�iS:��'}lS7`U(�tF� C:)i:
<br /> �1':�'{`:j'`[�(}Ci'..t-= . " " . _ .___ _ _ . ....
<br /> . �:i.r�}�t'+�`i,�` - .
<br /> C�
<br /> . . ��o a���� � `
<br /> _ .
<br /> _- ___ -.- li Bormwer �all promP�Y S�ve ix�d�r written aot�s�o€aay mn�dgation. c#�.d�. l�c►r ut�r �€� __- -.`-
<br /> . ! by aaY gavemmental or regulatory egencY oY prlvate party anvalving the Property and ang Hazardous Snbstause or . . ,
<br /> . i gmr�romnenial I�w of wbich Bar�o�er has r�t�r�l i�owledge. If Bezrower leams.ar is nflti�d by ssny govemmenml
<br /> � � ar regWator9 awhaaiY, tbat anp remo�l or osher zemediauon of any Ha7azdous Subseaare affecting thz Piopert5► is . .
<br /> �•: I u�essaty. Borrower shall pmmPflY �e all n�r�► Iemedial esxions in accozd�use with Bnvironinental Law. . :
<br /> � Boaowe� shall he solely resgo�'ble for,sba11 indernnify, defea� and hnld hatmless Leader. its directurs. officeis, .
<br /> ' - � ��Y�+�O�Y�•$Se�,a�their r�ve successars aad assi8�.from aad agaiast any and afl clai�s.deao�vads. - ,--
<br /> ay
<br /> . �� caases of aaron. 1��,dama8e, cost ('�sludiag actu�l auo�aeys' fePS und court casts and cas9s of any req�ir� or .
<br /> '. . -.. �9 repair, cl�p or detoxifr�tion of th� Prop� �l the prepaiation aad imPlemsntation of aniY �c.��e, . . __
<br /> . . . ag�q, ooa3ai�ent, remedi�3 or ather ieqaired PS�3. �and liab�ity directly or ia�irecfly aa��g o�t of _ ` `- -
<br /> -_�:r:
<br /> . . . .. ar a2m�utab2e tn (a) the ase, Seneratioa, smiage, r�sare, threateaed release, di.sc�sr8e. disposai. abat�.xi3�ory ��,�
<br /> • p�eseare of Ha�ardaus Substauces on,nnsler or abaut the Property. (b)the uanspOrt W or fcum Uie PmPert9 an .;:...
<br /> ' ' i Hazsudoas S�bss�ces, (c)d�e viol�tioa of any Hsrard�ous Substaaces l�w,and (d)aaY HazazdOns Sabstazices clai�ms• <``
<br /> bstances de5aed as waic or h:zardnus sabsta�ces ��`• T
<br /> � _%t,.; !ss used in tbis patagraph 7A,"Aa�a�da�Snbstaaces'are those su �," .
<br /> ` ,� . : bp E.rrriro�ntal IBw aad the folloiving snbstanres: gasoline,kerosene, ather 8amm3bls or ta�getmleum pmdaas, „�t ,_
<br /> ` '`- tasc �eidES aad herbicides, volat7e �aiveats, materials conraini�8 asbesins ar fom�aldehyde, avd radioaztive �s _
<br /> �_'; , •
<br />: � ' � mat�ials. As m�ii an this paraSraP h Z 0�"E�r i z onme n i a l L a v P m e a n s f e d e r a l t a w s s u s i l a w s o f t l�j m c i s d i c u o n w l►i E r e ��
<br /> t ;�-�
<br /> t� i;�peaty is�tbat reiate to healU�, �fety or emimnmental pmD�ction ;};.L;a_,_
<br /> . ' �t.,�g�. I.eudet s�aIl gice a4tice ro Boirowet piior m a t ce l em+ian fo II o�i�IIuaower'6�..'�cli y:,:�_-
<br /> • , r�,, � '���, of�sovenant Or agre�ment in this Seca�nty Ipsbn�t (but noi priol to � �aa �z �a�ph IT urless t j_�=,=_=
<br /> :;,,,<�:•. appficable law pmvides oiherwise). 'Ihe aofice s t i a l l s g�:(a)d�e d e f a n l t; (b)the aaroa r�to wre the def�mi�
<br /> �... .._ .,}SJt;.� wis
<br /> ..�_�.. M by w1uc�t'bs d.�lt mnss be ca�l; �.�.i:,,�;
<br /> : , (c) a date.�t less tban 30 days fmm t1� dz... the nntice is given w Bosower. r_•�_
<br /> ' �1 �� ; m the notice map r�aSt i�r,�celersdon o8 the
<br /> and(� t�ai f�lure w cure the defanit an ab i�fore the date specifed ' -'-.�-.�
<br /> , }�� , The nnYice shall fiuther iaf*�Bosower of 8�s ,_�_" _
<br /> .>,c;:�;:'.,.�� snms secure�l bq thia Security Inst�ument �.:,�salc of the Praperty. �.^N_ .'
