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<br /> , � • _ pa}r�ents may ao loager be�quired,at the aption of Lender,if mortgage insuraz:ce covera$e(in the amount and for the geriod
<br /> , that ixnder requires)Pmvided by aa insurer aPProved by I.ender again bzcomes available and'u obtained. Borrower shaIl pay Y.
<br /> .� the pretniums required co maintafn utongage insurance in effect.or to pmvids a loss resen+e.until the requirement far m�nrtgage �:"`�
<br /> • � ` insurance eads in a�ordance with any�vritten a�r�ment hen�een Borro�ver and Lender or applicable law. ���j.
<br /> ` � , 9.taspectian.Leader or its agent may m�ce reasonabte enuies upon and iaspecaons of the Progerty. i.endeY shall give �__�'
<br /> . Botrower nodce at t�e time of or prior to an insgertion sgecifying reasonable caus�for the inspection. ��.
<br /> ' � Y0.COIIa�IL`i�IOA.T�e proceeds of any award or claun for damages,direct or consequendal,in ooienection with any �z_-
<br /> condemnation or other[�king of any part of the Propercy,or for canveyance in lieu of condemnation,are 4�ereby assigned and '"
<br /> �,:''
<br /> shalt be paid to lxnder. `-r'=
<br /> � � � In the event of a total taking of the Propsxcy,the praoeeds shall he applied ta the sums sr,�ured by this Srcurity Instrument. �_...�
<br /> r.a:�.4 whether or not ttten dus,witb any excess paid eo Barrower. [a the event of a partial taking of the Pmperty in which the fair -
<br /> '. •--.°"'�� muket value of the Progecry imiuediazeIy before the taking is equal w or greater than the amount o€[he sums secured by chis -o—
<br /> • � � SECUrity Insnvment iminediately before the taking.unless Borrocver and 1€nder otherwise agree in writing,the sums secw�ed by _
<br /> • � � ;•, � this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a)tha total �
<br /> amount of the sums secu�ed itnmediatelY befoR the t�ing,d�vided by(b)the fair market vatue of the Pcoperty immediately
<br /> .. ��' before the taking. Any balaaoe shap be paid to Borrower. Ia the event of a pardal taking of tke Property in which the fair =_
<br /> , � market value of the Properry imm�iazely before the taking is less than the amount af the sums secured immediatelY hefore the
<br /> -� t�Icing,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise a�ee in vvriting or ualess applicable law otherwise provides, che pra�s shall
<br /> - r '--�: - be applied to the suros secunzd by tivs Securit5+Tnstnunent whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> ' � If the Pmperry is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Leud�r to Borrower that the coa�3�srnrr o�''�s to make an
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages,Barrower fa�1s to respoad to I,eader within 30 days after the d�n�tL:�e.ce is given,
<br /> : r•. .' I�ender is authorized to collect and apply the procee�ls.at its option,either to restoration nr cc-r�of t�e�:3geriy ar�t�sums
<br /> ' ' s¢��t�ry this Security losuumem,ahether or aot then dne.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvisP agree in writing, anY aPPli�►tion of pr�rxe:�s to pri�..'�,?c� shali aot eart..-ad or
<br /> - _; - postlrone the due date of the c�onthlY P�Y�referred w in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or chang�the amouns¢°�-�payinenrs.
<br /> :� pL.Borrower Ndi Itelased.�rorhearaace By Leader Not a Waiver.�_*�sion a��e time for��ment or me�:fication
<br />'-y.: . ' of ama�z.ation of the sums securecl by this Security Insuument granted by Le�3er to aay �,•rxessor in interest of F�a.:�2r shall
<br /> - • noi�:e co release the liablity of the original Sorrower or�oirower's successois in i.;;rc'•'�t-tender shall not L�:�a�suired to
<br /> „_. commence proceedings aSainst any saccessor in interest or refuse to eatend ame for pa}-�or otherc�a,modify�rtizarion
<br /> _ . . of[he sums secuced by this Securiry Insm�ment by reason of an}r dema�d made by the origin�l �W-,.'�awer or Borro�ver's
<br /> - 't• suc�essars in interest. My fuib�.c-�se by Ixndar in exercising any rip,ht or rc�ctcedy s'�' not he a�:��of or p�eclude the
<br /> ;"+::�"'-;;k'��,�� sx.�iu:of any right or remedy.
