..�i a �.t _ .
<br /> . - . .. _ . � . . ' � . . � .4'�e"'G_ .
<br /> - � • ,�� • - —_-'----� -
<br /> ' • ., . _ - -----.��._. �-----
<br /> . . . ..-------- " "" ':� -.
<br /> �. • ' TE�rET[i�ER WITH all dae impmvecaens now or hrreafter e�tsd oa the pmpeary,and all easeiaents.a9Dwtenances.and '
<br /> ' Gxt�aes aow or hareat�r a pait of ths prapertY.All mpl�sements and FddidQns�hal1 aLso he caver�by this Security Ins�um�t �`
<br /> � �,. .
<br /> . � � � Alt of the foi�egoing is referred m in this Serurity Instmment as�"P�opBrty:' � ...
<br /> BORROWER COVENANfS rl�ai 8asrowea is lacv�'ially seisad of ths esr�te haeby conveye8 and das t2is cight to grant aa� �
<br /> . � �onvey the pmp�ty and t�ab the Prope�y.+s uneaicumbeoed,except f�e�sumb�nces of recard.Haraowe�waaants aad will � •. � ^.
<br /> �eud geacaally thx atie to the Praperty against sill claim�and dsma�ds,suby�t eo any eacumbrnnces af Yeconf. � ,
<br /> m$
<br /> TFIIS SECURITY II�IS'TRUMENT wmbines uniform oovr,�ts for natioa.31 use aad aon-us�ifotm cov�ants wi�h luaitsd � . .
<br /> � � vaiiations by jwrisdictinn m oanstitute a unifotm securiry�strum$at�oveaing real ptoperty. � .
<br /> � � i7NIE0ItM CtiOVE[VVMiTS.Bamnwer and L,en�coveaant and agree as follaw� � i
<br /> . V [
<br /> 1.P�y�gnt dP Priadpal aad d�teres�P�repay�eni aad D.ate Ch�rgs. Borrower shall �nptly pay when dae th� ,� .)
<br /> ; e
<br /> . -- — = psiati�l of anri�on t�e ciebt evidenced by ths I+iote and any preaaym�t aad late charges das uAder the Na:e. -`
<br /> ` , r ' Z Faad�tor Taxes aad Insuraaoe. Subjec�t to s�plicable 1av+ar W a a�ritr�n waivea by Lx�dea.Borcower s5all paY t4 ;
<br /> � ; Leur�s an td:e day rnonthlY Pa��nettts an dae ius8ea the No•.s.un�7 t�e i�Iote is p�d in full,a svm("Fluids'�for.(a)Yea�Y��s • .'•.-�
<br /> � . . � , and asse��+ts ar6icb may at�psiarity ovea this Sec�uity Insttumeaa ss a li�a on tha Yrapeny;(b)Yeazly leaseho2d paymr,ats � _ .
<br /> c d?"-
<br /> . .-. . .: 1 az}�or�1 rents an the Pcuperty.if anY:(�)Y�Y ha2attl er gaoperiy ms�uaa�e pre�uum�(d)yeariy fload ubsut3ttce gr�ms,if i.;:A..-
<br /> o °
<br /> � ; anY:(e)Y�Y m�828e inanance premi�,�f�y;aud(t?a�'►Y sw�Paya�!�bY Borrower ro�.rerder.in accordanoe with the :"�_-.
