<br />- � �
<br /> rnsu�ance Q+emtu�r�s,gro:�nd rents,aricJ a11 ethsr charges whatsoa�nr lovred uparr or assessed,pfaced oi mada against the T�ust
<br /> �" p,�perry. Trusror iunne►ag►eas,upon wntten request Dy Bertel�clary,ro prompfty delive�to Denehc�ery t�ll�eceipts for th�p�ynren�o!
<br /> rl su�h chargos. lrustor l�kewtse a,qrees to pay a11 t�xes,assessments and other charges►evred upon or assassed,placed or made
<br /> Q e��lnst,a merasur�d by,tAis Ueed ot Trust ar!he recadadon hereol.
<br /> � 5. �Ip�►C�tion ot PAyrr:enfs.All paymants rece+ved by Beneficlary as to eny debt, fiabiliry or obligadon owed to Beneficiary by Trustor
<br /> f� may b��pptr�d by 8eneficlary►Ro tAS RaYment ol th�lndehiednass a���ny suGh other debt,liabiliry or obligallon,Jn any order or
<br /> �.,,� rtsannrr ut�pplic�pon wl�Ich Benaficlary,in its absdu�e discretron,deems app�opriare. Untess ocnerwlse elecred Dy BoneHcrary.eny
<br /> � auan�,aym«►t shsN b�dsemed e�uea nrs�ro rrw psymaM or any davr.tiaQikty a abugaticH►other tha�tt�e Note.
<br /> 6. Gha►s7as;Ueas. Trustrx wil!ke�p tf►e Trust Fr�perty Irep trum att lions snd encumbfsr+ces whlch in any way may.in the�udgment ol
<br /> � B�rNNctary,haw priaity ov�er,or impair the saca!�ityr ot,ttr►s D�eed ol Trusr but Trustor rteed rtat dlscharaa any such lien so tong as
<br /> � Tnuta sAaN�yros,In writing,ta pay tha obligadc�n secured dy such lien in a manner ecce�tab�'a tu Gaiza`cl�ry•and�h�(!in gc�feith
<br /> `.�.? connst such Jisn by sppioprrate legal procQedings etfective to prevent the enforcemeni ot tho ken end the toss of eny interest in a
<br /> pa�t ol the Tiust P�ops+'ty.
<br /> i. H�Za►d/nsurarres. Tr�sto►slralJ keep the bWldings and other improvements now existing or hereafter erected On the Trust Prope+ty
<br /> lrtsurad by insurence can�ers sadsfactory to Benelkiary egainst/oss by Nre,hazards in�luded in the terrrR',exten4ied cuverage"end
<br /> such other hazards,casuaRies and contingencies as may be reQu;�eti by 8eneficlary,in such emouM3 and tar Such perods as may ba
<br /> r+equirsd by g�nsfkNWy. The policy of lnsurance shaf!be in Mim acceptable ro BeneNaiary.provlde thax the,same may not be
<br /> canceMed a modifieal withou�Nheen(i5)days prror w�ft�n notke ro BeneN�+ary,and sha!!her$toss�i AhIA AMVLSlMS If)f8VQ1 Ot 8Ad
<br /> rn lam accaptt�ble to Beneilclary.All premiums on insurance policies shal►be paid!n rhe,m$nner pravlded under parag�aph 4 hereol
<br /> w,!f not pafd Jn such manner,by Trustor makfng payment at lesst f,Reen(15)days prtqr.to the due date.directy ro tAe insuiance
<br /> aarria�.Bsneflclary shall have ths►lght to Aold the polici�a end►enewa/s the�eof an�,TrusMr shall promptly tumish b Beneficisry a!1
<br /> ranewet nodces and all pald p►e�nrum receipts received 4y it. In no event sha118enetlalary or Trustee be held�esponsible fa/ailure ro
<br /> pay.tr►xurance Qremiums or fo►any loss o�damage arising out of a defecf in any policy a ansfng out of any tailure of any�nsurance
<br /> company b pay br any loss o�damage insured against or for/a�lure by Tiustor to effect the insurance requlred hereunder. !n the event
<br /> ol bss, Trustor shaH,qive prompt notrce by meil t�n tAe lnsurance carrier and 8eneliciary.Beneficiary msy ma;a arat ot f�s if nat
