,�..�; < . . •
<br /> . ' , � . ,�•�..-> .
<br /> . �
<br /> --- --. .�_�_... - -- - --------�-- ----
<br /> . •..i--- —__._ ..._..._ . :
<br /> . 1 �gaymt�►ts may no longea b�requar�,at tks opann of Leader,if cnanga�e ins�uance coverage(in the amaunt and for the p�riad
<br /> • that Ixader req�ires)provided by�n insiuer appmved by Len��a�in t�zco�s availahle�cd is obtained.8anower shsll pzy t�se
<br /> � �aain�as reqiaired tfl u�nmin iaartg�e insuranae in effect,or w provide �loss reservc,nnul eh�r�uireu�cat faY mo��Ss
<br /> . . ' insumnce eaids in accordance with any wci.ueo agrceement betw�n B�irower�d l;endra ar appIIcab?e iaw. ��
<br /> � � � 9.iaspect�an. I�d.er oz its agent taay make cea�oaab2a eat�ies upon arcd inspections of the Pragercy.Lender shrll giv� �
<br /> � � Baaowear nouce�the tinme of a�prior to an inspecaion sgecifyinB re�sonab:e cuuse faz t hs inspectinn. �
<br /> $
<br /> ' � ! 1@.Candemnate�n 'i�e pmceeds of any nwand or cYaim for damages,direct ar caasequent2al.in conrzectian wit�&�y
<br /> .. ' � � wndeaniaarian or osher taking of any pan of dce Progesty.oz fur conveyance in liev of wndeannation,ar�hereby assignFd a�rl �
<br /> ' ' shall be�aiQ c�Lender.
<br /> � �' � tn ttte event of a rotal taki�g of ths Prapary.the pmooeds shall be applied to ttce sums s�cur�by this Secu�riry Ins�u.m��.
<br /> , . ... � �
<br /> - •: � whether ar aat then due,with any eacess paid to Bssaavrer.In the evcgt of a�tiel taking of the Propeaty in whish the fau °
<br /> . ' velue of the Pmperiy imm�liatP�y bef01L't�s lnYing is equal W or g[eatPa th3II 1ltz emaulit of dte si�tns�cuied by d�s S6t��tiYy � "
<br /> � � Inst�um�t immediaZely befare th.�oaldag,t�nless BoAOwes and L�tadsr athetaise agiee in wriring,the sums secure�bY tttis '..,.
<br /> � � Sec�uity Insn�umr.u3 sh2�l ba zedur,ed bY di�amnuat of ihs pr�ceeds muIripHerD by the foIIccving f�ac�on:(a)the mta!a��s�of �::;:.
<br />, .. ... ... .
<br /> the sum�.s s�i�tely �faxe th$tat�mg,divided by @)tre fair maiket value of the Pm�erty imme -�rpty Defora dr r,;�
<br /> , . tal�g.Any bat,�ee�all be p3id m Baaower.In the evcnt of a partial tak�8 nf ths Pmp�ty m whish the fa�mar�et valus af tt� �
<br /> _.� pcop�ty► imm9diately bef�ace dn�ng is Iess th� the amrnmt af the sums s�cu�ed 'vnmEdiately befuse t�e taTcing, �►S�s
<br /> —. - - . � �t��!�:t t#� ��_��_
<br /> . Y> � Boao�rri and I.ettdw uth�vtise�in writin8 ar�ni�ss app�table faw au'teaanse�mv�s, g� -
<br /> • snms secund by this Ssaaity Instnu�eat wketh�ar a�t ahe svms�e th�d¢e. :�' --
<br /> . , r ff the property is ab2adoned by Ea�ower,ar ff,a�a ao�ce by Leader Yo Bozrower tItat�oonde�nn�offeis to tm�3c�a sn =�-_
<br /> � awatd ar seule a clai�far damagxs,�unower fa�s t�respoa�ro L�dea vrithm 30 days after dre date the notice is gd��.l.� r=-
<br /> �_-
<br /> � �� is authnri��d t�collect aad agply the proceeds.�ir�a�o�a,elthea to cestnmtion ar�azr of�e Property or ro the sums ses�u� �u�___
<br /> by this Secanity Instnuneat.whether cnr nnt thQa dur st�}not eAteud or pa�ae s-"--
<br /> • . . � Untess Leader and Eoaower ottse�i�.�e in vr�:�ng.�Y apPlic�on of prooaeds t�}aciaci�al =,_
<br /> ' ' the due date of the monthlY PaYm�ts rC�d to in pma�apbs 1 arr�2 or chaz�ge dce amo�ivf�gaymeats �...