<br /> pravuioas of p�agraph 8,in lie.� af th�g2ymeat of �Se� P�ums.Thcse ite�as are called"Fscmw Items." ;�a?`,�
<br /> - --=—=� t�dxr�y,ai�y t�uz°w��r3 Qo2d�uasts irs an amo�mt�t w eaceed ih�ma:ur,:�m��a�ler�s f�a fe�iy te,laLed °__":-
<br /> � , . .� i mortgage Ioan m�y�qufre faz Bamow�'s�scco�r+a000unt�des the fedaa]Fteal Estaie Seitle.ment proced�uts Act of 1974 as � :-_--
<br /> - . �;t ameaded&c�m pme tn ame,12 US.C.S�26t1I et seq. ("AtFSPA'�,un2ess aaattu�law thai agpliea w the Faads sets a� -
<br /> ' � �nann3.If so,I.�d�enaY,ai�y ame,aoIIect and hold Fuads in au sr�9an1 aat tn au�zd t6$l�s�aiccura.I�er may �=s::�_
<br /> x esrisnate the amaunt of Fimds due an the basis ef crurens dzra an��swble estimat,es of ex�sc�d�es of Ennue F_scmw Ite�ns ar °�_:--
<br /> . �:.`�_
<br /> . -' � etherarise us aseordaace with applicable Jaw. �-?_-
<br /> 'It�e F�ads shaDl 6e 6e1�m aa iastitntion whose�are i�um,sq by a fe�eral ag�cY,in�.^ru'�wi��.ar�ty f��s �[.p°=
<br /> fi�..'�er,if Lrndcr is suc6 an instiw�an)ar in any Fede�al Hora�T�a Bank.L��shaII 2gp 1 y tte�rt3 t�gay t�e E�aw � .�---
<br /> .:. �` L�rr-.s.Las.d�may nol c6�ge Boaawer far hold�g and apply6ng t3�e F¢43s,aanua�►�ral�raag€�se esd�+t�.a�v�yi�8
<br /> t�.�;�e �
<br /> �=
<br /> � tt��scmw I�nas.unless I.e�dear pays IIa�rer inte�s'i on the F�s f d�plisab2�law peam�d�der tm�e sach a ch�-� �;_
<br /> _ � ,�' H�waver,I�der may requue Barmwer tn pray a on�time chaig�fs��in�dent�eal es�ta�e oax c�u�t�se�visE ase�S iry pµ
<br /> IIsiler ia cana�oa with this laan,unless applicablc law pmvides a��wise.Ual�an agrx�rr.ene i�m�de ac agplicable L�r -
<br /> �� Bo1m�ver an iat�t or eaming�aa t�s�.Borrower au� ��;--
<br /> . - r�uires intedest co be paid,I.aider sUall not be tequired to Pa3► Y ,
<br /> � Lea�der may agrse in aritiag,however tbat mtaest shaII 6e Paid on tt�Fu�s.Lead2r shaII give w B�a�m�,�-ftd�.out charge.� ;_"
<br /> • , annual acoovnung of the Faads.showm8 credits and de�s w the Fands aad the piupose f�which each de�it ao�Le Fun�s�s �_--
<br /> 'n ��
<br /> • . ' made.'ilte Fun�s�e pledged as a�diIIanal�uitY f�aIl sums sec�ed by thic Sec�ity Insunmea6. _
<br /> . ' " If the Fuads he3d by Ia�er e�t��nom�ss pesmitted tfl be tted�by apptkable law,Lend�shalt ac�oruw ro Baamwa�-
<br /> :�;' � • • �fn:excess F1�ttds in aa�with the ret�.���applic�ble law.If the amounl of the Fnads hetd by i�:ader at aaY�e is
<br /> �
<br /> r:^`.'� �x s�ciea3 to pay the Fscrow Items when due.L�.'ku rs�y so nflti#y Bomnw�s in waiting,a�td,ia such c�IIor.r�xa sha�1�sY
<br /> u
<br /> . . �;.z�d� c;uf;�onus neoessary tm rna1��.-p the de�encY• Baaanr,.r�sts2ll mace up the d�ir�cu�r ia�r m�+:th�n�-e'�:��e _
<br /> � • '� '< �-..�:.'a'wly�-y�,a3 L�n3u's sole discc�.
