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<br /> � abandoa8d Property. Borro�ver shaU alse be in default if Bflmocver. during the laan application pmcess, gave ��.
<br /> � :" matQrially false or inaccurate informarion or statemQats to I.ender lor failed to pmvide Lender with any material -
<br /> . ` ` information) in canae�ion ��rith the loan evideaoed by the Note. including, but not limited to, representations �
<br /> • ' � soaceming Borrower's atcupaacy of the Progeity as a priaicip�J resideaoe. If this Securiry Insuument is on a _.
<br /> . � . . � lea�old,�armwer shall com�ly v�ith the pmvisions of the lease.If Bonow,r aoquires.f�ade co che Progzrty,t�e
<br /> `- leasehoid�d fee atte sLal1 aat be isc�rge�ua2ess Lea�ler ag��s w the�ger in writing. _
<br /> '��3= 6.Coad�naitan.The proceeds af any award or claim for damag�s.direct or consequential,in conaecrion wir3 =
<br /> . _.F'.fi"3r1'�F�c _
<br /> - � . • any oou8emnation or other taking of aay part of the Pcogerty, or for con�eyan�e in plase of wndemnatioa, arr :
<br /> • heicby assigaed and sha11 be paid co L.eIIder to the extent of the ful!amwnt of[he indebteclaess that remains+��� =
<br /> �• . uQder the Note aad this Security t++ �m�+,� LEader shall apply sur�pmceods to[he reducxion of the ind�.�s _
<br /> � ' unsler the Nate and this Securiry Insdumeat, fusi to any deliaquem amounts appliad in the order provi�Ed 'm
<br /> . � . � P�PD 3.and then to Pr�PaYment of princiFal.AnY aPPlication of ttce pmaDeds to the priacipal shalt aat extea�ar =
<br /> • • ' � l �orqsoaE the due c�ate of tlte�onthEy paymeuts.which a�referred to in paTagtapb 2,or change the a�aunt of scu�
<br /> � , ����`r• pa�ms�ts. Any+excess proc�eds over an amnunt required t��ay all outstanding iadebtedness undsr the No;e a�si th:3
<br /> , Security Instrument shall ise paid to ths eIItiry Ie�ally e¢tifl�c�ereto.
<br /> , 7. Charges to Bormwer aad YaoLa�nn c? Y.�..�*�'.,�r's 'R�hb in t�e Pt�nperty. Barrov�er sba31 pay a9l °
<br /> ,`, govemIIaental or muaicipal cbarges,fsxs aa�fm�siria�s�at are not included ia paragraph 2. Borrovrer sha1D pay -
<br /> � �cbligations on time dir�tly to the emit?�a1�icL is c-«r�the payment. If failute to pay would adveF..ely aifoct
<br /> ' . � . I�rdc�s interest in the Frogeray. upan Ix,nder's iequ�e Borronrer s6aU promptly fiunish to 1��..4r r�ceiFPa
<br /> _ �' -, �=- e►��ing these payments.
<br /> -`'� . If Honoazr fa�s to make th�e payaiears a„the paymgats�quued by parngraph 2,or faels to�rfa��y usl�r _
<br /> <` covenasu and ageem�nts containad in this Sesxiriry Instrumen�or theie is a legal praaeediag that raay signifi�y -
<br /> :'-:.8.'__.-.:�r '
<br /> ,� :' affect Leader's righu ia the Prag¢pty(sach as a procee�ing in bankniptcy, fOt COIIdElIIL2tiOD OT LO 2�DICC�3C1S lfT.
<br />- tegulations). then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Property aud L�dat'�
<br />-����r::.� ., rights ia the Property,iaslnding Paymeat of taxes.hazand insurann an�other items mentioued ia para�aph 2.
<br /> -�°;�;::. Aay amounis disbu�d by Lender under this paragrapb shall become an addidoaal debi of Bflxmvrer aad bs
<br /> -__ ` --.i� - secured by this Seturiry lnswment.ThesQ amoants sha11 bear interest from the date of disbur�.x�E, at tAae I�ote
<br /> ,?���_.
<br /> --.:''=;•..��A• rste.aad at the option of Ieader,shall be immediateDy due and payablB.
<br /> =s=���:;,� Borrower shzil pmmpdy discharge any lien which h:�grioriry over this Serurity Insuu�nz u�r:ss B�n�ier.
<br /> a=�,��:� (a)agees in writing w the pay�nt of the obligatian���hy the Gen in a manapr accep:ab'.e to Lemd�r. (t+)
<br /> �-•�-`,•�� wntests in good faith the lien by, or defeu�s against eRlisa-�ment of the lien in, legal prxeedi;,s �vhi�•in tb:
<br /> :;�t.�.�.;�-,
<br /> -- Ixnd.°r's apinion operate to prevent the �.to�tae;.t cf°.:te lien; or (cI secures from t�r hu'_dc�-nf the lien aa
<br /> L=:�:.'�.';� agrrxment satisfactory to I.endea su�ardia�r��3sc�en ca:�Security in..�-c.ment.If Ir�a�ier dr�ixmtrn�.��$xt any part
<br /> _ --`.�'" of the Property is subject w a li� alrin'� �l a,�.a`a rrinriry over this Securiry�nnivmr�st:. trss.�r may gi�e
<br /> _.�,...���
<br /> -._-.d,;: Borrower a norice ideatifying t�_lien. Borre�.z s��i�y the lien or cake one or m.u�a:ttu:�flns set fortri
<br /> -��iY�F=�' above within IO days of the giving of aotice.
<br /> -=Y-��-��:- "- S.Fees.l.ender may collect fces and ch�s�,.�athOrize�by the Secaetary.
<br /> -11����---u-- 9.Gm�md4[or Aa�e2eration o!Dehi.
<br /> ----_ -- (a)Ddaut�I.ender may,except as limitod by cr�,:lations issued by the Secietary, irl t�e tas�:of pay�a
<br /> -==_-- defaulu.require immediate payment in PoU of a11�-3ns s�cuced hy this Sec�ulry Ir,�m�::,em.if:
<br /> (i)Botrower defaults by failing to pay in fiill any monthly payment required Dj tL:�SECUrity Insuua�su
<br /> __�= prlor w or oa the due date of cite IIr.�ct monthly payment,or
<br /> =-n��� (i�Borrower defaults by failin�, fxsr a period of thirty days.co perfozai aaq o'`er o51:g�tf�ns conuuned
<br /> -_-�.- -- III[�1IS$ECUTIIj/Instrrrment,
<br /> -•-l.1RAM d
<br /> .;;�,�F�� (b)SaIs Wlthasrt Ccr�i3d:h�praval.Lender si�t1, if peamitted by appusah:e lavr(itcluali��Ctian 341(c�)
<br /> - ____-•��� of the Gara-St. Germais �7epository lasrimaons Act of 1982. 12 U.S.C. 17�1j-3(�N a.�d with�e prior
<br /> "" "��� approval of the Secretary,re9uire im�ediaze paymsnt in full of all sura3 secu:sd 5y th:�S�r�Instniment
<br /> - —_
<br /> ..- �--�., if:
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