_ �,
<br />,r.
<br /> :
<br /> � � �
<br /> rnsurance p�em�ums,gr4unh�en►s, �nd a!l othor charges whatsoevs�lev�ed upon or essossad,placed a�made aga�nst tha Trust
<br /> Properry. Trusiar fuRh�r ngrqo5, upon w�rtten tequest by Benefir,iary,ta pramptry cieGver ta Qanet�clary alf receipts for the payment ot
<br /> suc►►chArpc�s. Tiusror f�k�w�se a�rnt►s to psy al�taxes,assessments and o!her eharges lev+ed upon o�assessed,placed o►made
<br /> against,oi mnas�red by,thi5 Peecf o�Trust or the reco�dadon herevl.
<br /> 5. Appficatli�n a1 Paymt�nJtr.Afl pAYmnnta�ecelved Qy Beneticiary es to any debt Irabiliry or obtigatron owed to BoneF'ciary by Tiusto�
<br /> may be aRp►kd bp Benc+NGiary tp f1tA payment o1 the/ndebtedness a to any such other debt,liabiliry or obli�qatlon,in any ordar a
<br /> � mAnrfe�of eppliCAfian wh1Ch�n�ti�lary,�n its absolute discrefion,deems app�opriate. !lnless othenv+se elected by Beneficlary,any
<br /> such payment 5h�11 de deamad uppf'�id!!►st to the paym�nt ot eny dsbt,IlohJli(y or pb/igat7on ather than tAe fYote.
<br /> 6. Churpes;l.lans. Trustor wilf keep thd T�uAi Froper(y free►rom all liens a:sd encumbeances►vhlch in any t�ray may,r'n the judgmeni�l
<br /> � Bene/iclary,have prior+l�over.or impai�►Ih9 securrry o1,this Deed ol T►ust but Tiusior need not discharge any such lien so lang as
<br /> � Trustar sA�!!agree,in writin�,ta psy tha c�ligadon secured by such/ien in a manne�acceptabte to Bartaficiary and shalf in good laith
<br /> � cantest such G�n by eppropNate IaDn!�±rOCeedings ettective to prevent tha entorcement of the lren and the loss ol any lnterest in vr
<br /> � pan af the Trust Property.
<br /> � 7. Hezard lns�rance. Tnrstar shall kt►ap.tlts.huildlrtgs and ather improvements now exJsting or hereatter erected on the Trust Properry
<br /> : � insured by insuianca canlers sbtiPfAat4ry to dene6crary againsr loss by fire,hazards included in the term"extended coverage"and
<br /> • su0h othet hazards,Casualtie&and condrtgencles as may be required by Benenclary,in suCf+amounts and for such periods as may bs
<br /> � requlred by BeneNCiary. Tho polir.N oi insurance sha/!be!n form eccepf�ble to Benenclary,provide that the same may not be
<br /> cencalfad or modili�d witr►aut liQeen f 15)days prior written notice to Beneficlary,and shall have toss payable provisions!n favor o/and
<br /> � In farm accwptRbl�tp Sen4f+aiary�AII premiums on insurance policies shall be pald in Me mannei provided under paragraph 4 hereof
<br /> � or,ii not psid!n suah mannor,,py,Yrtrsia making payment af fesst/ilteen(15)days prior to the due dete,directly to tAe lnsurance
<br /> cealer.8ene5Crary shall�hsNe fho rig;:i to ho/d fhe policies and rer�ewafs theraol and Trustor shall prompUy lumish to Beneficiary all
<br /> ...., renewa!notkem and eIl paid premium receipts received by it.ln no event shall Benelicrary or Trustee be held responsiDfe lor lailure ro
<br /> pap insurertCe premiUms or for any lass or dam8�e arising out ot a defect in a�rry palicy or arrsing ouf oi any fallure of any insurance
<br /> companyt,ta,ptiy lor an y fass or damage insured against o�for failu�e by Tiusta�r to eflect the insurance requrred hereunder.ln the event
<br /> ot loss:7cusl�p�shat►grue prompt notice by►nail to the insuraRCe carrrer and Beneticiary. Beneflciary may make proof of loss if rrot
