I �
<br /> �9�- loso�s
<br /> 16. Covonants of�►UStor►vdh Res�ect to teases W�thnui thA pnor wnttan consant o�Benol�cinry, rusror shati not.drrecUy or indirectty.
<br /> witA res�sct(o eny lesse ol space in the Trust Proparry,or any porfton thereof, whothor suCh lease is npw or h8�ealter in exisfence:
<br /> (a) ACCept or pe�m�t eny ptepayn�ent,discount or advanCe payment of ienf hareunder in excess o/ono month.
<br /> (D► Cancel a terminate the sama,or accept any cancef/ation,t2rmrnation or sunende�thereof,or perm�t�ny event to occur whlch would
<br /> oCCt�r tlklr�ufldar to tetmrnate or CanCel the Seme,other than termination far rronpayment ot ront.
<br /> (c) Am�u1 or mOdtly lhe sam�So a.^.lo reduee the term thereot.the renfai payabte thereund�►,or ta change any renewal p►ovisrons
<br /> thsrein cont�ln�d,
<br /> ' (d) WNYa any delwlf Mereunder a brea�A thereof,
<br /> (s) Glve sny canssnt,waivsr or BFproval thereunder or take any ofher action in connectian therewith,or with a fassea thereunder, wh/cA
<br /> would have the afloct o1 lmp�rirp tAe valua ol tAS fsssa's interest tlreievnder or the property subJect thereto,or of tmpairlrtg the
<br /> po�tlon a intersst oi Beneliciary thsrein,a
<br /> (� SeM,sssl9n,pkdg�e,mortgage a othenvise dispase of,a encumber its interesf in any said lease or any rents,lssues,prolits issuing
<br /> or srl3ing flts�eunder.
<br /> 17. Waivsr o/Stah�ts of UmifetJoRS. rme is ot the essence in all of Trcrstor's obligstions and duties he�eander, and to the exient permi�'ted
<br /> by law, Tiuslbr waivss aN present a filture statutes of timitati�ons wiih respect ro any debt,demand or obl�gation sacured hereby and
<br /> . sny acdon or procesding lor the pwpose ol enforcing this O�eed of Trust ar any�ghts or remedies contained herain.
<br /> 18. AssiQnment ol Deposits. In the event conshuctror�01 impiovemenis is contemplated Dy the loan evidenced by the Nofe secured
<br /> hereby,as etlditlw�al ssCU�►1y therofore, Trusta hereby hansfers and asslgns to 8eneticlary,alI dght,tiUe and interesl to any and all
<br /> moni�s dsposifed dy a on bshaH o!Trustor with any city,counry,public body or agency,sanitary distdct udlity canpany,and
<br /> eny other pody a egency,lor the instalfadon a ro secure the installadon o1 any utiJity by Trusta,pertalning to the Tiust Property.
<br /> 19. CorporaEi�on a Partnership Existenae.H Trusio►ls s caporefion,general panr�ership,or limited paRneiship,it will do alf things
<br /> n�rcessary ro aeserve its carnnrah�a,naid�ershin erlste�e,ac thA case rr�s+y�ie.�nd A�l dghts end nri�itsges under ths le::s o!!ha
<br /> stat�l of its rncorporahon a organizatlon.
<br /> 20. Fabeaiancs by 9eneficiary Not a Weiver.My fv�bearance by Beneficlary in exercising any right or remedy hereundar,or othe►wise
<br /> aflorded by appkcable law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise ol any such righ!or remedy. The procurement of
<br /> lnsurance or the payment of taxes a the discharge olliens or chaiges by Baneficisry shall not De a walver of Benefictary's right to
<br /> acce%iate the matirriry of the Indebtedness.
<br /> 21. Rernedles Cumulatrve.All remedias provided rn this Deed ol Tiust a�e distinct and cumulative fo eny other►ight or remedy under this
<br /> Deed o1 Trust a aflorded by law a equity,snd may be exercised concunenily,independendy or successively.
<br /> 22. Succsuars and Ilssigns Bound;Jornt and Seve�al Usbllity;Capbons. The covenants and ag�eements hereln contained shall bind,and
<br /> ths rlQhts hRreunder shall inure fo,the respecdve successors and assigns of 8enefiCiary, Tiustee,artd Trustor.A/l covenants and
<br /> egresments of Trustor shsN be Jo/nt end se�BraL The cepGions and headings of the pa�agraphs ol thls Desd of Tiust are for
<br /> Conven(ence atty and ere nol to be used t�o interp�et ar define the provisions hereol.
