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.� .�-1 . . . . . � -=--�-- -.. <br /> `_ ._-�—� -'. - . <br /> . . . ' ` � . � • . . . . ' • ' . _ � .\, <br /> .. �. . ' . , . ,.,, . . .. . <br /> . . . . il' . � � � <br /> ' y�''_=" ` . <br /> fc .�.._.________.���'_`.�__'��._�..._�_. _....4._1-_..."_.._.__...._.�._�--�.�__.�_.�_����. <br /> ;._ . ; ,. . 9�.�0���� <br /> • `� 19.Tr�sfer aS tttr&�og2rty or a BPagfld�!itttc�3 in�errovrer. if ull or rtny Qart of thc Property or any inteYest in it <br /> is s�ld or teansfemd(or if a b..neficial intensi in Bonau�er is sotd or tr.ussferte�und�orrorrer is rtot a natural parson)without <br /> - _ � ' Gendei e prior written wnsent. Lender may, at its o�tion, re$uire imrrtediatc payment in full of all sums secumA by chis <br /> S�rit;Isi:u�t�nt. Ho��e:�er.!�k optiQ�s sha!!t:�t�$�erci�b;4�a�..�r if e.sQZCise is prohibited b, feder..!la:L�of tAe date �' <br /> i oi tdis Sesueity Instrum�nt. � <br /> !f Lender esercises chis option,Len��r sh�ll gi�•e 6osrower notice of acceleration.'�he rtotice shall provide a periad of no4 <br /> , � less tfnan 30 days feom cRe date the notice is deiiseYed or maited�vict�in wkich �orrower must pay all sums s�cured by �his � <br /> . S�ecuritp Instrument. IF Bono�ver f�ils to pay th�e sumY psior to the expiration of th[s periud,Lender may invoke any remedms �: <br /> , , p�rmitted by this Seturity Instrumeat�vitd.nut funh�r natic�ar d:,maud on Borro�ver. • <br /> ' D8. fiiossa�e�'s Fltght t� ReS�te. If 8orrauer �n:eu certain con�itions, Bor�o�ser shall have dte right [o have <br /> , enforcemznt of this Security Instrument disoonti�u�d a��:,ny arae prior to [he earlier of: (a).S days (or such other�eriad as <br /> applicable lau taay spesify for reinstate�nt) b:foie ��of tEte �gerty pursuani to any �a�ver ot sale contaiaed in this t` <br /> ,�=��� • � S�rity lastrume�►r or(b)entry of a j�r,,m�enfor�ng�is S�urity Instrurnent.'Choas conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays �'. <br /> _ -_ -� ' i lxnQw�all sums whirh then wonld be du�und�r this�ecuriry Iasuument And the Note as if r.a accelera[ion ha�occs�arred; (b) <br /> � ' �. ; cures any default of any other covenants ot agreem�ts: tc)pays atl e�nses iacurn0d in enforcin� this Security Instrucrtent, <br /> � i irtcIuding,bue not limited to.reasonable attomEys' fecs;aad(dD takes such zction as Lender may reasonably mquire to assure ,-� <br /> ' ' I that the liea�of this Secierity Insuument, Len��r's righu in the Properry and Barrocver's oblig4tion to pay the suYns secured by =_ <br /> . i � t�is Secvrity Inswmeut shalt continu� unrh2�g�i. Upaa eeins[ateiuent by 8orrower. thas Security Iastrument aad ahe -_ <br /> ublig3tians sesured hQreby s6a11 remain fully effecti����if ao:sceleratiou had aocurred. Hovfever,this right to reinstate shall <br /> not��ly in the case of acoeleratioa nader p3ra;raph 17. - <br /> � ��� � D9. Sa3e o!Note; C6aage oY Loan Seavioes. 