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t � <br /> 89� ��i�7 Deed of Trust <br /> r,ati,� ;t <br /> THJS D�EO OF TRUST is rnade th�s 30 .` day of Oc tober , 19 89 .dy and bettiveen_Denni� .1 t. Beran�_ a ___._ , ' <br /> �. Single Peraon --.– •- --- ----- .. -�_._---_ -.. . __..�._kvhetherono ormare. fher�ma�t�rc�tled rho"Trusfor"1, <br /> whose maihrrg a�dress is._2321_Sr�L.�wa�v�31u��r.�nsi--�-alun�--�le.b�agk�- 688Q3 <br /> NQRW��T BANK Nebraska, National Assoc iatian (he►ernaftor carled the "Trustea"1, whose mur6ng Addross rs <br /> P.O Box 176d. Grand Island, NE ,and NQRWEST BANK Nebraeka. Nation�l Associa�� .(herarnafter <br /> carred�he••Beneficiary"1.whose mailmg add�ess is p�-.-�� 1768, Grand Island, NE 68802 , . <br /> � WITNESSETH: � <br /> IF THIS BOX IS CHFCKED f )THIS DEEO OF TAUST CONSTfTUTES A CONSTAUCTlON <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT UNDER THE NEBRASKA COIYSTRUCTION LIEN ACT AND CREATES. <br /> GRANTS AND CONSTITUT�S A C�NSTRUCTiON SECURITY INTEREST!N THE PROPERTY <br /> DESCRI9ED HEREINBELOW. <br /> WHEREAS Trustor is indebted to Bene�ic�ary+n the pr�rtc�pal sum of�1IRTEEN THOUSAIJD AND NO/100------------------ <br /> DoIlars(S 1�.000.00 �, WhiCh lndebfedness is evidenced by 7rusta�'s prom,ssory nofe dated October 30 , �g 89 , (here,nafter <br /> ca�led the"Note"l,payable to the or�er of Benel�c,ary and havmg a matur�ty of �anuarJ� 29 , 1990 . <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,for the purpose of securing� <br /> (a) payment of the Note,togeiher wifh interesi thereon,lai2 charges, prepayment penalties.any future advances.and aU extensions, <br /> modificaUOns,subst�tuti�ns and renewats theraol, <br /> ' (b) payment of al!other sums,fees a charges,iogether with rnierest thoreon,advanced to pratect the secunty af this Deed ot Trusf and <br /> the pe�formence of the covenants and agreements ot Trustor, �vhether or not set foRh herein. <br /> (c) peAormance,discharge o1 and com�l�ance wdh every term,covenant,obdgatron and agteement of Trustor contained herein or <br /> incorporated by refe►ence o►any othe�secu��ty instrumera at anyt�me g�ven to secure ihe Note,and <br /> (d1 the repayment of aIl oiAer sums or luture advxnces. with interest thereon, wh�ch may heretofo�e have been or hereafter be advanced <br /> by Benef+c�ary to Trusior or Trust�r's successor,n rnie�est or t�t1e, <br /> all of whrch�s hereinafter collect�vely called the �'Indebtedness". Trustor�rrevocably grants and transfers lo Tiustee,in trusf, WITH POWER <br /> OF SALE,ihe fotlowing described property: <br /> LOT FIFTEEN (15), IN BLOCK THREE (3), IN LE HEIGHTS SECOND SUBDIVISION <br /> HAI.L COUNTY, NEBRASICA, BEING A FART dF THE NORTIiWEST QUARTER OF THE - <br /> NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW}NW}) OF SECTION ELEVEN (11), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) � <br /> NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) WEST OF THE 6th P.M., HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA � <br /> together wifh(i)alt buildings,siruciures, adcf;��ns,enla�gemenfs. mo��ficafrons, repa�rs,replaeemrer+fs,and�mp�ovements now a hereafter ► ' <br /> loc8fed thereon, (i!!ap eqwpmenL machinery and fixWres(tnc/uding,w�thout hmitation, all lighting, heafdng,veniilating, cooling,ai� . i--.____ <br /> - CVnui7Vi�i�y.SNirr?niii.a3 7?v a�v.iic�3i:.a3~wSL';v�,:+�:+i w.^.�'ir.^,.:.