<br /> mede promptfy o►(n proper tam by Tiustor.Al!policies of insurance and any and all refunds of uneamed premiums are hereby
<br /> essi�ned b 8snefklary as additional securiry lor the payment of Me Indebtedness. fn the event of Beneflciary's exe�clse of the powe►
<br /> ol sa/e contained herein,a i�the event of torec/osure,a/l�ight,Gde and interest of Tiusta in and fo any lnsurance policy then in torce
<br /> � shall pass ro the purchaser ar the hustee's sa/e or foreclosure sale.!n case ol any loss,the insurance prxeeds may,at the opiion of
<br /> Beneflciary,be applied 6y Beneficiary upon the Indebtedness,or any part thereof, artd in such order and amount as Beneriaary may
<br /> determine;a said lnsurance proceeds,at ihe optiai o/Beneficrary,may eiiher be used+n repfacing or restorrng the Trust Properry
<br /> parNalty a totaNy desdoyed to s cond�ion satisfacbry ro Beneficiary:or sa+d insurance proceeds,or any pwtion thereof,may be
<br /> relee�sed to Tiustw.Unless 8eneficlary and Trustor othen�vlse 8g�ee in writing,any such applicatlon o!lnsu►ance proceeds shall not
<br /> exiend a postpone the due date ot the Note,or eny lnsfallments called�or therein,or chenge the amount of such Installments. H the
<br /> Tn!st Pro!�H�ty is�cqubed by BeneNclary nuFSUenf to d►e exercise of tha powe�of sala a►othe�foreclosu�e,aJ!righl. 6tle andlnterest ot
<br /> Tiusta!n and to any insurance proceeds Rayable as a iesult ot damage to the Trust Propery prio�fo the sale or acQursitlon shall pass
<br /> tp 8enetiClary entf Shs/J be app/ied ffrst to M1e Costs and expenses,+ncluding attorney fees,incuired In colleating such proceeds,then :
<br /> in the rr�anner and rn the order provided heiern. ;,;
<br /> 8. Preseevadon and Maintenance of T�ust Property. Trustac w,ll keep the buildirtgs and other improvements n��ar hereafter erected on _
<br /> the Trerst Propo�ty in good repa+r and condition artd wrU rrot commit or permii waste,wiJ!not aJter the des�grr crsiructural cha►acter i ���
<br /> constrtu0ing any btrclding now or hereafter erected on and constitut(ng the Tiust Property without the prlor wrr7ten conseRt cf r
<br /> {:^._,'
<br /> 8At!@fiCiBry,wil�noi do any acr ar m�ng wirich wauia undu'ry impair w oepnscFniv if�s�v vafuo�;ttro:ru,i r':aj'i^°fiy attt3 i:�::t.:,.'s`L..°tt$L't!
<br /> the Trrist Properfy. Tiusta wil!not remove eny lixtures consbtuting the Trusf Property unless the s8me are immediafety replaced with =
<br /> tike p�ope►ry subject to the lie�r and security interest of this Doed of Titist and of at least equal velue and utility. Trustor wi11 comply with �
<br /> alf present end it�tu►�ordinatt�es,reguladons and requrreenents of eny govenrmental body which are epplicable to the Trust Properry
<br /> and to the occupancy and use t!►ereof.11 this Deed of 7rust is on a ursit m a condanlnium or a planned umf developmeni,Trasfor sha!!
<br /> perMrm ali of Tiusta's obfiga6ons under Ure declara�ons or covena�rts creating or goveming the condominTerm or the plar�ned unit
<br /> � developmenL the bptaws artd regulatrons af tAe condomin,�m or planned unir davelopment and the constifuent documents. _
<br /> 9. lnsRection.Beneficiary or its egents may,at aH reasorta�>e times,enfer upon the Tiust Prope►ry for the purpose of inspection.
