, .{ a , . . . . .
<br /> .. � ` � •
<br /> � � �. . �� � 9�°sc�iz�� � :
<br /> _ —._ -_:_-. 1 in ths event tHat Bormw�r h�s made any mateus! mis�tepresentatioa or fs�ed ta disclose any material facx,i.�der, _ -
<br /> . , ; at its ogtton aad withaat p�oi nn�.oe ar dcmand sball ➢�ave the right to declaze the indebt�daess se�,vsed by ths '
<br /> ' i Sa�rity IBSU�nt, ir��ve of tt�t maturity date sp�ified in the Note or notes secuied by tbe 5e,�ariry Insuumeat, . ,
<br /> . j 'smm�ttiaie3y due su�gayable. Ttvster. t�on gresenmtion to ic of aa affidavit sigusd by Lt�der seuiag fonh facts
<br /> . i sRn��ng a def�lt bq Borrocver undtY ttils patagtapb, is suthoris,ed w sr,�t as true aad conslasive all facts and .
<br /> � sratemrats thePein, a�sl oo as;t t�rean heieuader. .
<br /> „ , e
<br /> � 29.1�x �a�tt� £so^�ac. 'f'ime is of sbe e�.ence ia t�e g�foananse of ea..� Fmvi�on of this S�arity
<br /> ' . - � InssnrmEn3.
<br /> � �� � ` 30.Wi�of S�trme af I.�ans. 'l�te pleading of the sratute of limitadons as a defense ta enfoYrem�t of
<br /> . " ' � d�s S�ity Inst�umeni, or any and a11 obligatlons zeferred to Lereia or socumd herehp,is l�reby waived w the fallest ' __
<br /> ...__.._, , ; ezoeni pemmitt�d by law, ' ,�q=_�
<br /> 31.Mo�.S,atin�n. This SECUrity lnstmment mny be modified or ameaded onlg by a�n agreemeat in wa�sing sign�d '�.
<br /> <. .• bg Boimwer and I�nder. ;-�==:
<br /> 32.Cspt�O�. The caption�and headings at tbe beginning of each par�gcaph of tbis Securiry Instr�ent a�+e for '--'-
<br /> . . '• tbe comreniensc of reference only and a�nai be used in the inteipretadon of airy pmvision of this Se�itq __ --
<br /> �r InsbtamEUt. -T�.�
<br /> � � "� 33.C�on af sLe Sa�mity Ins�a�nent. Barro�r and Txnder u�ee diat this S�i9 Inst�ent s1�aIl Ue �,�:�"4;,
<br /> . � inunprete� in a fair.eqaal,and neutiaY manaer as to each of the puties,aad in t�eerent of any ambiguily herein,no �;�,�;��
<br /> . . : :,;��� iaference s1�all be drawa ag�ut a par�y by reason of docameni p�on. ���
<br /> • ...9�� 34.b�soeIIameaas. T7ie tem�s 'inclndt'or•iacluding,'when nsed in tbis Seauity Ln.�mcat, shall mean withont �`�:°
<br /> ,
<br /> . .:�,>�
<br /> . ��'�``;,� limitation bq rr.ason of em�me:ation. In this Secnriry Iasimment. vvheuever the contest so mqoires. the masculi� �%.�,'r==
<br /> � --- - .- ' ; gender iacludes the fzmininc aad/os neuter. sad dte singular mimber includes the plwral. =-:_—
<br /> ,�. s I 35.Re3mb�. To the e�cteni petmiued bY aPPlicable law,fiormwer sball ieimbaise 'hustee and I�en�er for i�"q.•�-"
<br /> . . � 's asiy aad a1 cos�s.fees and ea�enses w3nch either may incar,exgead or snstain ia the eaocation of the trost�eued ___
<br /> ' j h� cr in the performasce of any�ct i�eqaiied or petmitted hereuader ar by law or in eqnity oi othetwise arIaing ��^;'�
<br /> �q .
<br /> ont of Qr in oonnxdon wIth thls Saurity Insuamens, the Note, any othsr �te secared by rhis Secauitp �as�nt �'fs'„
<br /> �'= h
<br /> or uay a3:� iastrament eaecaud by Boicower in copnection wit3►the Note or Seturity T�sb�ent. To tbe eatent «'�.`_'
<br /> 'f`' f P�� bY aPP1i�Ie law,Borrowei shall pay to T:ustee and LendeT thefir fces in conneMion with Tmstee aud "°-°` _
<br /> `;�'- • . � _--""
<br /> .., . ,` i,ereder pmvidiag dnatments or seivices aiisng out of or in conaeaion wfieh this Se�antty Inst�ument, die Note,any -.�
<br /> � ;�;;,�;,�.� olher aaL, seruted by this S�tg In�tment os any uttter itL�im�nt executEd bp Bom�z°.t in coanect�n artth ftte
<br /> '"'.�" Note ur�csaritq Instcameni.
<br /> : '.F��� —
<br /> . "� 36.�'�1 B� "�the event Lender ax aay�discaveYS t6ai the Note,any onc�r aate�ecuiefl by tbis Secarity -_
<br /> .;;;;,J,: rn�m,,,,e±�_., t�e S�xi.� Instn�ent. or any ather document or inshumeut sz.�cuted in connection a��a a5e Se�curtty _.T
<br /> _::�?`r� � � 7��r�.,.�P-! ttie No: cc a�r ather nate sec�ued by tlus Sacuriry In.sira�G r.<.�nEains an eimr that �vav cttnsod by a
<br /> {�t` . ' ` clerical r.�i��.calcalation ea�r,computer malfaacdan, Prinrin�eaor ar s�ar ermr.Boaourer ag�ees,upon mfiae
<br /> � �om I�;s�t�� w ieeaecate anp docamenis that are necessary w correct aap sach errox(s). Baaower farther agras tLat
<br /> � Lender a*]I aoi be liable W Bomnwer for any damages incar�ed by Boirowea tbat are dirocdy or indirecfly caased by
<br /> ;�= any suc�esor.
