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<br /> • 17,'ltarisfer of tice Prop^.rty ar a BPneficfal intemst in�arro�ver.If all or any part of the Progercy or any interest in it �;
<br /> a
<br /> � is sold or transferred(or if a beaeficial interest in Bosrower is sold or transfeaed and Borrower is not a na'ural person)without
<br /> . •• Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its opaon, require immediate payment in ful! of all sums secured by chis �- '
<br /> Security Instrumeat.Hawever,this optian shaU not he eacercised by Lender if exercise�s prohibited Dy federal law as af the date �.
<br /> of this Securiry Instrument. �.
<br /> [f Ixnder exercises this opuoa.Lender shafl give Barrower notice of xcceleration.The nocice shall pcuvide a Reriod of nos ��
<br /> • less ehan 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within wtuch Sarrower must pay aJl sums secured by this
<br /> Securiry IastrumPnt. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the eapira[ion of this period.LQnder may invoke any remedies
<br /> . , pertnitted by tP�is Securiry Iasnument wiWout funher notice or demand on Baaower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Yi�ght to Reinsi�te. If 8orrower meets cenain condidons. Borrower s,t�all have the right to have
<br /> - � enfonement of this Stcurity Insnument discontiaued at any titne prior ta the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other periad as
<br /> �_��^ applicable law may specify far rzinstatemant> �fore sale of the Properry pursuant co aay power of sale contained in this
<br /> • � °,-� : gecuriry instrumtnt•or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Insuismeut.Tkose condiuons az+e that Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> ' l.ender a!! sums which then would he due under this SECUriry Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration ha�accumed: (b) _
<br /> � � cures any default of any other covenanu or agree�snts; (c)pays al!eapenses incurnd in enfo�ing this Srcuriry instrument, �'
<br /> .. ; iacluding,but aot limited to, reasflnable attoraeys' fees:and(d)takes such action as l.ender may reasonabty requir�e w assure 's'
<br /> • that the liea of tbis Se,curity Insuument.Lender's rights m the Pcoperty and 8orrower's abligation[o pay th�sums se�ured bY ;,�
<br /> • this Secrutty In.nrument shall continus w�sbanged• Upon reinstatement by �orrower, this Serunty Instrument and the �-r:
<br /> obligatio�s sacure�J herebY shall�em�in fu11Y e��ve as if no accelemtion had occurred-However.chis rigb.t to reinstate shall =
<br /> not appl��in ths case of acoelention under paragraph 17. _
<br /> ° .--- — 19. Sale of P+�at�; Ciya�.ge a�I.o�ar� �re€se�. T!� Not�or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Securiry R.
<br /> ` � Iasm�m�i)mxy h�soZd on.or mnre rimes without prior norice to Borrower. A�le may result in a change in the entiry t�nown E,
<br /> as ige"I,ou�Se7+ricer')thzt collects monthly paymenu due under she Note and this 5ecuriry Insuument_There also may b$oae `-�_
<br /> � or mote c�a��s of ths I.oan sen+icer unrelated co a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wil1 he =-
<br /> . ��� given wriitt�uniica of the change in afloDrdancc with paragaph 14 above aad applicable law.Tt:s norice wiU state the nzme and r.
<br /> .� address of the n:uv i.o2n Servicer aad che addrPSS to wbich payments should be made. The coace will alsfl contain any atker 6-..
<br /> *. informziion re�ttiiB3 by applicable law. �
<br /> ' 20. �ous S�bstnac¢s. Boaower sha11��c ca�se or ger�t the �r�,use.disPosal.starage. or rea�ectin� the ••
<br /> _ ,�
<br /> , • � Razardous SAbs¢�ar.es on or in the Frogerty. 1�nrv:e'r st►all uat do, nor �.�3� anyone else [o do, anyth�ng g `
<br /> ptop2rt5�thss it in violation of any Enviramazn?z:��+. The Pr�di°�n'�'o sentences shall not apPty to the preseace.u�.cr �_:
<br /> , storage oA diQ Pra�xsrty of small qu�s:jsz�ef I�3:4.i�is Subsc�x-�chat are generalty recogaized to be appmpriate to�Qr�3 -
<br /> � � :�°� resideaticl as�znn to maintenancz af�L�`agerty. —
<br />;- . Bm:mtirs�r�!]psnmPtlY 8ive j-e�a�c w��n ��'�of any iavesrigation,claim, demau�3,lawsuit or other astion by any o_:
<br />..;;' • .".��.. govemm.'�tcl or tegaltiocir agenc5+or privaze parry imrolving the Properry and any Hazazdous Substance or Environmental Iaw �w
<br />• . � , of whict�.Boarmvoor!�s z..�al kuowledg$. if Boaower leazas,or is notified by any govemmeatal or regulatory authority, that
<br /> any remav�'�or athEr remediation of a�'Hazardous Substance affecting che Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly talce
<br /> . . • all uer.�an�remedial aaions in accflrbzace with Environmental Law.
