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- ----- <br /> _:. _ ..... .._..._- -._ . . <br /> , 1 99� ���az� <br /> , LOANNfl. 153s218z11 <br /> �,: <br /> ' ' THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEPJ'T combinss unNorm covenaMs for n3Uonal us�and non-untiorm covenants with , <br /> ' Umtted varlaUons by Jurisdictian to can5titute a uniform sacurtty instrument covering real proparty. � <br /> UNIFO�IM COVE�lAAITS.8orrovr�r and L�ndsr cov�nant attd agr�o as foilows: �en due � 4 <br /> 1.�ayment o!Rriacclpal ittd trtteresl:PrepaymBtt4 aeta9 Late Charges. Borrauver shall pmmPVY PaY i . <br /> the pdncipal of and irnerest on the debi evidenced by the Note artd any prepaymern aRd late cha�ges due under tP�a � <br /> • ' Mo20. � , , <br /> ' 2.F�nda tot Taxe:►nrtd insurartce. Subject to applicable lavr or to a wriiten vraiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay f . � <br /> � to LertdeT cn t4ts day rrtordttiy paymerts are dua untfer the Rloie,until ths Noie is pa!d in fu11,a sum(°Funds7 fa�:(a) ; <br /> , y2�1y texs3 artd assassmerKS whtch enay attain priority ovar thi�Sacurfty Instrumerit as a lien on ths Pro�erty; (b)yeariy ` <br /> . . . _ .- . .--. teasshcki p3ym�ttts e�t ground rer�ts on the Peoperty,if anY:��l Y�rh►hazard or propeRy irtisuiance premiums:(d) i — <br /> � yea�Iy ftCOd Insurance premiu�ss.ff arry:(a�Yeariy mortgaga insuranca premiums.if any:and(t}any surns pay�b�t�Y S—� <br /> � Barrower to Lendar,in accordance w(ih the pravisions of paragraph 8,in liau of the paymertt of martgage lnsurance <br /> � � premiums.The�e items are cal�et!'Escrow Qems.°Lenrier may,at any Ume,co11Eat and hold Furtds in an amoum notto <br /> - � - � - i exce�ci the maxtmum amour�t a ler�der for a federally retated mortgage toan maY reytalre for Bonowe�'s escroirv accouni <br /> i umter tha fedsrat Rea1 Esiate SetUement Rraaedures Act of 1974 as amended from tima to time,l2 U.S.C. �2&01 ei <br /> } seq.('RESPA�.unless another taw that appltas to tha Funds sets a le�ser amaur�t.lf so.Lender may,at any time,coilect <br /> and hold Funds in an amount noi to exceed the�esser amounL Lendet may esKimate the amour►t of Funds due on the � '�, <br /> � basis of current data and reasonable esUmates o!exPe�dftures af future Escrow items or otherwtse in accardance wdh . - <br /> apRticabfe Iaw. ` t"' <br /> The Furtds shall be heid in an trtsiitttflon vrhose deposfts are insures!by a federal agency,instrumemta!lity,or er�it�► '::'�= <br /> � (frtdading Lender,if Lender Is such an inst�utian)or in any Federal Home Loan 8ank.Lender shall appty the Funds to � .,:�_.. <br /> .• pay tha Escrow ltert�s-�ender may rtai charge Borrower tor holding artd appfying the Funds,annually anaiyu�1e�aw �ti�:-� <br /> . � . ; escrow accowrt,ar verffytng the Escrow Items,unless Lertder pays Berro�er iritesest on the Fur�ds an�i app _ <br /> ' permits Lsnder to makg such a charge.However,Lertder may requtre Bo�wer to pay a one-time charge for an :>=-`� <br /> . • �; ti tndependent real estaietax reporting&enrice assd i�y Lender in connec t ton v u t t h t h ts l o a n,uni e s s a p pltcahle law I ,z-, <br /> ---.._ �..- . _ _ pmy���erwiss.UNess an agresment[s made or applicabte law requires iriterest to be paid,Lender shalt not ba L <br /> . � requtred to pay Borrovrer any(nteres!or eamings on the Funds.Borrawer and Lender may agree U�vriting,h3wever. '`.�� <br /> • ' � that interest shall be pad an the Funds.Lender shaii give to Borrawer,wtthrsut char�annual accounttng of the ;_v <br /> � Funds,s�ntivirtg credits and debiia to the Funds and the purpose tor vrhich each debft to the Funds was made.The :. ';��. <br /> �; IFunds are pledged as additional secur[ty for all sums secured by this Security InsUUment _�-_ <br /> - - - " � tf the Funds hetd by Lender exceed the amounts perm�tted to be held by appltcabls law.Lender sha11 aa:ourt w 'R`;- <br /> s 8 1lcable law.If the amowit of the Fimds l�s�s5 ,_ <br /> � � Sorrower for the excess Funds in axordance with the reGutremer�ts o1 app ,�-,�.:u. <br /> '� � by Lender at any tirrte(s noi sufficient to pay tha Es�row Items v�rhen due,Lender may so notify Borrower tn wrfting, �r:�� <br /> ' � � such case Barrower shail pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency.Borravrer shall make _ ___ <br /> up the deflclency in no more than trxetve mor�ihfY Pallments,at Lender's sola dtscretion. <br /> � � < � Upen paymem in ftdi of all sums secured by thfs Security Irt�trument.Lender shaii promptly refund to Borravrar�.