�=_-'..if . . . .
<br /> . � _ � . , �—� .
<br /> . , • r ,
<br /> .. . •� 5:�ti or i'rop�rty Ym's�r�nce. $orrower shall ke�:p ths icnpmvements aow exissing or hereafter erect�d on tQie Property .
<br /> • inss�e�i ug�sst t�6y fae.t�ds inc!LC�sd wathin the tam "extende�wvesage" nnd any ot�:er t�ards.includiag ftflods or '
<br /> � � flnQdiag,tas whach Lead�r requeres inssarnnoe.'I4iis ins�utce�iq be m�inmuzed in tAe amounts nnd for tice perieds that Lender `
<br /> ras��ires.'Itee ins�sace�riar pmviding Ute insu�ncQ sh3U be etr�sa�by Borc�wer sublect to L�ender's uppravEil wAich s6a11 eiat
<br /> be unreaso�ably aitMeld. If Eaarowxa fails to m.aintain cove.�gx descn�ed atiove.Lender may.as Lendci's optinn.obtain ,
<br /> • 1 oove.rage m�xoiect I.�tt�r's rights in the Ptopercy in aocASdanoe with par.�ap�7. � .
<br /> � � � ' f All ins�rame�alicies and re�ceaals shall be s�coeprabk w Lender an�shall insIada a staudad mortga,ge clause.Leasi�shaU
<br /> � . , have tN:e ri�i ta h�I�th�polici2s and renewsjls.If Lend4a requims,�anrowet shul!pmmF�Y SivE to Lrendzr all�eipts of�raid � . ;.
<br /> . � , prean:�un�caiew�l a�atsses.In the eveat of�oss��amow�r shall give pramp�ccotice t�rhe insmmnce carriea aad l.ender.L��
<br /> ` - - -.i m3y�n�f of[nss if r.ct m�sic pm.npily by Banvwgr. '
<br /> . . --,=: � ! U�s i�drs aa:! Bnreow€r oihea�v�ise a�rec in writin8•insuranec pmce�s shaU 1�sppli$d co re3�on ar repa'sr of she ,
<br /> ' � prog�ny duc3ge�.if tS�re.statatian a3 nepais is econamically fe�'bie ari�l��er's securiry is aoi tesseaed.If�Y►$resm�on ar � ;..
<br /> regait is u�'t ecor_�.ni�lly feas�'b2z ar L�nder's s�uriry arautd be�CSSeat$d,the insumrccz�moeeds sh�ll be appli�d tn the sums '� _
<br /> .. . , s�uea by thig Socority IBStrumen�w�ar ant tlieu dae.with aaY e�s�ss paid to Bmrowcr.If Eoaower xhaadaas t�e
<br /> . .. . . F¢asper+ty,ur does aw answer within 3¢d�ys a nor�oe from I.eudea thm the iasarar�ee r�r das off�ed w settl�a claim,th�n �::
<br /> Lr�td�t�y aollect tha insixra�ae Proo�Leudea may vse tts�pr'ooaeds to tegair ar tes2ss�e E�e Ptop�ty or to pay sums sa�red �;;;::
<br /> tt
<br /> • Qd
<br /> :� by this Seaasity I�uau��whether ar eQtfa�due.'Itr�30-daY P���S�w�n tt�not�ce is given. ���.-
<br /> - . # Lialrr.ss I.�and Ba�wer�wiss agiee in writ��,anY aAAlication af pioceods tfl pri�cipal shafl ne�t eacend ar goscgaae �-_-
<br /> � � ' th�d:�d2oe of t1�:monihlY gaYments referted w m parugiaphs 1 and 2 oi c�an,ge the araauet of the gaym�ts.U unda paza�
<br /> � 2b 2h�Pmges[y is acgaaed by Latder. B�aawrt's rig6t to any�poliqes and prQOeeds tesa?�n8 fmm damaBe to tM �;,--__-
<br /> . , p��pzrty pri�r m the acq�iii�on s'hnII�a�s w Lendes tm t h e e x t e a t u f t h e s u m s s�u r�d i ry t h i s S m c�r i ry l�.�r tr u m e a t i m m e d i a i e l y _ ,..
<br /> . p�o¢to the ac�an- _'�
<br /> � 6-�o�at9',Preserva�on,11�laiaPnnmaoe aa�!Pt+otectioD oY ths plroperty: Boriro�a's Y.o�a Applkation:L�seholds. :---
<br /> ' Ba�a:�s�aaTl oecupy,eslabhsh.and�:t�e Ptopeay as Barmwer's prinripal resideaoe withip�xty days aftsr�tte�execuII�n of F='=-
<br /> thi�S2�ity Insunment aud sht�111 oot�tae w axupy tde Pcapercy as�armw�'s gsinapal�d�ce for at least ane year aRes t,`.e �`;...
