<br /> � �
<br />- �9-- 10614"7
<br /> t6 Covonants ol Trustor w�th Resp�ct ta Lnas�s Wdhout tho prior wnttQn consont ol 8oneirc�ary. Trustor shall not,directly or�nduectly,
<br /> wdh r�s�ct W any lQase of spac.e m the Trust Prc,parly, nr�ny��on,on ihoroof, �vhc�thor suc.h l��s�rs iiow or hereatter rn exrstence:
<br /> (al Accept or perm�t any praFAymonr, discount or rtdvanca paymQnt al ront horeuna�er in excoss ot ona month.
<br /> Ib) Gartccl or fQ�minate the sama.or eccept eny cctncvdlahon, term,nahon or surrende�thereol,or perm�t any evont to occur whlch woutd
<br /> occur thareunde�to te�mrnate or cancol the somo,othe�than term,nahon for nonpAyment a�rent.
<br /> tcl Amond a mod�ly tha st+me sv as to reduce the term;nerool,the rontal payable thereunder,ar to chAnge any►enewal provisions
<br /> �' therern containod,
<br /> � • !dj Waive any deleutt thereurrder or breach the►eof,
<br /> (e) Qive any consent, waive�nr epproval thereunde�or take any other action rn connection therewith,or w�th a lessee thareunder, which
<br /> woutd hava the eflect ai imp�rring 1he value of the tessa's interesi Ghereunder or the propertyr subJect thereto,or oi Jmpairing the
<br /> position or interest ol Beneficiary[he►ein,o►
<br /> � (n S�fl,aSSign,pledge,mortgage o►othen�vise dispose ol,or ertcumber its interest in any said faase or any�enls,rssues,protits lssuing
<br /> a aiising thereunder.
<br /> 17. Waivei of SYatute of Umitations. Time is of the essence rn all oi Tiustoi's obligations and duties hereunder,and to the extenf permitted
<br /> by/aw, r►ustor wslves afl present a luture sta[utes ol limitations with respect to any debt demand or obtigation secured heieby and
<br /> any ectlon or procaeding la the purpose o/enforcrng thJs Oeed oi Tiust or any rights or remedres contained herein.
<br /> 18. Asslgnment of Deposits.In the event conshuction ol improvements is contempfated by the loan evidenced by the Nofe secureal
<br /> hereDy,as addi�ional securiry[herefore, Tiustor hereby hanslers and assigns to Beneficlary,aII right,title and lnteres!to any artd ell
<br /> monles deposited Gy a an behaH of Trusta with any ciry,counry,public body oi agency,sanitary districf,uGfiry company,and
<br /> eny other body or agency. lor the insta/ladon o�to secure the instapation o!any utility by Tiustor,pertai�iing to the Taust Properry.
<br /> f9. Corporation or PaRnershlp Existence.If Tn,rstor is e caporatian,gerte�al paKnership,or limited partnersAip,ii will da all things
<br /> necesssry ro preserve its corporate a pannershlp existence,as the case may De,and all rights and privileges under the laws of fhe
<br /> state ol its incorporation or organizadon.
<br /> 20. Forbearance by c3enelicisry Nor e Waive�.My forbearance by Beneficiary in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or othe►wlse
<br /> alfbrded by appl'�cable/aw,shall not be a wa;ver of or precrude the exercrse o1 any such right or remedy. The procurement of
<br /> inswance a Me payment ot taxes a the disc�a�ge of liens vr charges a�8eneliciary shal►not be a waive�of Beneficlary's right to
<br /> ac�elerate the mattrriry o1 the Indebtedrtess.
<br /> 21. Remedles Cumulaave.A!1�emedies provided r»this Deed ol Trust are d�sbnct and eumulative to any other right or remedy under this
<br /> Deed ol Titrst or aflorded by faw w equity,and may be exercised concurrently,independenHy or successivety.
<br /> 22. Successo�s and Assigns Bound;Jant and SeveraJ LiaDiliry;Caphons. The covenants and agreemenis herein contained shaN bind,and
<br /> the rights he�eunder sha!!inure to,the respective successors and assigr.s o!Beneficiary, Trustee,and Trustor.A!1 covenants and
<br /> agreemen[s of Trustor sha/l be pint and severeJ. The ceptions and head.•r.gs of the paragraphs of this Deed of Tiust are for
<br /> convenlertce only and sre not to be used ra ir,terpret o►detine the provrs;ons he►eof.
