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<br /> S, lia�.ttr� or S�rop�rty In_�urAt:re• 8flrrotiver shail F.eep the improvements now er.istin�or hPreafter erected on tke �
<br /> Pro�.'rty insus+�ugainsi lass by 6re.haz�res incl��ed �ithin the term "extend:d covera�e"and any other hazards, includins �
<br /> f�ouds or flaoding,fnr�vhich Lertdzr requir�s insurance.Thi�in4urancc�hall be maintain�in the amaunu and for the periods �
<br /> that Lender nyuires.Tiie ir�surance carrier pmvidin�the insuraace shall be chosen by 6orrQ�ee�ubject to Lensier�apprJrva! �
<br /> tyhich s�all not b�unreason�bly withheid. If Borrower fails to rnaintain rnvera�e described abo�•e, l.�nder m:y.at Lender's �
<br /> op�wn,absain eQVera;e to protect LenQei s rights ih the i�noperty in acmrdance with para�ph 7. �
<br /> All in�uranc�policies and reatewais shall 6e 3cceptable to Lender und shall inrlude a startsiard monga,e rtuuse. l,�nder
<br /> shall have the d�ht ro hold the policies and renewals.If Lender re�uires.Borre�ver shafl promptEy give eo Leaider�Il rec�ipts of �
<br /> paid pmminca�s and reaerml aotises.In the event of loss.Borrot�er shall give prompt rcodce to th�inswancC carrieY and Ler�der.
<br /> Lender mny mnke proaf of lass if not mxde promptly by Borro�ver.
<br /> Unless Lend�r rucd Earroa�er othzn�ise e�*ree in wciting,insurance proce�ds sliall be applied to restora:ion or repair of the
<br /> pm�erty d.amaged,if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's serurity is nnt IesseatEd. 6f the nstoration or
<br /> repair is nai econamically feasible or Leader s securiry woul�i ba lessened,the ins�nce proce�ds shali 6z applic�to the sums
<br /> se�red by chis 5�cvrity Instrument, whether or not then due, with any exoess paid to Borrower. If Borron�er cbnndons the
<br /> FropPrty,oz dues not answer 4vitlun 3U e�ays a notice from Lender that the insurance cdrrier has affered w settle n claim, then
<br /> [.�nder may collect the icsuraace prnaeeds. LEnder may use the proceeds to repair or restore the PQ'operty or to pay sums
<br /> ser.ured by this Security Irr,suument,whether ar not then due.The 3U-day geriod ivill begin when the�turioe is giv�n.
<br /> lJniess l.ender and Borrower ota�rwise agree in writin�> asry application of proce2ds to principal shafl not extend or
<br /> postpoae tFx�dee dnte of the mor.ih',y r�aytaents re�erred to in paragraphs 1 attd 2 or change the amfliwt of the payments.If
<br /> urder parr�gb 21 the Property is�cq�..•'ied by Lender,Boreovrer's right to any iasurance policies an�proo�ds resulting from
<br /> dam.age to ti�Propaty prin:to t�e acquisition sh�1i'�.pass to Lender to the eAtent of the sums secured by this Securitv Instru�ent
<br /> ic�iately priar to tl�r:a:�quisitiva.
<br /> 6.O�xvpancy,Fre�sva'�ou,d�tQaaace ars�ProLsctda�of the Property:Borrowe�s LAan��pllc�tEnnt I.easehotds.
