'S`w":'• . ' i� .
<br /> . `' . ' " .a. . .
<br /> "__ ._. . . . . . ....
<br /> r� — ------ _
<br /> •� �
<br /> .i . i � M .
<br /> � d� gc��� . .
<br /> ' - .Usl�s i��r e+u]Barn►wer oth�ewLse �im wii�w8.ssny apglic�mn of g�ncads to princjPal sha�l nas Estend .
<br /> rn er sh 1
<br /> — .__ . hs i and 2 or c�anga �e � of t�e �= .
<br /> or postpone tt� due date of the m�nthYY FaY►asnrs referred to in paiagrap � licies and
<br /> � paymenis. If aIIder Px�CaFh 21 tbe Pnoperty is acquired by Lender,Bortower's ri t to any�iasuiance Do � .
<br /> � pzec�zds �esniting fmm d�r�.age w ti�Property prior to the ssquisition stiall pass w Lender to the eatent of the sams
<br /> � . � s� by t2ds �er�Yirf Instcx�men2 imm�iatety prior to the acquisidon. .
<br /> ' If Basannrer ohiai� anq oiher haaard �nsurraace or any osher in.suiaane oa the Pcuperty aad s�i insuiance �S ant .
<br /> _`s �p�c�Ig required bp I.end�r.thea� sach+��•A*+� shall r)name I.enfler as loss payee tbera�der aad Cu71�sabject � -
<br /> . _. ; w tbe pnn�i�,:ons of this panigiaph S. g��+s L�an AgQltcaii�a: Ias�1�s- � .
<br /> • � ' 6. p�nn. M�in�noe �ad �ooctian of rtfie Pmpe�j; .
<br /> Ma
<br /> " � , ! Ba�sowzr shuU nnt c7�uoY.dnm.aBe or iffigair the Property,allow the 1�P�►u�dete�o�, or coanmis wasse on ttie ,
<br /> whether civ�or cdmiaal, is beSim tS�at i
<br /> , - • i propemJ. B�eowsr shall h�in defanit if aay fo�f eiaue s c d On o r p r o o�, :::�
<br /> w r or otl�cw�z materiallY �P� � � �'.
<br /> .. .. .. - � � in I.cn�t's�aod 4'aith,jndameat �ffulcl tesnit in forfeiture of the PmpertY �,� �^t_:.
<br /> "�` �� �•�is g�ty Insu�unt�s or Lemd�r's security iutenest. Eonoc�der may cute �azch a de�rlt a�tei�state, as :�.F.;;
<br /> ��" o0 6e disma.�s�with a culiag d�tt,in E..ea�es's good faith .`�m•.
<br /> � "`���" � �P�g�',ph lg+by caus�ng the aaron oT procealin8 �_�'_�
<br /> � de2em►in�.siun. Pie:liul�s foifeimre of the Barrowet's interest in the Fmisectp oz other material imgtainueni of t�e lien �`:_-_
<br /> �
<br /> 4 , r nY OT Id�ldCi'S SCQ1Tity 1ntC2C.S3. ,�
<br /> : ` . � CI831f."1 r1Dj t111fi SCr'iltll; �Ume ,�"'=`-
<br /> Bur�+a�ver s1wT1,at Borrower's owa expense. apgear in aad dsfend �;�eion oz Finae�linS P�� m� �;
<br /> the Ptag� ar an9 Portion thereof or Honower's dtle the�eio. the validit9 or Pricrity of the lien cr�d bp� .��,�;�
<br /> • -�-�-_-
<br /> g�r� �, or the aghts or powezs of I.ender or'E�s'.ee wi'�rzspett w rbis Secnrity Insa'ameni ar v�e , �s_
<br /> ` W�lEI�1EI 8CCL11C11 �SCfOIE Or �bs�lE a3tC 0f i� $CCAAI}t Tncemm�ent ffQT ��_?y��-y��--
<br /> . ' ' � pmperty. p�ll csuees of araion of Botmwet, -TT
<br /> damage ur iajnry to the PraPe�' or aap part thereof, or in co�ecdon ��any tcan.�actiom 8aanced in whflle or in . ..;
<br /> � '�' b t� of the r?ate �r any otUer note � by this 5ecvrity Ia.sKnmment by Lea�.or in conaection _.<,-,�•.-
<br /> ----_.-. -, �o�n8��F�'1 ar�wr-part thereof. inclnding �ses or aaxioa arising uam�t orcoatiact and causes of �r:;��.-::
<br /> . `"}:�ri
<br /> ..- ' : aceiaa i'ar frand or concealment ef a mar�sil fact,are.at I�'s opdon, assiBued to Lr_aber, and i8e proceEds the�f �.�,��.
