�_� • .•<z.t i,<<` '
<br /> ---�-� � ---- ,. . . . •
<br /> �
<br /> . - -.-- --- • -- - • . . -----� ... c _. _ _..._���_�_
<br /> ` .
<br /> � � .
<br /> � ..
<br /> . ��m ���.���
<br /> . UNess Le�der sIId S�rro�rer ott�twise agcee in vvtiting.anY aPPUcation of proceeds tn grIndg�l sbail unt e�ad .
<br />_`=_ _ .---; 03 pns��e �te due thEe of�te tu�r�tty I�Y� c�c,iai Eo in par�s i s�t 2 c►g e�ass� dt� � tif s-ueh
<br /> . � � payme�ts.
<br /> � ` �� il.Bams� Na Rsleseed; Fosbeaaanoe By ie� Na s waivei Bxteasioa of tlu: ams for gaymeni oi �
<br /> � _ mudi�c�tian of araoadxidon of rhe svms sec�ue� by this Scwiity In��nt gcanted by Lender to aay sacc�or in ' '
<br /> � � L*1ICI2Si Of$DlIOWET Sl]�I ROt O�Z'dtC W i21C89C thE Ifk'ibl�ltj/Of th2 621$1�31 BOIIOR'2t 0I BOIiOR+Er'S S¢CCeSS01S III . ,
<br /> ; inLerest Lender shall ns�t be cequi�d w commense procePdings a�ainst aay successos ia inie�st or refirse to extsud .
<br /> -� � � d�+s fvr gapmgat or oiherwise modify amortizatina of the sums s�vre� isy tlris SSCUrity'Ias�utin�nt bp reasoa of aay ` ,.
<br /> F•..--_.��� dsmsa�madt by the original Harrowet or Borrowar's saocesso�s ia interest. Any for�earaIICe bq Leader in exesising -
<br /> aaY right or remedy shall zrot be a waiver of or preclude the euercise of any right or remedq.
<br /> � . � , i 12.Sbooe�cis aad A.�,�s Bamd:Jaant and Severtl I3�ity;Casigc�s. 1Tse covenants a�d a� of tBis _
<br /> -.-.-- . . Secnd3y Insu�ent sball biad and ben8t the sa�ssors avd assigns of I.eader and Bonower,sabjxt w the pravisions --- _
<br /> of paiageaph 17. Bosmwer's covena� aad agceements shail be joini sad seveial. Anp Bonoarer who co-sigms this - -=-
<br /> S�uritq Iassmment but dces aot eaecnte the Nate: (a) is�iug this Seauity Insuament only to grant,bargain, `;:;`:_
<br /> �e11,caavey aad conSffi tbas Bmmwer's intetest in tLe Pmpeny mider the tetms of this Sec�ity In�men� (D) is -
<br /> �i persnnatly nbligated w pay tl�ee sva�s secured bp dss�S�ity Ins�men� a�(c)agrer.s that Icader an�aay o�r :�`�N=-
<br /> .. 13virower map agree w extend,.modif9,furhear oz ma�4nq accommoda6ons avith regazzl w the te�s of dds Secarity `�
<br /> . . inst�n¢ens or the Idote without that fia�ower's consea� _-
<br /> � . t3.Ima Cbarg�es. If the loan sec¢caii by this Secarity InmamEnt is sab�ect w a law cvhi�h aets ma:i� l�an �`-
<br /> . c�atges,azd ti�at law is finally inte�x-�t so thac the interest os orher laaa d�ar��coll� oz to be cQllaxed in '��-,
<br /> .,:!� � ` � o�tioa avith d�e loan eso�cl the pas�ittecl limif�. then(a)any snch loan d�ar�:d�all be� by tlie auutant `'';'v---
<br /> :��;�• . ` zs�saey oo m�¢ce the �.'u.�e to die pemutted limit: and @) anp sums adre:dy collacted fram Earcav�c�r whic3i �i.:,�--
<br />.- -�- --- ;'.`� �'s�ded � limits will be � w Boaoarer. Lendea may ckoose to mak�e this refond bg tr�iuQg tt� -
<br /> ae
<br /> � . �' = P�P� a�:crod�der the Noie or by mnT�ng a dire�x paymeat w�ormwer. If a�fund reduces gxinc'spal,t�.:�¢ctian '�_
<br /> ' w�lbe treated as a P� P�Yment withont anY PrePayment charge under the Note. `��
