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S <br /> �Y � <br /> Deed c►f Trust <br /> eanhs 89,_ 14 6 0 8 6 <br /> THIS DEEP OF TRUST is made thls____37�t�dsy al �ve,�Uer , f9�9 .hy artci behveen..�1���-�.._�-s._�-�-r.0�-•nc�.----, <br /> Kar 18 A Paro. husband and ut�,��....__.—__..__.�s_ whethe�r QLor mnre, (hereinalter ca►raq the"Trustor'), <br /> � whose maiNr►�eddnss ts � <br /> NOAWEST HANK N�BRASKA-� ASS IATION --- ------(here�nalter catted the"frustee"), whase mailing address is <br /> p_ n_ Bmc_LZ6A. Gr.and Trl t�nd� x� ��pQNORWEST 8AN � —,(hereinatter <br /> calfed!he"Beneficlery'y, whose mailing addr@ss!s P• O. Bax 1768, Grand Is and. NE 68802 , <br /> • WITNESSETH: <br /> � !F TNlS BOX!S CHECKED( x J TH1S OEEQ OF TRUST CONSTfttITES A CONSTi?UGTION <br /> j SECURITV AGREEMENT UNDER 7HE NE9RASKA CONSTRUCTIUN LfEAI ACT AND CR�ATES, <br /> OAANTS AND CONSTJTUTES A CONSTRUCTlON SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY <br /> DESCRIB�D HEREIfYBELOW. <br /> � WHFAEAS, �r�storis indebfed to Beneficiary in the pitncipal sum of Ei�htX T ousan�. and na/100t,h,s----------------- <br /> Oo!!8►s(S AO�(100.00 ),whlch indabtedness is evidenced by Trustor's promissory note datet�Rltember 3 , �g$�,(hereinafter <br /> caNed the"Note"),payable ro the orde�o/6eneficiary and having a matunty ot���..29, l�Qan • <br /> NOW,THEAEFOAE,lor the pu�pose ol securing: <br /> � (a) payment ol fhe Note,togeth��with inte►est thereon,late cherges,prepayment penames,any luture advances,and all extensions, <br /> . modi�rcations,subsfitutions and renewals thereof, <br /> (b) payment ol all other sums,fees or charges,fogether with inierest thereon,advanced to profect the securiry of this Deed o1 Tiust and <br /> � the pe�formence o1 the covenants and agreements ot Tiustor, whethe�or not set foRh herein, <br /> (c) pe►formance,discharge ot and compliance witn every term,covenant,obtigation and agreement ot Tiustor contalned herein or <br /> incaporated by reference or any othe�secu�iry i�strument at anytime given to secure the Note,and <br /> (d1 the repayment of ell other sums w luture advances, with interest thereon, whrch may heretofore have been or herealter be advanced <br /> by Beneficiary to Trustor o►Trusto�'s successor in interest or title, <br /> � alt o1 whici�is hereinafter collective/y ca/led the"IndebtednASS", Trustor inevocably grants and transfers to trust, WITH AOWER <br /> � OF SALF, the lolbwing described properry: <br /> Lot Twenty-six (26), Regency Hy the Green Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, <br /> � Hall County, Nebreska. <br /> ; <br /> together with(i)a!I bultdinys,strucfures,additions,enla►gemants,modi/ications.�epairs,rep/acements, and improvements now or I►ereafter � ' <br /> i..., t� e� n . nr��,nf��ly�t:.'8��!!!C�l1L�!?3�. ='�l�QL�}limifafitfr3�A!!lilTjlf!Ra,�I�9�;ilJo_VA{1111Af%nA�I:AAIlAD;AI! �=.. <br /> - ,�,ats�t',(._..t �:ie�s:,,n�,mEr!:..