<br /> ?3. NoDce.Except fa any rwtice required under applicable taw to be given in an�ther manne� (a)any notice fa Trusfor prpvrded for in this
<br /> Deed of Tiust shall be given by rnailing sucn notice by cer��red mai1,return receipt requested addressed to Trustor at its mailing '
<br /> - address set fo�ih above w at such other addn9ss as Trusior may designate by nohce to 8eneficiary as provided hereln,and(b)any �
<br /> no6ce to Beneficiary w Tiustee sha/l be g�veR by cenified mail,retum receipt requssted,to Beneficiary's and Tiustee's mai/ing .
<br /> 8ddress stated hecein or to svch othe�address as BeneliCiary ar Trustee rMay designate by notice to Tiustor as provided herein.Any `
<br /> notica provided lor rn tAis Deed ot Tiust sha.'f 6e deemed co have beert g;�en to Tnr,sbr,Beneficiary or Trusiee when given in tAe i
<br /> marrner designafed herein. � '
<br /> zi. tawe�ar�eng Law;Seveiab�liry. Tli�s�eed o►Trust shaU be govemed by the laws of the State ol Nebraska.ln the event any provision or
<br /> clause o!this D�ee�o!Tiust con8ists with appliceble law,such conllrct sha0 not aflect ofher provisions of this Deed ol Trust whlch can
<br /> be given effect withouf the contlicting p�ovisions and to thls end rhe provisions o1 fhis Daed of Trusf are declared to be severable_
<br /> 25. Events of DelauR. Each of fhe followmg occunences shall consGtute an event of default ha�eunder, (hereinafter calisd an "Event �--
<br /> ot Defaun"):
<br /> (a) Trustar sha!l!ai!to pay when due any principal,interest,or princ�pa!and interest on the Indebtedness,
<br /> (b) My werranty of tif/e made by Trustor he�ein shall be untrue, '
<br /> (c) Tiusior sha/l far!tm Qbsenre ar pedorm any o/the covenants,agreeme�r�,or condrtions in thfs�eed o!Tiust.
<br /> (d) My representahon or warranty made by Trustor on any linancisl sfa•er�ents or reFarts submined ro Benefic,ary by or on behall of
<br /> Tiustor shall prove la/se or mat�nally misleading,
<br /> (e) Tiusior sha/l lail to peAorm or observe any ol the coveRanis,conditrons or ag�eements contained in,or binding upon Trusior under
<br /> any building loan agreement,secunry agreement,loan ag�eement, frnancing statement,or any other agreement,instrument or ,
<br /> dxument executed by Trusior in connecIIOn wifh the/oan evidenced by the Note,
<br /> (f) A hustee,receiver or liquidator ot the 7rusi Praperty or o1 Trustor shai�e appointed,or any o/the creditors of Trusfa shall file a
<br /> peQtion in bankruptcy ayainst Trustor,or/or the reorgar+u��on of Truscor pursuant ia the Federal Bankruptcy Code,o�any similar :�`
<br /> law, whet/ter federal or state,and if suCh order or petrtran shall not be dischargeC ar dismissed wifhin thirty(30)deys afie�the date i•
<br /> on wluCh such order or peution was fited, �
<br /> (gJ Tiusta shall lile a petifron pursuanf to tl►e federa/Bankruptcy Code or any simila�law,fede�al or state,or rf Trustor shal!be
<br /> adjudged a bankrupt,oi be declared rnsolvent,or shall make an ass�gnment lor the benefit o1 creditors, or shall admit in writing its �
<br /> inabiliry to pay ris debts as they become dLe, or shall consent to the appointmerr[a.f a receiver of al!or any part ol the Trust Praperty,
<br /> (h) Final judgment fo�the payment o1 maney sha!/be rendered against Trusfo�and Trustoi shall not discharge the same,or cause it fo
<br /> � be Qischa�ged, within thirty(30)days alfer the entry thereol,or shall nof appeaJ theveliom or Jrom•the order,decree or process upon
<br /> whiCh or pu�suant to which saial judgment was g�anted.Qased,or entered,and secure a stay af execution pending such-appeal,
<br /> (i) Tiusto�shaU self or convey the Trust Properry,or any paR tfrereof,or arry-rnte�est therein,o�shal3 be divested ol ds tit/e,or eny interest
<br /> therein,in a»y manner o�way,whether voluntaiity or rnvolu�tarity,wifhorft!he�rrritten Consent of Beneficiary baing firsf had and
<br /> obrairred.o►
<br /> (j) If Trusior is a corporaLOn or part�ership and more than fifty percent(50°i,)of the shaies o�bene�rcial interests in such corpois6on or
<br /> paRneiship,as the case may be,shall be transfe►red or conveyed,whefhe�votuntarily or involuntanly, without ihe writien consent of
<br /> Berteficiary being first had and obtalned.
