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<br /> ' ` , (6) This Assignment is a r.oll�a! a�signmene, maQe eo se.�ure the indebtedness K�
<br /> � � descrihed in •on 2 hen�i aa��ffective immediately. PIotwithstauding any�ing couisin� �
<br /> � herein w the contrary,the Leader shall not be respansibte or obligated ta the[.sndlord far any �
<br /> � � obligation,ag,YeecnQnt or liability�f the�arrower nnder the Lease,ualess and u�a�il Lender elects r
<br /> � ,.e to assums the L�e pursuant to.�ion a h�ar�f�d delive�to Lancilard writtes►netice of such
<br /> .. assumption. '
<br /> _---.�
<br /> .;�} (c) NQtwithE3anding t�is A�sigmmEnt,ttce Borrower shalt be nad rerranin obi�gated to f
<br /> . , � the Landlord w perform all of the Boamwer's obli�t'sons and ag[e�ments undsr the I.ease,and �
<br /> ` ths Landlord shall be and rem�in obli�ate� to the BorroweT to[�Or�aU of the Liceasor's ,
<br /> � .. . � abligations aad agreements under t�te i.ea�. _
<br /> . .�
<br /> .. � (d) Capitalizgd ter�s aat ather�+is:defined hsrein shall have the meaniags given =
<br /> �� thsm in the Loaa Agree�enL �.
<br /> : i�4
<br /> Sertion 2• Se�ur�LOb1_ieabi� -
<br /> � This Assagnment is ma�ie far the purpose of s�ring pmmpt paym�nt am�performance of the _
<br /> � . � following�the°�s�.e�d Obligations"):
<br />_ _ ._..:;. a e� of t�� Barrower's �ri�3iflas. rs defit�ed in the Loan !�}�ment,
<br /> ' (a) P 1►m
<br /> . insluding the iadebiedaess evidenced by tP�e L�c�e ar arisiug uader or puRSSiant to the Loan
<br /> ,.. ��� Agreement or the other B�sic Agre�eata.emciu�g bosb principal and iat�re.st..and anY aud all
<br /> _ extensions,reafewals,ref naucsngs,cefundin�gs or svhsritutians thereof in whole or in part; ..
<br /> :�,,� ..,-�
<br /> _;=;;��.°��t`�� @) PaY�nent of all other obligationg,ii�b�ities ra�d Indebtedness ovved by Borrower
<br /> ":;��.ft.'�. to Lender barh now exisring or hereafter co��or aris�,joint or sevEr�f,due or w b�coms
<br /> :,`2:.•:r_i f .
<br />';"��zf�; due, absolute ar contingenb d�rect�r indire�. :ieluidatett�d unliquidated,�td ali Penewals.
<br />-- -`.:..- °,;,—_ � ��tensions or modificatio�s ther�aF.aea�?�rhe�her iacun+2�or�ven as mairer,endorser,��rantor,
<br />�`�y"��'�:`� � . customer, or otharwise; �
<br />_r��+.�",.;:;•'�' .
<br />--__' y�:,rf�. .
<br /> -�=�`z,���;' , � (c) paymem of al!�oney oi prapen���#r�retofare or in the fuwre advanced by L.ender
<br /> -_--°°'�"'""�"`` to or for t'�a r�cou�of,or on bel�of,Boarower for may�arQose,
<br /> ---.:-,w,r�o'Y:�� .
<br /> , __- ,.�
<br /> -.f;;!'�.-�'r.;'� � l.eadsr in enforcin ar rot�ti.ag -
<br />-, =-� ;��t (d) PaYment of atl co..ss and exp�ns�.s insurced fey � p
<br /> -�==ry�`,�t, i� rights with respes� to the Lease ar di� Premises or the indrbtednass secured thereby,
<br /> -__-_-- including, without li�nitution,reasonable attorneys' faes;and
<br /> — (e) PaYment of a114'uwr��clvauces made by Lender for t�xes,levies,insaruaoe and/or
<br /> ----_=--- repairs m or maintenance of the Pr��nses. �
<br /> -= Sectinn_3'�2snrP,sontationa Warrantie�an�i!;d,ttit�S� ��
<br /> � -__�,_: Borrower aarranr�,covenants und�grea�wIth Leadcr�it�il��ws:
<br /> -�":�. (a) Boteov��j is the sole owaer 6f tit�e entire te�ant's/tessr�i:�:nterest in the Lease,
<br /> --_°���• a�d has not aud shall not e�ecuts any ath�r�r.i�aent of tlte Lease an�J�as nat and shall not
<br /> =:--.�- • .
<br /> _=:_..�-.-T-.
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