� . <br /> condlUoNng,sprinking end plum6ing fixtures,water arrd power systems,engirses,boiters,range8,ovens,cflshwsshets,+nirrors artd mantals, - -- <br /> Carpeting,fumaces,nil bumers,efevators and motors,relrigeration pJanis or units,communlcatian sysfems,dynamos,trartsformers,electrical = <br /> equipment,atorm and screen windows,doo�s,awnings and shades)now or hereafter attached to,or built In,any buitding or improvement _ <br /> now or hereafter/ocated thereon, (uiJ all easements and rights of way appurtenant thereto, (iv),a!1 leasehofd esiate,right,tit/e and lnterest of ; <br /> Tiusta!n and to all/esses,whether now or hereafter existing or en2iared into(including,wifhout limitabon,ali cash and secuiiry deposits, <br /> advance�entals and depvsrrs or payrr�ents o!a similar nature),pe►taining thereto,(v)al!renis,Jssues,prolits snd income therefrorr(subject <br /> � to the right ol Trusfor to cotlect and apply such rents,lssues,profits and income as they become due and payable so long as no evant o1 . <br /> • detault exists hereunder), (vi)a!!royalNes,mirteral, oi!and gas►Ights and profits,water,water dghis,and water stxk,(vii)alJ tenements, <br /> hereditaments,privileges and appunena�nces belonging,used or enjoyed in connection theaewith,and(v�l1)a!I proceed''s ol conve�ston, <br /> � voluntary or invofuntary,of any ol the faregang into cash or liquidated clairrrs(including,wiihout limitation,proceeds of Pasurance and <br /> condemnation awards),a11 of whlch is hereinafter coltectively called the "Tiust Properiy". . <br /> � TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THiS DEED OF TRUST, TP.USTOR COVENANTS AND AGAEES AS FOtLOWS: <br /> � 1. nUe.Tiusto�covenants,warranfs and agrees with Benefiviary,rts successo�s and assigns,that Tiustor vwns the TrUSt P�operty fiee <br /> � from erty prio►lien or encumbrance,ihat this B�eed ot Tiusi is and wlll remain a valid and enforceable f+rst lien on the Trust Propeity, <br /> that Tiustor,at its expense,wiil preserve such 6tle and will rrraintaln this Deed of Tiust as a tJrst and paramoul1[lien upon the Trust <br /> ' Properfy and will lorever warrant and defend the vatidiry and prioriry of ihe 11en hereof against the clalms of a/1 persons end parties ��_;- <br /> whomsoeve►.Trustor,af iis expense, will cause this Deed ol Trust,and each amendment or suppfement hereto,to be liled and � " <br /> recorded as a moRgage o1 the Trust Prope►ry in such manner and in such place and will take such action as in the opiniaro of Trustee ;:_ <br /> may be requlred by any present or luture la�v In order fo pertect,maintein artd protect fhe llen of this Deed of Tiust,as the same may - <br /> be amended or supplemenied irom[ime to Ume. Trusta wr'li make such further assurance or assurances to perheci its tiile to the Trust ' <br /> Property as may be required by Beneficlary. 7�ustor hereby relinqulshes ati right of dower and homesfead in and to the Tiust Property. ' <br /> 2. Payment of fndebiedness. Trustor shall punctually pay the principal of and lnterest on tha lndebtedness secured hereby. <br /> 3. Carst�uction ol lmprovements. Trusta sheil caarp(efe in good and workmanlike manner any bulldings,improvements or repair5 refabng <br /> thereto whkh may be begun on the Trust Property or contempiafed by the loan evldenced by the Note secured he�eby,to pay when <br /> due a90�vsfs end lisbiliNes incurred the�efore,and nnt to ps�ni!any constructlon llen agalnst such Trust Praperry,ln the event <br /> cortst�crction of builctings,impnovements or repairs are coniemp/atec9,Tiustor 8iso agiees,anything 1n this Deed af�i�rst ta the eontrary <br /> notwithstanding;(a)to promptty commence any such work and to comp/ete the proposed lmprovements promptly,{t�)to complete the <br /> same in accadance wiih the plans and specrticaGons as ap�Croved by Beneliciary,(c)to comply with a!!the terms of a building/oan <br /> agreement,if any,beriveen