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<br /> ���, i'rC. yt-�, _.... . . . rr r t_' --
<br /> `� , a �nts ma no lon er be required.at the opdon of i.eader.ef mortgage insurance coverage(in the amount and for the pariod _
<br /> . . g � y g -.
<br /> - t�at L�nder �equires)provided by an insurer apgroved bY i.xnder again b�comQS available and is obtuinad.Sorrot�er sh;ilt pay
<br /> .� tt2c prEmin►ms req�ired to maintain mortga�e insurance in effect.or m provide a toss s�csen:e.unril the requinm�nt for rnort�age � -
<br /> r m'
<br /> • = i n s;r a n c e e�d s i n a:c o r d a n ce�v i t h ai►y c�rrltten a g r e ement betueen Sorcower and i.ender or npplicable law. ��d e r s h a l l i v e
<br /> •- " • 9.isup�dton.Lender 9r iu a�ent may mn!ce reasunable entnies ugan and iiupectio»s o f t he Pr o p e rt y. S � :
<br /> . �' �arr.r•v�er aatice at the time of or prior to an inspection sp�cifying rzasonat,le causa fvr the inspection. �
<br /> .. ,-_ .�.
<br /> . E.. fl0.Condemnatl�a. 'The gruceeds of any awud�T or�forfrnnv�aaoe�in lieu of condemnation.are heTeby assign�d attd O
<br /> condemnatian or other tuking of any part of the Praperty. Y �
<br /> � '�' �1�l1�Sa paid to Lender.
<br /> :,.,,;,;� In thc event of a total taking of the Proprrty.the prace�s s1�a1�be applied to the sums serured by this�QCUrity Instnimant. � _
<br /> �� .x�h e t t t er o r n a t t h e n d u e,rlith an y excess pa�d to�orrower. In the event of a partial talong of the Progzrty in�vhich the faie
<br /> _-,..�'�_�_ mar'�ei valei.°.af the Progerty ia�ted'sately before the Vaking is equal to or greater than the amuunt o f c he sums secu r e d b y t h i s .
<br /> � :,�_ �xurity(nstntment immrdiately�efore the taldng,nnless�orrower and I.ender othernise agree in writing.tP�e su�ns secured bY
<br /> -x,; �;i�gen�rity Insnument shail b� raduced by the amount of the praceeds multiPlied bY the foIlowing fraction: (a) the total
<br /> :;`�:;. amnunt of the sums secured immEdiately before the talcing,divid�by tb)ehe fair mazket o u�e��O i�hic���E te�
<br />'�:�:'; �safore�e taking. Any balance shall 6e paid to Borrotiver. In the event of a partial tasin8 F rtY
<br /> � , murket value of the Prots�r�y iuu�'.�di2tely before the taking is less th3n th=amount of the surns s�ured im�nediately before the
<br />����:'�;;! taL•ing,un!ess Eorrower aad Leu�c�ethens�e a,ree in wtiting or unl�.ss applicable lav� oth°..nvise provides.the prooee�s shall
<br />_�;� tse appliad to the sttms secured by this Sec�:si�y'v"tru�=nt w h�.her or not t�:sums a r e t h e n dae.