<br /> � +�"�. shFill be paid ditectiq to Lender who,aRer dedtts�nE th�re�va all its�en�, inctading reasonable a�ys' fees, --_:
<br /> may apply s¢ch pmceeds w the sums Se�arn�d by the Sec�rity in�tm���a� or W Suq defiCie�y uuder the SECA�itg ' %�`�.,
<br /> ,�_ ,.
<br /> � y Iastmmeat or may�elease aay m+ories so received bq it or�g�i t�.�d`., as Lender may elect. Ien�det map.at its
<br /> ��
<br /> � optIoa,. �Pear in and Pms�ute in ita owa aame any aaron off Y:oceEdin,g to enforce any scch��use of acdon and m$y �`:.�.v.-
<br /> . mai� ��cumpmmise or settl��nt thenof. Bflrrower a�rees to execate sacfi� fnrther a�dgmnents and any ar*�r —__
<br /> instmments as fran tixme co time may be aecessar9 w effectoate the f�`�3�?�8 Pmvi�ions and as I�er shall reqar-'�. _--
<br /> e ��aily iaise or
<br /> Boaower shatt alsa be ia defanit if Borrawer, d�rin8 ths lo� �cation prooe.sg. Have ----
<br /> � inacpuate infomnasion or s�nts to Lender (ar f�iled m pmr�� d�nder wi�o� co�08 g �oa n�in
<br /> ,t,, .�r`.: �n��,;,� with th�lnan evidenc�$by the Note�includiag,but noE lumitea w.reP =__--__
<br /> ,,.y,.,. oca�rmmc9 of the PropertY as a p8ID�a1 re�dencs. If tbis S°..c�:ry Inst�ssnt is on a L�OZd�a�owe�si�ll c��9
<br /> . . `�;>��� with�:,zhe pmvisians of the lase.If�orrower acqvices f��'1e W tl�e Praperi9',the C;�;e4iuld aad tt�c fee tfitis� --
<br />. . � nos merge nnless Lender agre�s ta the mergea na writing.
<br /> . � 7. Pmoocdon of I�:nder's Ytights �n @�e �e�peaty. If Soaowcs :Fr�r7s co pesfomi the covenants and ag�e�s
<br /> � can�.��in this Security Insmiment, oi there is a legal&recee�ing thai may significanflY affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> � . � . �`` piog� (sacdt as a proce�in8 in ban�uPtcS►. Probate, ff�r cond$mnadon oi forfeit�aare or w enfaice la� �r
<br /> ' re8�ila��ns�, then Lender may do and pay fos whatever i9�ecessary w protect the valuo of the Propesip and I.��"s
<br /> . �� rigLts in the Progerty. Lender's acdons may inetude payi:,�any sums � by a�ien vihich has priority over fhis _
<br /> • �' SecAritY Iflstmmeps, aPl�earing in court.P�Y�S�nable attorreys'��a,�entering on the Ptoperty W malce repaits.
<br /> ' A1Qt��� 1-endaI tuay take aaron under this para�rePh 7.Le^.�er d�rat have tm do so.