<br /> , �,f�.,, , rlght to zeinstate after accele�+ton aad t!��ht to bring a conct actifln to assert ti�e�nexisteflce af a detanit oi any -.
<br />�� •���c��.' .e specified Inthe noi�ce �"��-
<br /> ' ,;�;r; + defense of Boaower w xcceleiation and sa... If the default is noi cured on or before the date . �,s�,.�._
<br /> ' �"`'" t: �r� L„apmeni in full of ali s�ms sew�d by ihis Sec,�ity lnstcmment withont �°-
<br /> Irender at ifs option may reqaire � ---
<br /> � fur�her ds�aad�may is�oYe the po��er ei sale aad aay other �3i.� Pomutted b�agpli� law. I.ender shall =-_
<br />.. . • . � � .,r �� � ,�.r�c atl expea,ses incuae� �.Lr:..'�suing the remedies p�.ided ia this patag�ap'a �L..zncindin8+bnt noi �-
<br /> • . " 1�it,�ci: w.�asanable attameps' fees and�of tide evidence.
<br /> `�i<�:... ` �_�pn�of sale is u►voYed,T:vstee shall recatd a notice of def�ult in�a c„�nntY in w�sa any�of the - -
<br /> �f,. .
<br /> . . . s property is located and sball mail copies cf szch notise ia the manner prescn"bed t��glic�b]e ixw to Batmwer -
<br /> � to the dther�eisons Pr�cn'bed bY aPP�`9�e :aw. After the time recNired bY aPPlicable lagr.'��e shall give gubLic =_—.-
<br /> . : . ; � notice of sale w the pe�sflns aad in t��r p�escn'bed bY aPPHcable law. Tmstee. withcy d�d on Bouower,
<br /> a�. r
<br /> • • shall sell t�e Propert9 at pebli�auctiaa ��r7�e highrst bidder at the dme and plac2::.�fl r� t.�teims desi
<br /> .. .' � in th$ nofice of sale in one��c�ore pamxls and i�any order Tnistee dete�ines. °rr:�e may postpone sale of aII
<br /> , or any parcel of the PropertY by Public amannncemeni at the time and place of ang�a:-,ac�sly scheduted sale. Lender __
<br /> � . � �' i or its designee nay parchase the Progert; �t airy sate.
<br /> Upon receipt af payment of the pr's�L:d.TmsteE slaall deliver ¢o the pnrch�ser Tsus�'_ �ed canveying the
<br /> • Fx�ny. The recita]s in the Tmstee's deed sHari be prima facie evidence of the icuth of the sta�ents made therein.
<br /> . T�.eE sball apply the P�cls of the sale in the follo�:ng order:(a)to all costs aad e�enses of exenisin�th��Rwer
<br /> .. .�� of sa1e.a�the sate.includin8.wIthont limitadon, the T,aYment of tl�Tmstee's fees actually incantid.and�ble
<br /> � . .� suorneys'fxs as ge�itted b'91aQ+:(b)ta s.JI s:�s securesl by this Seauiry Instiument: and(c)r�P�to the peison
<br /> � � oz pe�sons legally entided to i�
<br /> • ?2.Re�onveyaaoe. Upon gaYmeni =L`,atE svms secured bY this Seauitp In..��i, Le��c ��'ra21 request Tnzctce
<br /> .���,: to recomrey the PropartY an� :,3�all s�_,:a:: this Sec;urity Iatt�ument, ths Nnte a:�i r�+at�i :..a�es sceu.*ed by tbls _
<br /> ' �t�;:� •�° Ser,o�id�r Insm�ment W'IiusteE. Tn�tee �y.:�:•'.r�onvey the Propeaty wlthou4 waaa...~�y to the peison or ger��aas legallY
<br /> ';;,� " entifled therew. Suc�pe�son oi pe�saL::. ��s�u pay all foiwuding fees imposed by Lender. aecaavEyance ��i:�posed .
