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<br />� ` ' . � agreeYneatS of�arrower yn ohe L�ass. �onower heraby agrees w iademnify Lender and to hald t ::.
<br /> '. � it h�loss from a�y liabiliry.loss ot dumug�e,incl�:ding without 1'u�nita�on reasona�le atwraeys'
<br /> A$
<br /> ��• � � . {�,whtch may or�ight be incurred by it uudel the I.ease or by r�son of this Assigament,and
<br /> ui
<br /> �� from any and al!cl�rus and demands Nhatsasver w6ich may be�ssert�agaiast Leader�y reason ;��.:y,
<br /> ' � . . � � of any alleged obli�a.�ians ar underta�inBs oa i�s part to p�rform or dissharg�any of th�terms, .
<br /> � " covenants or as�re��eau cuntai¢ed in th�IF.,ase. It e� �eY und�rstaod that this Assigna3ent �
<br /> - -_"., sha!! aot opern�eo pl�ce responsibility for the conuol.care, ops�rarion, mana�eYUSnt or re�air
<br /> - -� .._�` . _ -
<br /> . ,..�� � of the P�reatises.or aay part thereof,ugan a.eader aor shall it ogezate to matce�the P misesf
<br /> . , the perforatanse of any of the terms a�a�coadi2io�s of the Leass,or for any � ::�:
<br /> ' by�orrower ua�:s dte Lease or any orher p�rty,or for any dangerous or de£ective condidon of k-�_- .
<br /> � `' the Fremises or fo�any tcegligeuce in t�e t�aaageme�. up�P+�Ptiir or control of the Frerais�,s °_
<br /> , " � ' result'rn� in lo�s ar injury or deat� eo ske Laa�dlord, Bara�a�er or ua any psrsa0. licen�na, �___
<br /> _ . ��: , employee or stts�g�r• _
<br /> .�. .
<br /> :,. � -
<br /> �, ;� � :� c.�.;.,�S• M€s�19��aus
<br /> . . ' $ .� —
<br />. � t� .} (a) Leader snay take or release other security �Sr �e Secured Obligutions� maY -
<br /> , . � �� reieass anY P�Y���Y or secoadarily liable for a�y of��Obiigations,ffiay geant
<br /> ��`� :,� emensians,re�.�als,or iadulgences with resped t�such Sec�a�47b1'sgauans and may sPPIY�Y
<br /> a�er serurity r�nYefor h�ld by it to the sari§facara¢�sach Ssruresl Obl'►gu�i-�without pnjudice
<br /> -. __.-�i�_� to any ofr it�ri�►ts hereunder.
<br /> :�;°�. . (�) L�endeq�y,at its ogtaon,aithough it shall ao�t be abligated E�to do,per�arm anY °-
<br /> L.eas�coven�:for aad on behalf of the Borrower aa�any raonies exAead�i.i�so doing shall be
<br /> _ - _. ,_ � �g�l�ar�1h inter�st to the Bomower and added w the indeb�s��u-�d hereby.
<br /> t ' . . (c) �laiver of or acqui��ence by Lender in any d..'�'r�ult by tt�e Borrower, or fa�ure
<br /> of the L.enda3 t,n ussist upon svict�erformaace�y the Boric�wc�ef any cr�aanti�.s or agreements
<br /> "" ! in this Assig�:nt,sh�ll aot const�tute a waiver�f any subsequznt or�iu=.�default or failure,
<br /> ";f�•.. . .� ` i whether simi➢r�or dissim�'lar.
<br /> :°;;'�:;;;...- .; �.
<br /> t at$cLmula:i�r.�aad ate
<br /> � . ,. (d) 'Ihe rights and reme.��of Lender a�nder this P�ignmen
<br /> �Y�'", ,:` rtoa ia lie�u o�.but are i�addition to any a�er rights or remed���ahich H.e�der shaii�i�ue under
<br /> _._,.:.:_..�:,
<br /> �;':` ��� •,:: ' the Y.oan Agresmem or any other documents executed in conaec3[on t�cr.z:�`tb, or az law or in
<br /> ;f:'�•��':� � Wuctl+-
<br /> '=`-:,�y:.•: -./. (e) If any term of ths� Assignment, or the ag��u�ation ther�f tm any person or
<br /> -."'= J a:-,•:'.
<br /> I'°''�'�`��''"`�"� circumst�sr.c�s, shall, to any extent, be invaDid or uneaforcea6ie, t�e remainder of 4h�s
<br /> �.__�.�;�;-.
<br /> .---�,��� Hssignrn�a:,or the application of such term to�ersoas or circnm�ances w��ier than those as to
<br /> ---= whfch it is invalid or unenforeeable, shall ac� be �xted thereby, aad each ter�n of this
<br /> --��P�r�
<br /> -:::;:��,'�•;__. Assi�r�:,uha�l be valid and e�'osT,�b4e w�ce full�t extent psmutted by law.
<br /> _.:.,._.. ,.,
<br /> ��s�r��rir�..;�.
<br /> _ . ' � 'I�e terms " o R► ° aIId " ` 'z " sha�l be eaastrucd .*.fl i�lude the heirs,
<br /> ,�, ���,,
<br /> m- -���{�� �• p�rr�or.�9 representativt*s,�uccessors and assi�r,f�esch PartY.'Ihe g�u3r���a and numbers used
<br /> _:m.'.J.•i.
<br /> _.�:�:�;;;�-_� in�this Assi,�,�amsnt are used as r�ference terms o�ly aad shail apply with slvs sam+e effectwhe er
<br /> :�:;`�;"`;",r;� t?►e pacti�,n ara;o1f the masculine or feminine geasier or corporate or other form, and the singulaz
<br /> __..�.ua.�ac�;•�:,
<br /> ----:�,:;.�. , sD_*all litcx�s►tx in�luds the Qlural.
<br /> ',; ;'�''.ti;t�i ;
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