<br /> ..`-`�� If the Properr�is abandoned by Borrot.r�_.r�r if,af4er rmtice by Le*c�to Borrower that the con���nor offers to make an
<br />�;?xur;�
<br /> �;e� awurd�r settle a claim for damayes. BoiTa��iails to resgopnud to ixnder withia 30 days after the�e t�e aoQ�i�giv�
<br /> ;,pndc-ri-authorized to coLect and apply the prooeeds.at iu a on,either to restoratioL or re air af the Prapetty
<br /> i-�;;�� ��.,�f�y this S�urity�nsuvment,whether ac�flt then due. lication of proceeds to principal shall��s estend ar
<br /> ' ' Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwi.s::r�ee in writing, any app
<br />���"�'�
<br />`,�=,�,
<br /> pus�ona the due dxte of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments•
<br />_.=:s.� 11. Bsrrower Not Htetea�ecl;Farbearance By Leader Noi a Waieer.Extension of the timc for payment ar incdification
<br />`' o��nottization of the sums s�.':b"9�is Securiry Instiuraent grsu►ted bY Lender w 3a.y successor in interest of Be.-mvler shall
<br /> t�=''-� mqt aperate W release the liabil:} �:�the original Borrower or Borrower's succ�.ssa*s i;:��.�rest•Lend�r shall nnt�r�����
<br /> �:�� w:nmence prace�dinSs agains�anY ssceessor Ln interest�r refuse to exteicd time f:,s�a.�..�nt or otherwise modify��---
<br /> o�.the sums secvnd by this S�curty •'._-���nt by reason of any de�-�d made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> �'�� suacessors in inierest. Any for��.-�,.:�`'�•� r��Er in exercising any right or nmedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude th:
<br />._�� '
<br />___ er,ercise of any right or re�edu . '�e �ovenants and agre=��ts af this
<br /> -- - Y2. Sua�.sors sa�D A�'���d;�oint and Several Liability; Casi�c►eas-
<br /> -- -- Sstvrity Insmlment shali bir•d �:::bereF±�i� successors and ass�gns of Ler:der and Borrower, subject to th$ provisions of
<br /> __-_== p.��raph 1?. Eomower's covenants and a,L�c'�menu shall be joint arn7t�s�+eral. Any Bonower who oa-s'i ana Sn�t�'
<br /> --�_-�� Instrument but dces not eaecute the Neie: (a)is co-siguing this S�cu=n�r ��`w�°t only eo mo:[�,e,gan eY
<br /> -_:;i=:�.� �,•;rotiver's inierest in ttce Prc�r�.-tY under the terms of this Security Instr..�~-ant;(b)is�wt personail�•obligated to pay the sums
<br />------- sECUC�d by this Serurity Ir.stc�.urna:t;and�c)agrees that Lender and any other Bo.�roc,�:�r:s�y agree to extead.mo�ify,forb�r or
<br /> -- -- pntce sny accommada.tiaas witi�regard to the terms of ttus Security Instiument or th::�:o:=witt►o�'-'=c�t B°rr°v''er's consent.
<br /> �---_ 13.Lnan Chsuges.If the loan securez�ay this Security Insuum�r«cs subjecc to a law whist-.��_.m3ximum loan cha.rges.
<br /> and that law is finally interpreied so that n`<:interest or other toan charges c�llect�°r t°�°0�'��"1°COan�°��'1��h�
<br /> _,�� toan exce�d the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the ch2rge
<br /> -"-- -- tu,'�e pemritted limit:and(b)anY sums already collected from Borro�ver�vhich exceeded permitted limits will f�r,funded to
<br /> --��� �r;�rourer, Leml�r may choosa to make this refund by re�ucing the princip�l o�ved under the Noie or by �1�T�; a diYect
<br /> p�yment to Borrower. If a refund re�luces principal. the reduction a711 be treated as a partial prepayment �ti:�i'mut a?•
<br /> prepayacent charge un�er the Note.
<br /> 14.NotEoes.Any notice ta Borrower providad for in ihis Security L�swment shall be given by delivering it or by raai:.�.na_�
<br /> __ — is hy fitst ciass mvl unless xp�sli�ble law requires use af:L-►other uceihnd•"I7►e noliae shall be dirccted to the Pro�erty Addr��
<br /> or any other address Horro:.:�dES�b'nates by aotice to Lender. My rtotice to L�':�zr shall be given by fi�st �::�s mail E:�
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any ather address Lender designates by reotice to Borrovler. Any nodoe provi,'.'��for[n t`��.
<br /> Security Instru�rxt shnll be decmed to h�ve been given to Barrower oz L,�der when given as provid�d in this paragraPh•
<br /> 15.Gove �rs:ng Law: Severability. This Security lnswmant s+.:all be govem1.d by federal law ar.d '"e law of th� _
<br /> jurisdiction in whicb the Property is locate�. In the event that any provision or clause oY this Securiry Insuv:-.ta:t°�oT ths IYote �
<br /> - conflicu with applicaole law,such conflict shall noE aff�a��:i�.r pro•risions of this S�curi�y Instrumtnt or th:�iar_;��hich can be �.
<br /> given�ffect wifCnut the conflicting provis�r.�:_To this e�i c;e pr�:i:�i;r,ma of this SECwity Instniment and the I�a1e are declazed �'
<br /> _....�__�= to be sever•.ble. •;
<br /> -__�-_= 16.Borraiver's Capy.Barrower shnl��.given o^e�:x,formed capY of the Nose and of this Securiry Instrument.
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