<br /> 23. dYaE�ce.Fxcept tor eny nodce reqWred under applicab�e taw to be given in another menner.(a)any notice to Trustor provided foi in thls
<br /> Dbed ol Tiust shall be given by mailing such notice by ceRitied mail,return reCelpt requested addressed to Trustor at its maiiing •
<br /> addross set faM above or ai such oMer address as Tiusror may desi�nate by notice to 8enet5�iary ss provlded hereln,and(b)any .;
<br /> nodce ro 8srreJiciary a Tivstee snall be grven by ce►tified mail,retu►n receipt requested,to Beneficiary's and Tiustee's maiNng .
<br /> addross stated herein or to such other addrass as Beneliciary or Trustee may designete by notice to Tiusia as provided heiein.My ; :
<br /> rrpti��prpvici8d ior in this u�d vi r'rusf sha�i be deemed io have been given iv Trusior, neneiiciery vr i►u�iw�wiinn givetn iii iiro • -� j�_�_
<br /> manner desigrtated herein.
<br /> 21. Goveming Law;Severabiliry. 7his Dee�08 Tiust shall be govemed by the laws ol the State of Nebraska.!n the event any provision or
<br /> clause o/this Deed o1 Trust conflicts with applicabie law,such conllict sheN not af/ect other p�ovisions o1 thls Deed of Tiust whlch can
<br /> be gJven eflect without the conflicbng provisions and to this end fhe provisions ol this Deed of Trust are declared to be seve�able.
<br /> . 25. Er+ents al Qefauft. Each ol the/olbwing occunences shalf consNtute an event o1 defeult hereunder,(herelnalter calied an"Event �—
<br /> �l i?efaulY�:
<br /> (a) Tiustorshalllail to pay when due any principal, interest,or principal and interesf on the fnde6tadness. '
<br /> (b) My warranry of tiUe made by Trusto�herein shall be untrue,
<br /> (c) Tiustor shall fail to observe or peAam any of the covenants,agreements,or conditions in this Deed of Tiust, .
<br /> (d) My representation o►wenanty made by Tiustor on any linancial statements or repons submitted to Beneliciary by or on behaN ol �
<br /> Trustw shall prove lalse or meterialty mislesd�ng,
<br /> (e) Tiustor shaU fail to perlorm a observe eny ol the covenanis,condihons or agreements conra�ned in,or binding upon Trustor under i
<br /> any building loan agreement,secunty agreemeni,loan agreement linancing statement,or ar�y othe�agreement,insirument or _
<br /> document execu[ed by Trustor in connection wiih the loan evidenced by the Note, —
<br /> (� A trrrsies,reCelvel or liquidetor of the Tiusi Property ot o1 TiustOr Sha/l be eppoiraisd,or any ol the crediro�s ol Tiustor sha/l file a �
<br /> peUdor�ln Dankrupfcy against Trusro�,or for the reo�ganizaGon o1 Trusior pursuaset to the Federal 8ankruptCy Code,or any similar -
<br /> 18w.wheiher fedeisl or state,end i1 such order or petition shall not be discharged or dismiSSed within thirty(30)days after the dafe .-.�
<br /> on which such wder or petition was filecd, •
<br /> (g) Trusta shall file a petifiar pursuant to Hre Federal Bartkrupicy Code or any similar law,ledesaf or state,or if Trustor shell be '
<br /> adJudged a bankrupt,or be declared insolvent,or sha11 make an assignment for thu benefit of creditors,or shall admit!n w�iting its �
<br /> inabfliry to pay its debts as�rey Decome due,ar shall consent to the appointmerrt ot a receive�ol a1!or any pa�t of the Trust Property.
<br /> (h) final Judgme►tt lor the payment of money shaN be r�ndered against Tiustor arrd 7'ruslor shal!not discharge the same,or cause it to
<br /> be dJscharged, within thirty(30)dsys a/ter the entry thereo�or shall nof appeal therelrom or from the order,decree or proCess upon
<br /> whlch a puisuant to wh/cA sald judgment was granted,baseO,ar entered.end secure a s(ap of exeCUUOn pending such appeal.
