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<br /> . . � _
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<br /> . .� �:_
<br /> � paym;.nts�y ao lon,er bz r�qui�xf,at the ogrion of L�ader.if tnoragage iasuranse ca�verage(in the am°unt a�3 for ttr�:ricr3 _
<br /> that Lender requirz�)Pmvided by an insurer appraved by lan@�r�,ain��coAZS av�iluble and is obtained.Baaatiie.��k;u3 pe�y � �;�
<br />__--- _ ___ _ the pm�niums r2quire�to maintain acongage insurance in effeet, or to pmvide a loss ceserve,uutii the requirerr�snr far sn�� -_
<br /> � ` , � ` insur�nse ends in cccm-dzna:with any�vritten a�tueut betwe��8orra�rr a�!Le�sdez or a�plicahlP 1�w• � -
<br /> �n a
<br /> � 9. ies�e�4tan.Leadn or its agent may c�.ke rewson:ble entei�ugon and insgactions of the Property. l�a��z stz�l��Fe � _-
<br /> , ,.� Boiro�cer noiiae at eae time of or prior to an iaspectian specifyuag rearon3'ble caus,�for the inspection. � °M-
<br /> � :F: l0. Caademnattan.'Ihe praceeds of any a��ard ar or forf�canv���e�m liev of ndemnafon,are hereby sssi�eti� � =:'
<br /> ' . ' sondemn�ian or aiher eakin�of�y part of ti�e�'opertY. Y � �
<br /> _; shall be p�id co Lender. "'
<br /> ` � •-- ! [n tPte event of a tata!ta'iing of t��Propzity,We pm�ds shall F�z applied to the sums sec�tred by chis S�uriry L."wtr�►nc�s..
<br /> r=�'p-� a-Ytttt.^r or cut tlzen d�e.wiiR�any exaxs Caid to Borroti�er. ln t8e event of a pLztlal taking of ths Prop�rty in e.;si��.�a:G#x �:;
<br /> � '=°''•""�? a �ket vatue di ttie Progeaty imffiadiateDy before the t�]dng is equal to or grz�tee thFn the amount of the s�s�.reG L��..�tss �
<br /> - -- -- S2curity Instr�meat immediately tsefore che takiag.unless Borrower and Lender ath�vrise agTee in cvririn�.me sum�saas.rr�:�• _
<br /> ` !, � 4 this �¢cutiry [nsmunent shaU be reduced by che zmount of a}te praaeeds multipliecf by the foltowing frFStio�: (a>��u=Ezro�t• __
<br /> ' " amouut of the sua�s secuml immediztely Qefore t�e[akin�.d"avided by (b)the fair caaiicet valae of the Prop2rty imur.rjejt,tt)� _
<br /> , • u s �a u:�i�fi�:f3it
<br /> . �`�. �� hefore the ta�in�. Any balance sha11 be paid to Borrower. Tn the e�eat of a(sxitial tasing of the Proge�ty .
<br /> • � m�i�et valus of the Praperty immediately hefore ttte ta►sing is less than the amouat of the sums seca�red imu��d's.3teiy 5�:fr+r��:a� �
<br /> � ��,. ;
<br /> mr
<br /> . . , takin,g,unless Botrower and Ix�.'tr other�vis$agree iw writing or unless applicable law ot6envise providQS.t�e g:'�'�EI.�1
<br /> . be applied to the sums s�sured by this�esurity In�*.iument cvhet�er or sot the sums Fur then due. --
<br /> � ' If the Prapeny is abaadoned by Sarrawer,or if.8R2I QOI[�$�+L.CEd2!t0 SOII(ftYBY Ift2t tlt�COIIdEfttl[CZ OS��LS?0 itl.3jfi`w F.3�
<br /> � avrard ar settle a claim far damages. Borrower faiLs to resgoad to Lender v.7tbiia 30 days after the date tt�ac�r�is $$.r�.
<br /> L�ender is authorize�to coilc�aad apply the p�s,az its ogiion,either to testoration or repair oi the Pm�tY���a=s�ns
<br /> • ' secured by this Securit3+i�euatent.tvtzether or¢at then d�Q.
<br /> ' "' Unl�s l.eader 2nd Brsmuwer ath�rwise agr�e in writa+g,any application of pn�a�s to priacigal shaJl �a*_r�sf:¢r�t os
<br /> _ postpane the due date of th�manthly gay�ents cefer�to ia patagraphs 1 and 2 or c�2og�the amount of s��av��ra.
<br /> � ' j I l.Borro�er Hot R�;�¢E€s,e�ra�e By II.eader i�io4 a Waiver.Extension of t�e tis,��r gay�st us cr�r'�.i�iartinn
<br /> . ` of a�aartizatinn of the su�as s��hf��tY���ted by Le�.�Gr cQ zny suocessor ut intecrta a[IIc+zia�.yrr sb�ll
<br /> ., � �.r .