'Yhe Nate or a partial interest in �he Nate(togaher with this Security <br /> I�stmment)may be sold one or more ames t�rithout prior aa�ice ta�Bflmarres.A sa3e m�y cesult in a chaage in tlte entiry(tatown __ <br /> � •.�.� as ih:"Lo2n Servic�r")thas wllecis monthly payra:nts du�undez the Nots and this Security Insuument.Tkere also cnay be one <br /> • or�oae changes of the Loan Senricer nnrelzted to a sats of the Note.If tEer2 is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrawer will6e <br /> • � �� � givea�vrittea aotice of the chan�e in zccordaa�e�vitL paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The aotice will state the aame aad <br /> • �• address of th,°.aew Loan Servicer aad th�ad�ress to w�ir�payments sho.ild be made.T'kr notice will also cantain any other <br /> ;; infa�ation req�hy apg�licable taw. <br /> � " Z0. Aa�auS 3u�stances. Bomnwer shzll nvt cause or per[nit the preseme, �us, dispos�l, stoiage,or retease of any <br /> . . Haaardow Substznces oa or in the Progerry. Bormtivar shall aot do, acr allow anyoae eLse to do, anything affecting the <br /> �-- � P[operty thaz is in violaiion of any Envsronrnental law. 'f'he precedin$two senteaces snall not apply to the pmseace. use, or <br /> � swrage on the Properry of small quanti�ies of Ha�udous Su6stances that are geneially recognized to be agpropriate to normal <br /> ::. ` resid:ntial us�s and to maintenance of the Propzrty. <br /> ' Bomuwer shall pmmptly give LeadEr written n�tic�of aay investiga.*".on.claim,demaad, lawsuit or ather action by any <br /> ' ' gove�ea??�or�atory agenry or private party involving the Property�d any Hazardaus 5ubstauce or Environmental law � <br /> ..__ •� of w}uch Baraower I�as actual l�owledge. If Borro�v�teams.or is notif�ed by any govemmental or regulatory authariry.that <br /> � . . any removal or otker remecliatia�of any H�dqu Sab�taace affeaing the Property is uecessary,8e�+o�ver shall promptly talce -- <br /> . all ns�cessary remedial actians in�ordasce wi�h Environm:atal Law. <br /> L�s usEd in this patagrapP�ZQ, 'HaTardous Substaa�s'are thase subsiances defige�as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> • Encimnmenral la�v and the fallawing substauses: gasaline, keroseae, othcr flam.mabl� or toxic getroleum products, toxic <br /> �•`"'�' � pesacides and hzrhir.ides,volatile solvents.m3terials e�ntaimng asbesto3 or formaldehJ�ie,and radioactive materials.As usei ia <br /> .. this paragraph Z0. "�in»ronmental Iaw" mQans fed�ral iaws and laws of the jurisdiaron where the Property is located Wat <br /> • • <<:; ;.. : rel�:,to health,ssfctyu-r environmental protection. <br /> :,�.