.. :
<br /> � . - � . ,.......
<br /> i_. . . .-. . —_. __
<br /> � � . .
<br /> < '� � 99q �,��a�9�i� LOAN NO. i 5 3 s 2 1 s z�i , <
<br /> . , . i
<br /> 10.Condamr[attcn. Tha pmceeds of any award or ciaim for damages,dIrect or consequerst[al,in connectian with
<br /> . any con�emnatlon or oiher talcing of any part at ths Ptoperty.ar for conveyance in 1!eu of candemnation,are hareby �.
<br /> • � as�fgnes!and sha11 be patd to Lender.
<br /> � In tha eveni of e tatal taktng af th�Proparty.M�proCeeds shaU be applted to the sums secur8d by this SeCU�ity
<br /> . � Instrumer►i,wPtsthar or rto2 then due,with any excess pa�to Bor�owar.ln the ever�t of a paR[al tatcing of the Proparty!n ,
<br /> whfch tha tair rr�tket value of the Froparty[mmedt�tefy tteforo the takirtg ts equat to or greater than the am�nt ci ths
<br /> ; sums s�cured b;f thts Sacurity Instrument Im�nedlatefy before the taking,unlsss Barrovrer artd Lertdet oiT►envise agra8 in � .
<br /> I �rriiing,tha sums sacured by th[s Sacurity IrtsVUmant sh�li be��uc�d by trte amouM of tt►�procesds muitipli2si by the
<br /> 1 fn(lawing fracilon:(a)the total amouM of ths sutns sesurEti immeriiatety bafore tha taktng,,divkteti by(b)the tatr maricet �
<br /> , ; valus of tPto ProRarty tmmedtatefy bstore tha takin�.�l b�ance s�iail t�patd to�orra�rar.!n tha event cf a p� -
<br /> -=--. -_= ir��tt�Pro�eriy�which the tatr marf:eY vElus of tha PropEriy immedia�ely trefare the takfng is tess than tha ..
<br /> . smouM of the sums secured Emmodl2teSy before the 9a1cle�g,�ntess Borrosnrer afl�tainf�r oi�i��n�rts�agc€�tn�cu �-�
<br /> � , unless appiIcable Iaw oiherwiss provide�,thH ptaoaads shail be appited to the sums secureti by thIs SECIl�1}I � .
<br /> - ; fns�rtimertt whe�iher or no2 the sums are then dus. ��-
<br /> If th�i Rroperty is abartdarted by Borrower,or ff,after noitce by Lender to Barrov�er thai the condemrtor offers to
<br /> make an award or settie a ctam fet damages.Barrower fails to resRond to Lender within 30 days afier the date tha ,'
<br /> noYice is gt+ren.Lender fs authorized fo co;lect and apply the pmceeds,ai[ts opUon,eiiher to restoration or�epair of tha .�__��
<br /> . � Property or to ths sums�cured by thls Secusity Insirurrterii.wheiher or rtctt 4tton due. �;
<br /> . UNess Lendsr anti Bonawer oihemise ents referred to�in y$pp�i hs�t an d 2 or cdh g�t he a�m�u M�o f u�e�or ',�,._
<br /> posipone the due daie of the mornhlY t�Ym P�$�P �
<br /> : PeYn►ertts.
<br /> ' € 11.Borrower Na3 Reteased;�or�rtco BII Lenm�ar WaY s Waiver. Extenston of the tlme far payrrteM or •
<br /> modi�cation of amoR�atlon ef the sums secured by this Security Instrume�gcanted by Lender to arry successor In
<br /> � � irteresi af Borrowar strall noi operate to reiease the ltabfliry cg the ariginat Borrower ar Borrovrefs s�ccess�rs in -
<br /> tnierest Lender shall not be raqulred to cammence proceedtngs againsi any suxessnr in Irtteresi or retuse to e�dertd _
<br /> � tirr�e for payment or aihanHlse mndify amart�Zatton of ths sums secured by thts SecariCf'nstrurrtent�Y r�sen af ar+Y , -
<br /> . d�ma�d made by the eriginal Borrawer or Borrowe�s succe�sors(n trtteresL Arry forb�arartce by Lender tn exercts!rtg • -
<br /> j any dgM ar�emedy sltall noi be a walver af or predude ths exercise of any�igM or remndy. _
<br /> � % 12 Successors and Aasigns Bound;JoiM and Seve�al L.ie6ility;�o-slgners. The covenants and agreemeMS of �;;.;,
<br /> � thts Securtty lnssrurrterrt sha11 hind and bsneftt the sur.ces.sors artd asslgrts of Lender arxi Bu�rowrer.subject to the �,__�`
<br /> : praE�i�-,ions of paragraPh 17.eorrower s covenants ar�agreemerzts shatl be ioim and several.Arry Borrowes who F:-
<br /> :' � c��r,rs th[s SecurRy Instrumant but daes n o 2 exe c u te t h e P:e t e:(a)i s c o-s f g n i n g t h t s S e c u r�y lnstrumeni o n t y ta = -
