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<br /> �� �'; at the aptian ot I.ender, if mortga�p insurnnce cnverage (in the amount and for the periad that Lender requlres) �:_
<br /> ` � � pro�idzd by an insurer appro�'ed by Lender again becomes available and is obwined.$orrocver shsll pap the ptemiums
<br /> � ' ,'� � . requ'sred to rtuiatain morcg3ge insurance in etfect,ot to pro��ide e lo�s reser��e, until the requirement for martgage :
<br /> : � insurance ends in acrnrdanse nith any nritten agreement betcseen BorcocLer and[,ender�r upplicable la�. �ndrr shall
<br /> ' ' 9. lnspection.I.ender or its agent mny make r�sanable entries upon snd inspection5 af the Propercy• °
<br /> - ': give Batroner�otice at ti�e time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause Por the inspectioa C�s._.
<br /> • 10.Coudemnation.The prusePds aP eny unard or claim for damages,direct or consCquential,in connection�cith �e=:
<br /> any wndemnation or other taking of any g�rt ot the Property,or for conrepance in tieu af condemnation,are hereby �
<br /> � . - assigned and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> � . In the event oF a wtal taking oF the Property,the proceeds shall be upplied to the sums szc�red by this Sacurity � .
<br /> :, Instrum�ent,«hether or not then das,tvith any excess psid to Borror:er.In the ecent o!a pareiul taking of tAe PropertY in
<br /> .- _=--��� niuch tfie fair market vaSu�ui the F�c�t�intntcdiately�fore the taking is e�u3!ao�r gc�eater than the amount of the � _
<br /> � � sums serured by this Security Instrument immediately before the taking,unle�Horro�er and Lender othenvise s�ree �
<br /> � in tivriting,thE sums secwed by this Security Instrument shall be reduced b}the omount of the ptac�ds multipfied by � �_=
<br /> � the follo�ving fruction:(a)the total amount of the sums secured immediatel3 befote t�e taking.divided b3• (b)the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediately betore ths talcing.Any balanoe shall be paid to Borro�er.In the event of o
<br /> • � partial taking of the Property in cvhich the isir market�alue of the Property imrstediately beiote the taking is less than •4
<br /> ` ' � the amount of the sums secureci immediately�before the taking,unless Bonower and Leitder otherc,rise agree in ariting ��
<br /> � � or unless appticable laN otherwiss provides, tAe proceeds shall be applied to the sums sxured by ttus&ecurity ;,-.
<br /> � Instrument cvhether or not the sums are ti►en dus. -
<br /> If the Property is abandaned by Borrower.or if.after aotice by Lender w BorroMer that the condemnor effers w 4.�
<br /> make an a�vard or settle a claim for damages, Borroc�er fails to respond to lxn3er within 30 days after the date the __
<br /> � notice is given,Lender is authorized Yo cdllect and apply the praceeas,at its aption,either to restoration or repair ot the k;
<br /> . ,;: property ar tv tire sums secured by this Security Instrument,cvhether or not the�n due. �-
<br /> � `�. Unle��.c.:�ter and Borrocrer othernise agres in�vriting,any app7ica3ion of pmcaeds to priacipa!shall not eatend or �.,
<br /> ` _ . -��;%�: postpone the dus date o[ the monthly payments refen�ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change th$smount of s�ch �=-
<br /> Q.