�;�Y,r,��::,...: � �'�=�-�T`�IFOII2M�V:::'t;�vTS.Bonovr�er a��Len�cr further coveaant and ag�as foilo�vs: _ <br /> :;•,��,•v�+r�-:. �fl.AccelerEtaaa;Remc�r�. �xa�er shaU giv�anifc�trE iBorro�ter prior to acc��a�atIon follow[ng Bonvwec`s 6reatb <br /> , • �'+ � of any covenaat a� �eene� Ln this Secardty In�tr�ccut (but Rni prtor to usceleratlon under pt�ra�gh Il7 unlFSs <br /> •�<;'r-'-:'. ..:�' a I�cable law ��Qtwenvlse).ThY anitoe sEmil <br /> _=�:<<.i-_,::�•,� PF P sp�cif'Ys (a)the defauit;(b)the acilon r2�-i3ed 3o ci�re the defauit; <br /> •c•:• :�. . (c)a dute,ao!tess thnn�i��a�s Pmm We dete thE nniice is give�to Bor�ower,by wLich the cE�S:,ufi must be cured;and <br /> - (�that Pstiiure to x�e�e d'af,�alt on or b�4'a�ti�e dstte spQC�eB in the noiice u►ay resvlt i�,m��aation oY the sums <br /> . ::,:' seau+ed by tlils S�wzII�j�E��ratr' and sate o7 tde Pra�eaty.The nonce sha11 further tnfor�'Batrov�rr a�thtix rlg�i to ' <br /> .: �; �' - c�e'�.:-�:i�a�3'ter uccelern2in�smd,t�P rigStit to brang a cn�rC adion to�ert the non-existeace of a deta�L�cr any oYhea <br /> :':��_�-��: deF:,a��+e ot Borrovoer to sux.eYerr.o.Tyn an�9 sale.If thE de9ai:it ts aot cured on or before the date specitied G�3he aottee, <br /> ;`=�;�:.•,--� I.eniiei,ui its o�tic��.,�g rcaufve immedi�te�ayzaeni in full of all s�s secured by this Sec�rity Iastnmient w[thout <br /> ::�-�_�`_-�'' ' fwtE�Fr de�unc9 rrnrl eaay ix�ctu:r�z powe�a�<z�ls ana any�iher rc�e�es permitted by appltrabte law.I eader shall bP <br /> -�:�:;�=;`�� �- � entItled 4o cvUe�uJT cxpen�e�Ter.ts�l in pu�ng the remedtes pro�dr�9 in t6ia paragrapf�21,inc[udlag.but not IImited <br /> �,'p;..:, t�,a+:a:an�ble attc:n.y.'?2�ns�+�mats of tt41e evl'dFn�. <br /> •��'�`�:�'- ' J�thepo wer of ss+l�i� i�ac�rix9, Trustee s6all recs�rd a rt�tice of defautt €m+�ch couuty in whfcb any part o!the <br /> �.�•.•��}��r:.,;-•,.�- Pro�Ry is lscate�and sh�.i maL9�:apiES of such nfl2iae In t�e mae3�s r�s�.ssr���it Is�t aFFllcable law to IIosrower aad to <br /> - .����,�• tDte othes persons(nrescsIbed mp���t'ble law.Adter the t3me requf.rsi:is;�aPPltca.�';z ls�w,Trustee shall giee pnblic nottce <br /> .��'�•��' >, oi sale to the pa4sos and in ito;c�ntznse prescribYd by applIrable P�2�v.Ssustee,cvithout dem�nc9��an Borrower,sha11 se�t' <br /> -�:.�-R;�'��'�� snlein on�or m re�parecls ar�dt iII{�r�y�orderbiTn�tee dxrss�incs.a pTruSR may�past�one sale af_��y or any�aJ+cel of the <br /> ,�,r •� Pnaptaty by publtc annau:.sem:2Nt an thz Ume unst pl��a?any, prevlous9y sch�dt��s�le. I.p�_er or{��Ii��I;�.see�ay . ' <br /> , �.`:'�` ��:. pamhtue tite Pc+�perty at any sc�P. <br /> - ..* .. <br /> • . �, <br /> . . .-� <br /> ;...!.i�q�Ml�� . �•�. <br /> ;.,�,:,,,, , Form 3028 3190 <br /> '�yM1�+'. _�i. <br /> ---j,;'ati. . ��RI[iE)c�z,y.oe vaao s a+e mn:as: <br /> .` ti�i�Y;t:�. '• • <br /> • �n <br /> ���f� <br /> i'• <br /> n. <br /> . 3" ._T"1,,;— . . �'+v�t'NSi�11LLU+17i�±tcr�r+ - . . --- - — - .�..�..�--__- : — . . -� -- -- <br /> _��. <br /> . . . � �.y, . . . : • . . . . . � ... . .�� ,.��, = -- <br /> .,�, , :� <br /> ,-. - � � � . � ,. �_ <br /> . . .c: . . ,,�, . . . . . �;:��;v ' _::- <br /> + . . . :�a,��'.,:: <br /> - � f. . • . _ . , � . . � . -ar <br /> ' - . . 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