<br /> 26 Accele►ehon of Debt;forec/osure. Upon the occurrence ol any Event ol Default, or any time Ihe�eslter, Beneficr8ry may,at its opbon.
<br /> decl8re a/l the Indebfedness secured hereby immed►ate/y due and payable and the same shall bea�rnieiest af the default rate,d any,
<br /> set lorth in the Note,or otherwise at the highest rate pemritted by law,end,irrespecdve o1 whethe�Beneficisry exercisas said option,it � __-_
<br /> may,at ds optron snd rn rts sole d�scretron, wdhouf any fuRhei notice or demand fo oi upon 7rustor, do one or more af the lolfowing; '
<br /> fa) Beneticisry may entei uporr,take possession of,manage and operate the Trust Property or any part therocf.•make repaus and
<br /> aKerehons and do any acts whlch Benefrciary deems proper to protect the secunry thereof, and either w�th or w�thout tdk►ng
<br /> possess�w►,!n its own neme,sue fo�oi ofherwise collect and rece�ve�ents,rssues and p�ofrts,�nciudmg those past due and unpa�d.
<br /> and epp/y the same.less costs and expenses ol ope�abon and collect�on.�ncludmg reasanable attorney fees and Benel,c,ary's
<br /> cosfs,upon the Indebtedness secuied he�eby and rn such arder as Benel�c�ary may dete�mrne Upon request o!8enefrcrary, lrusto�
<br /> shell essembfe and shap makp avflrleble to 8enefrcrary any ol the Trust Property which has been removed The enterm�upon and �
<br /> I t�kmg�ossession of the Tiust Prbperry, the collec!ion o!any rents,�ssues and prolrts,a�rd the appl�cat�on theieol as afpiesa�d.shrin � .
<br /> rat cure or wa�ve any detau/t thaiotofore ar rherealter occuri,ng, o�aNect any nohce of dofau/f or nohce ol saJe hereundei n� ,�,
<br /> mvalydafp any act cJC+ne p�rsu�nt to any Such nobco Nolwdhstandmq Benehcrary s r.onl�nupnce�n possoSS�on o�r�ceipl and �.,
<br /> appfiCet�on ot ron►s. �ssu9s or piobts. BenehCrpry shA11 ba enhtled to eXere�se evory nght prov�clerl for m th,�17oc�d M T�usf n�hy�aw (p
<br /> upon o�f�Ror th�occu�rencc�M.�n fvE�nf O/OPleu/1, �nClud�nq thB rrghf Iv OxerC�se!hp j�Utivf!�nt S,t/t� My n►lhc�ar,hnns�Fi�c�r�r�d!n-n t�1�
<br /> thi5 Oe►aq�aph m,3v bo tak[�n by R�nwl�r,�?ry:�t Sut��frm�as Lient�►lc�ary m;�y rieterm�n�,�rt.hr,ut�r�q,rrn!�tr�,a�lt�q,i,i, y��l d��V � �
<br /> �otunry fnrlhv�n�1�bi�drToss s�tu►ed he�vfiy r..
<br /> �l�r NnrrpJrr.�ilry.h;�l! wrfhnu►rerryUrt!fr�fhp at/�quACy u�r'iny stcunty fpr din/nd(?f�(udnr5, tiN(ti���r1 hf�h,h� hr���nhl���,1 A,l��r.
<br /> ;ij�roC�nrf�ne��l nt n roG(�rvt�� hy df1�(ri�Uf hi1VN1(f)I:IiSfllf,I:�7I1 ✓�rlhr�fAr�n1��(• R�f��K��fin�,•.n�:�.nn�,� 1v�.i��� f tn�r•.,.�r�,rtlr•f��. •'����.�
<br /> t'�vrt��+�ty qnd��(irr�ttiP M�r ti,rirrt�,rn�1 r.�ll�r�t Ihf��ernl; ttuht ,�nrf nrr,hfti r��F„��h�,�n
<br /> •r i Hrnr�l�(�;r1'�m/1� l�ir��lJ(iny!u Pe,l�rn lihy i ritl�l nl��in1��P(('!i�/rli��:tl�t i�!ii�/n!n!�v 4r.(�f�•,� ������./:-� ' �:•.r ,. �..,�,�. �,,�;. �r,.,.
<br /> . ,r7[•n.l���•.�'f'tnr�! �
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