- � �
<br />- 1
<br /> �nsuranco p►em�ums,c�round rents,and AI►atha►charges whatsoever lovrad upon or assessed. pl�cad or mAda aga�nst the Trust
<br /> P�opeRy Trustar furthe�ag�ees, upon wntten request by Benef,c�ary,to p�o►nptly del�vor to Qenehaary t�N recaipts ta tho paymt►nt of
<br /> such charges Trustor Irkew��se agrees to pay all taxas,assessments and othor charges lovred upon o►assossed,placed or mado
<br /> against,a�measured by,thrs Daed of Trust or che��ecordation haroo�.
<br /> �S. Application o"Payments.A!!payments received by Beneflc�ary as to any debt,l�abihry or obligation owed to 8ene/rcrary Dy Trustor
<br /> � may be appl�ed by Banelicrary to tha payment of the Indebt8dness or to any such o7her debt,liabdiry or obligatron,in any ador o►
<br /> � T� msnrrer al epplrcahon which Benefrciary,rn its absolute discreUOn, deems appropnate Unless athenvise elected by 8enet�cia►y,eny
<br /> �Q such payment sPraJl be deemad spp(ied lirst to the payment ot any debt liabilily or obligation other Phan the Note.
<br /> Q 6. Charges;Uens. trustor w�N kpep tha Tiusi Proparry lree hom all liens and encum6rances which in any way may,!n the judgment of
<br /> *..� Ber►e1lc�ary,hava pnoriry aver,o�lmpaU tt�a sacurrty ot,this Desd ol Trust but Trus�or nesd not drseharge nny svoh tlen so fong as
<br /> Tiustor shalJ agree,in wrihng,to pay tha oblrgatron secured by such lien in s manner accepfable to Benefrcrary end shed!n 800d larih
<br /> ' contest se�ch lien dy appropriate/ega!proceedings eflective to prevent the enlorcement ol the lien snd the foss of any Interesf In or
<br /> part oi the T�ust Prope�ty.
<br /> I• 7. Hazard lnsur8nce. Trustor shall keep ihe build+ngs and ofher improvements now existing or hareaRer erected an the Trust Property
<br /> O� lnsured by�nsurance carriers satisfactory to Benehciary against loss by fire,hazards rncluded in the term"extended coverage"and
<br /> � such othe�hazards,casualtlas and contrn�encies as may be requ�red by Beneficiary,in such amounts and 1or such periods as may be
<br /> required by Banetrciary. The policy o�insu�ance shau be in fam accepiable to 8ene/iciary,provlde that the same may not bo
<br /> cancelled a modi/ied without fifteen{f 5)days priar w�ittan no6ce to 8eneficiary,and shafl have loss payable p�ovislons!n favor of and
<br /> in Iprm acceptabfe to Beneficiary.All premiums on insarance paticies shall be pald!n the manner p�ovided under paragraph 4 hereof
<br /> or,if not pald In such manner,6y Trustor making payment at feast filteen(15)days prior to the due date,directly ro the iRSU�ance
<br /> canler.8eneficrary sha11 hava the►ight to.hold the policles and renewals thereof and Trustor shall promptly furnish to 8eneficiary a/l
<br /> renewal notices and all paid premrum reaelpts received by�t.In no event shall 9eneficiary or Trustee be hefd responsrbte�or failure to
<br /> pay insurance premiums or for any loss ar damage arising out of a defecf in any polrcy or arising out of any lailu�e of any insurance
<br /> company;o pay for any IoSS or damage rnsured against o�for lailure by Fiustor to effect the insurance�equi�ed he�eander. fn the event
<br /> of loss. Trustor shall give prompt natice by mail to the insurance canier and Beneficrary. Beneticrary may make proof of'loss if not
<br /> made prompily or rn proper tarm by Trustor.Al!pol�cies o!insurance and any and a!1 refunds at uneamed p�remiums are hereby
<br /> assigned to Beneficrary as addit�anal secunty fo►the payment of the lndebtedness. In the everct ot Be►refic+ary's exe�cise o1 the power
<br /> of sale contained he�ein,or in the event of tprec►osure,a!I righf,tiile and interesf of Tiustor in ar.�to any insurance poficy then in fo►ce
<br /> shall pass to the purcAaser at the trustee's safe o�loreclosure sale. fn case o1 any loss,the insc�rance proceeds may,at the op6on of
<br /> 8eneliciary,be applied by Beneficlary upon the Indebtedness,or any parf thereof,and in such order and amount as Beneliciary may
<br /> determine:o�sard rnsurance proceeds,at the option ot Benef�crary,may e,ther be used in replacrng or rest�a�ing the Tiust Prope►ry
<br /> pamally or tatalry destroyed to a cand�tion satisfaciory to Beneficiary;or said insurance proceeds,a any ponion thereol,may be
<br /> re/eased to Tiusto� Unless 8eneficiary and Trustor ofhe►w;se ag�ee in wnting,any such application of insurance proceeds shall noi
<br /> extend oi postpone the due dafe of the Note.a any insta!lments caJled for therern,o�change the amount of such insta!lments.If the
<br /> Tiust Properry is acquired by Beneficiary�rursuant to the exercise o!the power of sale or ofher foreclosura,all right, tide and intorest of
<br /> Ti�stor in and to any insu�aase proceeds paysb/e as a result ol damage to the Trust Properry p�ior to the sale nr acquisition shall pass
<br /> to Beneficiary and shall be ap�ssred first to the costs and expenses,including atto►ney fees,incurred in cofiecting such p�oceeds,then
<br /> in the martne�and in the ader p�ovided here►n.
