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<br /> §. �r�rd oP prags�4}, IIns�II�� g��tiy�shall keep the imProvements now existin� or hercafter erecxed on the
<br /> . ` - prugesey insured agai�t tuss by fire. hazards incladed within the term 'eateaded coverage" �.nd any other hnzards, induding �
<br /> , � Aoods or�looding,for which x.Qnder requires insurance•This insurance shall he maintain�in the amounts and for tAe per¢ods �
<br /> • cp�at l.endet requires.The insurance carrier pmviding the insuranse shall De chosen by Borrowcr snbject to lxnder's approval
<br /> � . wnich shall nat be uureaionabDY withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain coverage dessribed aBove. l.ender may.at Leader's =
<br /> •� ^_ � option.obtain coverage to pmtect Ixader's rights in the Propsrty in ascordaace with paragraph 7. ^
<br /> '. AI1 insurance policies aud renewals sha11 be arceptable to l�ender and shall inslude a standard mortgage slau:e. Lender f,-
<br /> • . shalt have the right to hoI�the policies and renewals•If fxader requires,Borrotver shall pmmptly give to Lender all receipts of �:
<br /> ' - paid preariums and renewal narices.In[he event of lass.Borrower shall give pmmpt notic�to the insurance carrier and I.eader. �_
<br /> • •,.�.� Lender may ma.ke pmaf of loss if aot made promgtly by Boraowet. .�
<br /> '�,:,�:�" Unless Leader aad Borrower otherwise agree in writin8.insurance Pmce�ds shall be aPPlied to restosation or repait of the -
<br /> , .�-b-�'^; propsrty damagefl,if the restoration or repair is eoonomically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.If the restoration or __
<br /> � repair is not economically feasible or I,ender's securiry would be lessened,che insurance proc�ds shall be aPPlied to the swns __
<br /> , . .,; � secured by this Securiry Instrun�ent, whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borcnwer. If Eomuwer abaadons tlte
<br /> � � Propeity,ar does not answer withir►30 days a notice from I.ender that the�n�+�*�*+se carrier has offered to senle a claim, then
<br /> . • = Lr�s�er may collect the insivance pmc�ls. Lender may use the praoeeds to repair or restore the Progerty or w pay sums
<br /> ,�„�by this Securityr Insnvment,ahether or not then due.'the 3fl-day period wi11 beP,in when the nouce is given.
<br /> . :_— ';� ( iT�less L�uder and Borrower othernrise agree in writinS, anY apPlicazion of praceeds to priacipal shall not extead or
<br /> - �- gostpane tue�date of she mo�ty payme�r�€erreci to in paragra�hs 1 and 2 or change the�ount af th�paym�ts. If
<br /> ' , � f � umaer paragr�t�? the Progsrty is acquired by Leader,Borrower's right to azry ittsuraace goliaes ami preceeds resulting from
<br /> � damage to the Pcuperty priar ta the acquisiaon ahall pass tA Lender to the eateat of the snms secured�Sj this Security Instrumznx
<br /> • " ;�e�iately prior to the asgus.�'s�oa
<br /> . - tS.Occnpancp,preservatiom.Ma[nteaaace s�d FcGt�iton of the Property:IIcssowec's Loan ARp➢ira4ta�;Leaseholds.