<br /> Borrower shali ccsupy,estahii�h.a�rd�e the Peoperty as Bo:rn�r�er's pancipal residence witbin sixty days after tha execution of
<br /> this Security Instrument rar.d shall cantinae to occ�Qy the Praperty as Boaower s principal residEace for at lea.�t one year after
<br /> th�date of oacupancy,a:-:r�s Leader otherwise agrPes i�vs+ritIng,which consent shall uui be unaeasonably withheld.or ualess
<br /> extenuating sircua�stemc�¢xist which aze heyoIId flflrrower's oonuol. Forrocver shalt not destroy. damage or impair tlte
<br /> Property,altow the Pso^rxc�� to deteriorate.or comaut wsiste on the Property. Earrower shall be in defanilt if sicry forfeiture
<br /> action or p°cr.e�ling,wh,e�c�.°r civil a*cri�nal,is begun that in Leader's gaod faith judgment could s�svlt in forfeiture of the
<br /> Froperty oc othenvise materially i�rraiy the lien created by tPiis Securiry Instrument or Lender's security inieYCSt. �ore�ower may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as piovided in par2graph 18.by cavsing tke action or proceedin�to be dismic�ed with a ruling
<br /> that, in Lender's gaod faiih determination. pmcludes forfeitare of the Borrov�rr's interest in the Pr+operty or aiher¢�nLQrial
<br /> imFairment of the lien created by this Security Ikstrur,�ent or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also b�in default if
<br /> Boauvrer,�srin;the loan agplicmti�,��:-W cess,gave materially faise or inaccurate informasian or statemEnts:o Lender(or faile�
<br /> to provi�r T�ader with any materizl;u�t;��a�ion)in connectian�rii93.the loan evidenced by thr n'ote;includiag,but nat lamited
<br /> to,repre�tcctions cancernin�Barra�evi s occupaacy of the Pra�.y,�s a principal residercoe.Tfir�r�Saurity L�.,�tnuaent is on a
<br /> leasehold. Botrower '+ � camply with �fl the pTOVisions of ta�t,�se. If�oxcvwer arq�i:*:s ri.� title[n ths Property, th$
<br /> leasehoid a�::e f�u�1r r�:,�11 nat merge unless L�cder agrees w the m�rger in c*rri�i�;.
<br /> 7.P�Jtte�'on o4 G�rBia�'s RigEiiis in Stre Property.If Borrower fails to perform the ooti•tnar►ts and ag�e��.-�:nts oontaised in
<br /> this Securir��Sn3trument, or there is a legal proceeding that may�i�ificantly affect Lerzder's rights in the Property (sach as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.pmbate, for candemnat�on or forfeiture cr to enforce laws or regulauoAs), then Lender may da�nd
<br /> pay for�vhatever is necessxry to protect the valae of the Property and Leicder's rights an the Property.Lender's actians may
<br /> include paying an� �:~s secured by a li2n �vhi�i '�as priority over this SQCUrity Insuument,appea�ing in cuurt, paying
<br /> reasonable attornsys'f�_�:�.zd entering on the Pro�;�io make repairs.Alttcougt►I�nder may take astion undeT this paragragh
<br /> 7,l.ender does aat hac�Eo do so.
<br /> Any a�naunt�disbursed by I.ender urcder this paran��1 7 ::?�all becmme addi6onat�•r1st.of Boaot�er secured b, this
<br /> Security Instn:r_�ent. L'aless Barrov�er and Lender u:►:e to o�s-rr�nns of payment, these z-a�-:�u shall bear interest fr��the
<br /> date of disbu�se�,�.�:si:t.�e Note ratc and shall ts��;able, �y::h interes� upon norice fra:n Lender to Bomawe�rzquesttng
<br /> P����
<br /> 8.M�:�&age Insusance.If l.ender required mortgage isL�run�sr.�as a condition of mal�;L:.'�e loan sec�uiod Dy this�c 1��'s
<br /> lrtstrument. Borrowcr shall pay thc premiums required to mti:ss3ii the mortgage insurar.�,i�i effect. If. for any ress�rsi, ;:;.t
<br /> mnrtgage insurnnce wverage required by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower�t]pay the piemiums requund to
<br /> obta�n ooverage substar_�ally equir•alent to the c►cortgage insuraam previously in effect,at a cost substamially equivalenT tv the .
<br /> cost to Borrow:.r of the moitgage insucance przvionsly in effect. from an altemate mortga�a insurer a�prmes!by Lender. If
<br /> subst9ntially equivalent ruortgage in:,��-ance coverage is not avaii�l�.Borrotver sfiall pay m T�nder eazh munth a sum e:�;:�.�to
<br /> one-iwelfth of the yearly�nortga�e L�iar.ncc premium being p�,d.bl+Borrower when the ir�sur.��se covemg�lupsed or ceasr.d to
<br /> be in efferi.l,ender will accept.use�>.t retain these payments a:� u.toss reserve in lieu of �ortgage insuranre. Loss naserve
<br /> Form 3028 J190
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