<br /> msda.�rom�tl)!or in�Zroper form by Ti�stor.All policies o1 insurance and any and a!1 relunds ol unearned premlums a►e hereby
<br /> assigrted tc��efiCiary+as addidonal seCUrity M�the payment o�the Jndebfedness.In the event oi Beneficlary's exe►clse of the powe�
<br /> of sele Cant6dned hereia.or in the event of foreclosure.a0 right.fi'Je and interest o1 Trustor in and to any insuranCe pollcy then in force
<br /> sha/l pass to the pwchaser at the trusiee's sale or loreclosure sale.In case of any loss,the rnswance praceeds may,at the opdon ot
<br /> BeneNclary,be applied by Beneficiary upon the l,vdabtedness,or any part thereof, and in such order arra3 amount as 8enetictary may
<br /> determine;o►said Jnsurance proceeds,at the opfion o!Beneliciary,may eithe�6e used in replacing or restonng the Trust Prope►ty
<br /> p�rtielly or�otalty destroyed ta a condition satisfactory to Beneficiary;or said insurance proceeds,or a.n�r portion theieol,may be
<br /> reteased to Tiustor. Unfess Beneficiary and Trustoi otherwise agree m writing,any such applicafion ot(RSUrance proceeds shall not
<br /> extend or postpone the due date of the Note,oi eny rnstaliments callod tor ihereln,or change the artro�nt o1 such installments.lf the
<br /> Tiust Prope►ry is acquired by Beneliciary pursuan[fo the exercise of the poxer ol sale or ofher forecl0.s�;e,a!t right titfe and interest of
<br /> Tiustor in and to sny insurance proceeds payab/e as a result of damage to ihe Trust Properry p�ior to tne sale or acquisitlon sha[6�ass
<br /> to Beneficiary and shall Oe appl�ed liist to fhe costs and expenses,includinc�aKorney fees, incurred in�atfect;ng such proceeds.then :
<br /> in the manner and in the order provided herein. �
<br /> 8. Preservatlon and Maintenance of Trust Property. Trustor wiI!keep the buildings and other improvements now or Aereaftei e�ecfed on
<br /> the Trust Property in good repai�and condition an�will not commii or permit waste,wi11 not alter the d�s;gn or struciuraJ character � �
<br /> COI1SiliW/fg 8I►y dui►0ing now vr he►eaiier ereciea on anti consiiiunng ine=iu�i i�ruNbiiy wiii+vui ftb�,��ia:►�7eii C�7r"iSe�'tF�7f _�_ _
<br /> Beneficiery,wili not do any ect or thing which woultl unduly impalr or depreciate the value o1 the Tiusf P�ope�fy and will nof abandon ��"�
<br /> the Tiust Property. Tiustor will not remove eny frxtures constituting the Trust Psoperty unless the same are lmmediatety rep/aced with � :'
<br /> like properry subiect to the lien and securiry interest of this Deed of Trust and o!at/east equai value and utility. Trustor wiU compty with
<br /> a/l present and luture ordinances,regu�anons and requirements of any governmental body whlch a�e applicab/e to the Trust Pioperty
<br /> and to the occupency and�se thared0. I!this Deed o1 Tiust is on a unit rn a condomin;um a a planne�unit development, Tiusior shall -
<br /> peAorm all ol Tiustor's obligabons under the declarations or covenents creating or goveming the co»dominrum oi the planne���nit
<br /> development,the bytaws and regulations ul the condominium or pfanrted unit development, and the constiluent documents. :
<br /> 9. Jnspection.Beneticiary or its agents may,at all ieasonab/e times,enter upon the T�ust Property fo►the puipose ol inspecGon.