<br /> � da1�of ooca�cgr,unless I�euder adteraris�ag=ees in writin8. wLich canse�t shail ncst tae�1Y withheW,a�c�Iess �.�;_
<br /> ---- � � -
<br /> • ' � .� p�t,�nraring eac�e.ust which aze beyund Bamower's�ntraL Brnmarear shall rmt de.�roy.damaga a�imP�r the PmF�Y. �__
<br /> al�cmr d�Ptop�,�o� deusiaiate.or�im�it�te on the Ptopeity. BQaowa shall be dn defanIt if any fosfeinue act�on or
<br /> ' �.� �,wlr��cifnl az crisniinal.i�beg�m s�t in Lend�'s good faith jadgmettt oovld r�saIt in f�feimnce of the Pmperty ar _
<br /> • ot�'i�mat�Y a�P��lic�s cr�ted by thiq Seauity 1asT�wnent or Leada's seaairy intere.st B�rawrr may aue sus6 a —
<br /> � d�:i� �,a�giovides�ia gaiag�aph 18.bl►�8 du��tian or piooced'mg w be dimussed wi�h a niling that,in
<br /> . � I.��''s gaod fa�dr�inarian,PrecE�cdes for�'eimne of[he Baarowrx's inte�st in the Piopclty�other material�rmeat of
<br /> tt�li�xeated EP t�Sewrity►dast�ueat o�I�nder's securiry inte�e.cL B�rawer shali also be m defauilt ff Boaower,dr�in8 the -
<br /> ta�a�l5aavon pino�s,Save mate�Y false or inaoc�ate infar�iaa��m tn I�ender(�fa�7ed w pcueide x.�ier wlth
<br /> .�' a�}�ynn�ial infonnation) in�n�aa v+itL d�e Icsan evide�ced by the riote,; ',*�;^m but not lim�iud w,��ns
<br /> ��BaAOwea's oocupancy af�e Yrapeaty as a yrmcs�I�e.sideaae.If this S�iiy 7T:mm,ent is on a leasehaf�,��i�swrs
<br /> : st�all oomply w'stb all ttEE pmv�ans af ttis te,a�e.If Bormw�aoquires fee dde sa tt�Fs�`:;,d�ixasehc"��d t�»fee d�te sha11 -
<br /> � � r�craga an1�s L.endar a�e�.s t�tho t�erges in nrci�g.
<br /> ' 7.Protestion of I�s Iijgt►b im the Po�eriY. If B�fu�to p�f�m the oaveaanis and�reema►ts wnta�od ia
<br /> • ' t��ci�rity 1c�stirument,�z dccae is a?e8�P�8��Y���affect I�'s rights in the Pcupaty<sxh as a �
<br /> '' �-�g in b�lmrpscy,plobate,fcr candemnarion ar farfeiwae os w enfone laws ar regnla�ans),thea L,e�der may dc:,��y
<br /> � ftu a'�►ea is neoessary r,,o pmtcct a�a vatue of the Pmpe�ty aad Len�'s rcghts in the Propeny.I.ender's aarans e�.�.Y�'s�de
<br /> • .' .. P�Y���3' svms �,smA by a ?�a wR�ich Uu$ps�iry ove,r this Seaauiry Insuumeai,aPP�B in wmt,PaY�g re3sunaDSe
<br /> , . . at�m.ys'fees s+�c�c��;ring as�tha Y�pe�ty tu rntsfce m,p�s-Aithougb Leadci may mYe actian�z this�agiaph 7.i�der
<br /> • �t ` daes ca2daye w do so.
<br /> . Any urnounts disb�used hy I�mifer�mder this para�apb 7 sdall beoame addiiional de�c�Botmwa sec�ued by siu���uitY
<br /> , . . In�uuma�i Unless Baarowrr and L,�der a�e to orLa terins of Payme�tt, these amo� 's�+a11 bea�intaes�fmm�tie daIIe of
<br /> . di3bua�ment at the Kote rate�d st�ai!be paYa.I�L�with intesest,upon notioa fmm I�enda w:�wrt�u�tui$pagment
<br /> � 8.MortgaEe Ins�anor. If I.endes req�i�ongflge insuranoe as a candirion of maidt►g the la��cunod by this Sa�iry
<br /> -_�-;,;?�;, �` i�rsr�t, BoQOw� shall pay tha�aniums cecryirea w mainmin�the martg,�ge insurance in e�'oa.�i, fa any�asaa,the
<br /> m�st��;i�,ir�suranoe covaage Yeq� by Lxnder tapses ar ce3ses to be�n effep.B�rowa shall pay the ptemiums requued to
<br /> � •� ;;;. ', obea:n aoverage substantially cx�ni�mleat ro die moitgaSe ins`,uanoe Arevio�sly in effea.ut a oost subs�r►ria]ly equivaleat tn the
<br /> =�:r:'.,...,� .
<br /> c�st w Baurowrr of the�to�ge insaiance psevaonsly in effect.f�m an attt�aate maatgage insurer a�omved lsy I.ender.If
<br /> __ � � � .� subatsutiaLAy equival�a►t ac�IDcurance coverage is aot ava�7able,Fdarroivea shall pay w Lender�tdr�ontb a sum eqnal tn _
<br /> " or�nvelhh of ths yeaily mort�u,,�e insurance premium being paid by HoirawPa ahen�tce insuranoe oav�e lapsed or ceased w
<br /> ''+�;;�� . � tse i�effest.Lxnder witl aoeep�eisz and r�n these Paymr,�ts as a toss ceserve in 1i��i cF mottgage insvranoe.I.�ss n�serve _
<br /> .� y Fornf 802i 9!!0 —
<br /> �. �•6A(NE�(�1tz�.ot Pt��9ote �nRUfs:�._ `
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