<br /> ' ' ps n�.in.ihi8 p�.�a�graph 20, "Hazardous Substaaces'at+e those substances defined as toxic or hazandous subst��Dy
<br /> - . �nvironw„��1�Yaw ar�1 ih� following substaaces: gasuline. kerosene, ot?aer f?.ammable or wxic peuoleum piaducts, wxic
<br /> ' pesucides an�harhi�idzc.valatiie solvents.materials wntaining asbestos or fomssld=hy�e,and radioactive�.rials.As�sed in
<br /> ' , , :� �his aragraph 2p� "Envftrn,_mental Law' means federal laws and laws of t:�e J,uisdiction where the �P�r�3� 'ss Iocated that
<br /> - � f��,l,� relate w�aalth.safety ar env'uo��zt�rrotection.
<br /> - • +{�;;� s . NON-EINIFORM COVlENA1�'�'s•13r�rrower and Leader fiirther covenant and agree as ftriL�ws:
<br /> .�:t'�r. 2II.Arr�.ier�lQon;Re�e:ti�.�r:�L�r shall give notice to IIan�wer prtor to accel�iara[ollowing Borrowe�'s L�ou-�
<br /> . ;.. . h 19 �:ess
<br /> . . of any covmant m'fl{��� � � S�h' ��t 43ut aui prior to acceter�an uader pnragraP
<br /> � aPPlleable law pmvtd�otherwLse).�8 notice shall specify: (a)the defaalt;(b)36e adton required tu aue the detanit;
<br /> �- . . � (�)a date,not less than 30 days from t�a ds�ie the notice is glven to Borrower,by which the default must be cured;end
<br /> (� thai f�iure to cnre the defaulY a�or before We dute specifie� tn the rtotice may res�lt in acceleratfon o!the�svms
<br /> -• se�v�d by t�is Security Iastrument an�sale of tt�e Propearty.'Il'�e motite s1u311 furiDer inSorm Borrower of the ri�ie to
<br /> -r:�._.;;.;�;;�,,; reiastate�fter ascele�ation and the rlghY to bring a court acUon to assert the aon-extsdeuse of a defunit or aug r,i�er
<br /> � ;•�"�-b��'• defease of Sar►�wer tn arceleration aad sale.�S the detau[t fs Qoi cared on or before the date speciiied in the aotice,
<br /> ...y:.�h':L:,�� -
<br /> ,�'-�: I.ender,at its optios,�y require i�medlaYe�EC;aent in full of sU sums��'xured by thLs Sec�rity L�astrument tho�
<br /> --.�.__,1:#
<br /> =--- (t�rther dmmand and u:nY invoke the power of�:s1rt 3ttd eny other remedies gc�mitte�by appIicable�.�r.l cader
<br /> -�_�--- entltled to collect a0 expenses incarr.rx!in pursuing the remedIes pmvided in�Lv psu'ag�rnPh Zl.iucl�g,Dut not Ifmited
<br /> --T � �,� W,re�ffas�ie attomeys'[ces ana c�oi title evidence.
<br /> L�,•�° :
<br /> Ip ti�power of sate is iavo�:��.Tnistee sha0 reoord 8�ce of defuWt in eur�L.�sr�►ty in whic6 enY Dar� �t the
<br /> ��-.=.T.�'�: " pi,n is[ocatea aad shall mail onpies oi such nouce in the manner pnscribed by a�pt[i�6le taw ta Borrcwa�ss�+ad to
<br /> ':a`•�-'�:�;• We o�persons p�bed by apylIcable law.After We time requ3red bp;��licable[y-�v. ,�'rustee sta1Z�ve FuD�ia nottce
<br /> �;y�;�,, o!sale to the persons and in the paanaer prescr[bcd by applIrable luw.'L'i�i�,without demaad oa Gaamwer,shall sfU
<br /> ,-.. . .,..�-' ttte Prope�rt�r at publ�audion to the highest 6idrier at the tima sind plar.�a.m'i:under L�e�of allg or a�+�rac��f the
<br /> _� •: - snle in one or mom parceis an�ta any order Tn�stee d�eaminu..:.Tr�c.r2ee ma3�postso
<br /> ��-:.n'�:..�` . Property by publu nanouacxment at We time and pDace cf nny prei;.�:z.�:y scheduled sale.l.e,n�er ar its�t�r��aY
<br /> °-��.�.�:• parcbase the P�rop�aty�:xny sate. _
<br /> , Foivn 302tB 8190
<br /> • � ��R(HElc92is�.o+ va��oie irJU ,� •�•
<br /> .,
<br /> .} . . • , ,i'.• . : ,.y�ri� . .- ..
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