<br /> 1 �
<br /> gg�. 10601'7
<br /> 16. Covenants ol Trustor with Aospect to LQasos. Without the prrar►vntt�n consent ot Banel�c�ary, Trusror shal!not,dntactty o�indirectty.
<br /> wttA respsct to any toaso ot space!n the Trust Property,or any pertion thereol, wnothvr such fease is now or here�lte►!n exlstence:
<br /> (a) Atc�pt or�oermit any prepayment,d�scounf or advance payment ol rent hereunder m excess o/one month,
<br /> (b) Cancel a terminate the same,or eccept any r,artcellatron,terminstipn or 5unender the�eol,w permit any event to occur whlch would
<br /> xcur Mereunder ro termJnate w cancel tl►e same,c�ther ihan termination far nonpayment ot rent,
<br /> (c1� M�a►d w modily the same so as to reduce the term thoreol,the renfa!pAyable thereunde�,a to chenga any renewa!provislons
<br /> ''— M�r�ln cont+�l�ed,
<br /> ° ' (d) Wafw any ds/�uJ�t iheretw�der or breacA thsreof,
<br /> (e) G�iw�rnyr cons�s►t.rralv�r a a�pp+nwt thereur�der or take sr�y vtt�sr actlon!n aonnecA'cu�therewith,or witA a lesses thetewtder, yrhkte
<br /> wne,�d naY.r�•lhcr d imp�r�i th.rerue a ene tessor's intemst thereunder a the property sub ject thereto,ar oi impaldng ttre
<br /> poail�on a kKsns�d 8ertsA�cFa y thersln.a
<br /> : (n SeN,assiQn,pNdQ�,moR�ap�or Whsnv�se dJspose o%or encumDer its rnterest in any said lease or any reats,Issues.prolits Issuing
<br /> o�'arisl�p d�s+eundsr.
<br /> 17. Waivsr ol Stat�e ol LJmitad�orts. Time is o1 tha essence!n aN of Tiustor's obNge�ions and dutres hereunder,end to ihe extent penniited
<br /> by law. Tiwl�or waiir+es aN p�rosenf a futu►e stafutes ot timitatl�ons with respect to any debr,demand or obligati�on secured hereby and
<br /> •ny AcGon a procMdk►g br dk purpose o/enMncing thls Daed ol Trust a any Nqhts a remed/es contalned hereln.
<br /> 18. As,�ft d A�posits.Jn the eve►►t cortstn�c�on of lmprvvernents ls conlemplated by the Ioan evide►�csd by the NbM secured
<br /> l�sr�sby,as eddortlor�ul secwiry ther�sMre, 7rt�stdr hereby transfeis end essigns b Beneficlary,a!I dgh1,Mle and lnfer�est to eny and a!f
<br /> rnoMss dqposited by a on beha�lf ot Tnutor with eny ciry,co�nty.puWia body w agency,senitary disbict�rtitiiy company,and
<br /> eny othsr body a agency.for the lnste//atlon a to secure the instaBaGiort ol any uGiliry by Trusta,pertaining to the Trust Properiy.
<br /> 19. Capaatbn a PArdiershlp Exlstence.N Tiusror is a caporeirort,gene�ral paRnershlp,a limited pa►tne�shlp,lt wiil do all lhings
<br /> nscsssary to prese�ve its caporate a partnership exlstence,as the case may be,and all►ights and pdvileges vnder dre faws of Me
<br /> statr d its inG�r;o�n+(�ipn�r n►g�►KsAti[�/�.
<br /> 20. Forb�arance by BenafFclary Not a Wairer.My/abaarance by Beneficfary in exerclsing eny rlght a remedy hereunder,or othen�se
<br /> aMb�rd�d Dy��ppNCable law,shal/rwt be a waiver of a precloa►e the exercise of any such rtght a remedy. The procurement ol
<br /> inawencs qr ths psyment o1 t�es a the discharge of kens or charges by Benenclary sha/l not be a wafver of Benelklary's►ight to
<br /> accslereNS ths m�tcr►lfy of the Ind�tedness.
<br /> 21. R�rt�sdl�s Cunwlstive.AJI�emedies pravidect rr�c�is Deed of Tiust are tl�sdnct and cumulative b arry oihei rignf ur re��tedy undar thls
<br /> Ossd o/Trust or afXaded by!aw or equrry,ar�astay be exe�clsed cancurrenUy. lndependently or sccracesslvely.
<br /> 22. Successas and Assigns Bamd:.ia�nt and Severa/UaWlity;Captions. TAe covenants aicr.tf�agreeFrcenis hereln contained shall Lvnd,Arrd.
