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<br /> ' � • , pay�nents may rto[onger b�required,at the option of Lender,if monga£e in,urance�wYerage<in ihc�m�unt anJ fur the period
<br /> ' ` ' that LendeT requires)provided by an insurer appmb�ed by Lender again bccam:s a�•ail:ehle and i.��htairted. Bnmm�cr,hall pay
<br /> . � � :he premiurrs requir�i to mzintain mart�age insurutt�e in effcci.��r tn provide a tusr re+enc,untQ the reyuircmcnt fnr cnortgage
<br /> . insurance�nds in uccordance with any�i•ritten aarecment bet�ti�een Rnrro�r•er and Lender or applic:ihle I�w.
<br /> . � 9.Inspection. Lendcr ar it�s agcnt may make masanabir entri�.w upan;�rai insp�7ionti uf the Pniperty�. l.endcr�h.tll�ivc
<br /> � � ��i Horrower notice ai the time of or priur to an inspection spccify ing rra.unable��ausc fiu the mtipection.
<br /> a 10.Condemr�ation. The praceeds uf ar►y award or rlaim for d:imag�, Jirret ur c�n+eyucntial, in c�mn�titiun with any
<br /> ' � �� � rnndemnation or other talcing of any part of the Propeay,ur fur��anti�e�•ance in lieu uf condemn:itian,aro herehy a.�i}:ned and
<br /> shall t�e paid to Lender.
<br /> ° - ��k� In d►e event of a totai iaRing af the P�pert}.tFee pracceds ah:ill tre;spplied to the wms srcureii bp thiti Serurity Inrteument.
<br /> • � { whetlier ar not then due, with any excesa paid to Bnrrouer. [n the e�ent of a partial takin�of the Propeny in tirhi:h th: fair
<br /> �:<,w�y market value of ihe Prop�rty immediately before the taking is eyual to ot greater than the am��unt of the sums secured by ihis
<br /> • '— ` _.:� Security lasuum�nt immediately before the taking,uniess Sorrower artd Lendee otherwise agree in writing,the sums�ecured by �
<br /> ____ ., this S�nrity Insuument sl�a!! be reduced by the amouat �f the pmceedS multiplied by the following fruction: tal the total �
<br /> • � amount of the sums sea;red immediately before the taking,divided by (by the fair market value of the Property immediately �
<br /> � ` before the taking. My balaace shall be paid to Borrower. [n th�event of a panial taking of the Properry in which the fair
<br /> . .•:� market value of the Prnperty im�aediazely before G'�e taking is less than the amonnt of the sums secured immediately before the�
<br /> � ' ' ��:-� t a k ing,u n l e s s B o r r o c v e r a r.d L e n d e r o t h e n v i s e a�r e e i n�v ri t i n g o r u n l e s s a p p l i c a b l e l a w o t h e r w i s e p r ovid e s.the procec�s shatl�
<br /> ' � �; be appliod to the suras securcd by ihis Seeurity Instrument wheiher or not the sums are then due.
<br /> - t' � If the Property is abartdoaed by Barrotver,or if,after notice by Lender to Borroiver that the condemrtor offen to make an
<br /> � award or settle a claim for Aam��, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the nolice is given.�
<br /> � -' � Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proreeds,at iu opuon,either to zestoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> ` • secured by this Security Instrument,whether or net then due. _
<br /> ___ Unl�s I.endet and Borrower athenvise a.�,_� in writing. any appii..�un of proceeds to principal 'st�all not extend or
<br /> �' . � postpane the due date of the montitfy�p:�:eau r�s:-ed to in garagraphs 1 anci Z or change the amount of such p3yments.
<br /> ' �" 11.Borro�er Noi Rel�.i'rr.�:�rE�tt�By Lettder I�ct�a V6'aiveT.Extension af the time for payment or cnodific.ation
<br /> �-�r�;. � . of amortization of the s�uns securod'�:tnis Sec�*ty Instrumer.*.a�anted by L.ender to an}�uxessor in interest of Botro�vec sh.aIl
<br /> � 'a'�' rtot operate to release ti:e liabiiiry�z the origina! �:.rrower or Borrower's suooessors in interest. Lender shall not be required W
<br /> -:` ���'' , commence proceediII>>;�ainst any sucoessor in intenest or refuse to extertd time for payment or otherwise modify amortiiation
<br /> -� of the sums secured� 3} this SecJr.ry Instrnment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> `~••� ' successors in interest.Any forb�.�x by Lender in ezercising any right or remady shall not be a waiver of ar proclade the
<br /> �;��` ,�„,: eaercise of any right ar remedy.
<br /> °-'•• 12. Snccessn� ���9 Asstg,ns Baund;Joint and Several Ltability; Cc�-sl�ets. The wvenanu aed agreemenu of this
<br /> .._ti`.Y__:`�..
<br /> �=•��� SPCUrity Instrument �•irui: bind and benefit the successors and assigns af'...a•rcts:r and Borrower, sub1��.o the provisiatts of
<br /> .: i-'.,;�
<br /> "" • "' � paragraph 17. Borre��er's cove�r�r_ts and agreements shall be joint and s����l. Any Borrower who �.�-signs this Security
<br /> -=����j�R�'f.: Instrument but dnes not ex�uts tin�tiote: (a) is co-signing ehis Security Instrument ony t�mortgage,gram and ccr+ey that
<br /> _--:.����;.,�
<br /> =•..:;.::;•.•,• ,
<br /> Borro�:er s interest in the Prc,^.�r�a:.der the terms of this Sec:.�ty jnstn�ment:�)is nc��+-�sflnally obligated to Qac��h.sums
<br /> ,;;�;�.a secured by this Securitp I�Yn:.-:��t: :c-id(c)agrees that Ixnder and any other Borrower msJ agree to extend,modify,f,::fiear or
<br /> �-=-��'�.� mal:e any accommod�.:ions with r�ard to the tenrs��f this Security lnstrument or the Note withaut that Borrower's oonsent.
<br /> `�'"�'�'r 13.Laan Chatges. If the lc�^.secured by��s:4ecurity Instniment is subject to a law which seu maximum(oan charg�s.
<br /> n=;.�,.:T�;.:�..
<br /> :�` r•°+ and that!aw is finally intetpreted wz that the interest or athec!oan charges oollected or to be coflected in conzectir,r. �<,;'•.h the
<br /> --�°9`'�_4 loan exceed the permitted limiis, then: (a)any such loan chan,;:shail be re�uced by the amovnt necessary to reduce��a`�arge
<br /> __.��;� to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already collected from Boaower which exczeded permitted limiu will be refundEd to
<br /> ---
<br />