<br /> Be►re�►ciary shaJl Aave no duty ro make such inspection and shaJ!not be liable ro Trusfor or to any pe�son in possession il i[makes or
<br /> lails to make ar+y such inspeciron.
<br /> 10. Proiectiw►ol Securiry. ll Trusta lails fa perforrn any o/the covenants arrd agreements contained rn this Deed of Trust oi il any action
<br /> pr proceeding is commenced whrch does or may adversely aflect the T�st Pioperry or the inierest o/Trustor or Beneliciary d�erein or
<br /> the Cife of Trusta the►eto,the»Fenefrciary,at its option,may peAam such convenants and agreements,make such appearances, —
<br /> defend ageinst and invesbgate such acaon or proceedrng and fake such oiher ec�ion as Beneficiary deems necessary io profect ifs =
<br /> inte►est Including,but not firrrKed to,disbursement of reasonab/e attarney fees and entry upa►the Trost?rope►ty to maka repairs.My �-
<br /> � ar►wunts d�sbwsed by Bene6ciary pursuarrF to ihis paragraph 10,witn enierest thereon,shall constitute Indebtedness of Trustor �!�
<br /> secured by this Deed ol TiusL Unless Ti�s[or and Beneficiary agree to other terms of paymerri,,such amounts shall be QayabJe upon � _
<br /> nobce hom 8eneficiary to Trusfor requestrng payment theieof,snd shall besr inte►est from the dafe o!disbufsement at fhe default rate, .�•R'
<br /> i1 arty,set twth in the Note,a�otherwise at the highest rate permitted by law.Nothing containad fn this paragRaph shall�equire ;��.
<br /> Serteficiary[o incur any expense or take any action hereunder. Trusfor Inevocably authorizes and emp�wers BenefiCiary to enter upon
<br /> the Tiust Properry es Tiusior's agent and.in Trustor's name oi othenvise to pe�form any and all covenants ard agieements to be �
<br /> performed by Trustor es hereln provided.Benehcrary shall,at its option,be subrogated to any encumb�ance.lren,claim ar demand
<br /> end b a!t rights and secutities fw the payanent thereof paid or discharged by Bene6ciary under the provisions hereof and any such
<br /> subrogation rfghts shall be additional and cumula6ve secu+ity tor th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> 11. Condemnation. The prxeed�s of any award o�cle�m for damages,direct or consequential,in conneciion with any condemsration or .
<br /> ather taking of the T�ust Pio�e�iy,or any part theieof,or!or conv8yance in lisu at or in aniicipalion ol condemnation,are hereby
<br /> assigned to and shaN be paid.to Beneficiar�r. 1'rustor wili fife and prosecufe,in gaod faith and with due dillgence,its claim�:ar any sucls
<br /> award a paymenf,and will cause Me same to be collected and p�id Co Benenciary,and, should it/ail to do so, Trustor irrevocably
<br /> aufhaizes and empowe�s Beneficiary,in the name ot Tiustor or othen�ise,to file,prosecute,�etUs or compromise any�uch claim and
<br /> to colleCt,receip!lor and►etain the p�oCeeds.1f the Trust Property rs abandoned by Trustor,or,affer rtotice by Beneficiary to T�usto►
<br /> that the condemna otlers to make an award or setNe a claim lor damages, Tiustor fai/s to respond to Beneficiary within thiRy(30)days
<br /> after the date such notice is mailed, Benefic�ary is authorr'zed to collect and appty the proceeds rn the manner indicated herein.The
<br /> proceeds of any awa►d o►claim may,aRer deducting al!reasonable Costs and expenses.�ncluding attomey lees,whlch may have
<br /> been incuned by BeReficiary in the cdlection thereof,at the so�e d�scretion o/Beneficiary,be released to Trusior,applied to
<br /> resto�ebon of 7rust Properry,or applied to the paymenf of the fndebtedrtess. Unless Beneftciary and Trustor otherwise agree in writing, ,-_�-,_____-
<br /> any such application af proceeds to lndebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date of fhe Note or the paymenl of any .
