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F_� . . ' <br /> � _--_------. . <br /> ,..�,,:. . .. .... - -------- <br /> �_._ —., ___.._............. . <br /> , �7 � 9�° ���� <br /> � 4. INSUAANCE Tructor,nt cb cucRnnse,vn;l me�ntain�mh�nsurero approved by BQnotcaary.msuranco�nrth rospact to thQ <br /> : ,. � � Improv0msnb and peraanal property.6onstRttbng the Prop3rty,eganst Iosa by firo,t:8htnirt$.torntsdo,and other ponis ae:d hniard� <br /> eovered by efnndard oxter�ad cavarage endorsemant m an ansount equai to st least onc.hundred psscerrt ot ths fu:l roplaeement � <br />• • . , vnt�a ti�ersat end tnaumnae agmn.,^t sueA other hazards and m euch amounLS as�s euaumnny eamed by owners errd operntom af <br /> i stm�'ar propertias or au BoneFaary may require for itE proteekon.Trustor mJ eompy virth such oiher requsrements as 8snetewry may <br /> � ,� Strom tims t0 time tequast tor the prate�an by msurance of the mtere�ta o!tha resp3tLve parhes.All msuranco poLesoa mnmttanad <br /> , pursuant to ihto Qeed o!Ttust cha;i name Trustor and BertaftCttry as msut� theu tespedrva�nteresta rrtay appear.and prov�de <br /> , _ � �� that there ohal be no eaneeF.ation ot mod�eation�adhoui no tess than 13 days pnor�err�n noullcauon to Trustee and BertoFuary.In <br /> � tho event any poUry hereunder�s not renavred on or betare 15 dayr,�pnor to�CS expirauon da2e.TnrsYaa or Bonefiaery may praeure <br /> sueh maurane0�n auordente wilh the ptov�:ans e1 paragraph A6 hereot Tru�tor shail dsiiver to Bonef:uary the or�gmal po�:a�s of <br /> , � . '� irw^ureneo an�ronovrats thareaf or meno of caeh pol:etes and reneweis thereaL Fm:ure ro furm�h sueh msuranca oy Trustor, <br /> _ _ � or raneua:3 ef�requ:red horaunder ehn0.ct th3 opton of Bane�aary.oonstitute a datault <br /> ,-, � I S. TAXES.ASSESSPAENTS AND CHARGES.Trustnr cha�'1 pay aii texes.assess�rants artd othar charges.mctudmg.wrtrtout <br /> , . j <br /> ' ,,". L•mitaLron,finea artd imposrtions eimibutable to the Proparty,and lensehe:d paymonm or grourtd ren�, d eny,betace the same •�.: <br /> � . Isatema de!inqaent Tnis4or sfiail prortt�Uy tumish to Benefaary all notiees of amauntc duo undeer th�s paragraph,and m Use ov3nt <br /> • ' Trusiot sha:l make paymeirt direetty.Trustor shall prompLy twn�h to BeneBciary�¢teipts evidenecng such payments.Trustor shAtl ��-_ <br /> . , p�aD texas and nssossmems Nfiich may b0 lev:ed upen 8enefiaary's interest hurem or upon UAs.De�ed af Tnwt wdhout regard to K- <br /> • any taw thei may bs enaetes�mposing payment of tAe whai�or a.�y part therea?upon the Benofieiary. ',.-` <br /> .. •. �ti . <br /> � B. ADDITIOfVAI.UENS MID PROTECTIOM OF BENEFlCIARY'S 3ECURIiY_Trusmr shall make all pnyments o!mterest and - - <br /> . � prina.pal and�rayments o}any other chargos.tees and sxpsn�as contrasted tn be paid to any existing Len hatdars or pnor _ <br /> 6ertsfieiaries urtder any prsor deed ot trust e►�ar�qage tretore the da2e ihey are de�mquent end promptty pay er.d diuehazge any and ! <br /> ' -:� ab other Eens.ctaims or charges arh:ch may��f�rdize the seeuryty granted hrsam.l4 Tn�stor ta?s ta make any such payment or fa�: �, <br /> to partnan any a1 tha eovena.