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<br /> `", � � � (i)HIl ox part of the Prapeaty.or a bxa2f ci�!inteae;t in a cnut owaing all ar pan of the Properry,is sold -
<br />' . .� � or othenvise[ransferred(other than hy devise or descent),and �.
<br /> (ii) The Ptop�rty is not arcupied by the purchaser or granu2 as !us ar�er prinripa! residence, or the �
<br /> - l pnnhaser or graacee sioes so accupy the Property but his or her credit has not been approve� in �
<br /> `� za�rdaace with the requiremsnts of ttie SECretary. �
<br /> � _-..�'�, ic}lYo ti�sia�. If ci�tt�unsraa.ces osxur tha.t rronld�rmit leader co requirE ima�cediate p3ymPnt in fuli. but �_
<br />- Leader does uot re�uire sur�gay�¢eau.Lender�nc4 not waive its righu with respect to subsequeat events. �_
<br /> n�.. >, •�.
<br /> (d?1�gulatioas of HtJD S�Y. In maay cireumstances regulations issued by the Secretary wiU limit �=
<br /> � �: � Leuder's righu.in�he c�e of paymQUt defaulu,to�quire immedia*.e payiaent in fiill aad foreclose if not
<br /> IIE
<br /> ' , • t paid.T4is SECUrity Instrument daes not auffiorize aaeleration or fo�:cios�ue if not permitted by regulations �_
<br /> • .� af the Saxetary. ��
<br /> , �. � �. " (e)Mortgage Noi Insnred.Borro�ver ag�ees�:if this S�uriry Instaumeat and che Note are not determ�ned n
<br /> • I.�. to be eligible for iasuma�e uader the National Hous'sn�Ast withia 60 days fram t�e date heieof, Lender _
<br /> ��}. at its opiion. re9ui�immediate Fayraent i,�full of aii sums sec�red hy this g�uiity Instrum�a�.A
<br /> � 3: written statemeat of�y autttorizxd agent of the Secr+etary dated subsequeat to 60 days from the date heYeof, _
<br /> . . ,�fi' dedining to insuie this Securiry In. ,*rPnt aad the Note, shall he de�med oonslusive pro�f of such �-
<br /> . . ineligibiliry. 1lutwithstaading the foregoing, this oprion may nut be eaercised by Leader when the
<br /> • unavailab�7ity of insu:aac�is solely due to Lender's failuie to remit a mortgage inswaace premiuttt to the -
<br /> , . . Sectetary- _-
<br /> ',=;: -�...�� 10. Reinstatemen� Borrower has a right to be reu�stated if lender fias required ia��rL:ate payment in full
<br /> � be�use of Borrower's f�lure m pay aa a�uat dve undrzr the Note or t�is �rity Insuum�t. This ri8�i aPPlies _
<br /> even after foreclosure preceedings are instituted. T�reinstate the Securiry F:n.nrsment, Borrower shaA cecder in a =
<br /> � lump sum all amounts nequired to br�n�Sormwer's accaimt cument iacluding,ro the extent they are oi�ians of
<br /> � � ' Borwwer under this Seca�riry Instrma�t,fomclosiue costs and reasunable and customary atwra�rs'fees aad eapeases
<br /> '�-_": _- praperiy usociated aritb the foreclo`me proceeding.Upon rein�ent by �otrower.this Socxarity Insttumeat and
<br /> the obligadons that it secures shall teraain in effect as if Lender had not required immediate paymeat in full.
<br /> �Yr s::_...
<br /> ��,�r However, Lender is uuua requiied to germit zeinstatemeat if: (i) L.ender 5as accepted reinstate�ens aher the
<br /> -,.• .• - commencement of foieciosvre pra�eedings within two years immeCiately pr�::g the com�r.oement of a eurrent
<br /> - __ � for�elasure pioceeding, Cu� reinM--rr�-e"' wi11 preclude foreclv�:.� on different gro� ig che future, or (i�)
<br /> _y� ' �� � reinstatement wiU adversely affect the�ssiority of the lien create+d En.r�is Sec�xrity Instrnment.
<br /> '�"''��:':,:=. �, 11. Borrower Not Released;F�rbear�ace By Lender N�t m��aiver. Extensioa of the eime of paymei►t or
<br /> �..,.f_..'l_ ,�.
<br /> -_=.�s- m.odification of amortilation of the sums secured by this Se�.uity Insmiment graated by Leader to aa�rr�r.tr^..�or in
<br /> .-r.r;�...',�:
<br /> __ ' �� interest of BorraNer�,�:I not ogerate to release the liabiliry of Le origiaal BorY+ower ar Bonower'a:ur.r,�.a.scu in
<br /> �,-{-�¢,�;�'�` interzst.:�rr.�ar shtdl Qa:�e requi�d tm comme�ce proceedings��st arry succc�ssor in interest or re•5ue ta extea�
<br /> �:;�-,�,
<br /> ;�,F'"�•':`�'' i time far p��ment or o���vvise modify amortization of tlie sums sa�ued by this Seturity Insuument by teason of�^.y �
<br /> �;r�;;`?�:���_ demand made by t�e c�,;3�.�a1 Barro�ver or Borrower's succe�ots ia interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exescisin�
<br /> _-;;�t;�;'y��';=,:`� any right or remedy s"+.aJ`rot bc a wniver of ar preclude the exercise of any r�gpi.er remedy.
<br /> :�+�:v�,::,",'`;- 12.Succcssois r�3ssigus Bouad.Jotus an�Several UabfiIty.Co-S�eis.The covenanu and a�ments
<br /> �,w__.;;,.e!�,;�.
<br /> ;�r•�: : ; of tlris Securiry Inswment shall bind and beaefit the successols aad assigns of Lend:r and Borrower.subject to the
<br /> =- �=�_--_� provisions of paragraPh 9(b)- Borrawer's coveaants and a�reemenu shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who
<br /> -_-—_=-- oo-signs this Security Insuument but daes not ezecute the Nate: (a) is co-sigiqing tbis Security lasuument only co
<br /> ����u� martgage,grant and cc.�vey tvat Borrower's interest in�he Property under the teims of tbis Securiry Insmrm�at;(b)
<br /> p � is not persoaaliy obli„u=�w pay the sums secc�i by tlus S�curiry insn�uraent;and(c)agcees that L�sj�r�nd any
<br /> -�l'��`�-'..���' -�to eztend.mfldi forbear or maYe any accommodations with regard to the terms of this
<br /> --- other Boirower may�.�_ fY.
<br /> _;,� Security L�um2nt er•�re Note w�dto�x:that Boirower's conseat.
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