<br /> , �� 14.Not3oe�. Any notice to Bo�awer provided for in this Serurity Inst�ament �hall be g'�ven by delivaiu�it oi by
<br /> h
<br /> no�iag it by 5tst class m�il nnless appiicable laav ieqoir�s ase of anuther me�ltod. The nottce s�ll be ditected W the ��'=='
<br /> �' Pm Address oz aa other addzess Seaower desi tes b anttce w Lender. Aaq notice to Lender sLall�e gh+ea ;-.�
<br /> p�Y Y S� Y
<br /> . . ;.,��, by fust Cl2ss mail to Lender's address s�ts�d herein or any uther addcess I�ender deSlgn2tes bp t�nticx to Boaower. Anp =
<br /> � . " aodce provIded for in this Seruriry In�ent s1�aU be deemed w have been given to Boao�r az I�et w�en givaa
<br /> �;,;;.; . ' � � as grovlded ia this pat�u�ph. --
<br /> -'��.;,�,. . ' :; 15,GovaniAg Iiw;�ity. ',�has Sewrity Instcument sLall be grnr�d by f�eial law aIId tha law of the
<br /> . � im�dicxtan�n which the F�vpeiiy is lu.�:�. In tl�e�eni tbat any provision or clause of this Sec�ity Iusemm�eni oi
<br /> � � the Note c�ufi�i�s with applicable law,9rr�e:.aIIfliCt 51za11 I1oL t3$'�".x��•T pmvSslons of tl�i8 So�vaty�nctrnme�+ oi the
<br /> � - ��-, Note whl��.T�e given effe�t withaut sL cunflictin,;pravision. Ta c�is en�the pmvLdnns of this Socnrltp Ins�srm-.°BL
<br /> ' aad the Note are decla� to be severable.
<br /> ��.,;: �• �':�. 16.Boao�u�er's Copy. Borrower aLall be giveu=� conformed cupy of the Note aad of tbis Saaulty�n�-�*m�,,•
<br /> .r:� �:
<br /> � �;, 19.�fa of fl�e Pcopetiy ar s&�e5c3a1 � ia Baao�e� If all or any part of tIls Paoperty os any inierest
<br /> „"; ia it is sold or Gansfeaed (or if a benefccial iases�t in Bosrower is sold or transferied and Baaower is a�t a nataral
<br /> �;` .
<br /> � �_ persox►) withaat Lender's prioa written v:�sent. Ler.�er may,at its optlon, require immediate papment ia fall of all
<br /> • ' sams sccured bythis Secoiiry Ipst�ent. ��'flweve3,�apdon shall afli be eaeisLal byLemer ifeaers�se i�prohibiud _
<br /> "' ' L�federal 1aw as of the date of tl�iis Secarlty Iss��r;. If Lender exer�ciscs d�cptian, Ixnder sLall�ve Borrower
<br /> noflce of acceleiadon. The nodce sLall pmvide a g�irnr. of nu�t less thaa 30 c�z:�`�m We date the notice is delivend
<br /> � . or mailed vr�n wtn�Boirower mnst pay all sums�.:�bg t�lis W�urity Ias�•�^..�.en� If IIaaower fails to pay tLese
<br /> .. ' s�ms prior trs i�ie eapiraflon of this pe�iod, Le�der s�aq im�a� �;..Z=.-�edies peimiued bp dsi� SECmity In.mument -
<br /> � �• waffiout fiatbe� notice or demand on Bomnwer. =
<br /> ;};s � 18.Baaov�a Rigffi to RefavtsLe. If Bonower�ets cenain condifioas. Bomuwer shall h�ve the �t ro have =-
<br /> �forcement of this Securiry Iasb�umeai disconiimi:d ai any time prior to the earlier o�(a) S days(or sach other -
<br /> s�,:... ' perlod as applicab2e law may specify foz ninstau�ent) befon sale of the Praperty pu�vani to aay power of sale `--
<br /> � : � contained in this Security Inst�umeIIt; Qr N)enuY of a judgmeni enforcing this Secavcity In.�ent 'Ihose candition4 =�-
<br /> , �.
