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<br /> � . S. Hamrd or Ftaperiy itt�t�trance. Barro�i•Qr s!�!i keep the impmvenien?s n»w existing or hereafter crc�:ted a� the _
<br /> " Praperty in.ured against lass by fire, hatards includeai within the term "extended cocerage" and any other harercis. includi� __
<br /> tlaadti or flooding,fi�r�.•hich L.ender ccyuirc+ inwranrc.This insurancc�hall be maint�ined in the amounts snd fur the periods =
<br /> Ulai Lender require+. The insuranre u-�rrier pravidin5 t{ie in.umnce�h:ill be chu�en by B��rro�6er�ubj��t ro Lender'ti appro�•al _
<br /> . ` � �vhich shall not be unreason�bly �vithheld. If Bornn4•ee fail�m maintain cotiersge describ3d abucc. Lender may, at Lender s __
<br /> .. . �� nption,abtain rnverage to prot2cl Lender'S ri�hts in the Pre�eny in accordance with paragraph 7. _
<br /> ` � • Ail insuraRir polici�s and renca�ls �hall be acc+:ptablr tu Lender 3nd shall irtclude a standani mungage clau�e. Lender _
<br /> ` �I�II hati•e the ri�ht to hold the pul�cieti and renewals. If I.emier reyuires. Barru�ver shaU promptly give to Lercder all receipts of �=
<br /> �� � paiJ premiums and renew•al autice,. In the event of la�s.Banotver�haU give pmmpt natice to_the insurance carrier and l.ender. �__
<br /> ' ��"'�' �=" l.endcr may mahe prool'of ioss if not made promptly by Borrouer. _
<br /> � �•^� Untess Lender and Bnrcower athetvrise agree in writing,in>urancc proree�s shall be applied to restoration ar repair of Yhe =
<br /> �`�� Property damaged,if the restaration ar r�pair is economically fea.�ible and Lender's security is not lesseaed.[f the restoration or --
<br /> y --�
<br /> � repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security v�ould be lessened,the insurance proceeds sha11 be applied to the sums
<br /> - - - - - �ure�} E�y this Secvrit} tn�tnunes�t. ��hether or c�cu then d�e• ti''�� �v �x�"["id tn Borrower. If Bonower abandons the
<br /> . � � Propeny.or does not answ•er within 30 days u natice from l.ender that the insuianee cart►er has offered to settle a ctaim. then
<br /> � I.ender may rnl�ect d►e insucunce proceeds. Lender may� use the proceeds ta repair or restore the Ptoperty ar tu pay sums
<br /> � =r- � secured by Ihis 5ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due-The 30-day periad will b;gin when the notice is given.
<br /> �,3 Unless Lender and Barrower othcnvis�agree in wriiing, any application of proceeds to ;-�incipal shall not extend ar
<br /> pastpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragrapi�s t and? or change t!r::...-:.ount of the paymenu. if
<br />' � under paragraph 21 the Property is at:qui��by Lender.Burro�ver's right to any insurance polici�s�Proo�s resulting ffrom
<br /> � . . dantage to the Propeity prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender ro the extent of thL sums secua�:8Y tt►is�ecu�itY Instrument �
<br /> 'ar ' immediately prior ta the acquisitian. �
<br /> 6.Oocupnnc3•,Preservattoa, R4aIn��r�re and Pro4ec4lon o6 the Froper¢y:Borrolyer's L.ct�A�pUca3:cn;L�asehald�.
<br /> _- ' '+"" Borrower shail accupy.establish,and use tHs Property as Borrower's principal residence within si:�:days after tCe executiuu r�: �
<br /> " this Security Insuument and shall continue co accupy the Property as Borrower's pn_ncipal raideRCe for a�i�a:^ne year at:rr �
<br /> _ � �e daie of oocupancy,unless Lender oihenvise agrees in writing. which cansent�Uaii not be unreasonably v:r;��i;ld,or unless
<br /> exienuating circumstances exist which are txyond Borrower's control. Bomo«er shall rtot destroy, damat•e�r impaie' the
<br /> � T Propeny. allow the Property to deteriorte, or rnmmit waste an the Property. Borrower shail Ee in defau[t is any forfeiture
<br /> ' ' action or prooeeciing, whether civit or ecimir.al,is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgmem�c:d result in forfeiture of the N
<br />. � � •" Properey or oihenvise materialty impair the li�n cteated by this Seturi'ry Insuument cr Lender s�e�_rity interest.Barrower may _
<br /> 4��= -.�`' cr�re such a default and rei►�.tate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the actian nr�raceeding to ise dismii�v�+ith a ruliag
<br /> :,�.-;� ,
<br /> -__:: �:.-��`:t c(7at. in Lender s good faitF►determinati�si.. precludes forfeiture of the Borc�cer�_ ir�resi i� ��e Property �*r other materia!
<br /> -=�:_tif;-_,, ..`
<br /> �:_'•��' . impairtn�nt of tfie lien created by this Securiry Insuument or Lender s securiry:':.=rest- �crrn�++:a'shall also be in default iy.
<br /> '=i<<;��� � • Borrower,during the loan apptication preuess,gave materially fal�e�r�raccurate informa6on or:,.atements to Lender(or fal�s.t
<br /> =<< ��•� •
<br /> �. to provide Lender e�ith any material informa[ion)in connection widi d*r.loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limitad
<br /> _�";��`y' to,representations conceming Borrawer's cccupancy of the Properry as a principal residence.If this Securiry L•z.t�um:nt is on a
<br /> " � l�sehold, Borrower yhall co�r�ply witr al'_�the provi5ic•^s of the tease. If Sorrower acquires fee title to �±:: Prop:rty. the _
<br /> '3���t° . leasehold and the fee title shall not rnergc untess I.ender nrees to Qie merger in writing.
<br /> =-`=L�?-e� 7.Frotection oY Lender's Ibi�fs na C3�.n Property If Boao�ver fails to perform the cotenan[s art�d agceements contained in
<br /> � '`�•-
<br /> -,- -:r_:.: :.
<br /> ��;;�_ • • this Security Instmment.or there is a IegaT proceeding that may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Property(suc a,a
<br /> -�i;�:�"' . prooeedirtg in bankruptcy,nrobate, for condemnation or forfeisure ar to enforce lsws or[egulations), then Lender may do sutd
<br /> �'+'�.��i�y ,
<br /> pay for wht�tever is nece�^.?ry to protect tres value of the Pmperty and l.ender's r},;�tb in the Property.I.�nder's �ctions may
<br /> _.��;r=��� n in caurt, a in
<br /> —_- include puying any sums secured by a lien which has priarity over this Security Insuument, app�td g P Y $
<br /> " reasonable attomeys'fees and entering oa�he Propeny to make repairs.Althoagh I.ender may take action under this pa�gmph
<br /> 7,l.ender does nflt have to do so.
<br />