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t <br /> ;� <br /> � � <br /> Deed of Trus! <br /> lJANhS Qh-_ �O V O�� <br /> �v^_. <br /> Iona Edmi t n. a Singl.� <br /> THl9 DEEA OF•Tl�tlST!s m�de tt►!s 1 day of November , �9 89 , by and betweanPerao�.$���y._ _ _�, <br /> � D�n�,e.���.,,�,,.���g S Danielapn, Huaband an�1€� ^whether one w more, (herarnafter catted Hre"TrusMr"). <br /> � � whase maihnq addr�is �— - —• <br /> M RWEST BANJf x��+r,aska, Hational Aseociatian (hereUiafter celled the"Trusise"),whose rrrailinq add�s$�s <br /> � Bax_.],,�'68 Grand Island��]F,_,andNQAWESTBqNK HehTaska,� �Ari�*+Ai .ASg���.ation , (hereinalter <br /> cMNd tAs"8eetetre�ary'), whose ma+Gng add�ess Js p•O. Box 1768. Grand Island. Nebraska 488U2 _ _ . <br /> . Wl7NESSETH: <br /> If:Tt,f,'5 80X!S CHECKED j J THlS DEFO OF TRUST CONSTITUTES A CONSTRUCTION <br /> SE�fJR1TYAQRFEMENT UNOER TNE NEBRRSKA C()NSTAUCTlON LIEN ACT AflID CAEATES. <br /> aRANTS AND CONSTfTUTES A COMSTRtlCTION SECURITY lNTEREST!N THE PROPEATY <br /> DESCRlBED HEREINBELOW. <br /> � WH�R�AS T is Indebted io 8eneficiary in the principa!sum of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100--------__N_____�_ <br /> DolJetrs(������1,whlch lndebtedness is evidenced by Tiusiw's promissory note dated November 1 . �9$.�_,(hereinalfe� <br /> cnUed lhs"Nbt�':),payable ro the ader pf Beneficiary and having a maturity ol October 28, 1992 . <br /> ' NQIM,�•Tly�R��ORE lo�the prcr�oase of securing: <br /> (a) pay,mAtrt a/tt++�:Alote,toga'!ser with lnterest thereon,la:t3 charges,p�e,�aymesad�e3alttes,any lutu�e advances,and all extensions, <br /> . mrtdi�cstr��s s�.��s�tu�e!zs end n�nsr�els th!reol, , <br /> ` (D) payment of aXf Qthe�sums,fees a charges,together w�c�enE�eresr ther�a�r,ac�a*ced to protect ihe securily M this Oeed of Trust and <br /> + the perfbrmance a1 the cower�aMs and agreemertis a€p�sror, whetr�er or not seSforih herein, <br /> (C) performanCe,d�scharge of and compllanae wifh evecy term,covenant,obliganQm and agreement ot Trusfor contained herein a <br /> incaporatAd hy re�erence or any ather securiry irtstru.•nent at anytime given to secure the Note,and <br /> , (d) the repaymeot o1 e!!other sums a future advances,with interesf the�eon, whfch may hereioPore have been or hereafte�be advanced <br /> by 8eneficlac9�to Trusto�or Trusbr's successor rn inteiest nr titfe, <br /> a!I of whlch is hereinafter Coliec6vety called the"Indebiedr:ess", T'rustor inevocably grants and transfers to Tiustee,in trusL WITH POWER <br /> OF SALF,the iolbwing described property: <br /> LUT TEN (10), BLOCK THREE (3), PLEASANT VIEW ADDITION TO THE <br /> CITY 4F G1tAND ISLAND, HALL COUICT1i, NEBRASKA <br /> : , <br /> t. <br /> � together with(i)aU br�ildings,structures,addit+arts,enlargements,mod�lrcations,�epairs, ►eplacements,and impmveme�ets now or heieafter <br /> located tberQOn, (ii)el!�quipment,machinery�and fixtures(including,wdhout limitation,e!!lighiing,heating, ventila6rtg,cooG�g,alr • '�=� <br /> , condiiioRing,spNnkl4ng and plumbing frxtures,wate�and power systems,englnes.Done�s,ranges,ovens,disnwasners,mirrors anv manieis, <br /> csrpeHng,Iumaces,dl barners,e/evators and motas,refnge►adon planis or units,communication sysiems,dynamas,hansfom►ers,electrical _ <br /> � equlpmsnt,sbrm end screen windows,doors,awnings and shades)now or hereafter attached to,or built ln,any buiiding or