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<br /> ( � ' `• ' � . �c�Yl��� i . �
<br /> . ��
<br /> � . . �' �
<br /> ` � p��orm any acts or execute any osher instruments that might prevent Lender �rom fully
<br /> ` � exercising its rights unde:any of the terms.covenants and condiaons of this Assignrnent. ;
<br /> � ; (b) The Leas�is valid aud enforceable infacca eranms�and�c.o d uaas theieaf have b�en �i ..
<br /> aiter e d.mo di f c e d,a m e n d�o r t e r m i n a t�.a n d n fl n e o der. � .
<br /> �_ . - waived in any manner v�hauuever e�c e p t��P p r o v e d i n w ri t i n g b y I� 4 ,
<br /> , � ,
<br /> - (�) 'I�e Leasz w�! remain in fnll force and effeet and shall Aot be al�r���`��fi� S ,
<br /> ` amend�or terannated aor shall�ny term or coadition thereof be waive�in�ny P �, :,.:"
<br /> � � roval of Leader. '
<br /> withaut the prior amtaea app �.-'F"
<br /> i r,•.�.-
<br /> . ... . �4 _
<br /> . �'-s''.'�".
<br /> � (d)
<br /> 'I`b�ere are ao d�faul2s noa existing under the L.e�e and there exists ao state of ,,,
<br /> �. } ��,
<br /> . . , facts which, wit�the giving of notice or lapss of rime or Goth,would constitute a d�faul2 under �;;-
<br /> � the Lease; aad �nower wi11 fulfill or pe�rform e��d every oomditsoa aud covenant of the �.'-:
<br /> �. '• .< � Leas$by the teaaut/lessee thereuader to its fulfi�led or performed,aad shall�rom�S1Y�ive Y�end�r �j;'��`-
<br /> . .., $ capies of any notice of defaiilt by Barro�v�r c�der the Lease received by 8flrroe�er. ��,�:iv'
<br /> �`=:..:
<br /> . ' � (e) �long as any portion of t�e��cured Qbligations sRiall remaia'sn��ale or in part �:�:-
<br /> �� far.�,.
<br /> un�aid,unsati��r�t�nd/or ungeiforffied,�ecriwer will mot conve�• ^.�aaa�er�����►Y e;.F�.
<br /> t� e or in t1�e Pr�mi�- °�'�
<br /> . ,� . .�•+r inter�t ii has nz �Leas -_
<br /> _'" � ' � _ _.
<br /> • • �. `,fl 'Che terrns ans�ti:e executi�n of this f�ssi�nent 6ave been duGy auti�rrized bY all _
<br /> and a�tpropriase co�csrate or memhership�s�on behalff of Barrow�.,�applicable. a�.=-
<br /> �.; necessary �'°.
<br /> . . M.� __-
<br /> � �,�I �ion 4• Defanit aad R���� 'v--
<br /> �,,� (a) Upun any Event of Default under the Loaa Agteeu�ent,Le�Y��'��e d�.�lt
<br /> • do any of t�e fa�flwipg,subj�ct w FCC approval,where reqvis�d: ��°p�f�D�ba b�t�t� �
<br /> :,,;..
<br /> �;:;"4�� �� pursuant to t�e►..cian Agreement,with the w�cs thereof(incladi¢� Y
<br /> ' ..;i���sY��:. �r by t$n Borro�:� aad included in the S�ured Obligations; r7 c,�aujsr: the Leas$to be �ald �.
<br /> .. .� . priv;ti� ar public sale tn the highest bidder for ca�b ��� accordan�with the pr°visions of daQ �
<br /> , '� U�� Commercial Code ar othe� applicable law � enacted in the Stat°�sf t��elo ' ;
<br /> � (ii7 assume the L�,desig�ate a third p:�ty w assume the Leass or assign�T e�se w p thir�9
<br /> . • • parcy; fv)assume t he L e a s�or s u b l e a s e t L*a LEase or the Premises to a third�.rty;(v'a�C Pa'
<br /> have a receiver appoinYed pursuant w ' n 7 0 of the Loan Agree�ent;aad Lv3y exeuc+�e�a���•
<br /> � other righ4 or semedy the Leader may tsave by contract, at law,oa in equiry.
<br /> . . . , , (b) Lender is hereby vested with fWl power t,o usQ all umeaQures,ir;,�a9 an3 es��itabl�,
<br /> ''`-,""%'�• �. ' deEm�b it aecessarY ar Proper w enforce this Assigntuent,i��lauiin�;the ri�ht of�nder or
<br /> _:�;,j��;�,:•::=. Y
<br /> .. :.,,t?:�� _ its desigaee to enter upon t}s,c�Premises, or any pnrt thereof, wi�,.ar as4trout forca stid witb or
<br /> .;;,.:..;
<br /> :�. ;.:;: �vitiia�at process of laa,and.t�possessioa af all�e 2A.y P rs and accaunmts a Bo�xrower el�r:�,
<br /> .. ,:;�.�
<br /> ��:�ty��,��•.� P�anal property►fixwres.d�-.�._ems,lrooks,recxc,:�_��
<br /> thereto aarl to exclude the Ba�eo�e�,i.ts n�;��t�or servants,wholly th$refrom.}�orro ers h�r�:in
<br /> -_, •:.,�, . grants full power aud autharis�:::.f�r�r.r 4a exercise all rigbtse privileges aud po
<br /> -,,:`.::�='- � � granted at any and all ci�ac� lsrreinaft�r,�+ithaut notice to Borrowe�. Lendez shalD be under no
<br /> , '.�. �. I obiigation to eaercise or pre5ecute anY of the rights or claims assiSg�d w i$heseunder or is
<br /> �4•--" � .... � . of the obli ations of ths lessee/tenant un�ler�h3 I.ease aad does nct
<br /> . ; , perforcn or esury out any �
<br /> csu y
<br /> • . ' as�unce any of ftte lia�silities in cannection with ar arising or�cav�ing out o f t he wvenants
<br /> � -3
<br /> . �� __-
<br /> � f. _-:
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