<br /> `.:-,.:,��;�f" D�; Saocessors aad Asstg��aaad;Jolai and Several Llabllity: Co-sigar�. � sovenants and agreem�>of this
<br /> Y���`="=t.i; • ' Security lnsu�ment shall biad and benefit the successois and assi�ns Qf 1l.�ader aad�rower. sutJr�t w the gmvisions of
<br /> .:�;r .- ��::
<br /> .s,�,,-�� .:� paragraph 1�. Sornr��r's covenants anfl agreEments shall be joint aa� ���:ral. Any Borrower u�Ura�o-signs thls Securlt3+
<br /> '^` '�'�� InstrumEnt but dfles�.ot execute the IJate:(a)is co-signing this Seruriry G�,�ument only to mortgage,gant and comvey that
<br /> �,�_ . ;. .,
<br /> t :.,- .
<br /> ,��� Borrower's interest in the Proger:y uuder the terms of this Sewrity Ins�uumenc;(b)is not pezsonaUy obligated to pay the swns
<br /> '' e:���r.•' secuma3 by tt►is Security Insunm..�'�and(c)a�that Lencec z�d any other Borcawer may agrce to extend,modif5�.!'n;.bear or
<br /> _-�-'�:{��; �e�y�ccommatariom�with:-�azd to the terms of this Sr�.�*�.y instrument or the Note without thaa Borrower's c7:n�nt.
<br /> —;�r.�.�--
<br /> -a,_;�;�.:,, 13.�.oan Charges•If the loan secu�by this Security Insuument is subject to a law which Eets maximum loaa c es,
<br /> �-1.;,w=,_.��.�� an9 that law is finaliy inteipreted so that the interest or other loan chazges collected or to be coUected ia conaeMion with t4�e
<br /> =-:,;;t�.,f,�i„�'"a�j loan exceed the permitted limi�. ;�en: (a)anY such loan charge shaU be�duced by the amount necessary w reduce the charge
<br /> �-�=:�s:��s'� to tl�e penmitted limir aad(i�)�.Y sums aiready collected tmm Boaower which excee��d permitted limits wifl lse refua�t�to
<br /> ------_-- gurro�ver. i.ender may chaos� rr make this refund by reducin� the principal owed under the Note or3 y maki ig�oau�
<br /> -----�-= payment to Borrower. If a r�fund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial PreP Y�
<br /> prepayment charge uader the N�te.
<br /> --__;_:=�� 14.Notices.Aay not:ce tr�.�'s.�rrowet Pruvided for in this Securiry Instniment shall be given by deUvering it or by mailing
<br /> _=°�;;a y� it by �zst class mail unless ap�LT�le law requires use of�nQ�It�r method.The norice shall be dir�ted to the Pro��A�dress
<br /> - --- or 4.� other address Borrowe:�J°-s3guaies by IIOtiee Io 1�3ns'. At►y ttotiCe to LeAdt7 sh�ll be $iveu by ftPSl �351�mS31 [o
<br /> �"T� Leader's address stated herein or any other address Lender cesignates by aotice to Boirower. AnY aorice Provi�rl fd�.in thi9
<br /> -� === S�curiry Instrument shall be det�aaed to have hee�given to Borrower or l.ender when given as pravidcd in t:is pa.�.�h.
<br /> ���— 15.GovernSc�g l.aw, ScRera631ity. This Security Instrament shall be govemed by fefleral f,nu �utt ti�e. law of the
<br /> "�"� lws�a�;�tion in which the FmFerr,'�'is located. Ia the eve�r.��i.y.•am+Pmvision or clas�se of[his Securir,�Lr�:>ut:�ni��the Ptote
<br /> -- �� cTnilicr.�with�oplicable law,s�nclt;,onflict shall not affex���fmr provisions of this S�uriry Insuumeat ar c'�e hatL�i�1L•'.eh can be
<br /> �;"-^};'"r'� � given effett withaiu ihe conAic:ing pro'visia:� r��his end�e pravisioas��f t�is Security Insuvmer.x aivi:�e Note are declared
<br /> � �s
<br /> �'����.'`�
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> --_::;:;.�y��,�� 16.Borrower's Copy.Lia«ower shall be�iven one wnfor�ned copy of the Note and of this Se�ei�/Instnun�ent•
<br /> _ Form�028 91J0
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