- --- — _ .. �. ,
<br /> � � �. . . � �
<br /> . . � � �. ,
<br /> . ,
<br /> , . . .
<br /> :, . . .
<br /> . . , . _ ..__....._...--�--- --
<br /> ' __:_ ._.__ .._W..__.__...._, _ _ .. _ ` -. � . .. � . ... .. ._ _ ,# .
<br /> . ��A ����.
<br /> �
<br /> � 5. TRANSFER Of YHE PRQP�RTY:ASSUNlPTfO��f.if c:S or any Rnrt of the praparty or intarest iharoh is coW,traers3t-ed or ,
<br /> , . OSMBM1VI�B COT1VByBs Djl TR1+�OT YrStt4tR B�RBTC!d�'o p�o�vrrinon ecnsenL exctudirt8 (e)ths am.`►Um o�Q��n or er.ca:m,.rer:co ,
<br /> • 8uhordin�W th�Qsad of Tru�t.(b)thm CtB�n of a purChas�monay cecunty mtere3!tor ho�raehosl app!�ancea.(e)et tra:�.fiar by �
<br /> • Qev�so.daseQni ar by aRerntion of taw upan th0 Qealh ot e�o�nt tenan4 ar(d)ths 6rant of nny taaseho�intorost o4 thrsa y¢��s ci toss �
<br /> � � not conta�mng an opL•on to purehnss,eueh e�et�on a e aress�►of N�egraerr.snt,and 8sns��laty mtty,ni Bana�csary�optcr:c°�a;aro
<br /> � an tho aums sasured by tht9 Daad of Tcust to bs immed:nt�ry dua artd paya4'e.O!C8UI0 th9 1tUL:on to fi'm a notrs c'G�hw;t
<br /> ' genefwry cha0 hnva vmwsd auch option So aeoe:erato A.prier to the 3ab.transte►o!a�tiayanre.BonaSciay er�d t�m�artcn to � ,
<br /> : , whom ths prope�ty�ro tre sold or tranai�rre�reach esnemer+t m vrrchrtg that the ered:!01 such panon ia catrataetory ts Qara"ei�rN
<br /> . . . nnd that tae,nteres!Fsynb:e on the aums saeured by th�Qesd o/Tntst shaJ ba at sueh rats as Bonobc'�arf►EheUf rcqucst � .
<br /> 8. ACCELERATION UFON D�FAULT:REl�iED1E8:�ALE.Tko tature Ey tl+s T►ust�r to mni:�o einY paymont or 4o p�!a:*r eny ot
<br /> - - � thv torm3 artd eond�son3 0!tho Plete>.or eny rene•rJa�o.mad�f.eations or extonsarts thoraot,ar ths auymanl 01 any ethar tr.�aCtcdaass . �
<br /> _ 1 seeurgd haroby or m the pedormareoe ot any o1 tha eovertenb er agteemants hBreundm shu9 Bfp n hroach o14h3 cgrss.r.ar?.ard th� —
<br /> , 88netcinry may dastara e detau$and may de�are a7 sums sswred hsmby anme3�itt!dtto and ptsyab�a and fY.�ssT�t EhrJ - "
<br /> ` � thereupan beaome dus an9 payaba w�hout prtsssstmeM.demand.Dmt�st or n�otias o!any tu.�tL Tharopftor.8nnofo�t r.raa�c5vsr r;�
<br /> to Trusiee a wr.tten declarauon o!detau@ nnd demand tor aa:e.?ntsior aqrae9 and hareby prama tht�1 thn Trustea at.m'I Pa.w tAo _s -__
<br /> .. __ . . �. pawer ot sate of she Property end it Bar�efa�asy deeid$e the Progsrty b to 5e aold R sha�dep3��nrth Truston tt�tn Qesd e!Tr�t and _�_=_
<br /> � - the Nata or notes and nny cther datuments ev:denang e�enddures ceaired hereDY.a^d sha�dnL iar to TruKea n n�r:mtn rr.tce ot _��:` e