<br /> 8. Preservatiort and Maintenance of Tiust Pr�ope�ty. T►ustor wiN keep the buildings and other improvements now or he�ealter erected on . .
<br /> the Trust Properry in good repaii and condrtion and wrll not commit or permit waste, wiH not alrer the design or shucturat character , ,;;
<br /> constituting any building now oi hereafter erecied on and cvnstituting the Tiust Propeny without the prior wriften consent of _
<br /> 8eneficiary, wi11 no1 do any act o�thrng which would unduly impair or depreciate the value of the Tr��st Prope�ty and witl noi abando►r '-���,':
<br /> me Trust Propany. rrustor wrn not remove any t�xtures consatuung tne ►rust wroperry untess tne same a�e rmmeo�atery reptaced wrtn `�`.-,-T
<br /> like properry subject to the lren and secu�ity interest of this Deed of Trust and ol atleast equal value and utility. Tiust�r will comply with
<br /> a/l presenf and luture ord+nances,regulatians and requirements of any govemmental body which are applicab/e to the Trust Property -
<br /> and to ihe oCCUpancy and use the�eof.ll this Deed ol Tiust es on a unit in a condominium or a p/anned unif deve/opment, Trustor sha11 :��-
<br /> perto�m a!i o1 Trustor'S obliga0ons uader the decla�atians ar covenants creatinq o�governing the condominium or the planned unit -
<br /> developrrrent,the bylaws and regulaUons of the condomimum oi p/anned un�t deve%pment,and the constituent documents. ��
<br /> 9. lnspection.8enef�c�ary or ifs agenfs may. at aJl►easonable times.ente�upon the Trust P�opeity!or the pu�pose o1 inspection. y�:
<br /> BeneficiAry shaf!have no duty to make such inspectron and shall nof be liable to Trustor or fo any pe�son in possession if it makes or
<br /> tails to make arey such rnspection.
<br /> 10. Protection of Secuiiry. lf Trustor lads to perform any ol the covenants and ag�eements contained m th►s Deed o1 Trust,or i1 any action
<br /> or proceeding is commenced whr'ch does or may adversely aNect the Tiust Property or the interest of Trustor or Beneliciary therein o.
<br /> _ the dtfe of Trustor the�eto,then Beneficiary,at�ts optran,may perlam such convenants and agreemenrs,make such appearances. -
<br /> defend against artd�nvestigate such actron or proceeefrng and take sach other acGon as Benefrciary deems necessary to p�otect its �
<br /> interest inc/uding,but not limited to,disbursement ot reasonable attaney fees and entry upon the Trust Properry to make repairs.My �
<br /> amounts disbursed by Benefic�ary pursuant to this paragraph 10, wlrh rnte�est theroon,shall constitute Indebfedness of Trusta
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless Trusior and Beneficiary ag�ee fo other terms ol payment, such amounis shall be payable upon ;�?`�
<br /> no.tice from Beneficisry to Trustor�equesbng paymenf ihereol,and shall bear inLerest lrom the date of disbursement at the deJault rare. � i
<br /> if any,set torth in the Nate,or othenvise at the highest rate perm;tted by law. Noih,ng contained in th;s paragraph shall require
<br /> Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any aciion hereunder. Tiustor inevocably authorizes and empowe�s Benefrciary to enter upQn
<br /> the Tiust Properry as Trustor's agent and,m Trustor's name or ofherwise to perform any and a!1 covenants and agreemertts to be
<br /> pedormed by Trusfor as here�n prov�ded. Benef�crary shall,at rts opt�on,be subrogated to any encumbrance,lien,claim or demand
<br /> and to ali nghts and secuntres for the payment the�eol paid or d�scharged by Beneficiary under the prov�s�ons hereo!and any such
<br /> subroga6on righfs shal/be addit,onal and cumuiative secur�ty lor this Deed ot Trest.
