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<br /> . • � �
<br /> `• ' '1'(lG�l'H�:R ".�ITN ull tDe improt•ements nacv ot heresfter ere�:ted nn the propercS. nnd all e�ements, � .�
<br /> • . ' appurtenanc�,and tixtt�ses now or hereafter a part nt tAe propert�y.Ali replacements and addiirons sha�l also be co�ered � `
<br /> � • .� by this Sectirity Insttument.All ot the ioregaing is referred to�n this Security iast�ument us the"Pmprrty" "
<br /> � KORRC)Z'�'ER CO��E h e�►�ti'T S that�arroner is lne;fully seised of the estate hereby canceped und h�s the rigs�t to �
<br /> grant and ix►nsep the Praperxy and that the Ptoperty es unencumbered,ekcept tor encumbrances uf�ord. Bomo�ser __
<br /> � �( a�arrants and�vili defend generally the title to the Pfbperty a�ainst all claims and demands.subject to uny encumbrances
<br /> , � of record.
<br /> . , ,� TMS SECL'RI'1'ti IhSTRU:�lE1�T co�nbines uni4orm rncenants for national use an�Qonvniform co�•enants nith
<br /> limited�aristiott�hy jurisdictinn to constitutea uniform�curity instrument cocering real propert3'••
<br /> � � y l'.L'IFOR.\1 COVE.tiA,tiTS.Borroner and Leti�3er co�•enant and ngree es Pollons
<br /> _ ___� l.Pay me�t ot Principai and tnter+est:Prepayment au6 I.�Ye Charges.SorcoRer shali pmmptly pa3 tYA�dek.
<br />•— •_ � the pri ncipai of and intereyt on the debt erides�3�y ttte��mx!as�y pr��y+�r�►t�nsi tate c�r������°�- � '
<br /> � """`� 2.Fuads[nr Tafes and Ins�raacz.Subject to applicable lacv or to a nritten�ai�er by Lender,Borroner shall
<br /> ...,� �( -
<br /> . p:,y to Ixnder on the day monthly pay ments are due umier the l�ote.until t�e I�ote is paid in full,a sum("Funds')for
<br /> (a)yeariy tmc�as►d ass�ments nhich may attain priority o�er this Securit3 Instrument as a lien on tt:e Property;(b?
<br /> yearl�leasehold payments or gronnd rents on the Proper:y.if any;(c)yearlg harard or propercy insurance premiums.
<br /> (d)gearly fland insurance premiums,if any:(e)learly mortgsge insurciace premiums,if any;and(f)any sums payable
<br /> by Borroir•et to Lender.in accordance sith the pro�•is'sons of pzcagrsph 8,in lieu off the payment of mortgags insuranc� _:.
<br /> • � prem;ums.Thesa items are called°Escron Items.'Lendes may.at any tiane,coUe,.�t and hold Functs in rin amount not �:'
<br /> � � to esoeed the masimum amount a len3er for a [ederally related mortgage laan may require tor Barroaser's escton �'_
<br /> • aa:nunt unde�the federal Real FState Settlement Froc�ed�tes Act of 1974 as am�rtded from time to time. 12 L.S.C. �.
<br /> • • Section 2601 Et seq.I��PA��.����a��law that applies to the Fuads sets a lesser nmoun�If so.Lender may. �,
<br /> � t. at any time.colloct and hold Fuads in an amouat not to eaceed the lesser amaunt I.endet rriay estimste ths amaunt of '•
<br /> _ : � Fuads due on the basis of cune�t data and reasonable�timates oi expendiwre.s o4 future ESCrow items ar oshercYise in E__
<br /> � ,� acoardance Mith applirable law. `�
<br /> "fhe Funds shall bs held in az►institution�vhose depasiu are insvred by a fedaqal agency.instrument�lity,or entity �•
<br /> ' (inclu�in�Lcnder,if L.ertder is such an instiurtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Ltinder shall apply the Fonds t� �_
<br /> pay the�s�cron ltems.Lender moy aot charg�Borro�ei'for holding and appl}ing the Funds.asuivally analyzin�ti��: _
<br /> era
<br /> . " + escrow acoou:.t,a�verifyeng the E�cr�w Items,unless I.ender pays BorroRer interest on the Funds and applicable 1n.r�
<br /> � permits Lender to mal�e s�ch a charge. However. Lender may requite Borrocver to pay a one�ime charge far sn
<br /> ' ... iadee�eenndent real estate tas teporting service used by Lender in oonn�tion with this loan.unl�applicable lrstv proci@es
<br /> � � otherwise.Unle�a�agreemc�nt is made or a�plicable la�;tequires is�terest to be pai$Lender shall aot be required to —
<br /> .. • � pay Bonoaer any interest or eamings on the Funds.Bomnwer and Lender may agree in�rriting,hoRe�er,that int�.:r�t
<br /> ` � shall be paid on the Funds.l.ender shall give to Borroaer,without charge,an annual acwunting of the Funds,sh�«in�
<br /> ' cre�its and debits to the�unds snd the pur�ose foe which�ch debit to the Funds cvas m�de.The Funds are pled�ed�
<br /> .. . ' � ttdditionsl s�urity for all sums s�used by this�ecurity Inatrumen�
<br /> li the Funds held by Lender egcEed the amoants permitted to be held by applicabie law. Lender shall a,ecount to
<br /> '� � Bono�er for the escess Funds in�ccxvrda�ce cveth the requiremenss of applicable laar.li the flmount of the Funds held
<br /> xv
<br /> ��;, ' :� �� ; by L,ender at any time is not suEficient co paY the F�crow Items�chen dae,Lender muy so notify Bcsrconer in c►ririn;.