<br /> . 37.Im�t.Sm1eo.a�nYed or M�Od S�nit�►tas�ummt aad Odur i&.�-�oe�a In the eveni of the loss,thsft
<br /> ' ,-':,:r` or dest�usdon of the Note,any att�s vou secured by this Se�vrity Ia.s�ume�, tbe Se�ity �tiument or any ather
<br /> � ,,;�r;� � doc�ments or instcuments execate�:i�conaecdon with the Sec�uity t++��++f�!±�- Note ar�tES (aolYearvel9,the 'Low
<br /> '' Documents),upoa Borrower's�ps of an indemniScation �ecuted ia f�v�or of Bom�rx Cry Lendez.or.in the eveat
<br /> �'1'':•' . of tUue mnWatioa of Fny of the L.oan Davments, upoa Lender's surender to Boaower of the mnu'laud Loan
<br /> ��";�� � Docament. Boirov�x �all exuute and deliver C� 3xader a Loan Document in fomm and canunt ider.��tl to�a�l W -_
<br /> ` � ' . seive as s cs�+lace�� og,the l�st,stoien,destro5ed,or mutilated Low Doa�ment and sucin replacemant shall Aave
<br /> = the sa�e f�srx :�effax as the lost, stolen, destroyed, ar ��iEased Loaa Docaaie�, and may be tirated for �;T
<br /> _,,, ��
<br /> : ,� . pntposes �rye c��al capy of such Loan Dacs�eri.
<br /> � ' 38.Assignmett ��Tea�a. As additional �.:�s,�i,.7►hereunder, Borrower hszeby assigag w Lender �e rents of the ---
<br /> �`'. Property, with or��Sns.�.� taking possessen cf t:s�?mperty. Borrower s '",'.�ave the righit to collect and main the
<br /> �� � :. .�::sc�g re�of t7ie Property ss c:ey bece:.,.��e and pay�.�le p�vided Lender has u::r.¢ssrcised itu righta to require imm.ediate
<br /> . . • .,:�r1�.'.s. payment in foll of the s�s s�i.L�tLis Secutity Insuument and Boaower bas c.�t�,'�ando�oed ihe Proputst.
<br /> i i.�. --
<br /> 39.I�slation Affesxing II��'s Etighta If enactment or expiration of applicable Lu,.us h�s tt�e effect of ienderiag .__
<br /> , � a�r pmvision of the*'��or tL9s Security Ynswment unenfozceable accarding to its t�s.Lender,at ita opdon,may _.
<br /> �. reqnin immedia:e g.�vy,r�L.:.nt in full of all snms s�ured by this Seauity �st��t und may imroYe any iemodies
<br /> , ,�. peimitted bY Paiag�a;.a 21 of this Securlty Instrument. --
<br /> •. � �dsi�L-a:s is cnecked.tlte fo���-n8 P��Pb 40 is agc�eed oo by Barrower: —
<br /> � �y. Q� of Sar.�S-;�Pt�atP. As an inducemeni for Len�Em m�ke the toaa securgd by the Secvav.l �_. ;
<br /> .� rnnrr,-�*,_ Botra�•�c 1a:4;rrpres�..d w Lea�r s�t the Pmperty arill te occugie�by Borrawer witiiin:i.-zty(60)days r�;;°
<br /> followic� r�rordasica ct fs� ��vsirj Insuumens a� dwiag the tweive (12y nonsh grzncl imme�,ly followi^g ',',";
<br /> resord�tia�n of the SecuY'sry I�stn�n�t as Borrazver's primary resideBCe. Borrd�ei ar�a:vledgas (a) tbat lxII3r� �:;':
<br /> . would r�t have agrerd ?a mai� t�i� loan evidenced by the Note or�tes socured by� Securlty Irsunment if tise -_
<br /> Pcogemy weie aot vs�e owper�cupied, and (b) that dce Interest rate set forth on the face of the Noie and ather �
<br /> . teims of the laan weTe dete�miusd as a result of Botrower's cep�esenraHan �the Property wovld be owaez-occapied �i
<br /> � Boirawer finiher acknowledges that. aatong other ttungs (i)Pnnbasers of ioant (including age�ies.associadons and
<br /> . , cotporntioBS created by the fedeial and st�te gavemments for the punt�ase of Inans) typically ros�uire that pmperties
<br /> . --- - sauring loans acquiral by s�ch gurcd�asers be ovvner-0ccupiad, and aill reject for pnrcbase loans for wLicl►securiry
<br /> . properties are aoi owner-0ccapied, Cri) Lender's ability w sell a loan or an interest in a loan(a�+hIch it oRen does in
<br /> the ordinary cautse of b3�siness) will thenby De impaired w�eae a security property is not aw,�r�ccnpied. (iij3 the .'..
<br /> � � ris',as 3m+olv�and chs costs df hnlciiag an�aAminissering a iaan aze of�en higher in the�of a toan in a�hich the
<br /> ! s�urity pmgzrty is ws owusr-0ccupied, nasl rv) if and when LEad�r ru�kes a loan on the s�arity of noa�waer '
<br /> l .
<br /> �:-� - . --- � � ��►�� �►.�,�,
<br /> ' nac.:,m s�,ts.ceooi xaiss¢ P�ge 6 of 7 �!� � ��c
<br /> Horrawer Initl�l� _ rJ
<br /> a' . I
<br /> _ . . I b'ES�0209 -- - � � —_.._. .. . _ — _..._-
<br />