<br /> the ri�Ms hsisunder sha�f frrure b,tAe respective successas and asslgns ol Beneticra�yo�r�stee.and Trusior.A!I covenants and
<br /> ' agreemsr►ts ot Trusta shaN be joint Artd several.7i+e capUOns a�nd headings of the para�ra�hs ot`thls Deed of Tiust sre for
<br /> convenience ony and are�ot to be used ro Tnte�pret a def,ne the p�+ov;sions hereol. •
<br /> 23. Notrce.Excspt Ior any noHce raqWrsd under appNca6le law tp be given in another manner,�a,4 acrfr�ce to Tiusbr provideat forin thls
<br /> Deed of Trust shaf!be given by rrialling such noUce by cer�Nsd raail,retum iecelpl requesied��sse�to Trustor et its madkng ,�
<br /> add»ss ast forth above or at auch othei add►ess as Tiustor may designete by nWic�tm geneficlary as provfdem faeretn;ar+c!�b)any .� ,
<br /> no6ce ta Beneficlary a Trustee s►ra�be glven 6y cert�ed rrrail,retum iecelpt requeste�,to Benefic/ary's and Ti�stee's�aiting • _
<br /> addross staMd hsroln a b such otAer address as Benellciary or Tiustee may destgrte(c�by notice to Tiustor as provic�d fr�r�eln.Any j :��
<br /> �e provlded Iorin dNs Deeti oI Tiust shall be�leemed ro have been given ro Trusror, Beneficiary or Tiustee when give�rin•the t
<br /> � marmsr desJgnated herein. . --_
<br /> 2I. Gover►Nng Law;Severabitity.Th+s Deed ol Tiust shall be govemed by the laws o/the�ate o1 Nebraske.!n the event eny provis/on or . ,:
<br /> c/ause of thls Oeed ol Tiust conllicts with applicable law,such conllict shall not alfec£c�tl�er provlsions of thls Deed ot Trust whkh can
<br /> be glven eA�ect without fhe Conllic6ng provisions and to this end the provislons of this Qeed of Tiust are declared to be severaWe.
<br /> 25. Evsnts ol Oe/ault.Each ol the folbwing occurrences shal/co►rstitute en event of default hereunder, (hereinafter calied an"Event ,
<br /> ol De/aufY'):
<br /> (e) Trusior shaN Ia!io pay when due any princrpal,interest,or princlpal and interesi o�a tlpe lndebtedness.
<br /> (b) My warranfy o!Oibe mede by 8rr�sror herein sha/f be u►rt�ue,
<br /> (c) Tiusror shall fail b observe or peAorm any ol the covenants,agreemenis,a condioo�oss in thls Deed of Tiust, '
<br /> (d) My reprosenlaGon or wan�nty r»ade by Tiusta on any financi�l stafements or repORs submlfted io Beneficisryby or on t�ehalt of
<br /> Trusta shaN prove false a mt�terially misleading, �
<br /> (e) Tiusror shall lai!ro perlam a observe any ol the covenants,conditions oi egreemenis owFt�n�ed in,w bindiRg erpon Trustw under `�
<br /> anp building loan agreement,securtty sg�eement,loan agreement,financing statert�er�or an�other agreemt�nt Jnstrumen�t�► �
<br /> d0euE►renf executed by Tiustor irr connecdor►with the loan evidenced by the Note,, ' —
<br /> (n A Uustee,recetver or IiquidaMr of the Trust Properry or of Tiusbr shall be appointerl or any of the crediMrs o1 Tit�sior sh8lF liis a ��
<br /> petiA�or►in bartlwptcy sgalnst Trustor,a for the reorganization of Trusta pursuant ro the Federal Bankruptcy Code,a arty similar
<br /> law,whether fedeiaJ or state,a»d i1 such order or pe0ibon sha/l not be d;scharged or dismissed withln thiriy(30)days alter tbe date ':�
<br /> on whkh st�ch order or peLiOon was filed. . ,+;
<br /> (�r) Trusia shell fiJe a pei►tioia pur:;ant ta ths Fedsrat Bankrupicy Code or an�srmifsr l�w,le�eial or state,or il Trusfor shaU be `
<br />. adjudQed a banJuupt,a be declared insotven4 or shall make an assrganaent 1i�r rhe benelit of creditors,or shall admrf�n wribng its
<br /> ina6+Nty ro pay 1ts debts as they become due,a shalJ consent to the ap�oirttment ol a receiver ol all or any pan ol the 7�st Pmperry,
<br /> (h) �nai Judgmenf for fhe payment ol money&Irsll be rendered against 7rustor and Trustor shall not discharge the same,o►cause ii to
<br /> be a�rscha�ged,withln thi�ty(30)days e/ter L+7e enby thereoi,Qr shalf not appeal theretrpm a Irom the order,Qecree or process upon
<br /> wh(ch�or pursuant to which saio�,�udgmenr was granted,f�ased,or eniered,and secura a stay of execu�on perrdfng such appeal,
<br /> �1 �rust�st shal!sell ar convey the�r�st Proper�r,'or any p8rt ihereof,os arty irrterest therstr►,or straJl be divBSted Gf its fifle.os any i�rferest
<br /> Merein,in any manne�a way, whether vduntarity or involuntarr/y,wittrout the written cnnsent ol Beneficiary being tlist had and
<br /> oDtalned,a
<br /> (J) N Trustor is a corpaetion or parbtership and more Man 1�1ty•percent(50°0)of the shares or benelicial inferesfs in such corporetion a
<br /> parb�erahip,es the case may be.she/l be bansferred or conveyed,wneme,�aunra�ry w rR�au►►rariry, without the wriKen conseni ol
<br /> Beneficlary bsing first had and obtalned.