�c.zd agreertrasr's cantained in this De�td of 7n:st.or in erty prior mortgags or dead ot trust or rt any E'- <br /> - - - aeton or proccedmg is cmr_.:,,�d whicfi mntertatly aifaels�-rtaf,d�yls L��test in tha Pta�riy, incl�dafg.bat not Lm�d ts. _ <br />_. ' • ;� em6rtent dcmain procesdmg.^,.cr rrcceedings invofv`�ng a dsoedenL ot if Tn+stot fa�to pay Trustots debTC gerteralty as tltsy become = <br /> � '} , due,tl:ert 6Er.e�� Benef�etary's optioa�.�d without notice m or demand�;son TnrsUOr and eatttho�t reteassng Trustor trom any -- <br /> � , .•.�`; obligaCOn h�w_:�der, may mak� saeh apgearanceA disburss such surr.,>ezd taka sud► eston a3 a r.e�sQary to proteeft __ <br /> �:� • @enef,ciary's�etesM. indudirg, but noi fimifed to,disbursemettt ct rensa�b adiomeyrs tees, paymxrtL pur�sasa,con2est o� - <br /> y, �mpromtse of any enwm4yrr�.eharge or Grer+.und entry upon the Ptoperty m rt�tke repaUs.In the event that Trustor sha+i tail to _ <br /> . :'F:" ��..' �rccure insuranee or to pay�is�,e�essments,or any othcr cl�arges�r to maice sny payments to any eushng pnor lien ha:dcrs or =_ <br /> ' � �nanefreiariea BcnefseinTY m�.'Y"r�'=cure such insuranee and rt'.�.ca sucfi pa}�rsent Any amoants Cis6ursed by Benef�.ary pur��t to � <br /> ' itis Paragraph A6 shall baeo::a adddionaf indebtedness of Trustor eawres by this Dee d o f Tru s t 3u e h erc�uun t s s h a l l b a p a y a b t e y <br /> . �',� upon notice icom Benefidary tn TnlsMr requeshng payment thereaf,and shaU�ear mterest from the dffie a3 d.sbursement at the � <br /> rate pnyeble hom Gme to time on outstend:r.g r,�ncipa�under�e Note unte�paymerit of interest nt cueri raie woutd be eontrary to <br /> ';;''` �pPlieab!e law. in vrhich B��e^;such amo�:.s s:�all bear c-'arest at the highest tefs permissible under aypLsah!e taw. NoYhmg <br /> '{r`f'1 znteirted in Gtiis Paragrap4l�t'es4�n0 require Beneficary t�r.^xr any expense orteke arry e+etion harennder. <br /> �c.�,;," , _ '�'. <br /> :�;:t�� i. <br /> ,�';:' � B. IT l3 Mt17UtUlY��"'��:�THAT: <br /> � '• 1. AS��31t:�;EM OF R�PJTS.Banefra3ry shafi ha�a the rrgfi�Rov�sr Fs:ra author+ty dunng the eontrt:.�si��:�this Osed oi Trust <br /> • , ,� to coUeet tl:a irnis.�sues enA profits o}ihe Property and at arry peraa�a;a�ai�''y loteted thereon wah a wrifsr:ut talting posse�^.:an <br /> �' ,� of tha propa.:�aN3etsd Re�by.and Trustor horeby al�sa:::�},a^.�:�a:m�Or_naliy essi�^s el]sush ra': �r�-=as artd a-e5is to <br /> :��`a Benofrsiary.Benefrd hewavat,hereb mnsent�to tho":uum'�w:r_x-'«'-:�•d reten�c°r d r>;tot►rents,i�suas and pro::�r�6?