�;'E'.�k�" _ � .
<br /> � - - . ._-- -- -- . .-- � ..- .y � . � . . __ _ , -_ ,_
<br /> ; . ',, ', , � . . . . ' � . ' :�.'_..:
<br /> u V _"�#,-°cj?.'»,'+.• .�.�-.:,j: •i;��pvtt�%$�..����'�'����A��`�:!':4tt�t — _ -
<br /> — �t,� --- —
<br /> 17.Transfer of tdia Propei4y ar a�aei'tzdal Inier�t in Bur��'er.If all or any part of the Q'roperty or any interest in it _
<br /> is sflld or transferred(or if a bznefic�ai interFSt in Bon'o�ver is sold or transferred and�A�nefuU of a11 sunmsl�secured by�this
<br /> LCRd67's prior drritten cons�nt, Le�r re�y. ei its opiioa, �guire imm�diate pay .
<br /> Secueity Insuuntxnt.Hot�ever,this option shall nat be e�rcise�by Lender�f exercise�s pmhibited by fe�eral ta�y as of the date _..
<br /> of this Szcunry Insmiment.
<br /> If l�nder exerc4ses this optian.Lender sh�ll give�arrawer�urice of arceleration.The notice shall provide a peraod of Rot � _
<br /> less than 30 days from tP:e dats the aotice is detivered or cteailed �vithin �fhich Borrower must pay ail sums serured by this
<br /> Secuaty instrtjmen�If Borrnwer fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this geriod.Lxnder may invoke any rerRedies �
<br /> permitted by thts Serurity Instrum.nt v�ithout further notice or demand on Borrowcr.
<br /> 18. Bon�a'er'§ idight w ReiatstatP. If Sortower rttQets certain condirians. Sortower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Sec�uity InsuurRrrtt di�r�ontinuad at any time priar to the earlier of: (a> Sodaer of sale ca�main� n this �'
<br /> agpfirable law maY spscif�+ for reinstatemenq hefore sale of the Properiy pussuant to any R �
<br /> Securiry Instniment:ur(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securiry Instrument.Thnse conditions a�e that Aorrower.(a)gay�
<br /> Lcnder a!! su�ns wlud�ehsn«ould tsa due nnder this Security Ir�strumenPt:nd the Plote us if rto acseleration had���>
<br /> cures any default of any ather covenants or agrezmenu; (c) pays ali ex enses im.�urred in enforcln this S�urity
<br /> iaciuding. but aot limited co,reasonzbie attomeys f�s:and(d)ta,ces surh acdon as Leader may reasonab1y require to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Security InssrumEnt.Lender s nghts in the Prop2rty an��orrowei s obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> ttus Secuiity Iasm�t[tent shall oontinue uachanged• Uipon ceinstatemens by �orrower. this Secunty Insmunent and the
<br /> obligations secuned hereby shall remain fn11y effective as if no acceteTation hzd occurred•However,this right to reinstate shall
<br /> nat apply in the case of acceleration aader paragraph iT.
<br /> 19. Sa1e of Aiote; Chaage o4[.oan Sen+foer. The Nute or a partial iaterest in the Note(together �vith ttus Securitll
<br /> Insuument)may be sold ous or more�withaut prior notice co Borcutiver.A sale may res I c�a�cehang,�re���y�e o�
<br /> as the"Loan SSrvicer")that coltects enonthly pay�nis duE under the Note and this Security
<br /> or more changes of the Loan SQrvicer unrelated to a sate of thz�N 4 aba e aud S a 1 cab�le law�The notice wi11 state the 2�E�d
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordanse with paragrap aPP�
<br /> addnss of the new Loan Seavicer and th�a�diess co which paycnet►ts slrould be made• 'the natice vs+ill alsa contain any other
<br /> .�fo matian r•quired b^apnlicabte law.
<br /> Z0. �.rdous�.�bs aaces• �arro�ver shall not cause or permit t}n:•pre:�ace. ase.disposal. storage, or release of any
<br /> Hazandous Su�stances on or in the Property Hormwer shall noi do. nor allaw aayone else to do, anything affecbng the
<br /> Property that 6s in violation of any Environm:.�tal Law• The precedmg two sentence.s shall not app�y��+=������ _
<br /> storage ua.tArs Property of small 9ua�tities°f Hazardous Substanoes that are generally rerognized gP F
<br /> residential:ses and to maintenaace oFthe Prope�ty
<br /> Borrower shal!promptly give Leuder written notice of any investigation, claim,demand.lawsuit or other action Ir� .�y
<br /> governmental or regulatory ageacy or p�i�ate party involving the i�roperty and any Hazardous Substanre or Environment,�l.i aw
<br /> of which Borrotiver has actual kaotivledge.If Barrotver leams.ur is nohfied by any govemmentalB�r����promp y�take
<br />- any renioval or other nzmediarion of any Hazardous Substan�e affecting the ProPertY Is uecessar}'.
