^ �4ra l � . . ' � ,
<br /> �T: .
<br /> . ' ` , c . � . . "—_� .. �'f1� r�£
<br /> � __;a��i')r.y. __'."___� �--"S" -.�______ _..�.____'.__.__.
<br /> �. 17.'A'run5fer ot tha Progerty oYa�zae�ic[al ImeresY in Barro�►er.If ali or any p:ut of the Pmperty or any interest in it
<br /> � � is suld or teansfernd(or if a benefici:�l inter�t�n Borroa•er is��ld or[ransfern�i and Sorrou�e�is not a natural pers�nl without •
<br /> � Lettder's prior written cansent. Lender may, at its option, require immediate payment in fuU af:ill snms sccured by this �_
<br /> � Seruriry Instrument.How•ever,this option shall not be exerciscil by Lender if cxerc�sr is prohibited b}federsl law ay��f the date - :.
<br /> of:his Srcurity instrument. �=�
<br /> • If Lender eaercises this option,Lxnder shall give Borrower notice of accelerstion.The notire shall provide a period af not ==_
<br /> . . less than 30 days from the da:e the notice is delivere�ur mailcd within wh�rh Borroa�er must pay :ill sums secured by t6is �;_
<br /> � Security Instrument. If Borro�cer fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, l.ender may incoke any remedies =�
<br />, . permitted by this Securiry lnstrument�vithout further norice or demartd on Borrower.
<br /> lg, $orro�ti•er's Righ4 to Reinstate. li Borrower meet� czrtain conditians, Borrower shall have the right to have �,�,,
<br /> • enforcentent of this S�uriry Instniment disraniinued at any time prior to the earlier of: Ia1 5 days tor�uch other period ati
<br /> � - ° � apptiwble taw may sgecify for rei�utatementf before sale of the Prc�perty pursuant co any po�rer of sale contained in this �<<
<br /> ";;rz�:-�. Security Instrumen�or(bl entry of a jadgment enforcing this S�curity[nstniment.Those condiaons ase that Borrower:(a1 pays �_T_
<br /> � _•-.a�►� L.ender all sums which then �vauld be due under this Security Instrument ansi the Note as if no acceleration had accumed: (bi ��
<br /> cures any defautt of any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing this Security Instrument. (� �__
<br /> inctuding, but not limited to,reasonable attomeys faes:and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assum � �
<br /> tirst th�fien of this Se�-urity [n�trume�►t. [.endet's righu in the Pm�em,�an� Bvrrower's ohligation ta pay the sums secured by � _
<br /> thu Serurity Instrument shaU continue urtchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, ttus Security ins[rumeat and the —
<br /> ubligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. Howe�er.this right to reinstate shall �
<br /> ' not apply in the case of aoceleration under pacagraph 17. Q
<br /> •;` 19. Sale of Note: C6�nngP of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the :�cce �r:�ether with this Securiry
<br /> � Instrumrnt)may be sold one or rtmre times without prior notice to Borroti�•er. A sale may resuit in u�iiange in the entity 1 known �
<br /> s as th�"Loan Servicer")ihat wllects monthly payments d�e under the hIote and this Secunry Irt�t.-ura�:a.There also may b�aRe
<br /> � '� ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelaud to a sale ef the Note.If there is a change of tfte Lc?.�r�rvicer,Borrower will be .�
<br /> . given written norice of the change in accar��with pa�agraph 14 above and applieable la�v.'C[;�n+�x will state the name atut —
<br /> • address of ithe new Loan Servicer and the°:�ress to K6ich payments should be made.The noua:�-,ill also wntain any otl*w-
<br /> information required by applicable law.
<br /> � 2p, Hazardous Substances. Borrower sha11 not caase or psmut the presence, use, disposal, storage,or release of any
<br /> ' �-'"�• • Hazandons Substances on or in the Property. Borro�ser shall not do, nor allow anyone else !n do, anythi�.�; affecting the
<br /> ^ Property that is in violation of any Envirar.rr.:.°ntal Law. The prereding nvo sentences shail noe:;{-riy to the presQnce, use.cs
<br /> - '�- storage on the groperty of smail quantities��f Hazardous Substanc�s[hat are generally recogni�cf.:o ba appmpriate to nor►r,.li =
<br /> ' ' residential us�;c:.rd to maintsnance of the R�pern;.