<br /> Qat operate to release[he liabi�ity af d�nriginal Bormw�or�orro�er's susc¢_�ts in inte�est.Lender sha1L rmx b�.rcq,-i:md w
<br /> ,.��� ���� ' ��ce p�����gainct�y su�or in i�erest or refuse tv extend cim�for payment or othe�++ise�iiy�ts�r+�atir�ia�
<br />. __ --_.--l of ths sums sxured T+Y this Se�nlY Insuument by reason of any dema� m�de by the ori�imal Borro.;et o7 �ccrnm�r�'s
<br /> ,>^'+'. '.� r` succ�so�s in intemst. Any Farbearaaxe bY Lender in execcising any right esr c�dy shall not be a wair�er of oT��t,et��t3L
<br /> ,,.�,��.. ,�_, exerrise of any righi or cL�aedy. �p.,���,.��ers. 'Ihe covenants ar.d a�et�r.ts;a ��this
<br /> :'�•;;-"�:. ' t �.. S[IiOI'CSSO15 Ra� �BOIIIIds .�O�I12 aIId�I.`F��'13�11j1s ••',r�-,Ys"`
<br /> -=4'~����: Security{n�n�ent shall bind and t�enefit the snxessors aad assa�ns oF LeasE2a and BarrowEr, subject to tha�u'•i�i�t of
<br /> -":�°�;� � t7. Borrower's covenanrs and agreea�enu shaSl be joint a�d sxv-zal. Any BarfvwEr who co-si� ti��i �. '�Y
<br /> '="i,rL;;�''- • P�F�`�
<br /> =T-;::�r�:';-: �his Security Instium:at only to awrtga�e,ge""�a ar,rii oosir.iq th�t
<br /> � • in�mtm�s�SUt do�,ant exeaus t�:P+Tcte: (a)is co-siSning
<br /> sm
<br /> '---��.-.y�::-�• 1'3arrowar's iurerest in th��m��aty under ths terms of this Security Ins��:!b)is�iflt personally o�L�at:ci w Fay�liaz��ms
<br /> - •'-'�"-' ees that Leud�r asd any ot7�es Eua�aer may agree w eateBd.�f�',�:cfi�r ot
<br /> ;_�-�-r� sxcured by this S�rriry I�rstr.uir..a.m,;an�(c)agr
<br /> --_==-_-�,� make any acuommodatie•�zvith tegard w th$terms of this Securiry Intuumeni or the Nate without that Barra�..et's r.�iceat.
<br /> ,=,;^-.-W_—_ 13.Loan Ct�aiges. lf the loan secured by this Securiry lnstrument is subj�t m u taw wi�icli sets maR� :,r?,;,1ec�.s�Carg�.
<br /> a�;.t-= ;�i-�,'
<br /> r-;_:• , aad that la�v is fmatly i�rpreted so that the interast o:oiher loan charges oolle�ed or to be collacterl is ca�,�.icm�''st� e
<br /> `�`X_"
<br /> --�.c�Y•,�:.. loan exoeed the pear.iued�imiu.then:(a)any such loan cha�rge shall 6e re�'�u�d by the amount�eoe�sary�o re�i�:e.'•:�t e
<br /> ---,_=��J'� _ co the permitced limit;�n9(b)any sums already collee�ed from Boaowes�:rui�s euo�ded pemutted Ur�i�3 ws"St br.t�t���t io
<br /> - - _ &�nower. L�nder maY c�oose to make this refund by ceducins the prin�p�oavad uadr,� the No:e o7 ts;r a�+kica� a d3�cx�
<br /> °`---— PaY�nt tn 8oaower. If a refu�d r�luces principal. the tedurx:.on vrill b� meated as a pardal pa�af,�nr. �:it:�c�u .sr,y
<br /> �� pre�aSmaiti c�arge uader the Note.
<br /> --._�...�i na.i�+siices•Anu nat:.se eo Bc�er provided for in this S�+uity In�wa�t sh�ll be 8i•ren by a2elncria�it�oz 6+,��ma�u►S
<br /> _= _ — it by fur��ass mait mrli�aPpiica�:e 1aw requirea nse of aaolher method.7'�s notioe sh�ll he dirccted ao ete P�:t�e.r1�Address
<br /> =° ��y���.�addz�ss 6isccower d�i�a:es E�y aorice to Lettder. Any notia� to l.ender sh�ll be given I�y first claos mail to
<br /> �� Lender's�cltiress stazed herein or zn��s�i::er addmss Lender designates by narice to Bozrou�r.Any nai:ee pi�i�lc�i:fa�in this
<br /> . ------ Se�urity i�:rr�ment sha11 be dee�aed�is irave been given to Bonower or Leadet wkt�given as provided an t�ia pars,art��.
<br /> ----.�`� 15.Governing H.aw; Seversi:'!'ity. 'R►is Security instn�ment sh2'1 Is� govcmed by federal lavl a� t�3�: !u*.r of the
<br /> '"'`'��'`�� uricdiction in which d�c Properry is locaied• In the event that azry provEsiou or cl��e of this Securiry instsw�cas:w'tl�e l�ote
<br /> _������ J
<br /> --�"- � oonflicts with applica��taw.surfi a�?�4ict shall nat affect ather provisions of this Se�,vriry Inswment oz 11^�yeie�U��can be
<br /> "�'"`�4i1iA�-�� given effert wi[haut the confliain�;��vlsion.To this end the�Lrovisions of this Security Instcument and�e Net�:ans declazed
<br /> ,__j- z�;'-.a-,
<br /> ':_�-'.=,-• to be set craCte.
<br /> �_;��;�^:,T��,; 16,�CrmW¢r�5���y.Eorrower shall bc given one confaa�d cupy of tht taote and of this Security 7�.muvew�
<br /> ��.;�,. ,_� c�m at:as sreo
<br /> aw. ��.JF I^
<br /> •-_=`':`�S�'`� • ��8(MC„'''92171 Os vap a af s ulmtt:
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