<br /> ' rrtar�-��.9 t a rt t a n d con v e y t t r a t B o r r a w e�s l n t e r e s t i n tl l�i'-r►r pe r t y under the terms of thls SECU�ity lrtstrume�(b)�s _ _
<br /> � rtcY�-JSOna(ly oWtgated to pay the sums secured by this�c-�cscrity�nswmem;and(c)agrees that l.ender a►�d�ny oiher _
<br /> . BQnc�xer may agree to extsnd.moddy.forbeaz or make srry�ccomm�s�ons�Yfth regard to the terms of thfs Secur�ty —
<br /> tn�rneM or the Note wfthoui that Borrowa�s consent
<br /> �; i�@„a�an Chatges. If the loan secured by thts 3ecurfi[}/;.rr,��nES�f��-bJect ta�f.�w whtch seis maxtmunti laan �::�--
<br /> '.�.`,�4�`���!. �; ci�aq�-s:s��ni th�ft lavs+is flnaiy ir•^._c_�preted so that 2he tntera��r oihsr tu�charges c,�..�ected or to be cdlected in
<br /> � ::'!r`�;• �;, cer.:�-���n w�th the toan exc���a pennitt�limits,th�n:;�)arry such fezan charge�trall be reduced by the amour�t _
<br /> � �� �• ��� � to redu�Ehe charge to the Rermit�limix end(b)any sums�i:ready calle�ted from Borrawer whtch _
<br /> . ":� , �pennffied Iimits will be refurtded'_�+�nowat Lenrler may cha�se to�this refund by redttcing ttte
<br /> �;�,�; princ;��1 awad under tha Note or by makis�g�,^."'irect payment to Borrower.If a refund reduces prirtc(pai.the reeluction
<br /> i ;.:, ;�'' �nfdl�a L-�aated as a partial P�PaIR"'�rrt without any prepaymet�t charge urtder the Note.
<br /> ;::;:`;-•:;•,:. ..
<br /> �.��i�...�!:�.. ).� -
<br /> � •?•:4'��� 1�.�fotices. My notice to Gc�r-ower provtded fat In this Security Inswment s�hatl be given by deiiver[ttg It ar
<br /> � : � �' malling K by ftr�t dass ma�uNe=a applicabie taw requlres use of another method.The nottce sl�all t�s dlrectEd to t�te '
<br /> Property�1.ddress or any other address 6orrower designates by noilce to Lender.My rtoilce to L.ender shall be given
<br /> � by 8rsi dass mail to Lende�s ad;..���s stated herein or any other address Lender desigrates by noitce to 6orrower.My►
<br /> �'.:��;.��, � notica,�ir:vided tor In thls Security I�r�umer�t shall be deemed to have been glven to Somavrer or Lender when given �
<br /> �:t.�:;`� , as Ftrn�IrSQd In this paragrapl� ,-
<br /> '_-
<br /> . '.,�n' ::
<br /> i�.Gov�ntng Law;S�ve�afflil:�j. Thls Security Instn�r:�;�r�t shall be govemedi;�tederal law and the law d.dTra
<br /> urisdiciton in whlch the Property ts fa�ed.(r�rhe ever�ti�':a�y prov�lr�,or dausa of thls Securtiy Iristrument or the �
<br /> � � � �ote co�ticts wRh appllcable law.such cor,ilicl::hap noi�`�sct aiher prm�:sions of thts Securiry In�irumer►t or the Note --
<br /> whlc�v c�.n be ghren effeci wiihoui the conflictirq pravisfar.To thts end the provis?ons at thls Secur[ry Instrume�t and the
<br /> ;'� .;,i:ti::-� Not¢u�r�rl�clared to be severftble.
<br /> :+.�•i�; .
<br /> r��F;°•".' ' 1+�, 8orrawer'�Copy. Barrower shall bs glv�n nis�r.c:,�arm�d copy of the Note and o!thls Security Instrtu�pnt
<br /> . �: _:
<br /> � � �' ; 9T. Transf�r a'the P�aperty or s BanEf�c�`al lntsf�s4ln Bbrro�rer. If all or any paR of the P�operty ar arr;� _:
<br /> . ' iMere�t In[t l��a'ci or tran�fetted(or If ta ben�fic�!Inieresi in BoTrowar ts soid or transfened and Berrower is rtci a �.
<br /> ' natural person)�vlli�szut Lende�s prior written consent,Ler.der rrtay.at its opiion,requIre immediate payment t:s l'iG1 af ati
<br /> � � s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h l s S a c u ri t y I n s t r u m e n t H o w e v e r,t h I s�s�p t l on sfiatl nai be exercfised b y Lender if exerclse[s �,`__
<br /> 'c, _
<br /> ;,�..;' �' proh(isitcd by f�tieref law as of ths date of this SBCUtfry Instrument —
<br /> � ��,
<br /> �
<br /> � � �'�
<br /> • tSC�Cl1DTNE//�132/302fl(9�90?-� ..; Fl.GG 4 fIF 8
<br /> .-A•
<br /> ...._. f._._._-._���..-.__.._. '_ _ _ ' �M� 1 )_' _ _ - , ' . _
<br /> I:�1.- � � . . . • . .
<br /> '1�+�I, . : .
<br /> - . . _ . . . _ . . f,���� � - . • . � .
<br /> ' . '
<br /> 1_ . . , � • � . , �.. -- __. . - .
<br /> � � - . . _ .. _ . _ . . . _ _ .._ . _. ..
<br />