<br /> Borrower shall prnm�Ci.1 give Lender written neti�of as�y investigation,claim,demand. lawsuit or other action b3 any ---
<br />_- • - � govemmental or regulatnr.��.ncy or private party involving the Property and anY Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> - of which Bomower has acr�.:...=°�nowledFe. Ef Bormwer learns,or is nottfied by any govemmental or regulaiory authority. that
<br /> � , any removal or ether remediation of any �•� dous Substance affecting the Property is necessary. Sorrower shall promptly take
<br /> - ' all crecessary r�ezdial actions in acrnrd���s;ith Envimnmenta!Law.
<br /> � . As used in this�mragrapfi Z0. "If:�.�ous Substances" are those substances defined z:1!'t_�:�.r hazardovs substances Uy
<br /> '��' Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, oiher flatns�'� os:��:��: petroleum pmducts. rn�z��
<br />_`y;'J ' pesticides and herbicides.�•o'atile solvents, materials cr�aining asbestos or fortnaldd.�_:r.and ra�:�active�naiEri:�ts.As e:�r_al ca. , _
<br /> ° this paragcaF'� Z0. "Enr•iti*-:mental Law" means fe�trs';': laws and laws of the juris�i.tion wh.re the Prop:nr �:r. Ir„t�t �lr,�:
<br /> • ,»k�. ... relate to hq3c��,safety or environmental proteccion.
<br />�•'E'=,`''�� ��� � NON-L`'?�mRM COVENANTS.Borrower and Ler_der furthw�:�anant and agtre as fuliow�:
<br />--'-_.;i,'__,.;R � Zl. A�.-ation;Kemedies.Lender shatl giv¢r.^tioe to Bor_�wer prinr tn acceEeratiau t�1J���•ing Boreo�ve�s ttr�u.i�
<br /> ��,s;;.�,4;-;.; of arry uovcmaat or agra��z�et 3n this Security 1nu.mcent (6ut t�ot prior tn acceleration as:der parag�aph 17 un:z�
<br /> ma
<br /> -• appltcable law pmvides c�tir�vise).ahe RotIce shall sp�isy: (a)the default; (b)the actson reqaired to cure the default;
<br />�'.�'' ' '"� (c)a date,noi l�ss than 3D days from the date the not[ce is given to Borro�ser,by whdci�the default must be cur�d:nnd
<br />_,a, .
<br /> -• =���� (d) that failnre to cure the default on cr before the date specifted in the notice may resul?.'n uoceleralton o t e snms
<br />�;�;�,=•,�.� :: s�r¢d�y tids Security Instttiment sr.�r�nle of the Pruperty. ThE notice shuU furtd�cr inrt�v�.Boremier of the rl�ht to
<br /> - � �- reinstate after aoceterntlon aad the reght to bring a co»rd AcYion to assest the non�xf..�iw��e of a defuult or any other
<br /> -�u-"�� defense of Borrotrer to acceleratton an�sale. I`the dePault is not cured on or hefom the date speci#ied in the notioe,
<br /> '-" Lender. at tts option,mflv re�u�re immediate payment in i'uA of all sums secvred by thLs Security Instrnmeat without
<br /> -� fiirther demand and may invoke the�oK�er of rule and any oiher remedies permitted by uppSica6le law.Lender shall be
<br /> - ��� - enntled to rnllect all expenses incurred iu pursuing the remedIes pmvided in thls paragrnph Zl,Inctudiag,but noi limited
<br /> �� to,reasonable attorneys'fees and oosts of titte esidence.
<br /> ��T�� It 4he power of sale is invoked. Tnistee shail record a notice oY defnult in each wanty in whIch any part af,t9tr�
<br /> -_ "°�;,� property is loc�ted and sha0 mail awpies oP such notice in the manner prescribed by npplicabie law to Harro�'eT aud tta
<br /> ----�= the oiher persons prescribed bY aPP�icaNe la�v.After the time rPquired by appl[rable taw,Trustee shal��i���.publtc noiice
<br /> �.ru9.`r�'15:�}O
<br />-� of sale to the petsons and in the manaer prescribed by uppllcable Inw. '!'rustee,�vithont demand on BorrnweT,shaU
<br /> � "��`� ►he Property at publIc auci9on to the highest 6idder at the time and pince And under the terms des3gnat�in ihe not[oe oP
<br /> �-_—:�,:,�. sale in one or mom parcels uud in any order Trnstee determin�. Tr�ctee mny postpone galr of all or any parc�l of 6�e
<br /> =�=:,��� Property by publIc antrouncement at the time attd pluce oi any pmvioasly scheduied suY:.. f�ender or i¢s d¢sigttee may
<br /> _—�:�:� purchase the 1'mperty ut any sale. �
<br /> . _�:_-,,�;,:,_._
<br /> _..«�,,,�
<br /> _-=,:;:�.
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