<br /> :;,f.; ; Up�;�a.q�t fin full of aU s�ms seaued by this Seauity IustrumPnt,l.Qnd�r sball piomg2l�cr�v�8 ro B�-rower a�ny F�.�
<br /> - i�3 by Lea�er 1f,and�para�agb 21.l.eader shall acquire ar$ell tt�e Propea'ty,Iznder.P�r to t�ac4�rs�ar sale of t3�e _
<br /> '�`�'1� ' * Pmpaty,s�a11 agpJY anY F�unds held by l�der at th�e mne of acs�IDSiti�n ar sa1Q as a eredit agaia.~t tka�nn ssc+a�by t�is
<br /> ;:r.
<br /> $CCQlity L�SZTi�CJIt c LS tt"�D2ivl¢d�`%S�i[dE[filidtd R312$�7ph3
<br /> ��� 1 3.Ag�IF.es�inn oi Payments. UN�ai:plecabie taw provifles olh�a+`i-.e.all PaYraen
<br /> � • 1 an�2�.�i t�app}ied:fnst.W anY Dre�c►y�nt charges dne under th�I�otG second.to amountu�syrhT�actder peaag�aph Z;
<br /> �;� � „F, � rit�,n4 iaterat d�e:foartD,to�cigal du�and 1ast.w aay Pate ch�rges due under the Noie.
<br /> .�,�-..:'.;. • . 4.Charges;Liens. Bonow�st�aD pay all taxs�,sssessments,char8es. 6nes and imposi�ons amn"bw�bla to 1Le pmperty
<br /> - � : '; viL�.S r.�l�a�t�in prea�ity ova this Sec�niry�nsonun�:.and Ieasehold paym��or graund rents.if any.B�rm�shaII pay ttsese -
<br /> . . `�'' o�ligatc�iR�t�e manner pravided i��h 2,or i�£nat paid in u��i mann�r.Sormwer shalt pap c�em as ti�d'aectly tv th►. —
<br /> _ . � ' ��? �san oa�vL`�ayment Bomawer stiaU�a-��tJy �uae;s.h to L��x a:13�nfliiees of amonntg t� fs��d vnd�t d:�pau�1�-if
<br /> _ . . �rs ma7ces these g�:mr�ts aa�etty,��mwPa sUaS.t,�vmptly fiim'�n m r.end�'c��eipts ev�s�d".g tka S�nymc�rs. -
<br /> � � � Borrow�s6aIY proa�i�r ducha�8e any liea wh;di L�s priority ovet t?tis Seatrity Instrument wless B�tm�vcs:(a)agree�s in --
<br /> �;r:�':;,:�..`�� wriring to t*_e payment oS ttee obli�tlion secured by the lie,n in a mznner aoceptable tn Lender,(b)caatcc�ia�.od faitlh the 3ien ,----
<br /> ;�' ;�±.". by,or de,s�.^�s a$ainst enfaroea�nt af e�.e liEn in, tegal PiocaedinP,s whish in the Leaidcr's opiniaa ap� to pteveau the -
<br /> - _ �•.�� eafaArc�ae�a3 of the llen:a�.(c)�fmm the holdea of the lien fln ag�rezmzat s�sfactnlY oa L.�der sulsn�nating tDe tien to _
<br /> ��*�s Se�utsiiy In,�meQ.L If T�nder cieu�mmes Ihai any part of the?ropeny is rubjxt w a lien whish iauy aU�I'�tY over this
<br /> etea
<br /> • �' .�a�uiry Iastcuacent,Leur�r.�r.�aY P&ve Bmrower a au�re�deatifying tha lien.Bormwer shall�uisfy ahe licn ar�taYe ane ar mose
<br /> •' � �.i the aarar.�set forth aboti�e withui 10 days of the�ving of nosice. "
<br /> � Rorm 802� �I�O =,
<br /> _ �� �-OR(N�t72t2).Ot PaQe2olo �II� — --
<br /> r
<br /> � ��_4
<br /> -y
<br /> � . _.. ---�a...--.���.,.... . . , . � '
<br /> • � . . . ' • . . =
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<br /> � ' , � � , . • � ' . � � . . . �:
<br /> , . . , . . . . . . �_ __ __ ` _ _
<br />