<br /> 26. �1cceMraOdon of Qebt;Faecbsure. Upon rhe occumence of any Event of Delault,or any time therealter,Beneliciary may,at irs option.
<br /> deCle►e eN the Indebtedness secu�ed heieby immediately due and payab/e and the seme shaU bear interest at the dalault rate,if any,
<br /> sef f�nrM In ihe Nota.a otherwise at the highest rate parmitted by law,and,�nespective ol wlrether Bene�ciary exercises said option,►t .- _--
<br /> may,eU its option and in its sole discretion,without eny further notice or demand to or upon Tiustor,do one or moie o1 the tolbwing; �
<br /> (a) f3ene/iC/8ry mey ente�upor►,t8ke possessiorr o/,manage and operate the Trusi Property or any pari fhereo%make repairs and
<br /> dtMations erd do eny ects which Beneficlary deems proper to protect the secur�ry thereof,and either wifh o►without taking ;
<br /> posssssJon,in!ts own nsme,sue for a otherwlso cdlect and receive rents,issues and profits,includrng those past due and unpa�d. .
<br /> and app/y the same,Mss costs and expenses oJ opeiation snd collection,includ,ng reasonable attorney lees and Bene6clary's
<br /> Gosts,upon the Indebtedness secu�ed Rereby and rn suCh adQr as Bensficrery may determ�ne. Upon request ol Beneficlary. Trusto�
<br /> al►iN aSSSmb1B and shalf make available to&tneficiary a�y ol tAe Tiust PropBRy whlCA h�s been r�moved. The entenng upon and
<br /> L taking pOSSessla►ol[he Trusf Property,the cdlection ol any renfs.i,sues and prohts, and ths applrcahon tho�eol as aloresa,d, shall
<br /> not curo a wdve any defauft theretoforo a therealter occumng,or 8lfect any not�ce of default or noUCV nf S81e hereunder or
<br /> lnvahdale any act aforte pursuanP to any such nobce. Notwilhstond�ng 8enehaary's conhnuan�e m possvss�on a►ece�pt and y�
<br /> &ppl�Gdtipn of rents.�ssues o�p�ofits, Benel�G+ery sh8/�be enGfled to exe�cise every nghl provrded lo��n this Doed o1 Trust or b y law ��
<br /> unon or aft8r ths attsurBnL'e of ar+Event at pplault,i/iGlUdlllC_j(hS I��ri(U BXBfC156 fhft�'i0Vi81 Gf Sfi/3 Any or tne actran;reteria��to��f
<br /> thrs pA,oyreph mey be taken by HOrtelrcrary et such hmg as f3onefrcrary may ddtv�m�rte w�thvut ryyard to the�udequacy ot any
<br /> secunry!pv the fndebrvAness ser.��vO he�eby � •
<br /> Ib/ BBnelrcr�ry sh1t11, wdhouf�egArd fo thp�tloquacy of c►ny getunty fo�►hU IndebtOdn�ss secu�f�d h��ohy. he ent�t�cr!fo friE•
<br /> appantmernf ol n rEretrrvt►�by ttrey cou+f hAwng�unset'LhUA. W!(I!Olfl f701iff� rn t<ik(?pOSS4!S.',�(���!>f. (i���f('C f A��f1�*�8'�HQt'lhi� /IU�t
<br /> rrtdpe/ty(tlr(t OjJi3»tp thfl�;�mo nnd Cu11dC1 ih����nfs.�ssuUS t►nt9�»ti!rts lhfvF�l�pm
<br /> Ir.1 13E►rUlrL+A!y may Gnnr�F7)ty BChOI:vr r3ny coli�'l0�[,nm[SUt(!nf iWr:Cf:r►.rir,tr�Ir,r�:,,,.•.n rn•�, P�•r�t n� 1,r ct ..�.•,r,., ��.i,� ,•���,,� �
<br /> c.:Jc•c��r1u•:AtrOt,f
<br />