improvement <br /> now�hereaRer located thereon. (ii1J all easemonts and rights of way appurienant thereto,(iv),all Jeasehold esta[e,right,tifte and Inieresf vf , <br /> Trustor rn and fo a�f�eases,whether now or he�eatte►exisUng or entered into(incfuding,without IimitaBon,afl cash arrd secur�ry deposits, ; <br /> � advance renta/s artd deposits or payments of a similar nature),peRalning the�efo, (v)all rents,lssues,profits and Incorn�therefrom(subJect <br /> b the►ight ol 7rustar io collect and apply such rents,issues,profits and tncome es they become due and paysble so/ong es no event ot <br /> Ce/auff exists hereur�de�). (vi)aH�yallties,mineraJ,oil and gas rights and prolits, wacer,water rights,and water sixk.(vii)ai128nements, <br /> hereditamer�ts,pnvileges and appurtenances belonging,used or enjoyed in connection therewith,and(viii)all proceeds of Conversion, <br /> � voluniary or involur�tary,of any of the loregang into cash or liquidafed claims(including, without limitadon,proceeds of insvrance end <br /> condemnation awards),a!I ot wh�ch is hereina�ter corlectiveJy called the"Tiust Properry". <br /> TO PROTECT THE SECUAITY OF�HtS DEEa OF TRUST,TRUSTOA COVENANTS AND AGREES AS FOLLOWS: <br /> l.. i'itle.Trustor covenants,warrants and agrees with$eneficiary,its successors and assigns,that Trustor�wns the Trust Prope►ry bee � <br /> hom any prior lien or encwnbrance,that this Deed�F Tiust rs and wili remain a valld and enforceable firsf�en on the Trusi Properry, _ <br /> ihat Tiusfor,at its expense�, will preserve such Utle and wi11 maintaln this Deed of Tiust as a fi�st end paremount lien upoi+the Trust �. <br /> Prope►ry and will taever wanant and delend the validiry and prioriry of the lien hereof against the ciaims ol a!l persons and paRies �'� <br /> whomsoever. Trustor,at its expensa,will cause thls Deed of Trust,and each amendment or supplement hereto,fo be filed and �� �— <br /> recorded a�5 a mortgage ol the hust Property in such manner and in such place and will take such aotion as in the opinion of Trustee ;:_ <br /> may be r�eqwied by sny present oi future law in o�der to perlect,marntain artd prolect the 11en o!thls Deed of Trust,as the same may ; :,,; <br /> 5a arrtsnds�or s�pp�emenied liom time to Gme. Tn.�sto►wr'U make such furtt►e�a assurence or assuiances to pedect its title to the Tiust , <br /> PropeRy es m8�y be req�;►ed by Beneliciary. Trusior hereby relirrquishes all right of dowe�and homestead in and fo the Tiust Pioperty. : �� <br /> 2. Payment of 1nde6tedness. Trusror shatf punctuafty pay the pnncipal 01 and inter�st on the Indebtedness secured hereby. . <br /> ' 3 Corrsbucdor►of Jmp�vvernents. Trustor shall campleta in good and w�orkmaMike manner any buildings,improvements a repairs relaGirtg <br /> theiero whlch may be begun on the Trust Property or contemplated by the loan evidenced by the Note secuied hereby,to pay when <br /> due all costs and liabilities incuned therelore,and not to permit any consiructi4n lien against such Tiust Propeity. ►n the eveni <br /> cortstruction v/buildings,improvemenis a repalrs are contempleted. Tiusta elso ag�ees,anydiing in this Deed vf Trust to tho contrary <br /> notwithstending;(a)to promptty commence any such wo�k and to complefe the proposed improvements promptly,(b)to complete the <br /> same in accadance with the plans and specifications as epproved by Beneficisry,(c)to comply