<br /> . F�irawer shall occapy,establish,and use the Propeity as Hormwer's grincipal residence within sixty days aftes tt�executian of
<br /> ==, � �;s Securiry Insmiment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for az le�Qse year after
<br /> ti'ae date of accupancy,unless Lender othera+ise agreES in writin$,which consent shal!nflt be unreasoaabl�+uithhr�.or�mless
<br /> .ex�uuat�g cfrcumstances exist which are bsyond Baauwer's control. Barrower shall not destroy, d� cr. :�air tlie
<br /> �rty, allow the Property to deteriorate, or comm:t'�+aste on the Property.Borrower shall be in defaL!t ri urs�`:�feiture
<br /> ' , � acrion or p_*+rrx,�3ing,ahether civi�or criminal,is begun that in Lea�'..sr's good faith judgmeat cai:.ld result in fxC+�:��aE�
<br /> � ..� �ropertY cr,at;�:wise materially impair ths lien crear�d by this Secu�i.'+;�sdvment or Leader's�a��ity ints�.3orroax:.�,�.;
<br /> � ' � cure such a ue�:�it a�d reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by ca��:g'.he action or pmce�diss t,e�e dismiss�!wida a r.�ts
<br /> `;.,,,�' � �' .i,.-., in L�er s good f%� deterwination, Precludes fer�eiture of t�:£orrower's int�rest in the �tapeaty ac cther materiaY
<br />�•,.F•�,'
<br /> S,f�'. ... =;�airmect�'.-:.;lien c��.by this 5ecurity Insmus.rr�=or Lendas's s�urity i:�-:�ertst. Borroc:er shall�r i�.in defanit if
<br /> �=°=`"� �.`.. ' 8orrower,s,�i�=;=the loan appliraaan pmcess,gave m�:rially faisQ ar�xvaate=.:'�.::mation ar�.°,�eass���er(or€�::f�
<br /> `, � to provide Y�.�r with any material information)ia connection arLtl�+a'�e:�an evidenced by the A�•��a.includiag,but not li�.~�aa�
<br /> � �.` � � to,mPresentations conceming�orrower's�ccupancy of the Propertf�:�:.�Friacipal resideuce. If this Securiry Insmuaent is on a
<br /> -.��'�:x�,�:,�� : � ?�sehold, Borrower shall comply with all the pmr-i�:rxs of the ?rase. If Bo��:� acquires fce dtle t� rL-�� Properry, the
<br /> ���':•'_b�c;�;�Yf�r' Leasehold and the feE tide shall not merge unless I.ender��s ro the merger in wri�:�.:az.
<br /> y':�-;���'�'�.:, { 7.Protectton af I.ettder's Righis in the Property.if Borrower fails to perfurr trs.:covenants and agrees�r�a contained in
<br /> '-'./ •' � rr
<br /> this Seivriry Insmuttent,or there is a legal proceediag thai may significantly affect Lender's ri�ns in ehe Property(such as a
<br /> ='�-':' •� �r procading in bankruptcy,probate, for condemn2doa or forfeihue or to enfo�e taws or regula�-�s),then Lender may do and
<br /> .s�:,';'.� .;,-_f' pay for whatever is necess�� to pratect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propert7+• lxnder's actions may
<br /> - `L'"'- include paying any sums �xr�red bY a lien wtuch has prioriry over this Serurity Instnimem, appearing ia coust, payin8
<br /> - ��'� r�aasonable attoms�+s'fees a:.�entering on the Property to make repaizs.Although l.ender may take action uader this paragraph
<br /> T�=���s 7,ixnder does not have to do so.
<br /> - -�� Any amounts d'u�uised by Leader undet this paragraph 7 shall become addiuunal debt of Boaower secured by this
<br /> _---�v o:a;��
<br /> =�--� ,�,� cecurity Instrument, Unl�s�o�rower and Leader agr�to ather terms of paymem,these amounu shall bear inte�st from t�e
<br /> _..,�_,r;;:�.
<br /> .:.,,�-�',r,�� +�u;e of disbursement at tlt: I'rote ratx and shall be�i�-,�ble,with interest, upon notice from Leader to So�ra�+er reqaesting
<br /> ���_-����n�� rae;znent.
<br /> `����t g,bT�;�t��a;e Iasuisace.If Lender tr�{uired mortg�ge insurance as a condidoa of making the loan setvred by this Security
<br /> —�ti�..,r
<br /> -_--•:;� Instruraent, T3'r�iz+ower shall pay the prenuums res�uired to mainiaia the mortgage ituurauce ln effect. If, for any c+eason, e
<br /> "—= inortgage insnraace coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> --= "i��'- obtain coverage substantiaUy equivalent to the mottgage insurance previously in eifect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> -'�'�r�� sost to Bnrrower of the�Sr�gage insurance pr�+iously in effact, from an alternate mortgage insurer appraved by Lender. If
<br /> �-�r��, substanually equivalent mortgage iasurarx coverage is not available.Bortowet shall pay to I.endYr each moath a sum eqr�t►.n
<br /> ��'`' �:', 4 one-nvelfth of ttte yearly mortgage utsur,�n�.e premium being paid by Borrower when the ins�rsnr.c.;average lapsad or ce�.�fi ca
<br /> ='Y "��"�y','',�t��, , be in effect.Lender will accept,use at1�tain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of m�ngat;� insr.r.,r.ce• Loss reseNe
<br /> L�#�"^_�.' ;.,. r-om,so2s sr90
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