<br /> � detau(t and electicn to cause the Properiy to be cald.and Trustee.in tum.sha0 prep=ro a sfmu�at natkre in tho torm Rq�'rG t7�v�. '-=,-:
<br /> ��htCh sha:l ba duly fitsQ icr reeord by Trustee. �����_
<br /> (a)After tho[uPae oi sur.h tima es may bs caquua5 by Iaw tn'a�arirtg tha raeordt�l at 9'taLtoe af DofnuEt and No�e�!Qo�� ,,,,,--
<br /> � cnd Nouaa of Ssts hmring Qsan gnren es�qu•�rad by taw.Trusteo.vrithout damlm4�Truttor.chaU soD ih�Pr�ps.-':p a+one �.;..Y
<br /> ` or rnare pareets and m saeh ordar as Trustar rt:ay datermuea on tha data++�1ha trnv am1 p!ace das:gnaiad in s��NoY:ee =
<br /> " � of 3aa.at pubhe aucl.Rn to the higtcast bidder.tha purehnse priea payaD!a cri�orat�in t�..`tiY:u1 monay o4 the UnifaG�C.7as at ��.'�-�~
<br /> ane�m sa5�tivm �*='-"''-
<br /> � ' tho tuna o1 sa:a.Tha pe�san condactinp tha saSa rr�ny.tnr any asuso ha w sMA d0om�axP�am P�A i i-•�-�:.�:-
<br /> ` tme to time ur�Ul d shnil�e eompleted artd.in s�a�y suth ease.eobes o!post�mvtnvnt shnU be pyan by puhUc�iDO�ra*sn �---
<br /> �� thereof by stteh persot►eY the Gme aa6 ptaeo I�t sp�kx tt'a�E��r!4tut��3 pasWonedlor Ferr�tr thttn ��?=__
<br /> , � • • � one(t)day heyand tho day d�asignat�d in ths Nories of Sak.not�es thua7!dtAC ha Qiean in tha snms rtr,�rrta es the -__
<br /> ' on��nat�lctic¢of Sale.Trustee shn:1 exacW end defner to ths purohasan iZC flsnd aommying tha�repn!sos�id.Dut ���'
<br /> . _ ... ;� ,� vrithnut any o�.Bnant ar warrenty.e�rsas.a nTpGsd.Ths reatek m tha�woct otarh'mmmarc et tttsfs sRcl bm aar��s'rs :.:�•_--
<br /> � y proo!a�the tr�Y.hfun�thareot My porson.inztuding wdhout fa�+ifatian Bmvf#e�N or Trosteo,mnY Ru�aw rt�'m ca7�.
<br /> i (b)When Trwtes eo',;s ptrr.�runt to ihe povrere herain.T�.,^t�e sha:l ayAN�s P'�¢L ot tho caSa to payrr.er.2 e'1f�,0 onsts =__--
<br /> + � nnd ex�En,�s af exe�csg the pawar o!safs�d at the cII:e.mcludng.wrthotR trns.tdion.tha paymsrd ot Tnmlr�t's Fefis =--
<br /> exR
<br /> . ��: incurted.rAro2h Trustse's Fees sh�ll rtot in tho agQreQate exoead the to'.lav�ir�am9urrtc ht�d upon the en:a Q��steu�
<br /> .�.. horeby art6 cernaTing anpaid:5 perce+[bim on ttre balance thareot artd tfiim to tho i.nma in subP�9T� �-2
<br /> : � Utare stated. --
<br /> <. �C� toredosuta end salo it tita s�e1e b putsuartt to udsaal tore�asu�ths P��af sA13 sttttU be nPP��tha Gt':�tt e'taiad
<br /> � , s betcx ta the payment aL-
<br /> . (t)q�ocr,eys teea nrc�cosia o1 exR�Uon: —
<br /> " � (21 Cost of eny evsdenee of titls proa+rad m canr�edion w�h sush cas an�•ot eury rovamo roqu'ved W be pa?d:
<br /> � � (�Ap ob5gations secured Iry tha Tn�st daed:
<br /> (4)The remnxsder,it eny.to the parcon tepn[ly erR�ed thareto.