<br /> a11 necessary remedial actions in accordance wiih Et►vironntental i.aw.
<br /> As used in this patagraph Z0. °Hazardous Substances"ere those substances defined ea toxic er ha7ardoas suintaze�s by
<br /> Env'uanntental Law astd the following substances: gasolin�. kerosene. ather flammabie ar tn�cic peuoleum products. toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatile sfllvenu,m�.eri33�,:ontaining asbestas or farma!dehyde,arrd.!r��o2ctive matersals i A�s��
<br /> �y�s garagraph ?A. "Environmentnl Law" mears f.�s-ral laws and laws af th.�i�.rr'3di=tion v�i�ere the ��:rty �
<br /> .late t�he21tH,safety or environmer_*z!proi�c�-
<br /> K�1�-UI�IIFOitM COVENAIU'E'�-;�rro«•��r��.-^:.1.en�er further covenant and a�as fo'�•aws:
<br /> 2fi.r•r.celeration;Rem�ies.��:-�sha�I„�'s uolice to�-ortvcre.�r pzts►r to 2scele�Risa foIIowia�$O ra h 17 unles.s
<br /> of any covenant or asreement in Y�is 5ecur�'�; �.'LStrum�nt (kut uot prtnr 3o aoceieraSia�a under parag P
<br /> applicabie!aw pmvtd2s otherw'se).Tf�e notioe ci�.11 spec3fy: (a)the��^:u1I:; (b)thQ act�a�reiNired to cure the default;
<br /> (c)a date,no3 less than 30 days fmm the dute SIt�notice is�ven to�a�r.m'er,by�ihistn t�s default rnust be cared:and
<br /> (d)t�hat i'ailure to cure the default on or before the dsrte spec T�notice s�a11 furth��c.cm B���°���5��°
<br /> secured hy thls SecaritY Instruffieat and sate of the P�perts+•
<br /> reinstate cftrr acreteration and the ei�;M to br3ng a court a�tton to assert the no�ds�t�e af r�deta�lt or any oWer
<br /> defense of�orrower to aoce�eration ssnd sale.If tt�e deSuult is aoi cured on oT befmre itrs dste specified in the��ttce,
<br /> I,cnder, at its aptlon,may neguire immediute PaYm�nt Qn fnU of a11 sv�,^seaired by Y�iu 5ecuriYy Insirument wtthnut
<br /> farther demand and moy Invoice the po�ver ot sale and any other retuecW�L�:rmiaed b��������bu tcecot limited
<br /> entttted to col�ect ail expenses incurred in pars�.zf�s�the remedies prav[d�i��tirJs pa�uu�ur .
<br /> to,reasonub[e attoraeys'fees snd a.r:t'a of tdt[e�:�eace.
<br /> L�t�'�e power of sale fs invc�:���. "Tmstce shall recort!a notice c+i de�'sult in eucfc�:r�bllaw to��'R'fi1C'•ii d to
<br /> p�g���;s tocated an�i shal�mail w;�ies of�uc�notfce in the manner prescribed by z�r�
<br /> the oi�2r persous prescrt�d 6y applIcabls law. .3`�er the time required Fs;�:,�Plta►b"�law,Tntstee�tra118ii�e pnblh:�a'tice
<br /> aY rale to the peisons and in the manner pre�rts;il�e�9 bY BPP�i�ale Is�w.�m�-tee,witt►R�'t demand on Borrorrer.shz11 sell
<br /> the�ce��.erty at puL-{3ic:t�ac4ion to the higtt�;!(�Ai11�r at the tiRCe and place�d andes 4h:terms designated tn the nollce of
<br /> sale ia c,�u�or mcm�vn�;.]s su3 i,-�any ordep y as:stee detetsr�'nes.Trusiee maY P���v:sale o8 all or any Paroel 04 the
<br /> propFM,t<<I�y publzc tw�rs��ceaccits!,«:the time and plar�et�.,.nY Previously schgds-��d sulE. I.ender or its designee may
<br /> - purchase Ihe Ptopertr„1:a:�y w-ir�.. '.
<br /> -
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