<br /> ,. �: ��' paYments. -
<br /> ;�i„,��i:,`.:'�:�•�'�, lD. Bonower Not Released: Fari��ce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension oP the timefor paymcmt or -
<br /> ;��::��•`'`;%�.'.,;;�. madificab�of amortization of the nitn s s�ured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in _
<br /> interest of Borrovrer st�all not oper.��r.to release the liability of the original Borronrer or Borrower's successors in _
<br /> ,' ' ;nteres�LEnder shall not be required to commenc�pr'oceedin�s against any successor in interest or refuse to eatend —
<br /> � . time for payment or othercvise modity amortization of the sums secured by this Security InstrumenE by reasun of any
<br /> demand made by the ori�inal Borrower or Borrower's succe�o�s in intecest.Any forbearaace by Lender in eaercising
<br /> ' any rigtrt er remedy sha11 not be a waiver of or preclude the exerci�of any right or remedy. �
<br /> ;,+,� 12.S�s�sessors and Assigns Bound:Ioint aad Seveta➢Liability;Co-signers.The covenants and ageements
<br /> - . ;;i;%�`;.;x of this S«ayrity Instrument shall bind and bene�t the successors and assigns bf Lender and Borrower,subject to the
<br /> .,,;r,,}'� provisions�ff paragraPh 17.Borrotives s covenants and agreemen�s shall be joint and szveral.Ar�Y BarroNer cvho co-si(�ns
<br /> ���r;. . this Security Instrusnent but does not esecute the Note: (a) is co signing t��is Sscurity Instrument only to mortgflge, ;
<br /> --�,�_ +. grnnt and canvey t�lrat Hotrower s interest in the Property under the t�e�a�.of this Security Inscrument; (b) is not
<br /> ;;;;��T;:ti, • persona115•rzfi:igated rr�pay the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�and (c) agrees that I.ender and ar�y other
<br /> - '.��.Y�Y� Bor:ocver ttuy a�ree to eatend,modify,forbear or mage any uccommodations w�th re�,.rd to the terma of this Security
<br /> � Insttumentar the rote tvithout that Borror�er's consent.
<br /> �� � 13. Loan Charvrs. If the loan secured by this Security Insuument is subject to a!aw which seu maxi�num loan
<br /> • . charges, and that law is�nally interpreted so clist the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in
<br /> � • ' � connectiQn Nith the 1�:n exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be redu�ed by the amount
<br /> �:�.�.;�_:,.J�;`+'j� necessarv tn reduce the chatge to the permitted limit; and (b) any�ums already collected from Borrower wtrich .
<br /> -.L�.•:•,,;, , eaiceEded�x..°rmitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender ma choose to make this refund by redur�,g r�.+�
<br /> �"3=�';;�`�����: principal owed under the Note or L•y�making a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund red�ces principal.the re�}a:ti��.r
<br /> _'y?�'�;t;a'�r' cvill be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under tha Note.
<br /> -��•.
<br /> '�;'�'�'`' 14. Notices.Any notice to Borro�rer providad for in this Security Instrument shall be g'iven by delivering it or by
<br /> , �•.��
<br /> '=`''^"�'�'s.`��5 mailing it by first class mail unless applicab�:�lai�requires use of another method.The notice sl,�l(.t;a direcied to the
<br /> .�:-,.,,,;.�t;�,�.
<br /> ,,.z �.,flJ�,�. property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any m:ti ce to Lenaet shall be given by
<br /> =''``-�-�' �rst ciass mail to Lender s address stated herein or any other address Lender designa��by notice to Bortowe;.Any
<br /> y,.�"�: notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Len�er wt►en given
<br /> �i ,. as provided in thisparagraFh• � .
<br /> ��-;- � 1 S.Goverai�tg Law;Severability.This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal 1aw and the!aw of the
<br /> - s*,;:;�F±w9^'x
<br /> `�"'*'•s� jurisdictinn in which the Peoperty is located.In the event that any provision ot clatue of this Security Instrument�or the
<br /> -"'� �'"'4'`�� Note cuntlicts vJith applicable la�e..such conflict shall not ait�_i:r;othet provisions of thirs.=rLCUrity In..�trumentor d�t;itiote � ;-
<br /> `.•..i..���.`�`ri.' .
<br /> �"�,�:u�..�` :�' �vflicP.�aua be g'�ven eYfect cvithouti.ti�n.conflicting provision.io this end the ptovisiar,�.�02 this Secutity Instrum�nt:and --
<br /> -�"::�.r.'.� the Noteare declared w be seve�L•��. •� "
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