%I��vS�"!r�Qn�;nn__.h�,lurg.rp,,.nyac.nyano,�d�ctiwa.chwrc,m;rmrc and mantels. •� <br /> Carpefrng,fu�naces,al Durners, elevat�rs and moiors.ref�rgeratlon plar+fs or unifs, communication systems. dynamos, iransformars,electrrcal ;�=' <br /> equipment,sform and sc�een windows,doors,awrnngs and shadesl now or hereatter attached to, or built in, any building or�mprovement �:. <br /> now or herealter located thereon.(ii;}all easements and rights o�way appurtenant thereto, I�v),aU leasehold estate.nght. t�fle and interest of <br /> 7rusior in and to all leases, whether now ar hereaf[er ex�sfing or entered rnto pncluding, wrthout IimitaUon,aU cash and secu�iry deposits, <br /> advance rentats and deposits or paymenis ot a s�m�lar natwe), perta�nirrg thereto, (v�all rents.�ssues.profds and income therefiom(sub/ect <br /> to the right o!Trusior to collect and apply such rents.:ssues,profits and�ncome as they become due and payable so long as no evenf of <br /> default exists hereunder).(vi�af�royalties,m,neral.a�and gas aghrs and p�otits. wafer, water nghis,and water stock, (vii)ap tenemerrts, <br /> hereditaments.pnvileges and appurienances belonging,used or en�oyed�n connection therew�th, and(vm)all proceeds of conversion, <br /> ' voluntery or invo►untary,of any of the foregorn��nio cash or Irquidated'�taims(�nc/udrng,without irmitahon,proceeds of insurance and <br /> condemnation awards),all of which rs here,nafter coltectively called tne"Trust Prope�ty". — <br /> TO PROTFCT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUSF, TRUSFOR COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: <br /> F. Title. Trustor codenants,wanants and ag�ees w�ih Benef�c�ary,rts successors and assigns, that Trustor owns the Trust Property free <br /> from any pnor lien or encumbrance,that thrs Deed o!Trust is and wi/f rema�n a valid and enforceable first lien on the Trust Piopeity. � <br /> that Trusfor,at its expeose,wrll presenre such tifle and w�N mamtarn thrs Deed of Trust as a brst and paramouni lien upon the 7rust <br /> Pioperty and will(nrever warrant and defend ihe vatldity and pnor�ry of the 6en hereof against the claims ol a11 persons and parties - <br /> whomsoever. Trusror,at►ts expense, wrll cause this Deed o17►usi,and each amendmeni or supplement hereto, to be filed and =. <br /> recorded as a mortgage o�the Trusi Properry�n such manne�and in such pYace and will take such action as in the opinron of Trustee <br /> may be requi�ed by any present or future law m order to perlect, ma�mam and protect ihe lien of this Deed of Trust,as the same may <br /> be am�nded or supplemented fiom time fo tlme. Trustor wrll make such further assurance or assurances to perfect�fs title to the Trust <br /> Property as may be reqwred by Benefrciary. Trustor hereby ref�nqu;shes alf�ighf of dower and homestead in and to the Trust Prope►ty. <br /> � 2. Paymenf ol Indebtedness. Trustor shall punctuatly pay the principal ol and interest on the/ndebiedness sec�ured hereby. <br /> 3. ConstruC6on ol Imprpvements. Ti�sfor shall compfete/n good and workmanl�ke manner any bLildrngs,rrr�provemenis or repairs refa�ng <br /> thereto which may be begun on ihe Trust Property or contemptated by ihe loan evrdenced by the NoEe secured pay when <br />. due aR Costs and liabilities incuned Fheretore,and not to perm;t any construcUon lien againsr such Trust the event <br /> cor+structro.z ot buildings,�mprovemQnfs or repairs a�e coniemp/ated. Trustor also agrees, anything in th,s Deed af�rust to the r,ontrary <br /> nonvnrtsrandmg;(a)ta prompfly commence any such work artd to complete tiie p�oposed improvements prom,c£t�r, (6}ta complete ths <br /> same in accordance