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<br /> _ - _ '�'�G 1��R�1lI'i'H�li the impiavetne�tts now ar Et2�er e�an t�e propetty,and a!1 Rasements. appurtenances.and � .�
<br /> Satures now or hemafter u part of the pmp��y• All replaceu��nts aad arddiUOns shall atso be covere� by this Security _
<br /> u
<br /> ' :;`' Instrum:nt.AII of tPte foragoing is mfetre3 to in this Sesurity Instrument as the'Property+." � _
<br /> � ` ;� : g O P.I t O t W E R C O V E N A A i T S c h a t B o r r otiv e r is lawfull y seised of the esstate hemby oonveyed und has the right to graz►t and �
<br /> W �
<br /> convey tht�nnpeyty und thzt the Fro�ertY is uneacu�ahe�d, except for encumbrances of record. Borro:�er wanac►u aa d ai l l �
<br /> ���K d�ferid generally thQ�itl2 to the Property a8ainst utl cluims and demands,subject to any ertcumbrances of reoord. �
<br /> �R'�� �� THIS SECURI'fY INSTRUMENT combinzs aniform covens�nnts for nation�l uss and non-uniform covenants with limited
<br /> . � . variauons by jud��istion to constit�:te u uniform sZCUrity in,mvmeat cov�rin�real peaperty. • '� _
<br /> •:;�,,:.� Ul�1ff ORI4!C�VENAN'!'S•Borrotver and Lender covenant and a�ree s�follows:
<br /> • � a, g��; of p�i¢�i�al ans9 gnter�t; �'epay¢nznS a3nd I.ute Ch�g�. Borrower shall promgtly pay when due ihe
<br />-_� priate��l o�'anfl intemst an th�debi evi�ced by the Note an+d any prepayment and l�te chazges due ur.der the Note. -
<br /> _---_.—$ 2, Fuu'�for TaxeS and Ya�vraaoe. Subject ta applicable!aw or to a wriiten�vaiver by Lender.B�rrower shalt pay to
<br /> - L�end�on the day rnonthly payments are due under the Note,until the Not�is paid in full.a svm("Funds")for.(a)yearly taxes
<br /> avr3 Fssessmeats which may aitain priority ovzr this Security Ynstrumerit as a lien on the Property;(b)Yeariy leasehold paymants
<br />-_ -.� or gcouad renYS on the Property.if any:(c)Yearly hazard or pinpe�ty insuranze pmmiums:(d)Yearly Rood insisrance premiums,
<br />--+;sr.,.:
<br /> l .� •: if atry: (e)Year1Y mortgage insurance premiva►s.if any:aad (�anY sums payable by Bornnwer to Y.ei:der, in accordance antD
<br />:;�..LE the prnvisions of paragraph 8,in lie.�of th2 payment of rtortgage insuranx premiums.'fhese items are called"Escrow Items."
<br />-=+''�: Lend�s may, at any ums.collest am�h�1tS Fuads in an amaunt Aot to exceed the maaimnm amount u lender for a fe�erally
<br /> �`•"-�f` relued mort�age loan may reguire for Bormwer's escrow asoount under the federal Rcal Estate Settlement Pracedv�es AN of
<br /> '' '�1`'- IiY14 as ame�ded from time to ame. 12 U.S.C.Sectian 2601 et seq.<°RFSPA"?.���o��l��applies to the�unds
<br />'-��-��=�;�� sets a lesser amount.If so. Lender may. at any time. collect arcd hald Furzd�in an amovnt nat t�exceed the lesser amoun!.
<br />-�_�?��' I.ender may estimate the am�nnt of Fw�ds due on the 6asis of current data and reasonable estimates of eapenditures of futu�
<br /> �
<br /> `•�;.�:,,,�`. � �aotiv Items or aikeraise in asxordance with a.�plicabie la�v. _
<br />=��•as�;'� The Funds shall be held in•en insiit�tion whose�posits are insured by a f�.`�ral ageacy. u�snurncnt�'- or entit;;
<br />:`.���'s�E
<br /> .�K���� (insluding Lender, if i.ender is such an insritution)or in any Foderal Homs Loan Banls,.i ender shall aPP�the estrow aoc um,os
<br /> -� Escro�v Items.Lender may not charge Borrouer for hokling and applYinS the Fun�s,annually analY�S
<br />��a�.. .
<br />-=w��:zo�� verifying the Escrow Items,unless Ixndsr pays Botravrer interest on the Funds and zpplicable law Rermits Lertder to make such
<br />`��� a ch3rge.}Iowever.Lender may re�uire Borrower to�say a one-time charge for an indr�eadent real estate tax regortm8 serrioe
<br />_-�-�=� used by L,ender in conne�ion with ihis loan. unless applicable law provides o�hr.rnise. Unless an agrcement is made or
<br /> ^`-_� Borrower an interest or earnings on th�Funds.