�Y �� <br />- Funds hetd by Leader.It,under paran Furtds he;d by L.end'er�atutha Ume�of acqu spitioin or sale as a c ed��g3���" <br /> ..,; <br /> - ot sats og the Rroperty,shall apply y ` �"�'� <br /> . sums seaured by thi�S�urity InstrumorR. _ <br />-� " 3.A p p l i c a t l o n e t I�'r t�,��..t ettte. UNess a p pltcab:a tEtv provides oiherwlss,a11 paYments received by iw:��r c�� _ <br /> �' r paragr�phs t and 2 s,`.�.'i Jae appltsd:�.rst,to any prepaymert c 9�..r g e s due un der t h e N o t e;s e c o n d,t o a m o.m i s�.�s� _ <br /> '. �. ur+der pa..^��r,raph 2;thtrd,to Irtere„�:�:.�e;four¢h,to prirt�ip�f cfur,..and last,to any late chargos due under the t�Fate. _ <br /> - 4.Cherges;Ll�:��. Bartower shall pay a11��..a,assessments,charges,flnes artd fmposftions r�ttdbutable to ti:� <br /> � ents or ourtd r�.:,if any. <br />' ` ?roperty whlah rtnay���n pdority overthis 3eauriLy�nstrument,and leaseha�ri�aym 9r _ <br /> ' '• Barrowe�shaU pay these oblfgations In the mann��prov[ded in paragrapfi�,ac-.�not paM in that m���:r,Bor�cwDr shall <br /> . � .`:;,,;�:_�� paY therr.�n time dtrectiy to the persfln owed pal►►nern.Banai�'3r shall P ents d rf ectlY Ham��sh�:;wro ptly:;n��,�to <br /> -' �'�q�� amounis to be paid under this para9raAh.If BOTfOweT m3kB3_ey�59 PaYm <br /> , .�',y;��i%j�" <br /> .�r� � Lsnder receipts evidencing the payenents. — <br /> Bo�rawer shail arompUydischargeany Iien v�h1ch has p�lority overthis S��udty inst�unent unle��t�arrower:(a) <br /> � � � '� � agrees tn writk�to t�e paymeni of the obligation&ecured by the tisn in a�s�nner acceptable to Len��-(b)cotnests i� —_ <br /> ; . good faith ther�lfen�jl.or defends agatnst errEorcemeni of the tisn tn,legal proceedings whtch tn tha Lender's opinton _ <br /> � operate to prevent the eriforcement ot the lien;or(c)secures f;�m the hoidet of the Ilen an agreement satfsfactory to <br /> ' Lender subordinatin�the Ilen to thts Security Insirument If l��2r detertnines that any part af the Pro erty is subject to _- <br /> � ��� a ll en vilittch ma y attain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may gtve Borrower a noiice IdeM�ng the lien. �- <br /> . � B o r r o w e r s h a l l s�t i s i y the llen or ta ke one or m o r e o t t h e a c t i o r�s s e t f o rt h a b o v e w ft h i n 1 0 d a y s o f t h e g i v in g ot rtoZic�. �.,,; <br /> . g,liezard or propertSt inavrance. Bor�ower shal!kee�p the improvements nnw existing or herea fter er e c t e d o n t h e �{�. <br /> � � t Properh►Insured agaU►st toss by�-9.harards inc�uded wlthin;`9 term°extended coverage°and any other hazarda �-: <br /> . . •�,,,., .: <br /> . ,.;;.;.i;;,_; Includ'.ng floods or flooding,br wisl�:b Lensier requtres insucanc:r_�.This insurance shal!be mairitatned tn the amouMs a _ <br /> ��•�•.�;�+!,�,�� for thg porlods that Lender requ►.fim•. The tnsur�nce carrter F�.!cing the Insurartca shall be chosen by Borrawer subject _ <br /> ,;, . �,�� �� � to Lender's approvai ufiiah s��l���st be unreasaRabty uvithhetd. If Borrovsrer fails to malr�tn coverage described above, <br /> � . . L g n d er m a LeRdcr��pUa�,c,�'.aln covera�r�'o prote�t Lertder's dghts In the Property In accordance wdh _ <br /> : �� ��graph 7. � =_- <br /> ;;;;,,. . - <br /> • • -,,;, :.,�. � <br /> • FOAfA 347dU/S1(8 :i. <br /> S1 <br /> � . NF�BAAaI6G�-.c:91QLG�=1tIG:iY-FNSIf'.A/FIi1.LIC UN(Ffl(ifiJ!1lSTR PA�E 2 Of 8 • <br /> iSC/CrnnTn�e//oro�/s�c'¢so}� <br /> , . ...._- <br /> ., —�---- --___.�.-.�-- .. . . , . <br /> ._._.... :,. . . , . <br /> � ,v; ' . . <br /> ,. . � . . . <br /> ; � . � <br /> ~ � • , � � -- �_ <br /> # <br />