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<br /> --�'T� '`. —- - ---. •.�r• . .., � '_ . _
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<br /> . < � � '- ,jey;=. r.iss �_�,,,__ .._._.....-_-�• ,_. � F'�
<br /> , � � . p . � 9�� ����� .-
<br /> . � tS. RECONVEYAI\R�6Y TRUSYES.Upr,n car.t�a�rs�uss!04 6snef.�l sLatirtg that a9 currta sQtumd hereby havo 6sen ps�d. -
<br /> ` `� and uFa�tvrtaad2r o!t7tk t'k��o!Tn:at�u'C Y'rt Na'a W Trw*tze tat e�srt�:'aiian and rs?enUOn end upon payme�+t by tru3:or of ��.-
<br /> Trus2at'e tssa.Trustes e!t[�reranvay ca Tas+rsr.ar ths pareen or asrsoaa l.zgn►�`/enti8e�there*.o,�r3hout Karrnr+y.nreY Dorttan ot � ;��<<
<br /> • , th� Progerry thsn he'd haroandrr.Tho tta',ab!n¢v�h raecaveyartce a!enY m�tere o�tada aha0 6e eoncSUSive pmet ot ths �!-=-=
<br /> . ' truth!u�ness ths:eot The�7ra�toa�n rls7 ncce"'�q�es mnY�a dauribad aa'ihs Rercon or Fe�sons teeaLy en�tied thereto.• --_-
<br /> � •�� 18. NOTfCES.�xe�1 tar any rte!;a�.G�rs�de,roqueata or a2t�a�r eommun�aCcn3 reqwred unler appiienb:e Iaw b be g�ven m _
<br /> �� artathtr rtmnnar,��hener�vf Benata!arry.4n,�o�r Tr�stee pnys or a:ms any rtoEes Qnc��ldmg,n�thaut I:mrtnt�on,rtoL•es o}detauR _.
<br /> � ¢ and n�L�o!c�'e?,dsmands, nqua�cc at3'�r eommaniea!ten w�h napect m thts Qaad o!Tn�st eneh sueh nou�,deinan4 -
<br /> � f' • reqasst er oihar t�mmuriiCa�cn ahall trm m vrtdi+�end sr'�a:16s eP.eetiva ony�f tko¢nme�s daLtirered by personnl sonr.ce cr ia mn'ed ___
<br /> .. by w�ihad eec7,postqZn prop�d.adC�sscEd cc�Yhe eddrasa nf aa!tartA at the�eginn:ng of th�Deed o!Trust.AnY party maY n!am� ° -
<br /> '-'�{ pn;s ah;.nge P,3 cd3ra;a tor suc�t�rtalcss b j dat�ring cr rrsa��a9 to tha ather pa►ty harnio.es ntoresn:d.a noirea af such N+nnBs.My -..
<br /> ` .1 rteLCe hareundar ahal @fl daemasl ta havcs h�^B;van ta Tnr�ter ec HsneFet�yr,srhen gNen�n the manrter dss�gr+atad haruw. -
<br /> �'~_
<br /> :�� 17. REQUEST FO�NOTICE Tn.atet rr.d 8ana,`ic;ary hsrelry req�est e eopy of any rtofiee of detau0.and a capY of nny noece '-
<br /> T" + o!sa!�thsmuns'tr,bs ma�.+sd to e3ets p�ttrre v�ho ts n party hereto nt the adQtass set tortt+tot sueh pereon m esiher tha firsY ---
<br /> - . : � Py+tHnRh cf th:s Oarf 9tTruat el�Sau. ?„�ih -_
<br /> �
<br /> . ,az
<br /> � 1& QOVERNIN61A4Y.Th+a Daed a.*Tn.at�n�tis gavemed Dy the lnws a!the Siate o!NeSraske.
<br /> ... ; �� ' t9. 3UCCE33dA8 M1D ASS:QM9.Shin Oeed af Trust and aD terms,eond3�ons and ob6ga�orss herein.aPPN to and ir�u;s ta
<br /> L . . � the be�.`.t of an�d 6a�tt a!F parCes h�:xtc+,l7u'c iseirs.Iegate�s.dr+lsees.Perso�l ropresan�U+ns.suaeuoTa and asctgns.the --
<br /> term`Ben�9etary"sht�nsQan ths�xnar rsr.r!!v�•der o?ths HoYS.whefY.ar or rto!named es Hensficiary harein.
<br /> . ' 20. .IOlNT ANO SEVERAL UA91LiTf.�oou2nan�end eqreemanis atTnrstor shell ha jaini ertd ceveral.
