., .
<br /> . , ...... . .
<br /> . ._.-
<br /> -----� . - -- -- - - :..;,..�;.,:-.. ..,_...-----
<br /> �, � . . - - —����-�
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<br /> .. . '. . . �c 'Yi.0��5> � � , . . . .. . , c, , ' . - -�i��,.<.-
<br /> � ` `u��__ �,st:t. W - .� --`_. _ . ._ _..�._.._ � �.
<br /> .� � ` '� 9�-a���.�°'�O -
<br /> • • • � • S. F�rd ar Pnagea4y it�;raa�e. garro�vet sk311 keep ehe icrptovemcnts no�v existin� or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � � .� �Qrty insur�againsa loss by fire,ha�aids irtcludgd���ithin tDe term "extended eaverage° and any other hazazds, includ'nng .
<br /> 'flouds ar Olau�ing,for tvhislt Lendee r�uir�s insurzns:e.'fhis insw�ace shall E2 maintained i�s che amouau and for[ine periads
<br /> - . '- _;.� tII�.t i.ettder cequires. The insuauase carri�r praviding tite insuraa�z sitaif�ia'tu�rn Gy 6a,��e;subj�.-t t� L�dzr's appm:� �
<br /> n
<br /> � • ; v�hich shall nut ae unreasonably�viWcsld. if Borrower fails to maintain c6r•zrage dssrribed above, i,endes taay, at Lender's ��.
<br /> ` • ; aptian.obuiin ooverr�e to grotect Lend�r's rights in tlta Praperty in 3rxord�ce with para�raph 7.
<br /> u in
<br /> � �' All insutaace policies aral reneivals�hai! de a.soeptable co Lend�r a3td shall irccl�de a staztdard �uort�age clause. Lecc�er �'
<br /> ; , ,�� � shall ha�e tPie right ta hold the policies attd eer.swals. If Leader r�quires.Burmwer shall prompily give to Lender ail aeoeapu of
<br /> ' � ;i �aid premiums aBfl renewal natices.ln th$event of lass,Earro�ser sh:�Il give prampt no2ice to ahe iasuraztce carrier aasl Lead.r. �.�
<br /> ` �. �,:; ixnder raay make proof of loss if nnt m�e pzc�tly by Borrower. �
<br /> • _-` ' Unless LeadQr uad Borrolver othe�c�is:agr:e in vrriting. iawranre prateads shail h=apPlied to restaration or�air of the �.
<br /> �M�T i P r o d a� e d,i f t h�restoration or � is aconomi f e an'b ie a a d L e m l e r's s e c u r i t i s R o t t e s s e a e d. I(t&e r e s¢oration or
<br /> _ ':...�.•s PertY � �air saifY 3+
<br /> -.-- - - r��r is nas�oaoausaliy feasibte or ter.der's security rrmutd b2 tess�aed.tite iesu„�ve pYOCWds�li b;applied to the stutts �`
<br /> � • se�.v�d by this S o c u r iry I a suumeat, tv�e U r�t oz aot t hen dtt°.wi t h any excess pai d w �oirower. I f B orrower a hau�►ans t a� �-
<br /> Progerty.or does�at aasuer within 30 dapc a rnuce from I.eadz:that the insur^4ace careier has offem�to settle a cir; ,m thta -
<br /> . � . l.ender may wlte�th� i„�,�az procezds. fi�uter may use the praceeds ta repair or ressom tha Progerty or w gay sum4 —
<br /> secuied by this Sewrity Instxument.�vhet�er�.*.2at th�deie.'!he 30-day pQriod will begin tvh�t�.aniice is given. -
<br /> A;. .. '� Ua2ess E.ea�er aad Bmmi�er oshet�vi.: agnee in wriring,any agpliration of prore�s to priresipal sLali aot extend or
<br /> ponga�e t�e diie dzte of the monilily pay�gn�,refemed to in paragtaghs 1 an� 2 or cJi2n�e ths araount of the paym�ts. If =
<br /> . . iea�er�aragrapL 21 tht Property is acquic��y Leuder.Borrower's r�ght to any+��+�*a+t�palicies and proceeds�esulang from -
<br /> ' damage to the Propexty prior to the�cquFSir,,zn chall pass to i.eader to the eatent of the sums secured by this Serurity Instcument
<br /> . . immediately paiar to thx acquisition.
<br /> .� �� 6. Oc+cep�rcu> Ptesesvation, bSaiz�t�ace aad �tes�tan Qf the Rop�y: BorruW�'s I.oan ApplIcattoa; -
<br /> :. L.�ds.Borrower shall aocupy.estahli�h.aud usc the Praperty as Bomawer's principal resideace aItiTisi siaty das�s after the =
<br /> � exec�::�of this Seculity Instcum�ns and r,hn1I��ntinue to ooalpy the�taperty as Borrawer's priaaigai regidr�ae fnr�leass one ;:;
<br /> •_�..i yeu after th�datE of ooaipauc.y.valess Leud�r.othe:a+isc agrees in waiting,which cansent s�aU uat 17e a�asanably wItLheld, _-
<br /> . • �• or unless euem��circu��aes exist whict►�re beyond 8omower's ca�ol.Borcower shall�ot de�y.damage or img3ir �:
<br /> -j._,�,; ; : the�ropeny.afl��.el�.Pragectiy<<o deterc9taia;or oommit wa.�te on the P�erty.Boxrower shall hz ia cf�faule if azry forEeituzx =
<br /> • ��t'; � actian or psucee�iz�-rrr:e�..°�civi�or criminats IS I7C�UD�2I ID I.tIIdC7's good faith judgment oould r�ale in forfr.ixa�of t�e --
<br /> ,,,,_. ,. _.