<br /> (i) Tiusia shaJi sefl a convey the Tiust Property.o�any part thereof.or any interest therein,or sfrap be dlvested ol its title.ar any inierest
<br /> therefn,in any manner a wey, whedrer votuntari/y or rr�voluniarrly,without ihe w►ci[en consent of Beneticiary being first had and
<br /> obtained,a
<br /> • (j) fl Tiusbr is a cwpnialion o�parhrership and mo�e rhan lifry percertt(50°io}of the shares or beneficlal inierests in such co►poration or
<br /> pa�tne►ahlp,es ihe case may be,sheli be transferred oi conveyed, wheiher vo/uniarily or involuntarily,without the written conseni ol
<br />" Benellctary being/i�st had and obtsined.
<br /> ?6. Accetera�on ot Debi;Forec/osure. Upon the occunerrce of eny Event ol Defaul�.er any time thereafter.Benelrc+ary may,at its option.
<br /> dsc/are a!I ihe lndebiedness secured hereby immediately due and paydble and the same shall bear interest at the default rete.�l arry.
<br /> set lo►ih!n the Note,a otherwise af the highest rate permiited by law,and,lnespective o!whether Benel�Ciary exetcises said opbon,,t �-- ---
<br /> may,at its option and 1n its sole discretion, wifhout any lutthet notice or demartd to or upon Trusto�,do one or mo�e of ttte followirtg; '
<br /> (s) Benetic�ery rrray enter upon,t&ke possession of,manage and opeiate the Trust property or any pert lhereof,•make re�uans ertd
<br /> eltsrations aad do any acts whtch Benefic►ary deems prope�to protect the security the�eof,and erther with or wiihout takirtg
<br /> possesslon,ln its own name,sue lor nr ofherwise col/ect and recelve rents,issues and prolits,�ncluding those pest dua and unpa►d. �
<br /> ertd epply the same.less casts and expensas of operation and collectlon,includ/ng reasonable attorney lees and Beneficiery's
<br /> cosis,upon the Indebtadness secured hereby and in such oider as 8enelrcla�y may determ�ne. Upon request of Beneficlary, Trustor
<br /> sheU BSSOmble and ShaN m8ke avallaDlB to BeneliCrery eny o1 the Trust Piope�ty wh�ch has been removed. The ontermg upon and
<br /> � tekmg possessron ol the 7rusf Property,the coJlechan ol any rents,issues and profits,and the appl,catron�hereol as aiaresa�d,shaN
<br /> not cu�e or wa�ve any delault the�refafore or the�oafter occurring,or aflecf eny nolrCe ol delauft or natrCe o!salo hert�undet or
<br /> invttlydate any Jct danv pursu3nt ta any suCh notice. Notwithstanding Bc�nef�Ciary�s contmunnce m possossron or rpcorpt and �..
<br /> SpplrcBt�Drr of renf�,+�sue�or prolits. Bu:rafrcrary:haf!ba entitf�d fo exsrc+so ovo�y r,ght pravrdrd f�r,n!hrs Deed ol Irusf or by law ���
<br /> uyon vr nko�thv acr,urronco vi an Evvnt of Uofault. �nc►udin,q i�te nght ro exe�c�se tha pawer�f sala Any V�t1 t(�e��/rV<<S�t�llv�ttd fr�rtr ,��
<br /> Utrs p8�ayrtiph mny bo tttkpn Dy BF�n�l�Crdry ot such hmo as Benelrtittry�nay detnrmrnp►vdtrout reycud to thE HUPquaCy ol any �
<br /> S��W+tylo;,!:e IndvbfoUnoss svGU�or!hc��oby "` `
<br /> l!i) Hpnefrtittry;h�3tt, w�►hnut ipr�,7r(1 f0 fho ndOquOCy t�t Utty Sr�G�unty Il��lhE�lndpblBdnCS�:::Cfu�C(1 hP�C�hy hr�E�nt�Nt�r1 tn t����
<br /> rr�ptuntmon�s�l o reemvur bV�7ny r.UUft h,,wnq�u�,sr,��caor�, w,rne,ur nor�co t4 h�hv p��S�,f��S��»,���r /,�ntrx f ,��af m;or�<u�e��ht• 1r�,�!
<br /> P�op�rly And�i,uU��tp thr� �.turr��tad r,tY.lpGt th(�rC!ntS,�;.•,�ue�:R�tr1(irnlrf5 lh��rt�t+um
<br /> �c! E!�3trt�Grrt:f�rn,f y t�f�n(j<�n;r ttc Ir�r1�ii r�ny r.Urut r,f�.rTmr�Cftmt��urs�hr ht�n In I�yrE+r 1n�.n l��•, l�r,nv.+.,� l����.!,,, ,",�,,•, F,�i•,� ,�l r�,i, t
<br /> rr�lFSn.nn�: ►.n:e:n1 J
<br />