<br /> c '�� 11.Borm�u Not Reieased;Fofiairanae By I.ender l�Tot a�'aaivu. Fa�tension af the time fa p�aymeat or modiHr�tian =_
<br /> � � � of amartizatian of the s�nos s�by this Seaui3y f�struznent g�anted by Lrender ta any s¢ox-ssor in ia;ere.st of Baaovr�.trail i�-
<br /> . . ��� aoi opesate to reZeasc the liab�ty of the ariginal Bersrrwrr mr Bortower's s�ors iD intr�est.I.eader shail a�i be ieq�ired to = ---
<br /> �•� �ce P�n&S�nsc�ciT�r�o;in inx�:or r�fiue to e�u�d tir�e Fer paya�ent ar ottienvise ciwdiftJ amart�an of `•
<br /> the sum�s�by this Security i5r�ent by rea�son of any dr�and mads by t�e ariainal Eiaa+mwer ar Bcsrowds s�s
<br /> • in iciL�test Any forb�ee Ay I�r�t�ia'exe�is�m8 anS►ti,g�t or�eanettY shall nas Ese a v�ctduer ff��r prec2wda ttse exe�ise of any _
<br /> i y
<br /> ' �' right�zemedy.
<br /> 1L Snooessors aad l�s Bo�d,Joint and Severa]!L�abflily;Co�igner�. 'tLs ac remnrs atul a�eeu�snts of this
<br /> 5ecariry Ins�ument sball bmd snd lx�zf'u the suoce�ots aad assig�of L�d��d �sca�,er.subject w tbe pravisiaas of
<br /> . garragr�ph 17. Sormwca's arvea� attf s�eemcats shall be joint a.ud sev�zZ Ar�'f B:rrsaa�Ct wt�o oo-sigas this SxtuFiy
<br /> , 'Insaarnent but does a�t executz t�e i.�'csts:(a)is co-si�g tLis Seceuiry Instnuaent aoly ra martgage,Srant an�ooardp tbat
<br /> Bvrmw2r's�taest in ohe Firope�ty L:��r L�re t�ams cf tlris Sc�nriry Ias�um�x(Ib)is r,.Q��Sts4aal�tij.o�ligated;a pay ttr��ams _
<br /> ' . • �`�� SoCU1ed hy fhis SeCUriiy 9men1-,SI�d(C)agt�i.lfs�1:3.e�tde�End 8uy otf�et BQ.*aozmz utsty La$[�C DD�ad,L''�ad:f9.fo7rb�[� --
<br /> . m21ce any aooamm�nd�s witt�regar�m the teaa�c��tcs Seauiry Insnument or ttc Na�cvithuutd�at B�sar.er's oansent
<br /> � �. . 13b�ub Ch�ge�. If t1�Ioa�a ses�ed by dia�r�ity U�vare�t is sub;ect to a lav�r�hicL sets cr��un Io�n cb�g�.
<br /> � azd th�.¢fmu.,�Sna91y ini�yreied so chas the interest or o�tcea loan chargcs col2eqed oz to be co13�r�r.d ia eannec�an cv:qh tjr k�an
<br /> � acc,ee8 t�e peamiued limias,tnen:(a)any such loan char8e shall be rcduced by t�e amcuat�x.�y co red�ce the char�s to tba
<br /> . pennuied limix aad(b)any suins alreadY�Ileexed from Buaowea wt�ich exceEded���Z Iifni�s aril�6e nSimtled to Bo�mR�er.
<br /> . Lender may c�oose to maYe this refund by reducing the principal owed �mdrx� Ilv:itiete�r by making a direcs paym�t to
<br /> 00
<br /> .�. , ' Borrower.If a cefimd mdaces principal,the reductian w�l be u+eated as a g�:y.�aYm�2 with�t anY prepaY�a3 c�rB=
<br /> •' x�. : � �nder the Note.
<br /> . .. . �. ;�; 14.NMZas. Any norice w Baarower psovided for in this Sec�y Instiumeni shall be g'rarr�r t�y delive�ing it or by[a�.�g it
<br /> by fust c�as�ma�7 uniess aqPlicable hw requires u.�of another ruahod.Th+e aotioe sbaD be direaad to th,e i�t�operty Addmss ar
<br /> .' � any otha addre.ss Bomaw�designates by notice rm L,��ca.My notice ro I.e�dc;r sUall be given by f�.t c�u��to Lendrs's
<br /> ��� � - address sta0ad herem or any other address Lend�x��t;��atss by nou�e to Ba�wea.Any norice pmvi�i'f�.~r in this Sec�ity
<br /> � Iasm�matt shall be deemed to t�ave bee�given w Barmwer ar Ler.der whea givea as provldet!m this pat�graph.
<br /> � � ea
<br /> --` .. ;•�� 15.Governmg Law;SeveraDIIi2�. 7ttis Security 1ns�umenl s,hall be goveane� �y f.��eaal 1aw an� th$ laa of tbs
<br /> ���:�..,
<br /> jurisdictian in wtrit�the Froperty is located.In the ev�t that any pmvisian ar c.ause a�iis�Securiry tnstrumeat or tT�Note
<br /> ._.. � oonflicts with applisable law.such sonflict s1ra11 rot affect othea provisions a�iltJ��eaaity Insuunaent or the Note wt�iste can be
<br /> ��'`'.�� gi�en�ect wi�t[out the wnflicw:g;:n;vision.To this ea�d tdce p�riROns of u�:r�urity LasUUment and the Note mre dxL�red to
<br /> � �- be sever�lflG..
<br /> . ��.
<br /> Formsaga or�
<br /> ' • � �-8R(N�I�t�^1.or rar��oto mmits�:O.�J.�
<br /> � 8. U�
<br /> � L
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