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<br /> . ' . � S. Hasard or Property Insnrenct. Borroner shall keep the emproti'emenu nnn existin�or hereafter et�erted on
<br /> • t}n;property insured ogainst►ass by fire,4�azatds incluQed witivn the term'extended co�er�sge"nnd any othrr hazards.
<br /> � . ' includi�sg tloads or floadin�,for nhich Leitdet cequirzs insurance.This insutance shali be maintained in ths amounts
<br /> vid�n tha insurance shalt be chasen bY BorroNer C�
<br /> � ond fos the periods that Lender requires.The i�surance carreer pro . . 8 =
<br /> � � suhj�.t to Lender s upproval cvhich shall nat be unreasonably withheld.IY BonoRer faits to mainu►in cocerage described (� _
<br /> � ? ubo�•e,Lender may,at Ler►ders optian.obtain co�'erage to grotect Lettders rights in the Prapert�in eccordanre cvith � �
<br /> ' . • ` parngraph�. �
<br /> ' � .j All insuram'e policies and rene�als sha11 b�acreptabl�to Lender and shall include a sWndard martgage clause.
<br /> - - ! l.etsder s1►a!! hare the ng:►t to hold the policies and rene�vals. I4 I,enderrequires. Barroner shatl promptl} gi�'e to W
<br /> : _� � Lrndre all saceiptsof p3id premiumsand reAewal notices.ln theetent of lo,B orrotver shall gece prompt notice to the � '.
<br /> _ ins�ras�ce carrier and I.�end�'•Lender may make praof of iass if not made promptly by Borro�rer. � f�:.
<br /> • :�_.._.-�` L'nless Lender and Borroner athercvisa agce in cvriting,irwurnnee proceeds s�ti b�app2i�i to r-estor3ticm�r�sir �=`
<br /> . . '-� = of the Prop�rty damaged.�f the restoration or rep�ir is a.onamically feas�ble and Lender s security is nat les�ned.If the �-
<br /> restorauon or repair as not ecanomically feasible or Lender s se�urity nould be le�ened,the insurance praceads sha11 be ��:
<br /> ' applied to the sums secured by this SecuritS Instrument,nhetAer or noz then due,nith anp eace�paid to Borroner.If *
<br /> . Borro�er abandons th�Property,or daes not ansrrer cvithin 3J dass a notice from Lender that the insurnnce carrier t�zs �:�_
<br /> � offered to settle a cloim.then Lender may collect the insuranoe proceeds. Lender may use the ptoceeds to regair ar �;:
<br /> restore the Praperty or to pay sum3 secured by this Securety lnstrumen��vhether or not then due.The 30'day pet�o3 wi11 `::
<br /> ` . beg'm n hen the notic�is given. =�
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borronrer otherwise agree i�a miting,any application o#prooeeds ta principal shall r.ot eatea►d or ___
<br /> � pastpone the due date of the monthly paytnents refened to in paragraphs t and 2 or change the amount oi th�pay ments. ��_-
<br /> � . � ' �� If under paragruph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrowei s right to any insurance policies and proceeds �:
<br /> ' • .� #- resalting irom damage to the Pmpercy prior to the acquisitian shall pas�to l.ender to the estent of the sums secured by ��
<br /> this Security Insmiment immediately prior to the acquis�t�on- «
<br /> � 6.Occugaacy.I'reservation.111anntenancc and Protection of the P�operty;_Barrotser's Loan Applicatioa; ��_
<br /> � � . . ��; Lease6oldx Bom�:�er shatl oocupy.establish,and use the Praperty as Borrc�Ret's pr�ncipal�dence within sisty daYs =
<br /> after the exeeuti.c�n of this Secwity Instnrment and shall continue to oocupY the pmp�rtY.s� 3dnTr°aer�s principal
<br /> . �: :;� i residence for at tc�one year after the datr.nf oocupancy,�mless Lender otherwise ageees in n+ns�ug,nhich oonsent shall --
<br /> not be unreasona�ly witchheld,ar unless eatenuating circ��mstances exist wtuch are beyond Borra�er s control.Borrower
<br /> � shall not destroy.damage ar imp+air ttis Propercy.allow the Property to deteriom4e.dr eommit waste on the Pmperty. _
<br /> , -- _ Borroc�er shall be in de4ault�ti.�y farfeiture action or prooeeding.whethtr civil or criminal,is begun that in Lendsr's -