wdh the pians and speaficabons as approved by Beaet�ciary. (c}to comply with a!I fhe terms of�building loan <br /> agreement,N any,between Trusfor a►�d terms of wh,ch are rncorporated here�n by reference and made a parr hereot. <br /> (d)to allow Beneficiary io inspeci the T�ust Property at a!1 ames dur,ng construct�on,and(e)to replace any work or matenals <br /> unsatis�aciory to Bertehcrary wdhm lrlteen(151 days after watten notrce from Berteficrary of sucn lact. <br /> 4. Funds lo�Paymenf of Charges.Sub/ect to appfrcable!aw or to a wriften wa�ver by Benef�c�ary. Trustor shall pay fo Benel���ary on ihe <br /> firsi day o1 esch montn,or such other date each month as may be spec�fred by Benef�c�ary. untd the lndebtedness is paid rn lud,a sum <br /> (hereinatter caHed the"Funds'7 equal fo 1�12th ol the yeaNy taxes and assessments which may atta�n prioriry over ihis Deed of Trust ,-_____: ____ <br /> and ground rents on the Trust Property,i1 any,ptus 1�12th ol the yearly premium mstallments lor hazard�nsuranCe,plus 1�12th of tha . <br /> yea�ly prem�um mstal/ments�or moRgage rnsurance,if any,afl as reasonably esUmated in�t,a/ly ar�d irom time ta nme by Benef�c+ary on <br /> the basis of assessmsnts ar+d brlls and reasonable esbmates thereol. The Funds shall be heid m an mst,iuhon, the depos�ts or <br /> actounts ol wh�ch are msured or guaranteed by a lederal or stafe agency�nc/uding Benef�c�ary Benef�c�ary shali apply the Funds�o <br /> pay Seid fexes,aSSesSments,msurbnCe p�em�ums and ground�ertts Benef�crary shaU not be reqw�ed to pay rrustor an y mterest or <br /> earn�ngs on the Funds Benefrc�ary shall g�ve to Trusto�, wrthout charge,an annua!accounbng of the Funds show�ng credds and <br /> deb�ts to the Funds and the purposo lor wh�ch each deb�i ta the funds was made 7he Funds are p�edged as add�t+or�al secu��ty�n� � <br /> � the lndebtedness sBCUred by th�s Deed of Trust N the amounl ol tha Funds hgld by BenefrC�ary. together w�th tne lutwe mo»thry <br /> �nstaltments of Fi,nds payable p�ror fu the due dates ol taxos,ussessments. �nsurance prem�ums and q�vuncl renrs. sha��c�xceed tnP <br /> �maunt requ�red to pay sa�d!ares. assessments.�nswanc�p�ennums and ground rents es Ihe� fai.cfue suc n Fxcess shai�nQ er <br /> Ttu�fo�'S UphOr edhe�D�omptly�ep�ird to Trusto�u���edrtod to 7ruslor aqa�nst lulu�e montlti�y�n�;taNms�nt5 us �untlt ll tht�amn:ir�t��� ti <br /> fA�FU�CIS hLld Ly E3enel�crury 51;�i11 nUf bp;;ulG�rent fu p�y taxes c755E.�SS/n(•nrS. �nSU!ilryCf•p•p�1r�n�c �in�7 Q•��;�•r��rE+r�fc ��� N���y f;�;r,i;�� .�{Q� <br /> �fUi.:.'.'.'::h�!!Ac3 f!G{�L'r!:'Irf!."-',.fy�'1�.�::^.!L'U!Jt RBG:'.`..°.:i�y�O�'13Mf':lU f��r!,tEab..,i,nry yyd�„n Ih�rfy(J•fS:� h�,m 1!u�:�:�b• ri��f,i��� . �ri.u:f��i hy {C' <br /> �". <br /> f�nr�nh��p�y t:� 1ru:tnr rt�%�u�•'J�nq l�.iymr�nl thnn+n} Ujt(�n ji.iyin(�rv��n f�tl!C�f if�i!n%lf�l,'L•.'1^pti.. l{t•..�,�,�, �. .,��,��,. ,n,�,�,� ,�,h,..��. ... <br /> Tn��;rrx(;�ry t,�nUg hfdd.'ry FSi•n�.t,t�.ar� l�Dri� Try��.l f��f�fit•r1�:� �,•�:n,i��d�.�r���.�, y,,.i ,,� .�f�, , ,. , . � . ; , ., 1i��,,.ti � /,. ��� f <br /> ;��finnt.c��.1�� f�M�l•�q�i�!�'.'tf11� J(�ff�� illUru•�Jt�)�ll�y'fif!'�'ll,II�P dln�.11l,E. Tr �:�• 1'r��t����r� . . � � ,�.� ' , . �� ,, � � . <br />' r�.��i��y flhru�N �t�y ,�rfir�.�,�r;.�..E��(�ji.',( llhf,n�fS ,f r�F•i}+',���d;ri,� ��.�. �,.-�f�•t.•'4�'!'�� ... �'!i� •i , � � .. .. � .t � . ' � � <br /> �.li' ).�''. , fr., r• ,�. �r,r�>>.!(�i � )���. ... � ���n:�.�r...l.�.r,���•�,a .!:j,.�y ,.r.f�..� �r:�. �.., . � - - . • .� . . � <br /> � <br />