<br /> 11. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award a cla+m la damages, di�ect or carrsequential,in connaciion wifh any condemnai�on or
<br /> other taking of the Trust Property,o�any part thereof,or loi conve�arrce in lieu of or in ant�cipa�on o1 condemnahon, are hereby
<br /> assigned to ard shali be paid to Beneficrary. trusior wiil file and prGSecute,in good laiih and wrih due ddigence,its clajrn-�far any such
<br /> award or paymeni, and will ca�se the same to be co/lected and paid to Beneflciary,and,shou/d it lail to do so, Trustor rnevocably
<br /> auihorizes and empowers Benefic+ary,m the name of Trustor a otherwise,to hle,prosecufe,settle or compromise any such claim artd
<br /> to collect,rece�pt for and retain the proceeds.N the T�ust Prapeity is abandoned by Trustor,or, afte�notice by Beneflclary to Trustor
<br /> that the condemnor oHers Io make an awa�d or settle a claim la damages, Tiustor/ails to respond to Beneficiary withln�hlrry(30)days
<br /> after the date such nobce�s ma�led,Beneficrary�s aufhonzed to collecf and apply the proceeds in the manner�ndicafed herein. The
<br /> proCeeds o1 any awa�d or claim may, a/ter deduct�ng ali reasonab/a cosfs and expenses.�nclud+ng anomey fees, which may have
<br /> been nrcuned by Beneficiary�n the collectron the�eof, at fhe so/e d�sc�eiron of Benefrciary. be released ta Trustor.apphed to
<br /> restar�tion af Tiust Pioperty,or appl�ed tv the payment o!the fndebtedness. Unloss BenehC�ary and T�ustor otherwise agree m w�ihng, % -_
<br /> ar�y such appl�caUan of praceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or posipone the due date of tl�e Note or tne paymen!o!any
<br /> rnsta/lments called for the�eunder
<br /> 12 Trustor Not F?eteased. Extens�on ol thB hme/or peyment o►mod�hCatron ol an y amorl�zat�on o!tho/nd8btedness granfetl by Benel�c�ary
<br /> �o any successor in�ntRrost of Trustor shalJ not operate to�e�ease.rn any manner.the�rab�l�ty of Trustor and Truster s successas an
<br /> ,nte�est Benatrciary sha�l not be requrred to commer�Ce proGeedmgs aga�nst such sucCesso:o�refuse to extend bme!o�paymen�n�
<br /> othe►w�se mod�fy amort�tahon o1 the Indebiedness by reason ol any demand made by Tr��stor and Trustor s suc.cessors
<br /> rn mte�esi �
<br /> L t3 Financ�al lnformaban Upon�equest of Benehc�ary. 7rustor wd!pruv�de ta HeneI�C�2ry, withrn nm�ty i90�days nt th�c•iosc�r�l eAr.n ��sc•<}r ��
<br /> yo8►ol 7rusto�, the Consahdated balancv sheet end statemgnt o/E+8mrngs o�Trustor and Any��nd all qu�tr;�nlas �f fh�lndehterinr�s.ti s
<br /> SOCwod hereby.�l ony. and w�fl p�ovrrie anU de6ver m Renoh�,ary SUCh OlhPr hnenc«I�nlh.m�t�0��<In��in t��fh�n;�nn�v,�t (?pnnlrr iJry }�.
<br /> mey rF��son�bl y►eUuUSt hurn trmU�c�trmt� (O
<br /> 14 f u��nGlJI C/lYON(1I11; Ir�8fjdrhfjn If�Fi/ry Of/�El/hnflti{•Gi/CUVG�rr:inl5 l�l Ir(I',lnr mtrrlt�v.i�ry�'lh����ff��P(v���,nf �•rti'���mi�n�r�! rin� timpn! " !��
<br /> irti�:fu��:han cc,�nl�iy w�rn�rrrr��,h.�ll i,u�t�:iny�u,rl,�R qu,u.ir��nr•. n�rht�Irnl��t,r�,��np•,�, .,�..��.�����•��r�>��, • ,,,,•���•�� �t,!n , � �,�. , ,
<br /> r r�;rr��'�Hnr.�r.N�7h fh��b:��n,1,�nq I n,�n,�,�1� •�r�•n.�nl•. �lh�•. (,.i�.n��.�/oh�n,�r. ,�i�!.��>p�i, �� .,.e...�.,�. .�„ � ,.,�,,..� ..,,...�. ;.�,.., .. �
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