<br /> :. ' by Tsustee, r.�x�:nll costs reladag to tlt� z�ax:adon of the recomeyance of this Security i++��?nt
<br /> � � ?3.�� 7Y¢s�e. Leffier mo�y. froat time w tlme. by insttament in wrldng, substitute a siu:�_-�:r oz
<br /> �. . ° � �� tnta3�.ssors W any Tmstrx named ia tlte Sr,curity Insmimeni'oi acting thereunde�r. Such it�uament sha111��:a-�� -
<br /> . aad acSmowt�dged by Lender aad recordal in tht ofHce of the recorder of the caunty or coumties wbere dtc T�.rrpesty -
<br /> � r is situated and shall ioe conclusive pmQf �f tLe pmper subsdtudon of s¢ch �ccessor Tiustoe or Troste�. Snch
<br /> ,• � i� . �� surcessor Tznstee oi Tsustees sball.arr.tlua.7 comreyance fzum the preder�essor T:ustee. s�icceecl w all its dt1e.esiate.
<br /> i rights.Puwers aad dntIes. T�e procedu.�: 7►erein pivvidc�d for substiwdan af Ttustas shall mt be exclus�ve of otHer
<br /> . ;4, � pmvisions for subsdtutlon ��nitted by law.Ths making of aath or giving of bond by Tmstee or anq sttcxessoi Ttusiee
<br /> � is hereby waived by Honuncs. =:
<br /> � � + ?A.Re4oest for PIwioes. Borra�a: r2qu�ts that copies of the �tic� of�,:rs�r� �� snle be sent w Borrawer's r._._
<br /> .. _
<br /> address w}ucFs.i:s �e PropenY Add�.
<br /> �__.�
<br /> � � TS.� of Obli�dun Re�. L�:r�:ter may callect a fee eqval t.� the s.aRi.:.um :..nu:�un: 2s may fmm time co _
<br /> . , tvr,�i�e allowed by law for fvsr.ir,�in�a�7 s�atement of obligation.beneficiary's c��ena+ ��s:�."ia�►'s d�.^�.'� ��'
<br /> '• oti�r st�tement negazdin8 ��= oondi�on of os bals�ce owing under the Nute ar a�Jre9 by tbis Savritp Tmu�eni. �����'
<br /> to Iatetest Rr�fe ur Mo�Iy Faymeat. 'I9�e Note con�i:.s pravi.,^ia�s arhich pta�ai•� for the �-�'P-
<br /> � 26.Na Adju�eflt . .y,
<br /> ' interes! rate antl the emonnt of the moushly payment of principal and interess w be fix�eo n�amrry. These pravisions
<br /> � are incoiporated herein by this r�ferense.
<br /> 27.affaets. No indebted�ss se�auefl by this Stcurity I�stsument s�all be dee�ed tA i�ave baea offset or to Toe �.
<br /> offEet or campensated by all oi part of any elaim,c�use of acdon,cannterclaim or cross�claim,whethei llquidatal ar .,
<br /> unllquidatal, whicd�Bonower(ar,sabject w para�»Dh 17 of this S�urity Instrumeni. anY s�oo�o=to Bosrower) aa�v N
<br /> or I�er2aRer mfry have or m3y claim to�ave against Lender. :`�`'
<br /> 28.Niisspces�n aa!Nu�e. Banower has mEde certain written repr�ntatioas su�disclosures in ..
<br /> ; order co induce Lender to�e the loan evidea�ed by the NotQ or notes which this Seeatity Inssmment seca�'e:,ancl
<br /> _ � . � 1
<br /> :. . . � � ��.��� �:� -- s � � . .
<br /> p�,� s�,���y��,�� Page 5 of 1 �
<br /> Borrouer Initials �/� �
<br /> r I .
<br /> = 4
<br /> R ' ' NPFDOT.OS . .
<br /> 1 - - -
<br /> _� - _
<br />