<br /> •`:�""��.���. ••e� Propc�sy os atheswi:e materially:mpair the tirm cTeaied by this 5ecuriry Insuu�ent or L�der's security inter�i.Bcrrower may
<br /> _ - ; -'�'4-r cace s�ch a default and reinstate.as provided"ca paragraph 1�,by cx�sing the aaion or prcceeding to Ire dismissed with a niling
<br /> ;ta%_;,r '•, that, in Ixnder's goad faith determinatcen, pt'�ciuAes forfeinue of the Borrower's inteiest in the Aroperty or other mateiial
<br /> [�az�it of tht lien Created by this SesvriCj�ncm�ment or Le�tder's sec�rity interest. �ostoarer shall also be in default iP
<br /> :°:�s��.�•<'.�.; IIs��rer.during the loan application p�cess.gave mate�ially false ar inaccurdte inforas�tion or starc�c�is to[�ender(or failed
<br /> ---;::��>;��; -
<br /> -=""x`-;�•'��;�.,i. to graaide I�ade�c�irh any masgxia]infrssmat:ti-�)ia oonaectiau with the loan evidence��?the Note.including.but�at limited
<br /> L,V,�;�,..�,::_,� to.represent�ions wnseming Ha�wer's occugancy of thx(I�xity as a principzl r�esi�.�e.If this Security Insuument is on a
<br /> »-�.::
<br /> ��:y�{��'+t•, i,; - leasehold. Bomo;��r. shall cc�'y wis� alI t�a provisioas 63 t�e lea�e. If Borrawer acquires fe€ title co the Property. the
<br /> _" �;s�r.;�. . leasehold and ttL.L��lire sha?1 cot�erge uuIats Lender agrees to the u�r�:�in weiting.
<br /> ��"'",y`4;��:';%� ?.Protut�on d7l.ead�a's C'.,•�ht3 E�Ct�Ti�ogeriy.lf fie:m:�z�r�7:��s�perfarm�wven��s z�d�ge�uts cantamed in
<br /> ----�-:�:fti=r this Seauiry Instmm�.nt.or the.r.�is a leg�l F;�er�ding thz�t ma1 significantty affect Lender's rights in the Piaperty (suc�as a
<br /> -_`���.'� � p�uazeding in banYruptcy,probate. for co�dcstnnation or fo�f�bure or to enforce taws or regulatians),[hen Lender tnay du and
<br /> �=`��.:.��:.
<br /> -' '� ° � pay for whatever is aecessary to protect the vrlrce of tke Property aad L.�der's rights fn the Progery. Leader's ac3ions may
<br /> :..�•.�. _-t�• -
<br /> , -_=-'`�;'�j� iacicde gaying any sums secured by a lien �ahish has prioriry over Uv's Security Instrument. a{:r��aring in caun. PaY��
<br /> --"'ys�:;�� reasrr.able attomeys' fees aad entering oa vhu�roperty[o make rapairs.AI{�aup,h I.ender may ta➢ce�a��an under this pazagraph
<br /> �_-"'-� 7,Cc�n�D�r does nat have to do so.
<br /> - "r="�"� ' Any amounts disbursed lp i.ender IInder thls parngrapb 7 shall become additir.�.u! debt of 8orrower serurcd by this
<br /> --=--- Security lnsam�nt. Unless Besrnwer arcd ic.nder agroe to other cem�s of payment,thest amaunts shall bear i�terest from the
<br /> - -_�'�-�� date of disbune-��r�at at the Idote rate and s,hpll he payable, with iater�s, ugam uotice from Lender to Eaaower requesting
<br /> --°-- '�.� payment.
<br /> ,.��� 8.Mortg�ge Inswnne�.Ff F.eader Kquir�mortgage insuraace as a condition of making the loan secured by thns Security
<br /> `:-- = — In3trument. Bomower shall go�xhe prmiu�un recbuired to waintain the mor[gage insuranoy in effect. If, for any reacon, the
<br /> �--= mo�tgage�*+�►�+++�e ooverage requirzd by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Boaower shali pay the premiums required to
<br /> �...,.T:-_,�, obtain coverage substanrially equivalent to cha mortgage insuraace prevfavsly in ef�€eci,at a cost substanrially equivalent w the
<br /> ��'�'��L��: ooss to Bomnwer of the mnrt�e in..�vrance pt'�viously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insuaer upproved by lender. If
<br /> .:e:,:,�:`�' �� su5.;�att�ially equivaleni mortgag�e insurancc caverage is nnr available.Horrower shall pay to lxnder eath monW a.,�;.m equal to •
<br /> -;��;� : one-t�vc�.f�h of oas yeaily morc�a�t:ir�,urance premium 6eln�='}:aid by BOmDtvei WheII 1J4:ins11liulCe COVeTBgC 11p�Ed�ati��Sed�0 '�+� _
<br /> ,"-' �, ` be in effect. l.en�t will acaept,urs and rr.tain tk2s�payrr.s�as a loss resQrve in lictr cf mongage insuraace. Loss reseive �
<br /> -° �:�;��.=
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