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<br /> r; _ _ " � . _ ,
<br /> ��• ��1.g'�S
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<br /> � ' If the�unounts held by Lender for 6scro�v Items exc.ad the amounts perautted tfl hg held 0y RFSPA. l.ender c.
<br /> • � + sha11 acoount to Borro�.ver fdr the excess fiuWs a,required by RESPA. If[he sut�unts of funds held by L,ender at any �`
<br /> , ; � tim�aze aat sufficient to p�y�he Fssroa[tems wQen due. Leader m3y aoafy the Bnrrotver and require Sorroiv�r to
<br /> � i r�ake up the shortage as p�rmicteA by RFSFA.
<br /> ' ' a The Escrow Funds are ple�ged as additional security for a11 swns secured by this Security [n=tnament. If
<br /> �. _.: �j 6orrovrer cenders co L�nder the fuU paymeat of all suc6 sums,Eorro�ver's zcaount shall i�crediced cvith�he baiance
<br /> `�,a:,:x"` i rarr.ain'n for atl insraltment items(a). (b),and(c)and any mongage insurauce premit�m irutallmEat that I.ender has =
<br /> ,. :`� a aot beoome obligated w pay to the Secretary. and Lender shall pmmptly refund any excess fun�s to Eorrotver.
<br /> . : .j.� Im�ediately prior w a faieclosure sals of the Prcperty or its asquisition by Lender. Bflrrotver's account shall be _
<br /> Clediled wiih aIIy balallCC i+emmIIiII�fQr a111II5Ta11menta f0I lieIDS(a),(b),aztd{c).
<br /> 3.A�plIcatEon af Peqrnneat�.All gay�ents under paragraphs 1 and 2 sha116e applied by Lender as fallocvs:
<br /> : . � , i�,.rn co the martgage insvraace�zemium co�e paid by[xnder co the Secretary or to tke monttily charge hy[he
<br /> ., �: Se�ary imtead of the montbly�aongage insvraace premium; °
<br /> . Second.to any ta�tes,special assessmeuts.IeaEehotd paymenu or ground cenu,and fiie.flood and atlier harand
<br /> <.�.�� .
<br /> , . '�. in�utaaoe premiutas.as iequired; _
<br /> .' � .Th1rd•to intemss due under the I�1ate;
<br /> . , ., � F�,to aiaortiration of thc praacipal of the Nate;and
<br /> �i,ta late char�es due under the Note.
<br /> •�,,2 4.Fire.�load urr�f Other�rd Yasmaace.�or�ower shall in.suie zll i�p�avemenu an the Pmperty.whether .
<br /> , ---_-� nmv m existsnce or sa�quently ezected,againsi anY hazards,casvaIti�,��c�:,ingeacies,iacluding fire.for which
<br /> • -� _:.-y� Le��er tquiies i�.uana. T6iE insurance shall be maintained �rx rhe amou�s and for the periods that l�adrr _
<br /> tecduiies. B�m�air�all a9so inEUre all impmvements on tke�ty, whether uow in eaistence or subsequentiy
<br /> , • ' era��1,�ainib la��b)�tloods to ttte extent required hy the Se�erzry.All insarance shaD be cazsied with compani�
<br /> , . . appmvt�d by Lzadm:'�7.'�c insuraace policies and aay reaeavals shall be held by Leniter and shall iaclude lo�pn}+ab1B
<br /> ._ , _ clavse.,in fa►�or of,an�i b�•a forzn asceptable to,lx�ffier.
<br /> _-, � � �•yr• ' Ifl the�t af tu�;,t�urtatver shall give Le�der immedia�e aotice by ma7.Lender may malce proof of to,s if aot
<br /> • made pmmpily bs�Bu�ro�vm:�h iasuraace campaay concerae�is hereby autharized and diKCted to make payment
<br /> . . � i°;, for such lo�ditnN+� u��.c�dar� it�tead af w Bonower and to Lender jointly. All or any part of the�+�,�Roe
<br /> • prooceds m�y tre appii�by��i:�ntter.at iu optian,�et(a)to the reducdon of the indebtedness under t�e PTote und
<br /> �;:`���' •. . this Seru�i3y Ia.,�ment.�tct�tp•any deliaqueni�:s�rplied in the order i�.praagra�h 3,and th�n to pc.�aymeat
<br /> J=,"`"'` .. af nn�i �.I. or(ts) tu d�e r�taiution or air a.: r��dama ed Pro Ay licatian of the �to the
<br /> .;;;., P' p �P � S Pert3+• "l aPP F�"
<br /> _ . princip�.l�il ant ext+�or pa�¢pane the due date of the m�uathly�ayments which are referr�to in paragraph 2,or
<br /> - - . � .' , ch�nge d�s a.�nunt of aFjch psrz�enu.Any e�ccess insurance p�ds over an amouat required w pay sA outsiandia�
<br /> :-�;,,.:.,., , ' � iadebtedaess under di� 'ou�s�ft tlus Securiry lasuu�rnt shalt�::��,to the en�ty legally entitled thereio.
<br /> `' r.`"-'=:'': in the event of fo 4nn►m of this Security fn_��-�:ent or cr�s��uansfer oE s��:s to the Pmperty that e�i�r„uishcs
<br /> ::;a�-'.:;'.,
<br /> �� ' ,�..�"�', [he indebtedness, s11 rf�t� iittts and interes� of l��nuwer i� �d [o insurance golicies in force shall pa�to the
<br /> ._� p��.:
<br /> ��-a:��. ;• '
<br /> ' • •': S.Qrx�pancy.L�II+..,s�aliuu,a+Ia_[L�em���ProtQCt's:�y?the Pt+nperty: Barr��-�s a.aan App�tcatfon;
<br /> n Qc
<br /> _--�`�g.::�:�'.;:s� H.c�'tatd5. @omo�v,sr:?u31�a�upy,c-ssablish,�3 uss the Property a,Borro�uer's principal resideaoe wishin sixry
<br /> --�=:�::r�;� d�rys nftet the erc�'�attun of tttls�QCUrity Insnv�.�s1 (or within siaty days cf i.l t��r s31e or transfer of tha�c�petty)
<br /> �-``—��""'-�'� aQd ahtill eontittuo w o.�,vpy the Ptoperty as Bams�ver•s principal residem:r fiz at least ona yeaz afier the date of
<br /> °--- --- cru�p�y,unlesss I.�dar detetmines that requit2meni will c�..u�.due hardship for Borrower,or unless excen�tin�
<br /> .��_���.'� ciraumsuu�.a:s wcitt�cvfitch are beyoad Borra�uer's contr�. 13c�r.ower s►saU notify Leader of any eatenunting
<br /> =__'��'�':� cir�itnsl�nr.es.�tumwer shaU not oommit waste ar�estmy.�ma�e or substantially change the Propeny or allow the
<br /> �� �..� Pmp�ty to dr.tEUForate,reasonsble wear and tear�rz��r..d. Lender may inspect the Froperty if the Property is vacant
<br /> -���� ar abaadonE:i or ihe loan is in default. Ixader may wYe reasoaable action to pmte�t aad preseive such vacant or
<br /> .���^-�
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