�oy <br /> i�I��y �C. � �SI. Y <br /> ••��"n' aeesae ar�d became pnyabSe so larrg es3 7rwtor�.not at�s�s��:.�:a':i'%J+3t+�asA�ct==�saYment of eny indeh�edne��cLVr.�d <br /> hsrehy,or in the perlormartoe of any ngreement hereurtdet.U�:.a ary cv�:•¢1u'huR.Benofxanry may at any Gma,erther in psr•7s,Cy <br /> 'ijj ageat,or by a receiver to he appas;ed by e eourt v+rdhout noi�e an:��Yd�rout regard to the adequaey•a?mry securiry tor the <br /> , � ,�' indsbiadness horeby cawred,(a)enter upon and taka pos.^.e�:on otiho Properry or arry partthareoL ertd'+n its awn natste su0bt or <br /> othervr'se ea�act suah renb,is�uos and profip.inu'udmg those pa..^t due and unpaid,and ctpply tf�e same,lesa co.ts nr�d oxpenses <br /> � � af operation and eoEeetion.metuding reasannbte attameys tees, upon any indeDiednsss seeured hereby,and tn sueh order as <br /> � � BenefrGary may determine;(b)pertorm such ee�of repa�r or pmiectton as may be rtecessary or propor to coreseroe the vatue af the <br /> Property;(c)Iea:e the snms or eny part thereot tor aueh rentnl,term,artd upon sach eondidons as rts�udgment may dictata or <br /> • term:nr�a,cr�just lhe tsrtns an�cand;tiona of ewst:rsg lerues.Untess Trustot and Benefieiary thareof agree otherwise in wrrting, <br /> I�i�:'!`'";; ` eny epp'.�'xxs q}roMe,isausa or profib to any�ndebiednoss sseured here4y sha(i noi e�ctend or postpone the due daLe of the <br /> :;,�-�;-;:•:+�`�fic',:' instalimer.t�;�sanb as provtded m said promissory rtote or ehange the art�aent ot cueh mstnitmenm.The entennp upon nnd <br /> _ � mkirsp po�assian o?the Fc:t:erty.lhe oalbshan o!auch re:KS essnes Md proTds,end the e,^.p'�ation thersa}as atorosai9,shnli rto! <br /> � wnive or euce nny detauft ar nofice ot defauh hereurtder cc,meslidnte eny ast doae par�asm't�such noLce.Trustor eLso e�:qr�:to <br /> - � � gene.�iunry,as turther sawnry tor fhe pertarmartce o!thm�:igations aewred hereby,nll��renb and afl momes�s! mny <br /> I hav�e besm or mey horeafter be deposife�r�:�-h Eaid Tn:stor by any Ie�.see ot the secure the payment of any renl or <br /> .��`. l dsmagaa.or upon detau�in the pe�fom:essr„�c!eury o!the promans hereot.Trusior ngrees to de!�wr�renb artd dapos�to <br /> ` • r,• BeneFaary►.De5vary of vrriCen rtotioe oi Be-�aaryrs exe:ese a!the dgfi�gmnied hero�.to arry ten�.�i�PY�B�Premises <br /> �+��• <br /> __i�;:�+�:�••� chafl be sutfieient to requse sakl tenen2 to pay rxn2 to tho��.einry until turther natiee. <br /> "Y�} � � 2. CANDElIiNATION.If 4�te to any pL't c!tl�e Prcg�rry eir.37 ba teken m eondtmnaan rigfit o1 emaerrt dnmam <br /> ��#.:�� or s�m:ter m�.:v+.or ahnD bs aotd urtEer thr�ot condomnatan,all�rarQs.Q,ww=ages and proaeds are hereby assfgrted and chm9 be <br /> . �- .R pai6 to 6er,efrc.�ry who shal appfy sucfi award�.demages end pruceeds L�.L'te Lum seaired dy th�Oeed of Trust,wRh the exees3. <br /> � �: A nrry,pa:d t� Trustor reoe:vey any rta'�ce or olhar mtnrmanon nsyarding such actions or proeeedinge,Trusbr sha:l groe __ <br /> . : � promyt�n isoboe Lhecac!to Benaflctary.Benef�aary chatl be enh�.