<br /> c
<br /> _ � and,in such case Borrower shall pay tg L•.ender ths amaunt rteoessary to make up the d�ciency.BorroRer shali ma�
<br /> su
<br /> -`•-�+ • � ��I� up the defir.iency in no more than tcvetre monthly payments.at Lender s sale discretian.
<br /> -- LJpon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumen�Ixnder shall pmmptlp refund to BorroRer
<br /> '--� - any Funds held by Lender: If.under paragrsph Zl. Lende:shall acquire or sell the Property. Lender, prior to the
<br /> � acquisitiun or sale of the Property,sh�ll apply F.ny�nnds held by Lender at the time of nsquisition or sale as n ctedit
<br /> '�,::Y` ' against thc:;�urns secured by this Securit��In�^qvment
<br /> ----- ' 3.ApLr6iation oi Payments.Ura;ess applicable law provid�othernise.all payme�ts received by Lendec au�r,i�
<br /> _�`� '+�.'=.� paragraphs 1 and 2 shap be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the rote;second,to amounts�y�able
<br /> ri"' `` ;,:,�: under paragrnph 2;third��n����'faorth,to princigal due;and lasK,to any late charges due under the Kots.
<br /> ����:_,
<br /> °"-��.�' 4. (�ar6es;Liens. BorroweT shall pay all tages.ass�sments.cDarg�;,fines and impositions attributable Ua the
<br /> _��=ti:;��;°�' Property c�fi;�h may attsin priority uver this S�urity Inscrumen�and tea5ehold paym�nts or gtound rents, if. as�y.
<br /> - - - Borrotver shall pay these obligatiatts in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not�n%d in that manner.Bortn�'er
<br /> _=��s�;:�.�
<br /> — : •. . shall pay them on time d3rectly to t�:e pesson owed payment Borrower shsll promptly furnish to Lender all rtotic�s of
<br /> �j°°���= :�mounts to he�id and�.•r, this patagraph.Tf Bona�vet makes these paymen���.9irectly,Barroper shall promptly fumie.l:
<br /> -':.�":�•, to Lender receipts evid..rnrang the payments.
<br /> ,l,�:�;�;- . Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien Nhich has priority over this Security Instrument ur1��s Bonower:(b)
<br /> '-•�-.;� agress in writing yo t1rS p�yr�n,ent of the obJigation secured by the lien in a manner acaepmble to Lender;(b)contests in
<br /> _��_.--� goorl faith the tien by.or dzfends alyinst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedin�s which in the Lender's a�.inion
<br /> ��° aperate to prevent the enforcemeait of the lien;or(c)s�ures from the holder of the lien an agream.ent satisiscuJry to
<br /> _�=��-_�M� / � Lender subordinating the li�n to this Security foa�tvment.If Lender determ i Res that any part of tlie I�nzxrty is sub�a�t
<br /> �ri�i�`
<br /> �—s`��= to a lien cvhich may ati�sn flriority over this s�:urity Instrument.Lender m<.�give Barrower a naiics identifying the
<br /> _��.-:;:�;°�{}'7,;t � lien. Sorrower sholl s:tic�tS�the lien�r take one or�ore af the actions set{nrth abore c�ithin 10 days of the giving of
<br /> = a :�t� sau notice.
<br /> _�;; : . ��,�l:�.
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