisn crEated(oy �_`: <br /> .— ._._.. -- -, _ ��.ls�8��,�,�ymert er Lpn�e�s secattiy Interes3.Borrower may cure such a defauit and�oravided In �___ <br /> � �; 7 pr�-,.yraph 18,by causfr.g�irc:act[en ar proceedirtg tn�e dismissed with a rul[rtg t3�� Lende�s good t�i�1 �;:_� <br /> �_a_.,. <br /> cir���rm{nai�e^,�tecl�tdes i�v*�fitre af tl�e�orrower's iMerest tn the Property or a`�.`Y-��mate�af impaimte-�t aL`t�e Iten __ <br /> � � cs2ated by t?�i��?ecurity ins�ment ar f�ocd2Ps security fnterest Borrower shafi aao be fn default if Bar�ar:�r,durfng the ��_ <br /> �:=-=:, <br /> ' �.s tazr►ap�ltc�:�process.9a�e mater:�!!u�►se or tnaccutate�r�forrtmtion or statemems to l.err�tez(or tailed to prrn►tde �:{�: <br /> ....j C�rder with any m�tettal iriformaUon)sc�snner�lon wi2h the laan e�;denced by the Note,ind�bing,but no!ltmfted to. &u._- <br /> ;�asentatiens cortceming Borrower's oxupancy ufi t�3 Property as a prtncipal residenr.a.if thls 5ec�trti��nstrument Is --. <br /> � �� �r a leasehoid,8orrower r�r'��comply witt�al!the prctiv�atons af the lease. If Bor�ower acquires fee tirie�a tlr�roperty, �:.=_ <br /> Fv <br /> � �'Ye leasehotd artd the fee titl�shail noi merge unless Lender agrees to the merg�in writing. __ <br /> . ;��y,� 7.Frotection of Lender's Ftights��tha Property if Borrawer fails to perfarm the covenarns and�J�enis <br /> � � ; �;t �antained U thls Secur�ty Instrumeri,�rt,'�ere is a tega!proceedfng that may slgni�catn1y affect L.ende�'s s'�'+ts in th� _ <br /> " ' �'� �i�perty(such as a procE�'rs tn C�.a tsl�n�3 p r o t s a t e.t o r c o n d emnatlon or fa��'h.ue or ta c-�f�rce tav��� <br /> . ' r�uiatlons)�then l.endet mr/�a��+�-m�fai whatexer ts nacessasy to proiect t�s�e�;:ta a`�.s��rep�rty ar,cf;�n�ier's -----. <br /> �, � ��- rtgMs in the Properry.Lert�f�'����:��r'�3y include paytng arry sums secured l���s�r'�1 VC11:�.�di3S pTlCii:�t"i lt�.�."4t1IS <br /> � Security Irt�trumeni,apP�ts��`��u�'r P�a'�ing reasflnabfe attomeys'fees artd��'t'.gring on t�t�Property e���:.::Jca <br /> . � �"� repatrs.Atthouoh Lendsr r+.�;;i:.k3.�d':�as u:fderthis paragraph 7,Lender dQes noi have to�m so. <br /> : .,.; .. <br /> . .jC, . <br /> � +�'� Any�mou:�dlsbur�:�d�y Lend�und�r ti�is paragraph 7 sha11 become additlonal debt of Borre�v�r ssau ;�� <br /> . ?-. thIs Security Instrumerti.tJN�,:s Bomawer and Lende7 agree to oYher terms of paymerit,these amounts sti.":�e� <br /> � [nierest nom the date af d3���gmant at the Note rate and sh�ll t�s payabte,wYh trtterest,up�an notice frar.�t.,e:.'x+ar tu <br /> � Borrawer requesttrt9 PaYtm�.�:. <br /> � 8.Mortgage lnsuranca. If Lend�,.�c�quired mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the loan sec�red by tfi�� <br /> . .��� ,., � SeCttrity Instn�mern,Borrower sha11��•�e premiums requtred to maintain the mortgage insu�tn effsct If,for��y <br /> � reason,tha mortgage insurance ccv�ya re�luired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower sha(1 pay ttt4 <br /> � prerNums requtrod to ob'�..�.�coverage substantlally equlvafent to the mortgage tn�urance previousiy in a cost _ <br /> � � subs'tantialhl equhralen2 tci si~e cast to Bonower oi tha mortgage tnsararice pre+rtousty In effect,from an attemate <br /> � mortgage Insurer approv�b by l�ender.If substantfally equhralent mortgage Insurance coverage ts nnt avallabte, •�--- <br /> `W�;;, � Berrower shafi pay to Lender each rts.�r,;,ih a sum equaf to one-twelfth of the yearty mortgage tnsuranco premtum being <br /> - • �aid by Barrowet when the insurance caverage tapsed or ceased to be In eHecK.Lender�rrill 3ccepL use and retaU th�.x <br /> payments as a loss�eserve tn Ileu of mortgage tnsurance.Loss reserve pa7t�ne�may R�'-�nger be� the _ <br /> '- - opUon of Lender,It rttort���e insuraace coverage(�A the amourn and for the pertods that Lender requirra��Qravtded b'r' <br /> -' � an Insurer approved by Lrnder again 6ecomes avaDable and is obtalned. Bonower shall pay the prem°��requlred to __ <br /> t -,. ��� matrtain me.�gage insurartce in eftec�or to provide a loss reserve,untU tho requlremem far mortgage r_c7anaa ends =-- <br /> . . . . .� . tn accard��wfth any written agrerrTSC�:�t i�eiween BoROwer and Lender or applicable laY�_ <br /> ..�t'.� 9. Irtap�tlon. Lender or[ts sg�:�y�e�asanable er�irtes upnn and inspectla:M o 1 t he Prapo rt y. l.e n d e r --- <br /> ��� . shall gNe B�awer natics at the time of or prior to an inspectfon speciiying reasonable cause for tha Inspection. ���:- <br /> . , �': � - <br /> Lk,�•' <br /> '��'� �� F����9�� ,,., <br /> HEgp�SKAr.?[Is�alE FAIYIILV—Ftd1lAA/FNUNC tlNIFOAM IHSTRilMENT � . �"_ <br /> , � • t3C/Ch70TNE//0792/3628(4301�— [�I1�I,CSr:B: . •,�.; <br /> ;1�� <br /> • . ;;; . . <br /> � � � � - � I' - - •� - <br /> � _ - -.. .... . - -- --. .... _-__ <br />