<br /> � 7. ADDI710NAL SfCi1R1T�tMSTRUMFM3.Trustor.nt Rs axpan�o.wHi�o¢alto an�daS nar t;a E3ss Boneficiary.Pra:,Gt�/t�a�'�
<br /> demand.e�ati eos�3Y m�'1r.�a:�s es may be requirad Ey Bene�c.ary.in torm anJ cs�biit�ca.".aft�ory to Bo:�af.aW7,co��`�rt(f
<br /> . p rvtarmanoe o�c�isa�m�is�,coucr.�ards�ene�namo s ofttniq o o}T�"4�WtrrnBsory o�a�tc�ii ha Cy,r��a wl�flt
<br /> saeurty�n�trurrte:YSS��wted in eonroedon wRh thia trnnsadian.S�eh ins�ruman'.a sh�ba tocorded c*id�d nt Tnistor's���pa:.su.
<br /> � � � � qppO;NTMENT AF SUCCc'SSOR TRUSrE�. BoaaRciary may.tram�ms ta trnv by s vc'-YYqn irtsUum�nt atv�.lstd ttn� --
<br /> � e�aafi-ledged ty Garefsaery.ms.�{ad to Tcustar an0 taoord�d in ti.e eour.ty or oar.�r�'dps le«4�+�s Pro=rarty b EnezJ�l a.�d by
<br /> : .. o�4arwse eam�i j0.1Q�Ydlh 1h9 pfONSt0II5 01 thY nyplifAD1Y�SWS 01 th9 StA20 O?IV8b:8iS'�CIIUSIL"ilt9 d Si1CO8iSOT 07 6U�G�i'i t�th9
<br /> � Tntsiea naa:ad 7nuull�ar acGng horoun��r.
<br /> - �. INSF�CTRSi4•5 Bonefie(ary.or ds agarts.nyr�santetivas or worim�sa.a-e a�'ihasi¢Qd to onUr at eury raa•.ona9A timr�uyon
<br /> e
<br /> . ct,n�-�y part of the Proynrry tor the puryass ot insyectinD the sa�:e and tar th�purpt+sn o1 Pmt�rm7�n t�n1'°�the°���r'.tihsr�asd
<br /> aj;;;:�;, :c�ia►torm undar th�terms oithe IJaa.i of Tmst
<br /> _ 5:�,��;
<br /> -_. .� t0. OP'T►ON TO FORECLOSc Upon tha ocwrrencs e1 enY breaeh and u�'tho Gtr�udz'"�detauk honund�v,Ehe�trle�sryt
<br /> shaH hnva ths optrus•P.o foreclose thi�Deed o!Trust tn the manr.er pravided by tar�i�rr.it�otxr�uro o1 martaep�a an rss!p+�,orty.
<br /> ., ,. .�: --
<br /> " �N� �1. FOAEBFR4;ANCE BY BENEFIClARY dA 7RUSTEE NOT A WAiVEH.AnY.(�raLsrma"'�s bY Benoi'xlery or Tr.ute�in
<br /> ;:.;:, �r c; ' exarering any rigt+t or remedy hereunder.or athomisa ettarG�d by app:icabto faw.sfu6 n�l bo a waF�T o!o�proe;ud�L"er eauerdss
<br /> r���,�il;;:'�_
<br /> _;,-.. <,r, . U'r,Y�y such rigM or�emedy hercundar.Lik�wtsQ.th�wah�r ty Bsaeficiary or Tru�too M wry dolnu8 ot TncC•er un3ar t'.ia DZatJ o ,
<br /> :nu�.shnd not be d�mad to be a waiver o?any oihar or cimitar dctaulb aubssquen*.�/o�rri7�.