<br /> Beneficiary shall have no dury to make such inspection and sha:l no1 be liabfe to Tiustor or to any person in passess6on il it makes or
<br /> 1ails to meke any such inspectiQn.
<br /> 10. Protection of Secudty.N Trustpr lails to peAorm any of!he covenants and agreements contained in this Deed of Trust,or if any ac6on =
<br /> or proCeeding is commenced which does or may adversely affect the Trust PropeRy or the interest ot Trusto�or Beneficiary theiein or
<br /> the title of Trusfor the►eto,then Bene/iciary,at iis opdon,may pe►lorm such convertants and agreements,make such appea�ances, �
<br /> detend against and invesUgate such acdon or prxeeding artd take such other action as Beneficiary deems necessary to p►otect its �
<br /> interest including,bui not limited fo,drsbursement of reasonab/e attorney fees and entry upon the Trust Proper(y to make repal�s.Any
<br /> amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this pa►agraph 10, wiih interest thereon,shali constitute indebtedness of Tiustor •
<br /> secured by this Deed of Trust. Unless 7rustor and 8eneliciery agree to otde�terms ol payment,such amounts shall be payable upon ;•+�i
<br /> nodce Irom Beneticiary to Trustor requestrng payment thereol,and shal!bea�interest lrom the date o1 disbursement at the default rate, .� �
<br /> i1 any,set forth in the Note, or otherwise af the highest rate permrPted by law.Nothing contained in this paragraph sl►all rec�uire
<br /> 8eneficiavy fo incu�any exponse or take any action hereunder. T ustor ir�evocabfy authorizes and empowers Beneliciary to enier upon
<br /> the Trust Property as Trusfor's agent and,�n Trustor's name or otherwise to perlorm any and all covenants and agreements to be '
<br /> pe�famed by Trusta as hereJn provided. Benefic+ary shall,et rts option,be subrogated to any encumbrance,lien,c(alm or demand .
<br /> and to ap�ights and securities fo�the paymenf therevf paid or discharged by Bertefic►ary unde�the prov�srons hereol and any such
<br />. subrogetion dghts shalf be add+tional and cumulaGve security for th,s Deed ol Trust.
<br /> 91. Condemn8fian. The p�ocbeds o1 any award or claim for damages,dire�t or�onsequent:al,rn conn8ction with any condemnat�on or
<br /> ofher taking of the Trust Property,oi any paR t►►ereof,Or lor conveyance m treu of or in anaCipa6on of condemnatiart,are hereby
<br /> assigned to and shall be paid to Bene/iCiary. Trusior wiil file and prosecute,ia good la;fh and with due diligence,�ts clarm for any such
<br /> ew8rd or payment,and w�l!cause the same to be coltecte�and pa�d to Bene'�ciary,and,should it fa�l[o do so, Trusior rrrevocaDly
<br /> autho►izes and empowers Benei�clary.in the name o1 T�ustor or othenvise, to file,prosecute,settle or comprom�se any such clarm and
<br /> to collecl,►eCeipt lor end ret8in the proCeeds.N the Trust Property is abandoned by Trusfoi,or,after notice by Bene.'rciary to Trustor
<br />• thai�he condemnor oNers to make an awa�d or settle a claim fo�damages. Trustor fails to respond to Beneficiary w,thin thirry(30)days
<br />• aner Ehe dete such noUce is mailed,Senehciary rs authorizet!to collect and apply the pioceeds in the manner indreated herein. The
<br /> proCee4s�f any award or clarm may,a/ter deduet+r�g all reasonable costs and expenses,including attomey�ees, which may have
<br /> been incurred by 8eneficiary�n the coNechon thereoJ,af the sole discretron of Benel�crary,be released to Trusror,applied to �_____
<br /> restoiatron af Trust Properry,o�applied to the payment o1 the lndebfedness. Unless Benebcrary and Trusbr otherw�se agree in wntrng, ,
<br />, any such appllcahon o1 p�eceeds to lntlebtedness sha/l not extend or postpona the due date o1 the Note or fhe paymenf of any
<br /> installments called for thereunder.