<br /> inStaNments celled/or thereunder.
<br /> i?. Trustor Not Released. Extenslon of the time for payment or modilicat;on of any amon�zahon ol the Indebtedness granted by Benefraary
<br /> to any successor in lnte�est of Trusto�shall not opa�ate to release,�n any manner, the l;ability of Trustor and Trustor's successors�rr
<br /> intarest.Benelrcrary shall not be requ;red to commence p►oceedrngs agarnst such successor o�re/use to extertd hma lor paymenr or
<br /> othen�vise modrfy emoRizaUOn o/the Indebtedness by reason of any demand made by�rusfor and Trustor's successors �
<br /> in mterest. �
<br /> � 13 Frnartc�a!lnlomiatror►. Uporr rAquest o!Benofic�ery. Trusta wdl prov�de to Benefiaary.w�thm ninory(90)days ot the c�ose o1 each f�scal �
<br /> year o!Truslo�,lh�Consolidated balance sheat and ststement o!earn�ngs ot Trustor and any and a/l gua�anfors o�tho indehtedness
<br /> SeCU/ed hBI�Dy,d any.end wdl piOVid�and dCiivO�fo F3f�npl�Ceery SuCh other hnAnCia!inlormatron Und�n such manner as BonehC��ry ��
<br /> rney�easonably rnquest fiom bm�t lo hmo �
<br /> 14 FmnnC�Bl CQVOn.anf5 !n(�dd�lr0��t0 3ny Uthgr bnanC�al COVCn�ntS ol 1�uSt0►mel(1d�n�7ny Oi�er dgree�Te��t �nshu�nt'nt c+� ds nunre•ni „ '
<br /> fruSiO�SI+DI!COmJ�ly wrfn AnU Sh��N G��USO eny t►nd'd!1 f�ue►antn�s nl th�lndPbf�drtOSS SOCUred herehy ft�cn�,nrv w�rn. �,�re�� r' ��
<br /> (Un�rJ��ilrlGft.Y�1P1 Ihe/t�ilU.vrnry f�nFlrrC�al CovE:�liF/�/S (lhis pttr�yr�ph shc�l!nU1 8�(J�Y'�COVf��7nf5 ant!r��qu�r�±mt+n►t:I�P �1(J< <P� t' •.
<br /> l(:11I1/tCYO:I� i
<br /> 1': '�l.h@�!u•'(�t.f 1 r�.t'.f", IN,IItm IC��{1111 tl�ry�.nlfr�Ut/mt1nU, lr�r5fr�r •.ht+lll�pn,�.h q�(7t�n���,:i,i: ,i .i;,�rfu:�� r�id-t��','n hy ��u� r.,, •.��l1,��q
<br /> /rJffl7 It7lff.l'.�1•, :.Alhl� T/U`.l��fn(Jf•11/ n�.1h�/jiU/11ti�1(hl!/typl ni!!(/Cf!rt;�U-Hdr Ir�,��.�+ !hr��'.1•,•�•���r•t�• �Pr�,)rrf�. � • ;�l.J�d"1'• �•'t'ti��'!'''i' -
<br /> �,1!hn �.1..7���• r `Wci!r1 hr�.u•r.�tvulnf t,t u�r.UpJnl N�n r��n!r��Orry;�h!i, 1�..,,,�, i,� :.0, , •1 �.., �� . r�y.. .,r,.. .�r,.,, r�.t �i .,,�,� « 1�� �
<br /> ,��,.j_n� !f�,�.ri f. :r�lt'.c•�. :I�u!�F.V�III�r�ta:,)'� {1l�rrtd.��:+ry rnlry�nil'.r�r�,tlri� .i.•��r��,,•
<br />