<br /> � �. 12- TRU.�"Ft}R.NIpT RELE1iSED.6Renslon of ihe Gme tor pay►rtent or mo�iic�b:►�am�tt�[atbn ot tho cucra saa.T�Dy t3�'�
<br /> • � Oeesf ot Trun grnnted by Bonafidery to eny suocessor in irtar�st o!Tn�.stor ahaIl rr,d opattEA tp eol�nm.�+�y munrter,C.e Ao:i(.ty of
<br /> ' , �. '� tSs�eriginat Trustor and Trustofa suecessor in in2anst Ben�fieiary shnll no1 bo roci��l to oornmuncs procead6�gs e,tani such .�--
<br /> '��•,,, � si:..cnssot m�atus�to�ctend tfma tar payrrtont or otheswise rr.C�iy emo�ntion at�iha cu>nr cn�urod by Ihis Da�d c�!Yn�ui 6� _-
<br /> I��;:�.'• � reason of arry Qsmand made by tfi�on9U�a1 Trtntor end Tnistarc arxassoTS tn in'�t�s1. -
<br /> . . � 13. BENEI�C'.ti�A Y'S P O V Y E R S.{K R h o u t a H e e ti n p o r r e b a s i rt a t h e l i u L�t r.p o!t h s 7 r u s t m�r e r�y►o2hnr�en:u�u¢Cbo Y�the
<br /> . payment o}eny u�ikyntion heretn�rtazflorted,an0 withaut afteetirt9 tM fwn'��<ttr�n ui fhis Osed o1 Tncs:aF��nU D�o"'��� `.
<br /> Property Rai 9�nt+ar t heretotare raleaasd as seeurilY tar the tu9 emount dl aB ni�rtntu.�nfipesi�ona.Bsmf,�ary muy.(ra�tt Cmo C��e _
<br /> ,i 1 n,�wChout not�ccce ai the roqumst af one or more Trustor,�n refease any parso�s��b�.CFl ex8en�or rmiaw thv ma�:rS�ce essr arry _
<br /> o `
<br /> . L 4��Y�a tartns of ariy such ob:iguttaaa.(.�)8rant ather indulgance�,(t'�)��fea:e m ra�onvey.a�sc�s tn bs robasad or rsr.av¢y�� �.__
<br /> any ume ai Benafiaary'a optiona arty paree6 CQ�"�n or aJ o!ths Property.{N1 teks ot topas��rY eih�r o�n�dtianal sse�.fir�irx er+y ":.
<br /> . obl�gauon hamin rtsantisrted. (v,�mnke campa�3ion�or oUter ermnBerttanb vvefi dtL'ato 6�mtaebn thwo*o.AD Tc:a�s a'a7 ba �-.,=
<br /> 0
<br /> �oinUy ans sevaralh,ohGgated mtd haurtd by tho adbns of th�8anst�ciery ei er.!trtntoras hsreln a�. .us -
<br /> • . 14. ATTQRNEY FEES.COSTS AND EXPFJdSES.N the Benafx3arY o!fh�Daed of Tr���Y�� ��c d ar�d ` '
<br /> any ctn:ament oontnui+:d in eny oihor teetioa o!tha deed rtotwithstnttdasg.tha B�n�Et�ry' _
<br /> Qeb2or chn:1 no!be obiigaied tn pay or gnra:any eoatession o!juCQmenL powar ot�ta'ntY La aaADSS�udpmnrit pawar o2 e3cerby to
<br /> ' npporJ tor n trorrcv�or in n�ud:siN pro�edmg o�apreamant W pay the ea�o?oo'tection o�Ytro a.'�m�s ta�rs,utuess S:o irsLtrssl
<br /> � pt►yab�by tho terms aT the Nate retorred to tn thrs dsed m 16'�6 per annum or Inss.or tho nyLD mlDrcod fo in fhl�dea�I�rsyErya.*ie in
<br /> . , tvro or rt�ore squei ar urtoqual ir��in'.imaab and aver a penod of mor�than on�h:c�d:ad tott�,rrtn(14:�)marRha Prcvidad.Rcvr�ver. �N._
<br /> that ths sacean does no1 ePPh�to tha Ousta�toe n!�ned to i++PnragsaPb 8.6�j.PtoviQsd^unhm 4hrAfhss Pnragm�b 0.14 sl:a7 no2 �::_
<br /> . , r:.
<br /> . , uppry to tlta Qssd o!TrusL R tho Eenefzr.ary hsra:n ia rtoi e Cank �;_
<br /> �:'
<br /> __.._. ..., .
<br /> i �
<br /> • OAS6IH�L(1)
<br /> ca7enaF.t��s7��ra1,
<br /> BOARO"i6TER ODPY(t) c�tSZCtn
<br /> FIETENiION CO�Y(�
<br /> ._. - -.. _ -
<br /> � � _ - -
<br />