<br /> ��;:;:`� � !1W��.:.�ts disbvcsed by II.r�nder uader dils paragz��. 7 shall beceme addirlR� debt of Bortmwu socured by _
<br /> � t�is 5��°'9 ��a�s. ���s Bo�rawor and I.ender �� w other tem�s cf rL�3�.�nt, t1�e a�onnts �� __
<br /> interes� �'m the dat� of disbwrsement at the Note rate in effect fre�c.�:w dme a�d sh�11 be puyab --
<br /> ugos n�dce from Le�er w Bo:rower reiNesttn8 PaYm�. -
<br /> ' �t. Mactg�e I�oe.If L.ender reqnird mortgage i��:.=�ee as a condidon of maTcing ttte loan seeured by this _ —
<br /> ""` � &e��Insicument. 8oaower s�all paY the preuaiums r��:3 w maintain the mortgage iasuiance in effect.If,for _
<br /> . any L���on. t�e mortgage insurance coverage requiceil b;;��er lapses or ceaSes to be in effeet,Boaow� shall paY =—
<br /> e
<br /> .� � the piemiums ce�� to obtain coverage substantially e4un'alent to 1he mortgage ia�uance pmlauslY in e�ct+at
<br /> ' t a�n����li�� e�ivalent to�he cost w Bomower of the mort�..v insurance PrcviouslY �������� _
<br /> ,; ntor�'-�3e insarer approved by I.ender. If substantiallY e4wva:e�t ruortgage insaraace �'��p�remium bang .
<br /> � � Bca+:,�xer shall pay to Lender each month a s�n�ual to Q�-cwalfth of�he yeariy ffiongas =_
<br /> . �. g��u7 Boim�aer when thc insr�ance caverage lapsed ce o�sed W be in effect. Lender W►'ll accept, use an�fl ratain -
<br /> tLese payments :.s�:oss resenre in lieu of mortgage in�.,�:.cE. I.oss ICSCNe p3ymeIIt9 II7ay n0 lOD$eZ bC s2Qa+.�d. at __
<br /> ` the a*tion of L�i'�.if mortgage insurance ca�::�age(in the amoant s�d for the period that Lea�recIai�s) P�� _-_�-
<br /> bpFrJ.i�surer ag��;ed byLender again be�m� availa�'.e and is ob�.�.�. Bor[ower sball pay r�er:�iums.�te�i�ir� `,;'j�.
<br /> r. .
<br /> eo r,sd+� mortgage insuranoe in effect,or to provid=a'css resetve,until tiie requir�nt fY-4:�-,;.,, ,
<br /> • ; ends iQ accordance with any wratten a�reement betvr�s L��s-ower a.^d Lender or applicable la:�. •:..�
<br /> , � 9_ � Lender or its ageat may make reasc�::-:: er.�i;: upon sud ins�ons u�C;r r���U!ty. T,xnder `'
<br /> � nasonable cw..� f,~:c t:;�.:i���on : ..""
<br /> shall give Baacw:r nofice at the time of or Prior to an i���cn �8
<br /> • • • 1�.C.acdammuian The Procceds of any award or cl�im far�;'�es,direct or consequeuri.l, in con�ec6on with ,
<br /> ml candemnation or other taking of any part of the ffm�rcY, or for cam�eyance in lieu of coademnation. an:hereby
<br /> .. . as;:�'-�e. d and sha11 be paid w Ixnder. Ixnder may aF;.ly.use or release the wu�ema�uinn procee�ls ia d� same
<br /> manneT as provided in paraBtaPh S heteof with resgect to insurance praceetls.
<br /> If the Property is abaudo� by Barrower, or if,after�rice by I.ender W$oirower tbat t1�condemnor offers to
<br /> _ ma'a� an awa:d or settte a claim foi damages. Ba�rower fails to respo� tA Lender within 30 days after the date the
<br /> � � noa� Is given.Lender is authorized to collect and apply the procer�ls.at its opSon.eithea to resto�atlon or tepair of
<br /> . the property or to the snms secured by this S�urity Insmm�eni. whEther or Qot then due.
<br /> � �
<br /> i
<br /> - � . . .. r�,acn F�Eu►,�c�cu�aisa� t�•� - — � T� � _
<br /> o�a an�+.tr.Rao�cc�.�ssz Page 3 oP 7 � � -�-f-'
<br /> ' Botcower initlnls _, �
<br /> '. 'I
<br /> � . ' + NFiDULOS . - -- — —•-- . __z._.- - --�— -�--=-- -—-..._-,-..�-r.--^--- � ----- ' - --.
<br />