with all the ferms of a building►oan <br /> agreemenf,if any,between Trustor and Beneficiary,the terms o1 which are incorpo►�ted herein by reference and made a part hereof, <br /> (d)fo eNOw 8eneficlary to inspect the Trust Property at all times during consirucUon,and(e)to replace any work or materiats <br /> unsatisf8cbry to Benefic�ary wifhin filteen(15)days after written noUCe fiom Beneficiary ol such fact. <br /> 4. �unds fa Payment of Charges.Sub/ect to applicablo law or to a wriiten walve�by Beneticiary, Tiustor shaH pay to Benefir,iary or�the <br /> firat day of each month,or such other date esch mc�►th es may be specified by Beneflclary,until the Indebtedness!s paid in iuil,a sum <br /> (hs�Nnalter called the"Funds")equal to 1 r 12th of the yearly Iaxes and assessments which may atta:n prfo�ity over ihis Desd of Tiust <br /> and grot�nd�ents a+the Trust any,plus 1�12th of the yeaily premium instellments lor hazard insurance,plys 1�12th of the � `T-` <br /> yea►ty premium�nstallments lor mnrrgage insurance,i1 any,all as reasonably estimated initially and fiom time to time by Beneficiary on <br /> the basis of assessments and bills and reasortable estimates thereoL The Funds shal!be he/d in an fnstitution,the deposits or ; <br /> accovnts a�wlrich era lnsu�ed or guarr�nteed by a lederal or state agency including 8eneficiary. Beneficiary shall apply the Funds to . <br /> pay seid taxes,assessments,insurence premiums and grouad rRnts.8eneficiary snaJl not be required to pay Trusior any inferest or , <br /> ebmJngs on the Funds. Bedel►clary shall give to Trustor,without cha►ge,en annua!accounting ol the Funds show�ng credrts and <br /> debits to thB fnnds aRd th8 pufpose lor which esch deblt to the Fands was mede. The Funds are p/edged as addit+ona!securrty lor <br /> � the tndobfedrress secursd by this Deed of Trust. Il the amount of tha Funds held hy Benelicrary.together w�th the lutu�e monfhly <br /> fnstellmenfs of Funds payable p�io�ta tht�due dates of taxes,assessments,inswanco prem�ums and ground rants,shaU exceed the <br /> emaurtt required[o psy sefd taxos,essessments,insurance prom�ums end ground rents as they fafl due. such excess shall <br /> �rustor's opUVn,either promplty repa�d to Trusto►or c►ed�ted ta 7rusfor against futwe manthly uTStallmenis ot Funds. N the amount o! � <br /> !he Funvs held by Qenelic�ary shaJl no!be sufliCrent f0 p8y t�xes.aSSessmonts,rnsu�ence prem�umS and g�ound►ents as thp y 1a11 due. Ip� <br /> Trusfur shtilf pey to BcrnefeC�ttry riny t�mount ntcvssary fo mako up tho dafrdoncy►v�thm th�rty days bom fho date nohce�s mar�ad by �D <br /> E3enQJrrrory ta Trustor rpquostmg pc�ymun�thoroot Upon payment in lull o/alr Indcbtodness Bencl�crary shar�p�ompt:y���und ro � <br /> lruslu��ny Fund�hC�d Uy BenelrC.rr�ry !1 thQ liust PropQ►ty rs so�d tmder the power o!sale or 1h� lrust Prnpt?rty�s ofht��wrtic�tiCqtnrr.d ° <br /> �y Eienohuery.flflrrnhr.�ary s��a�1 i7(J/7�y, it��IrlCdleif6ly K71i01 t0�hp SBlfi Q/fhQ I/USf P/ppC�t}��i!�fS t?CQU'S�hpn hy f�C/t('4C'dry' (Iny f Nn�1� <br /> h�r'U by f�CnUlre+t�ry nt tha f�m�o!�p/�IrCG•hUn rts u c►�t�g�trns�fh�r InduhtErd��E�s`, ��Nt�r�chc �,�ry r�r�•�utl��.d✓:��ffe���w.i�vt•� � ' ir�,�P,r�. <br /> nbirq9t�pn':trr,rtF!f th�5 lrs�r�ry�ri/�h 4 I;u�,b►Gr�vun;tnt,nnd nr�rrv�5 fu/�ay hela :n�hr.•.;r.-r•r•h��r„�•�f•�'r�.r�:��„�..� ,r.-���e��, a�..,, s,��rn��, <br /> . , „ . ., � <br />