<br /> t2 T�usto�Not Released.Extensian of the ttme lor payment ar mod�ircation ot any amorbzahon of the Indebtedness granted by Benebc�ary
<br /> to eny successor�n inte�est o1 Trustor shall not oFerefe to reJeaSe,m any manne�,the lrabil�ty ol Trustor�nd Trusfor's successo�s�n �
<br /> inte�est. 8enefrcrary shal!nol be requiied to commence p�oceedings against such successor or refuse to extend hme for payment dr
<br /> othenv�so modrly amoK�ietron ol the lndebtedness by reason of any demand made by Trustor and Trustor's successors �
<br /> � m tnte�eSt.
<br /> 1.3 F�nenC�el Info�maApn Upon requost of BenoJ�ciary. Trustor wrl�prowdo to Benel�crary, withm n�nety(90)days oJ the clvse of each/�scai
<br /> �Aar o!rrustor. th�consol�deted balanco slfoet and statOment o(oarnings ol Tiustor and nny And al!guart�nto�s<7�Iht�Irrdebtodness �
<br /> saciervrl horuby.�1 any, and w�l!piOVtde��nd de1�vU�tU Be�e/iC�ary suCh othQi fmc�nC�al�n(o�m<'�Irpn�3nd�n ctrCh m;�nne���tS BP./tE•l�c�ary �
<br /> mr�y ror�sonebi�roquast Irvm trmv to frme y�y�
<br /> 14 �InflrlC��l GfiVUllfinlS ►n,��ldipon tn F�ny O►rpi lin�►nC��tl r_oven�tnis ol ir�isto�m��dQ�n any other aq�eCmcnt �n5trfim��nf M d(u'unrPr�1 �•
<br /> �ru5t!i�Shp!!tnmr�l y wdh 1►nd ShaU Ct�ur:�.+ny and��/!g�iar��ntnrs n1 th�InrinbtecJnnSS S���fred►tif!r��t7 y h�r nm��i� :wtl� t,r l���r, i. ..
<br /> ��/llrijl.'l8/1!:H N/�(II. Ii�AIU;(OWtli(J��ll(lnCl.ilr.nvonantt (�h�(,{JJllilJ�AF117:h."illliAl;9nC11��/f�)1P/�,1»!t :in(S�P�JN��(`r�+l'nr•. �1'!'�•n('•��(
<br /> frltfir hp1(v�i)
<br /> r�� Sr h!�rl�r r>��1 l r:es�•. J��lh:n tvn r t�i�rf.�yt��Rlir rlitrn;tnrl I�fislr�r �.hrur ru.m�n n�flr,r,•�,:,;��� i .� lu�,, , . ,.,•,�,� , - , . �rrr.t� � , � ,
<br /> lrll�h i1':Ir;1't1•, �/rl.r. I�ui� /�rn(i��f!� ,n Ulij/(1h11��I11!/q!rCl�l rl�Ll�ltl!li(�����tite Ir r :p,�. rh�. ..ir•.�.. I •r, e,�, i, t ... ,.�..i•re. �. . .�., . �
<br /> -!th�>•�.,q,�e �.� i��(:�ri1 by�;.' I,'n1�,�ni hI ir�'_1l(�An} /1����i�nl;ll(�flylllJn h�. .� �. .J. c t- ir... . . .. .i„ . �. . ..�'• ' r•• i.t.•. , � .. . .
<br /> •!,�f.l.,I 1„ . .I f.iJ.,l'.l�j /r�i'77/� ':1•�. �if�. :1'� (f{�f1lr�.I��1/y •1!,�11/(�:!', iri.}(1'Y 'a.�l�:f"-f
<br />