Tiustor and 8enefic�ary,the te�ms ot which ere incorporated hereln by reference and made a part hereof, <br /> (d)fo allow Beneficlary fo inspect the Trusf Froperry at ai!6rrres during construction,and(e)io rep/ace any work or mafena/s <br /> unsaUsfactory fo BeneHciary with;n fifteen(45J days after wrirten notice lrom Beneficiary of such/ac�. <br /> 4. Funds fa Payment oi Charges.Su6ject to a,�plicable law or to a written waive�by Beneficlary. Trustor shaq pay to Benefir,iary on the <br /> fi�st dey ol each month,or such other date each month as may be spECifred by Benefr'ciary,unti!the lndebtedness is paid in lu/l,a sum <br /> (heretnalter ca!!ed the"Funds')equal to 1�a2�of the yea�ly taxes and assessments wh/ch may attarn p�iority over thls Deed of Trust ;---=— <br /> and ground rents on the Trust Property,if any,p/us 1 i'l2ih o1 the yearly p�emlum installments/or hazard insurance,plus iil2th ol ihe • � <br /> ye�rly premium Instellments lo�moRgag9 insurance,if any,aiJ as reasonably esrimated initiaNy and from time fo time by 8eneliclary on <br /> th�basis ol essessmenis and bills and reasortable esfrm�le5 lhereof. The Funds sha11 be held in an lnstitutron,the deposits or <br /> accaunts of whlch a�e insured o►gua►anteed by a fede�a!or state egoncy including Beneliciary. Benelicisry shall epply the Funds fo ' <br /> pay said taxes, asssssments,insutsnce premiums and ground rents.Seneliciary shall nof be requrred to pay Trustor any lnterast or <br /> earnings o»the funds.Beneliciary shaU give to 7rusto�,wifhouf ch�rge,an annual eccounting ol the Funds showing credits and <br /> debits to the Funds and the purpose for whiCh each debii lo the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addibonal secruity tor <br /> L the lndebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust.11 the amovnt of the Funds held by BeneSc�ary,tpgethei w�th the future monthly <br /> �nstaJlments ol Funds payable pRar to the due dates ol taxes, assessments, insurenr.e premiums and g�ound rents.shall exceed the <br /> emount requued to pay st+�d taxes,Assossments,lnsu�ance premiums and ground rents as they!aU due.such excess shall be, at <br /> rlustor's option.�rther promptly repeld to Tru�.or or c�edrtQd to Trusfor against lutura nronthty rnstallmonts ol Funds !t thv nmount ot n" <br /> rhe F�nds h�fU by Benufrcrar,�shaU irot bU::ufl.•c,anP to pay laxos,o;sassmonts. msur�nco pramrurns a��d ground�er,ts as rney 1ar�dt:e. � <br /> TrJStcr�ha,!poy to esnefrt�ary�ny a►r�nunt netessary b mt�ks up the dsfrc�ency wlth,m f��r,y dars lroJio t,hs dat�rrvbr.c��s rrarled by ,w <br /> Hgiiplrc�flry to 1'wstor�oquosbrrq puymvnf thort�ol Upon pay�nt�nt�n lull ol al►lndebtt�dnoss. Honohcrriry shaN prr»nptly reh�nri t�� �, „ <br /> liustor�tny Funds ht�ld Gy Bene�lrc�ury IOlhte lnist F�rvr�vrty Is so/d undEr thel�uwer c�f sale r�o t��u lrust Prv;�c�rty �s otnenv,se ac q,,,r�,f <br /> by Elmn�hciti�y. Hnnvhr.�r�n,�qhall Hpply.�mmodi�toly pirr»tn the s,�le nl th�� Tn,7St pm(�p�ty nr+fS 1�LlJiu�,�h(�n/7y[�Pr1��/it.'nr�. ,�riy/unti: <br /> h�1fU t�y 13b�,(�frcrary i�t fhe�1,mo p1 Ap{11�C��GCNt(1S v cred�t nc�aln;r tno r�denu�<��,r�5s ll fJPnplrt'��uy t��nt ult�!.,� W��ffe�r�wt���t���.�� Tr��tif�„ , <br /> nL:��J(i4{�n!,ufif!('t Ihi':j�:ttUfJl�pl)�, /IUS�O�CbVt'1'1(PJtI!:fl/i(1 H(f/Rf!�,ft�j�.iy. hHIU��+rn., �.:rit���li�rr t��r����1t�h•u�ur�,rP .trl�I�wt�� .�ti•.e�4�.n�t„�r., <br /> . � .. . , • , � <br />