<br /> - `• 2�. �yFppg��y.Ip�{�wrar�t arr.f ae,�or more of fhs provistor�a eee�teined in this Osed af Tnt�:er the Noto or any other
<br /> • seeurry inatru:nent yt�tsn En ooruustion v�t,f�.is ttansactian sha9 tor any csason b�haSd to tis invat�d.t�eQai or um�orcea4le in any
<br /> ° resgeQ,suCh invard�j ilk9�lili,��'�'������°op2�n of BensF.dary.ttot afted eny afl's•r prov�ion of tGis Qeed af
<br /> ;. ' ' ; � Trus4 E�a th�Qead o7 Truut sNali bo co��:ad ass if such tnvar�d.s3egal.ar uasntoraests provis�on Aed nsver 6een cantained L�erein
<br /> "'"'-- or th�rs'.n.[f ths&sn af t4�ie Q�sd o7'tnati i�irtr��ad ar nnQntoraaLta ea to anY Dartof the debt or il@�e Gan is invffiW aT rusm;l�eeffite
<br /> • as to any pnrt of tha PropeTty.tt�.,�unrsmcurud a�partlaJy 6ewrsd parltna af t'n deb!sha:l!se oampleisSy pnld prior to ttre�mant af
<br /> .�,.'_=;_;.Ir.f� the remanir�g and seanrQd or p�uta!Iy 3arr�od Fastion oT tAe dehL ertd aJl�.r�zr,ertts made on the de9t whether voiuntary or under
<br /> %='`a'•. • toreslasure or other o�toreame�t aetiaR ac Dc�xdure.ahnl!bs eansidsta�trr'ha�e Dean frmi paid an anQ upplied to the fuQ paymsat
<br /> �''`�` o!thai�so�;cn of ths dobt wh�ch ta rtcs aca�cmd ar nai tulry aoamd by ths tien o!thb Dead of 7rust
<br /> - 22. M1N9ER dJVD Q£NDfiA.W�r:�rtr uaed herein.ths�tngutar numbar cha�icrdude the plural and ths use o!eny qartde�
<br /> ;�%`r;iL,." sha.7 bs epplCeb;alo aB gondsts.
<br /> `�a�''_'��_. 23. ACCEPTMIC�BY TRUJ7EE Trustsa arsept�thia Tntst when this Desd of Trust.duy executad and eekrtowledged.�s
<br />_ ='��.,'s,`,"'�' made e pub ce roeorA au peovl�ed by Iai�. .
<br /> _�L;`y_ 24. TRU3TF��LWL-�UN.5a foa,�es sh�Tn►�Q ahaH ad in good ta3h actd tn relianca upon nctwes nnd other intormaUan
<br /> _.�_je�
<br />=��'•�,;�Y`� . wh?eh iC in i�a eof�diza'tY'an may d�'Le�a to La rsf�hin,.cad eo lang an Trusiea aha�l exereGe rensonabSe pradanee and eare in its
<br /> • � e"
<br /> -R�':'�" adm'n�.^�icT hereundar.Trunt..=o ahn!1 turi 1�Cabie!.r rm��'asa or demagas austained ar incurred�y the Tn+stors or e.�rf I3�r.�raRaasy .
<br /> T-,",�r��.�,� ar by.ar+!P d2:tr pemona whamacever.d(iatn$expressll�tiFulated thGi:cit�Tncstee shn:l be GaS!e an[lr;�r�e•xn gra�::nrctg�ipenve
<br />-= ��n:����� and�niti;irze'a�Y�thopremses. • �
<br /> _---_ — 1�1 WIT`�ts"�3 WHEREaF Tru�tcr M�s a�mvtP�d thts Master Qn�d o!Snut Fotm and by ths signing hoc�a�'mr�cnawfodgsa that h�haa
<br />--:sr=v� �aad and�eiv�d p AGl copy hrisxcl ar,m umsiarstn:sds thnt its tarms.eanditians and conter�ara fuRy mcorpomted��trr ih�actuaf
<br /> ._�1��;�_� QesdatTrustha�na.lotevonda_'+oFutc�a,rik�. �� �
<br /> .___� . /�AA MO
<br /> --�-- �Gerald L. Seheer
<br /> � �����y �/
<br /> —_ �IAD���l�Il.41(!_7/'—
<br /> Connie �1. Scheer
<br /> sT�TE oF taEer�j&tcA.Cavrmr oF C�il .
<br /> Thsloagoiag�umeniu��aamnt�d�odbatarerrtath�s lsflayr�t February -- 1999.�.<<'ycarald L•
<br /> ��.�
<br /> Schesr and Conaie E1. Scheer, husband � wife
<br /> — , ��
<br /> _ _��� �Il�AAIliOIAAT•$li. Noswt+u�w -
<br /> pARLA M.POIAfS
<br /> My Ccnm.f iµlut�Y�t999
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