<br /> � • > ane Qiat Boaawer. (a)PaYs l.endec sil sums wh�Ch then would be due under this S�atrity Insu�eut and the Note as i-
<br /> �� ��; t) �y ��
<br /> - � . .. � , if� a�xsleratiton bad occu�ed; (b)autes any default of any�other covenanta oz c s sI3 ='_
<br /> . � � " incuaed in enfoncing this Secaiiry Inste�ent, includin8,bnt mt limited w.m�anable attomeys' f�ees;s�(�'�takes �:.
<br /> . z slub action as Lender may reasaaably r�uire to ass�ue that the�ien nf this Secarity Iasl�ent. Lendsr's "�i.�rhr ��`
<br /> • �� Pruperty �rnL Hoaower's obligadon r� pay the su.ms secured �g� Sxarity Insuumtnt sball oontInue u�vi�
<br /> � Up� �=�m_�nent by Boaower. this Security Instn�eni and �e obligatioas secared henby st�aU rebain �.11, —..
<br /> es��e�s.i�no sccelera.tian had occarred. Howcver.this right to reinsffite ffrall not apply in the e�se af nrx,�Yeiation �
<br /> �� �;� p;a�-�h 17 or Daragtaph 39. �_,
<br /> i��" rG� G..t. f'i n,' ._.
<br /> 59...:_._�_ldo�i'.!'�a�e of L��vl�r.'tlte Nate oi a pzrtial lnterest in the NQie (tog�ther arith t..�s Sesuriry
<br /> ;;'?;. ;rstru�neat} may be sold one or more ti�es without prior nuuce to Borrower. The haldes of the Note azW fl�is
<br /> :��;: �ect��y�st�umsnt shall be de�ce� ta tn:rhe Ixader hereundet. A sale may result ia a�r�e in the entity(�oavn
<br /> � �the 'Loan Seivioer")that callects montia3y paS�c�r� due uader the Note and this SeeuaL3�j inss�omerlt;. 'Lhe�aLs�
<br /> . . , �� ma�be one or more �anges of the Loan Senricea u.ui.r�:ted to a sale of the Note. If there i.s��nge cf E:e laaa �'=:t
<br /> � ? 3eivtcer, Bonower will be pven wriuen natice of the change in accarda�e with patagraph 14 above a�applicabT� - •
<br /> .. 'y{ daw. 7Tie nolir� will smte the name an�address of the new Loasa Senricer and the addre�, to which payments shauld -
<br /> r be made. The nodce will also contain any other infom�adoa �quired by applisable law.
<br /> • � Z0.�doos S��nas. Earr�w�r shall aoi caw� or penmit the pmsence, use,disgosal,sto��e, ar relrase of .
<br /> - .� any Har�rdaas Substances on or in the Froperty. Borrower shaU aoi do,�r tillovv anyone else tfl do,anythiug affopSng
<br /> the Property tl�at is in violation of any �mironmental Law. The praxding taro sente�es sh�ll a�t apply to the
<br /> . ' � pnsence. nse,or storage on the Pmperty of small quanrides nf Ha�ardous Suh�taaces that are geneially recognized ..
<br /> i to be appmpri3fE to ttomt2l [esldentiel u�es sud t0 maintP�? of the Property.
<br /> . i L�ASBA FOII'D SA1Lr �'BOGSAMS �EV•03t9� / ^
<br /> .. i a�ayra.c=.tsoo�w;�saz Page 4 of 7 / � /� � � �
<br /> . _ Borra�er Laitial� �!�! --
<br /> 1lLl,_,.
<br /> , .
<br /> ,
<br /> c.. ti �cw ' �
<br /> . . - - - .. ._._�_------• •---- • - _ - . ,_.,�_..��_ . _
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