�d,at 2�ophon,to eommonos,appear in artd prosecute m ib _ <br /> own name any such acUOn or prooeed�gs and sha7 ba enUt;ed to make any compsom�e or settiemeni m connection wnh any sueh <br /> attwn ar Frur.eed�rtgs. <br /> , . ; 3. Ff.�1'tlRE AOVANCES.Upon cea�est o}TrusWr.Benefieiary e1 Benef:evu�ta opton,prior to recanveyance o!lhe Property co <br /> ;�;: Trus•ar,rtay czake tuturo advances to Tncsior. 3uch llAure advr.ncn.with�ater�est Iharean,ahafl�o saeurad by thi�Trust Oeed _ <br /> � when eir.denrx9 by pmrrt`ssory Ro:es ctat:rs�1h�ssd rt4te3 nre secured hareby.Rmwded that at no t�re cheU!the sacured pnrteqral. - <br /> • future edvanoes,rtat uteltt6irig suma ndvaneed to pmtect tho ssr•unty.exeeed Tvrrsa Hurtdrad�rtent(20036)af the arig:rtal pnne�pal <br /> '� amaun�skurod heretiy. � <br /> F� 4. REMEDIES KOT IXCLUS11t�. Trus'es end �anefic�ry. and eaet��f thnm. chM bo entdtad ta en!oroo payment and = <br /> •° � . � petfamnrs�af eny mdebieQness or obfgr�ons sewrsd herel�y nnd m oxsra:e a8 nphta nnd povre+s urtdet th�s DeM o1 Tncst o► _ <br /> � , I un3er eny o1he�egreemoni exetufed m eonrteel:ron hsrewdh er any tm�tsow cr ha�aattar m facco.notw:tha2andnq some or a:l 07 ths _ <br /> . sucN mdeD!ednss9 end obtq�orro cswred herehy mny naw a hatuattar bs atherMlae ancuntd,wt�eiher by mortpage,deed o1 trusL _ <br /> . a�e�,(ien,ess�Jr.ment or olherunse.Ptef3ier the amaptm�co of thi�Osed of Truzt rtor�oniasr,emes+t wheiher by ca�ut actron or _ <br /> � putcuant to the por+rer o!ta3a nr o.her pavrare herem eontemed.+sheN pres�d�ce o��n eny manner atll�ct Tntaxo's or Benef:caryb <br /> nght to rea�ie upnn or enbrce eny athor eeeurrty aow or heraaf'.a�ho'4�y Trusisa or BerseLuary.R Gara agteed lhat Tnt�tee end - <br /> Eeaslsc�ary,eted Qach of Ihem. cha,9 Co enMiod to enbra th�Daed o!Trusf and any olhst ssCUrQy rsow or heraatier hs'� uy <br /> genrficmry of Tnu?es m sucfi ardnr and mannoi as thay or e8her o1 thsm mry�n ths�eDsn.:tie dsue5on dY.�rm:na.Pta romedy <br /> hetre:n con!erred upon or resstvad to Trusfee ar Bsn�s:ary is u+UndW to 0�exclusna a1 any a•lsar nrr.edy hua:n or E�!nw <br /> ryraviE�s�or pem�:�es.Dut eneh shnD�o�c sa� E�ry��b ar�mady p ovs�ed heraunde ths'Q sd ot Tr s at r Trus•to a+ <br />�cc.tusg at Rrx er�n equayr y ' <br /> 6�nar:crJy o1 to��'h:d�a.-hea o?thQm ms�0g o:htnvss en1!LS�,�ay Ee�sent'y or�nCeyer.dar.Ly,tmm t:m�t�Cms <br /> �•I ertd as o�an as rrtay 6�dcems0 expafl:enl ty Tnts:es cr EsaeSrsary v�e e.'J�ar e1 tham may pursus�r:artsx2er,1 remsQ:es.f, <br /> , - - - . - harc:n chs9�Da oons�rusa as pron:e.^.nfl� trcm aaeiQS3 e as:s��.y���sr�a:.�a.::3:t.3 Trs.r s ta f�:e^r-•"s<_..s,c�r:nn <br /> , • � �.^,perm:�d by faal <br /> c�rat+a�.��.+ <br /> aia�w <br /> = i <br /> 1 - <br /> ���� , _ - - <br />