<br /> � ` gmd faith judgmeat could r�1t an for[eiture of the Propetty or otherwise materia!!y impair tne lier►created by this
<br /> - Security lnstrerm�t or i ender's security interest_ Borracver may cvre such a default and reinstate, as provided in
<br /> • . pasag�raPh 18. t�p ca�rsing the action or proceeding to be dismi�ed Nith a ruling that, in Lender's good faith
<br /> determination,�reclu�es farfc�ture of the Borrowei's�ntr=rest in the Property or ather material impairment o�the lien
<br /> create3 by this&ecurity Ins�nu►sent or Lender's securitp interest.Borrower sha11 mis�o b.°.in defaolt if Bnrrncver.during
<br /> • �' the [a.� applirarien proce�,pve mnu�rially faise ar in$ccurate information ar statements ta Lender (or failed to
<br /> , , provide Ler.aLr witia any matenal informutian)in connection with the loan evid2noed by the I�ote,including,but not
<br /> ._ limit�to.rc��ntsxtions conceming IIr�rru�•�'s occupancy of the Property as a principal r+��id�nce. If this Securit3
<br /> • ;:; � Instrument is an e leasehold,$orrower sS�11 oors�p�y�vi3h all the pruvisions of the tease.IF Rrnmr�er acquires fEe title to
<br /> �,�'::;.•: � the Pro�rty,tHe leasehold and the fee title shall not m�e unless I.ender agrees to th�mer�r in writing.
<br /> �.-iy; 7.Protezti2�of Lendcc's Rights in the Prope�2y.If BorroNer fa�ls to�onn the covensnts and agreements
<br /> " � contained in titir srr_uritY Ins?rumeat,or there is a tegal proceeding that may si�ficantly�t-fect O�etider s rights in the
<br /> � � Property (suc0 :� a proceeding en bankrupicy, ptobate, for cva3e�ennation or 4orfeiwrt: or w enforce laws or
<br /> • regulations).then Lender may do ar�d pay for whatever is n�r,�so protect the value a i i�.e Pmpesty and Lender's
<br /> � ��_'`•`'�� rip,hts in the Property.Lenact''+s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien whicfi has priority ovet this
<br /> ��`''''' �w f SECV�-ity Instrument,appearin�in court,paying reasona3�1�attorneys'fees sind entr.rireg on the Property to make repairs.
<br /> :_�.�;=-'_
<br /> -_;_�,�_� ;�lYhnugh Lender may take sction under this paragrag5.T�d.ender does noE have to�ic��o.
<br /> _;.-�:?'-�>�� Any amounu disbursed by Lender undr.�'th�s par�graph 7 shall b e c ome a d ditiona l d e b t u f B orro w e r s e�u r e d b y this
<br /> ___�?;•?;i^;�: Security Instnrmen�Unle�Borrower an+3 i�der�ree to other terms of payment,these ar.►ounts shall Uear intenst
<br /> - �;���•-° frvm the date of disbursement at the Nntwrnt�and stir.11 t�e payable.with interest,upon notioefrnm Lender to Borrower
<br /> ,�•-�}'�-i R:r�c�esting P'aYment. :
<br /> —.- _- _ 8. blortEabe Insurance.If Lender required martgage insurance as a condition of making ths loan s+�s�red isy this
<br /> J����L.�� Security Instrument,Bomococs shaU pay ths premiums reyuired to maintain ths snarigage insutance in eifer�t.If.for any ,',
<br /> reason.the mortgage insac7sace coterage requ�red by Lender Iapses or ceases to ise in effect,Borrower shalY pap ttt�
<br /> .�;:�: � premiums required to obtai�coverage suUstantialiy equivalent to tl-,�mortgage insurance previously in effect,at s�ntrc . .
<br /> ;,� substantially dquivalent ta ti�P oost to Borrower of 4he mortgage insurance preveously in ef€ect.from an alterna't: .
<br /> �..;ESi��:'"�:�. .
<br /> .:��.�„�,,,., mortgage insurer approved i�� Lender. If substantsa,ly equivalent mortga�e cnsuraave coverage ia nnC availab3e, •
<br /> _ �. �.: •;� Borrower shnll pay to Lenctas ea.ch montth a sum equal to ane�t�velhh ot the y�cty mottgage insuranee prr.maum being
<br /> • paid by Borroaer ahen the insurance coversge lapsed or ceased w be in efPect.Len�er will accept,use and retain these
<br /> - payments s�s a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurancz. Loss reserve �rayments may rco longer be required,
<br /> 4� , � .
<br /> , � �xa 8d2s !/90
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