<br /> appiicabla[aw rr�qnins imerest to be paid,l.ender shall aot be ceQuired to pay Y
<br /> Borrower and Lender may agme in wrian�,however, that irtac�st shall be pa'sd an the Funds.Lender shall give to Bormwer,
<br /> -��,.� withaut char�e.�r-u►r►ual acoounting of tha Fuads,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> °:=`�•� debit to the Fur.�:as made.The Funds are ptedged as additional sr�urity for all sums securzd by this Security In�-w�ent.
<br /> == If the Funds hdd by E.�a�,xr exce�the amounLS g�nrnidd�:d to be held by applicaes?e law,Lender shall�sccr�to Bom�wer
<br /> for the excss�Fur.�s in�aa�:rzi:ucce with tt►e re9uirem�nt,.�:t'a�plicab2e law.If tRe z.�'s:�:.nt of the Fuuds held h;��1Ln�cder at&uy
<br />.:�;-.,�7y;�� 6m.°is nat suffici�t to p�. ��e Escrow Htems when du�;''�:�:er may so notify Borroc.�ia wreU�.and,in sueti:u.ce 1Borrower �-
<br /> shall pay to Lender th�am�nnt necessar�'tn:nake up the deficiency. Borrower shall mak�up t:���°hc�ency in no more tiian
<br /> ���= melve manthly payments.2t Lendet•'s soie discretion.
<br /> __,� UP�n F�eru in fuli �a�all surais secured by tL.,;aECruity Instrument, Lem+t� �.`�tal� promptly iefund ta i3nmower any
<br /> Fuir9s held by Lender.If,urr3.7 parugraph 21,Lender�lrail acq�nre or sell the Property.Lettder,prior to the acqasition or salo
<br />_-�;�� of th3 Propert}+,s'-��Il apply any Funds held by I.ender�:the time of acquisldon or sale as a credit against ths sums secured by
<br /> — this Sec�uiry I���:aeat.
<br />--- -- 3.ApgI:r.u��rn of Payrntnts.Unless applicable Iz•���:ovidc�oth�rnise,al1 paymems received by I.ender uruder paru,^n:g"3
<br /> 1 2�►�2 s(iall C-�.�jplied:frr-..,,to any prepay�nent ch�rs;:L�:ue under the Note� second.to amounu payabl�ur_der para�aph 2;
<br /> third,to iate�r:st�'se;fourt�,to principal due;and 1��tii..sny late ctiarges due uader the Note.
<br /> 4.Ch��, Uen9.Bo�wer shall�s_r al!taxes,�:�zssmenu,charges,fines and impositions attributab'a:�a��?'x Properry
<br /> whicfi may at�:a priority over this SecumY. z=sm.ament, and leasehold payments or�rourzd r�z��. if; any. E��r:�.�r shall pa;•
<br /> th�e obligations in the manner provided:-�r:�agraph 2,or if noi paid in that manner.Borrower���i#l:f�'�y elt�'^n ttme dire�c'.��
<br /> to th�person owed paymer_>-l�:rrower shall promptly fiamish to Ixr�der all noiices a`c.:.aunu c�':�:;Uid or�i:r.i;`;s parEb'�F=!•
<br /> If Borrower makes these pay�cr.ents direcily.Boaower sl�all promptly fumish to Le:.�L:�rr:�.eipts evidencins cize r,a.�:�enu.
<br /> Borrawer sha�]prompily discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry �lnstn�ment unless Barrai.w.(a)agrees in .
<br /> wriring to the payment of the obl'sgation secured by the lien in a manner�cceptable to Lender;(b)conu�ts in gaod faith the 1ie.*..
<br />—�-___ �y, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal pmcc�idin�s cuhich in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent L`c ,
<br /> er;�arcem:nt of the lien;or i;ra secura from the holder of the lien an a�reement satisfactory to Lerider sui�ordi:�u��;the lien to
<br /> ---- �Jri�Security Instrument. i�La�der determines that any part of the i'raperty is sub3ecc to a lien which may uiai;:r��iority over _
<br /> ��_= ti_s Sec.vrity Instrument,i.�nder may give Borrower a aotice identifying the lien.Ba�coever shall sausfy the t::n.�.•'talce one o: �•
<br /> � more of the�ctians set forth above within 1�days of the g�ving of notice.
<br />-_----�--- Form3Q28 9150
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